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Google Pixel 8 Rodzina

Google Pixel 8aProcesor: Google Tensor G3
Karta graficzna: ARM Mali-G715 MP7
Matryca: 6.10 ", 6.20 ", 6.70 "
Waga: 0.187kg, 0.188kg, 0.213kg
Cena: 549, 799, 1099 PLN
Średni wynik: 86.72% - dobry
Średnia z 807 wyników (z 1460 recenzji)
cena: 77%, wydajność: 80%, cechy: 84%, wyświetlacz: 89%, mobilność: 78%, wykonanie: 88%, ergonomia: 87%, wpływ na otoczenie: 94%


Google Pixel 8 Pro


Google Pixel 8 ProNotebook: Google Pixel 8 Pro
Procesor: Google Tensor G3
Karta graficzna: ARM Mali-G715 MP7
Matryca: 6.70 ", 20:9, 2992 x 1344 pikseli
Waga: 0.213kg
Cena: 1099 PLN
Odnośniki: Google strona producenta

Price comparison

Średni wynik: 87.63% - dobry

Średnia z 452 wyników (z 828 recenzji)


Recenzje w

89% Recenzja Google Pixel 8 Pro - Potężny smartfon Android z siedmioma latami aktualizacji | Notebookcheck
W tym roku Google Pixel 8 Pro pokazuje ulepszenia w wielu miejscach, szczególnie dzięki ogólnym optymalizacjom aparatów. Ale sekretną atrakcją jest wiele nowych funkcji AI smartfona i siedem lat gwarantowanych aktualizacji. Wszystko to znajdą Państwo w naszym teście.
89% Przegląd najlepszych smartfonów z aparatem 2023 - Apple i Xiaomi nie dorównują najlepszym wynikom Samsunga | Notebookcheck
Proszę przygotować się na ostateczną rozgrywkę w poszukiwaniu najlepszego smartfona z aparatem! Panujący mistrzowie, Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra i Xiaomi 13 Ultra, zmierzą się z nowymi pretendentami, Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max i Google Pixel 8 Pro. Kto zostanie mistrzem fotografii? Zanurzmy się w bitwie!
89% Najlepsze telefony 2023 roku: Test wideo - iPhone (już) nie jest punktem odniesienia w wielu obszarach | Notebookcheck
Obecne flagowe smartfony nie tylko muszą imponować jakością zdjęć, ale równie ważna jest ich jakość wideo. W tym teście, w którym wzięły udział Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max, Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra, Xiaomi 13 Ultra i Google Pixel 8 Pro, dowiedzą się Państwo, który high-endowy telefon okazał się najlepszy.
Google Pixel 8 Pro na wakacjach. Jak sobie poradził flagowiec w wysokich temperaturach – recenzja
Źródło: turecki
Google Pixel 8 Pro to zdecydowanie jeden z ciekawszych flagowców, jakie miałem okazję testować. Pomimo tego, że gdzieniegdzie wytknę małe mankamenty, to w ogólnym rozrachunku jest to raczej kwestia mojego czepialstwa i po jakimś czasie nie zwracałem uwagi na pewne rzeczy. Wiele wynika z kwestii przywyczajenia. Czyściutki Android bez żadnych nakładek obsługuje się rewelacyjnie. Świetne zaplecze fotograficzne, a możliwości AI to nie tylko slogan reklamowy, a funkcje, które faktycznie usprawniają pracę i dają duże spektrum możliwości użytkownikowi. Ja mam tylko nadzieję, że producent poprawi nieco szybkość ładowania baterii. Przy opcjach budżetowych lub średniopółkowych można wybaczyć niższy standard, ale nie przy flagowcach za 5000 złotych. Niemniej jednak zbliża się już premiera Google Pixel 9, więc „ósemkę” można dorwać już teraz za 3500 złotych, co moim zdaniem jest wielce przystępną opcją cenową.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 24/07/2024
Google Pixel 8 Pro na wakacjach. Jak sobie poradził flagowiec w wysokich temperaturach – recenzja
Źródło: turecki
Google Pixel 8 Pro to zdecydowanie jeden z ciekawszych flagowców, jakie miałem okazję testować. Pomimo tego, że gdzieniegdzie wytknę małe mankamenty, to w ogólnym rozrachunku jest to raczej kwestia mojego czepialstwa i po jakimś czasie nie zwracałem uwagi na pewne rzeczy. Wiele wynika z kwestii przywyczajenia. Czyściutki Android bez żadnych nakładek obsługuje się rewelacyjnie. Świetne zaplecze fotograficzne, a możliwości AI to nie tylko slogan reklamowy, a funkcje, które faktycznie usprawniają pracę i dają duże spektrum możliwości użytkownikowi. Ja mam tylko nadzieję, że producent poprawi nieco szybkość ładowania baterii. Przy opcjach budżetowych lub średniopółkowych można wybaczyć niższy standard, ale nie przy flagowcach za 5000 złotych. Niemniej jednak zbliża się już premiera Google Pixel 9, więc „ósemkę” można dorwać już teraz za 3500 złotych, co moim zdaniem jest wielce przystępną opcją cenową.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 24/07/2024
Google Pixel 8 Pro na wakacjach. Jak sobie poradził flagowiec w wysokich temperaturach – recenzja
Źródło: turecki
Google Pixel 8 Pro to zdecydowanie jeden z ciekawszych flagowców, jakie miałem okazję testować. Pomimo tego, że gdzieniegdzie wytknę małe mankamenty, to w ogólnym rozrachunku jest to raczej kwestia mojego czepialstwa i po jakimś czasie nie zwracałem uwagi na pewne rzeczy. Wiele wynika z kwestii przywyczajenia. Czyściutki Android bez żadnych nakładek obsługuje się rewelacyjnie. Świetne zaplecze fotograficzne, a możliwości AI to nie tylko slogan reklamowy, a funkcje, które faktycznie usprawniają pracę i dają duże spektrum możliwości użytkownikowi. Ja mam tylko nadzieję, że producent poprawi nieco szybkość ładowania baterii. Przy opcjach budżetowych lub średniopółkowych można wybaczyć niższy standard, ale nie przy flagowcach za 5000 złotych. Niemniej jednak zbliża się już premiera Google Pixel 9, więc „ósemkę” można dorwać już teraz za 3500 złotych, co moim zdaniem jest wielce przystępną opcją cenową.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 24/07/2024
Google Pixel 8 Pro na wakacjach. Jak sobie poradził flagowiec w wysokich temperaturach – recenzja
Źródło: turecki
Google Pixel 8 Pro to zdecydowanie jeden z ciekawszych flagowców, jakie miałem okazję testować. Pomimo tego, że gdzieniegdzie wytknę małe mankamenty, to w ogólnym rozrachunku jest to raczej kwestia mojego czepialstwa i po jakimś czasie nie zwracałem uwagi na pewne rzeczy. Wiele wynika z kwestii przywyczajenia. Czyściutki Android bez żadnych nakładek obsługuje się rewelacyjnie. Świetne zaplecze fotograficzne, a możliwości AI to nie tylko slogan reklamowy, a funkcje, które faktycznie usprawniają pracę i dają duże spektrum możliwości użytkownikowi. Ja mam tylko nadzieję, że producent poprawi nieco szybkość ładowania baterii. Przy opcjach budżetowych lub średniopółkowych można wybaczyć niższy standard, ale nie przy flagowcach za 5000 złotych. Niemniej jednak zbliża się już premiera Google Pixel 9, więc „ósemkę” można dorwać już teraz za 3500 złotych, co moim zdaniem jest wielce przystępną opcją cenową.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 24/07/2024
Google Pixel 8 Pro – test flagowca z 7-letnim wsparcie oprogramowania
Źródło: Techno Senior turecki
Google Pixel 8 pro, to bardzo ciekawy smartfon. Z jednej strony procesor jest daleki od wyników w benchmarkach jakie osiąga konkurencja, a z drugiej strony praktycznie wcale nie zauważyłam, żeby działał jakoś gorzej od innych flagowych modeli. Czysty Android 14 i dobra optymalizacja systemu sprawiają, że kompletnie nie trzeba się martwić cyferkami. Przynajmniej w moim odczuciu smartfon działał naprawdę dobrze. Tym bardziej, że jest też naszpikowany funkcjami AI, a one z reguły wymagają dużej mocy, a tutaj wszystko oddziałało bez zająknięcia. Bardzo miło też zaskoczyły mnie aparaty i w sumie można się polubić z tym producentem. Przemilczę tylko kwestię oficjalnej ceny w Polsce, bo powiedzmy sobie szczerze … mogła by być bardziej wyrównana do innych rynków. Poza tym jak dobrze przeszukamy sklepy, to znajdziemy ten model już od 3,4 tys. zł.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 06/07/2024
Google Pixel 8 Pro – test flagowca z 7-letnim wsparcie oprogramowania
Źródło: Techno Senior turecki
Google Pixel 8 pro, to bardzo ciekawy smartfon. Z jednej strony procesor jest daleki od wyników w benchmarkach jakie osiąga konkurencja, a z drugiej strony praktycznie wcale nie zauważyłam, żeby działał jakoś gorzej od innych flagowych modeli. Czysty Android 14 i dobra optymalizacja systemu sprawiają, że kompletnie nie trzeba się martwić cyferkami. Przynajmniej w moim odczuciu smartfon działał naprawdę dobrze. Tym bardziej, że jest też naszpikowany funkcjami AI, a one z reguły wymagają dużej mocy, a tutaj wszystko oddziałało bez zająknięcia. Bardzo miło też zaskoczyły mnie aparaty i w sumie można się polubić z tym producentem. Przemilczę tylko kwestię oficjalnej ceny w Polsce, bo powiedzmy sobie szczerze … mogła by być bardziej wyrównana do innych rynków. Poza tym jak dobrze przeszukamy sklepy, to znajdziemy ten model już od 3,4 tys. zł.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 06/07/2024
Google Pixel 8 Pro – test flagowca z 7-letnim wsparcie oprogramowania
Źródło: Techno Senior turecki
Google Pixel 8 pro, to bardzo ciekawy smartfon. Z jednej strony procesor jest daleki od wyników w benchmarkach jakie osiąga konkurencja, a z drugiej strony praktycznie wcale nie zauważyłam, żeby działał jakoś gorzej od innych flagowych modeli. Czysty Android 14 i dobra optymalizacja systemu sprawiają, że kompletnie nie trzeba się martwić cyferkami. Przynajmniej w moim odczuciu smartfon działał naprawdę dobrze. Tym bardziej, że jest też naszpikowany funkcjami AI, a one z reguły wymagają dużej mocy, a tutaj wszystko oddziałało bez zająknięcia. Bardzo miło też zaskoczyły mnie aparaty i w sumie można się polubić z tym producentem. Przemilczę tylko kwestię oficjalnej ceny w Polsce, bo powiedzmy sobie szczerze … mogła by być bardziej wyrównana do innych rynków. Poza tym jak dobrze przeszukamy sklepy, to znajdziemy ten model już od 3,4 tys. zł.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 06/07/2024
Google Pixel 8 Pro – test flagowca z 7-letnim wsparcie oprogramowania
Źródło: Techno Senior turecki
Google Pixel 8 pro, to bardzo ciekawy smartfon. Z jednej strony procesor jest daleki od wyników w benchmarkach jakie osiąga konkurencja, a z drugiej strony praktycznie wcale nie zauważyłam, żeby działał jakoś gorzej od innych flagowych modeli. Czysty Android 14 i dobra optymalizacja systemu sprawiają, że kompletnie nie trzeba się martwić cyferkami. Przynajmniej w moim odczuciu smartfon działał naprawdę dobrze. Tym bardziej, że jest też naszpikowany funkcjami AI, a one z reguły wymagają dużej mocy, a tutaj wszystko oddziałało bez zająknięcia. Bardzo miło też zaskoczyły mnie aparaty i w sumie można się polubić z tym producentem. Przemilczę tylko kwestię oficjalnej ceny w Polsce, bo powiedzmy sobie szczerze … mogła by być bardziej wyrównana do innych rynków. Poza tym jak dobrze przeszukamy sklepy, to znajdziemy ten model już od 3,4 tys. zł.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 06/07/2024
Recenzja Google Pixel 8 Pro. Smartfon idealny?
Źródło: Co Nowego turecki
Google Pixel 8 Pro to doskonały wybór dla osób poszukujących zaawansowanego smartfona z najwyższej półki. Imponujący ekran, potężna wydajność, zaawansowane funkcje AI oraz solidna jakość wykonania sprawiają, że jest to jedno z najlepszych urządzeń dostępnych na rynku. Jeśli szukasz smartfona, który oferuje najnowsze technologie i niezawodność, Pixel 8 Pro z pewnością spełni Twoje oczekiwania. Sprzęt ten kosztuje obecnie – jeśli uda nam się dorwać korzystną promocję – nawet 3899 złotych.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 20/05/2024
Recenzja Google Pixel 8 Pro. Smartfon idealny?
Źródło: Co Nowego turecki
Google Pixel 8 Pro to doskonały wybór dla osób poszukujących zaawansowanego smartfona z najwyższej półki. Imponujący ekran, potężna wydajność, zaawansowane funkcje AI oraz solidna jakość wykonania sprawiają, że jest to jedno z najlepszych urządzeń dostępnych na rynku. Jeśli szukasz smartfona, który oferuje najnowsze technologie i niezawodność, Pixel 8 Pro z pewnością spełni Twoje oczekiwania. Sprzęt ten kosztuje obecnie – jeśli uda nam się dorwać korzystną promocję – nawet 3899 złotych.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 20/05/2024
Recenzja Google Pixel 8 Pro. Smartfon idealny?
Źródło: Co Nowego turecki
Google Pixel 8 Pro to doskonały wybór dla osób poszukujących zaawansowanego smartfona z najwyższej półki. Imponujący ekran, potężna wydajność, zaawansowane funkcje AI oraz solidna jakość wykonania sprawiają, że jest to jedno z najlepszych urządzeń dostępnych na rynku. Jeśli szukasz smartfona, który oferuje najnowsze technologie i niezawodność, Pixel 8 Pro z pewnością spełni Twoje oczekiwania. Sprzęt ten kosztuje obecnie – jeśli uda nam się dorwać korzystną promocję – nawet 3899 złotych.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 20/05/2024
Recenzja Google Pixel 8 Pro. Smartfon idealny?
Źródło: Co Nowego turecki
Google Pixel 8 Pro to doskonały wybór dla osób poszukujących zaawansowanego smartfona z najwyższej półki. Imponujący ekran, potężna wydajność, zaawansowane funkcje AI oraz solidna jakość wykonania sprawiają, że jest to jedno z najlepszych urządzeń dostępnych na rynku. Jeśli szukasz smartfona, który oferuje najnowsze technologie i niezawodność, Pixel 8 Pro z pewnością spełni Twoje oczekiwania. Sprzęt ten kosztuje obecnie – jeśli uda nam się dorwać korzystną promocję – nawet 3899 złotych.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 20/05/2024
83% Recenzja Google Pixel 8 Pro. Mocny kandydat na króla smartfonów
Źródło: turecki
Google Pixel 8 Pro to przykład udanej ewolucji serii smartfonów amerykańskiego producenta. To urządzenie wysokiej klasy, świetnie wykonane i działające, którego największą zaletą jest znakomity ekran, udane aparaty i doskonale zoptymalizowane oprogramowanie, oparte na czystej wersji systemu Google. Nie wiemy, czy poważnie można traktować obietnicę 7 lat aktualizacji i czy po kilku latach procesor da sobie radę, skoro obecnie, gdy jest nowością, pozostaje w tyle za konkurencją w kwestii mocy obliczeniowej? Zobaczymy.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 30/01/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 83% wydajność: 70% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 80%
83% Recenzja Google Pixel 8 Pro. Mocny kandydat na króla smartfonów
Źródło: turecki
Google Pixel 8 Pro to przykład udanej ewolucji serii smartfonów amerykańskiego producenta. To urządzenie wysokiej klasy, świetnie wykonane i działające, którego największą zaletą jest znakomity ekran, udane aparaty i doskonale zoptymalizowane oprogramowanie, oparte na czystej wersji systemu Google. Nie wiemy, czy poważnie można traktować obietnicę 7 lat aktualizacji i czy po kilku latach procesor da sobie radę, skoro obecnie, gdy jest nowością, pozostaje w tyle za konkurencją w kwestii mocy obliczeniowej? Zobaczymy.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 30/01/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 83% wydajność: 70% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 80%
83% Recenzja Google Pixel 8 Pro. Mocny kandydat na króla smartfonów
Źródło: turecki
Google Pixel 8 Pro to przykład udanej ewolucji serii smartfonów amerykańskiego producenta. To urządzenie wysokiej klasy, świetnie wykonane i działające, którego największą zaletą jest znakomity ekran, udane aparaty i doskonale zoptymalizowane oprogramowanie, oparte na czystej wersji systemu Google. Nie wiemy, czy poważnie można traktować obietnicę 7 lat aktualizacji i czy po kilku latach procesor da sobie radę, skoro obecnie, gdy jest nowością, pozostaje w tyle za konkurencją w kwestii mocy obliczeniowej? Zobaczymy.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 30/01/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 83% wydajność: 70% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 80%
83% Recenzja Google Pixel 8 Pro. Mocny kandydat na króla smartfonów
Źródło: turecki
Google Pixel 8 Pro to przykład udanej ewolucji serii smartfonów amerykańskiego producenta. To urządzenie wysokiej klasy, świetnie wykonane i działające, którego największą zaletą jest znakomity ekran, udane aparaty i doskonale zoptymalizowane oprogramowanie, oparte na czystej wersji systemu Google. Nie wiemy, czy poważnie można traktować obietnicę 7 lat aktualizacji i czy po kilku latach procesor da sobie radę, skoro obecnie, gdy jest nowością, pozostaje w tyle za konkurencją w kwestii mocy obliczeniowej? Zobaczymy.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 30/01/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 83% wydajność: 70% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 80%
Google Pixel 8 Pro - recenzja, test, opinia i dane techniczne
Źródło: Unite4buy turecki
Główną zaletą urządzenia jest główny 50-megapikselowy (przetwornik ze stabilizacją hybrydową) i 48-megapikselowy (teleobiektyw z 5-krotnym zoomem, obiektyw szerokokątny), który do dziś zapewnia najlepszą jakość zdjęć i filmów dziennych i wieczornych. Oszałamiająca szczegółowość połączona jest z niemal całkowitym brakiem hałasu. Dźwięk stereo był głośny, bogaty i zrównoważony. Oczywiście przedstawiciel najwyższej kategorii cenowej nie stracił ochrony przed kurzem i wilgocią zgodnie ze standardami IP68, obsługi płatności zbliżeniowych 5G i NFC oraz ładowania bezprzewodowego (23W). Bateria o pojemności 4950 mAh zapewnia około półtora dnia pracy mobilnego asystenta. Szkoda tylko, że przewodowa metoda ładowania otrzymała skromną moc 30 W. Urządzenie zasługuje zatem na uwagę, ma jednak wiele, czasem ciekawszych alternatyw.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 27/09/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro - recenzja, test, opinia i dane techniczne
Źródło: Unite4buy turecki
Główną zaletą urządzenia jest główny 50-megapikselowy (przetwornik ze stabilizacją hybrydową) i 48-megapikselowy (teleobiektyw z 5-krotnym zoomem, obiektyw szerokokątny), który do dziś zapewnia najlepszą jakość zdjęć i filmów dziennych i wieczornych. Oszałamiająca szczegółowość połączona jest z niemal całkowitym brakiem hałasu. Dźwięk stereo był głośny, bogaty i zrównoważony. Oczywiście przedstawiciel najwyższej kategorii cenowej nie stracił ochrony przed kurzem i wilgocią zgodnie ze standardami IP68, obsługi płatności zbliżeniowych 5G i NFC oraz ładowania bezprzewodowego (23W). Bateria o pojemności 4950 mAh zapewnia około półtora dnia pracy mobilnego asystenta. Szkoda tylko, że przewodowa metoda ładowania otrzymała skromną moc 30 W. Urządzenie zasługuje zatem na uwagę, ma jednak wiele, czasem ciekawszych alternatyw.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 27/09/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro - recenzja, test, opinia i dane techniczne
Źródło: Unite4buy turecki
Główną zaletą urządzenia jest główny 50-megapikselowy (przetwornik ze stabilizacją hybrydową) i 48-megapikselowy (teleobiektyw z 5-krotnym zoomem, obiektyw szerokokątny), który do dziś zapewnia najlepszą jakość zdjęć i filmów dziennych i wieczornych. Oszałamiająca szczegółowość połączona jest z niemal całkowitym brakiem hałasu. Dźwięk stereo był głośny, bogaty i zrównoważony. Oczywiście przedstawiciel najwyższej kategorii cenowej nie stracił ochrony przed kurzem i wilgocią zgodnie ze standardami IP68, obsługi płatności zbliżeniowych 5G i NFC oraz ładowania bezprzewodowego (23W). Bateria o pojemności 4950 mAh zapewnia około półtora dnia pracy mobilnego asystenta. Szkoda tylko, że przewodowa metoda ładowania otrzymała skromną moc 30 W. Urządzenie zasługuje zatem na uwagę, ma jednak wiele, czasem ciekawszych alternatyw.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 27/09/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro - recenzja, test, opinia i dane techniczne
Źródło: Unite4buy turecki
Główną zaletą urządzenia jest główny 50-megapikselowy (przetwornik ze stabilizacją hybrydową) i 48-megapikselowy (teleobiektyw z 5-krotnym zoomem, obiektyw szerokokątny), który do dziś zapewnia najlepszą jakość zdjęć i filmów dziennych i wieczornych. Oszałamiająca szczegółowość połączona jest z niemal całkowitym brakiem hałasu. Dźwięk stereo był głośny, bogaty i zrównoważony. Oczywiście przedstawiciel najwyższej kategorii cenowej nie stracił ochrony przed kurzem i wilgocią zgodnie ze standardami IP68, obsługi płatności zbliżeniowych 5G i NFC oraz ładowania bezprzewodowego (23W). Bateria o pojemności 4950 mAh zapewnia około półtora dnia pracy mobilnego asystenta. Szkoda tylko, że przewodowa metoda ładowania otrzymała skromną moc 30 W. Urządzenie zasługuje zatem na uwagę, ma jednak wiele, czasem ciekawszych alternatyw.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 27/09/2023

Zagraniczne recenzje

Pixel 9 Pro XL vs Pixel 8 Pro - The Best Phone of 2024?
Źródło: Matthew Moniz angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 22/08/2024
Pixel 9 Pro XL vs Pixel 8 Pro - The Best Phone of 2024?
Źródło: Matthew Moniz angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 22/08/2024
Pixel 9 Pro XL vs Pixel 8 Pro - The Best Phone of 2024?
Źródło: Matthew Moniz angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 22/08/2024
Pixel 9 Pro XL vs Pixel 8 Pro - The Best Phone of 2024?
Źródło: Matthew Moniz angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 22/08/2024
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: Still a great buy
Źródło: Tech Advisor angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 Pro has a lot of what you’d expect from a premium flagship phone. It looks and feels luxurious, has some of the most intuitive features on a Pixel yet, and the cameras are sublime. For such a big phone though, the battery life isn’t great. It will get you through the day, but not if you’re a super user. Charging is also painfully slow compared to many phones (often cheaper ones) on the market. Plus, some AI features such as Best Take are just plain creepy.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 14/08/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: Still a great buy
Źródło: Tech Advisor angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 Pro has a lot of what you’d expect from a premium flagship phone. It looks and feels luxurious, has some of the most intuitive features on a Pixel yet, and the cameras are sublime. For such a big phone though, the battery life isn’t great. It will get you through the day, but not if you’re a super user. Charging is also painfully slow compared to many phones (often cheaper ones) on the market. Plus, some AI features such as Best Take are just plain creepy.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 14/08/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: Still a great buy
Źródło: Tech Advisor angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 Pro has a lot of what you’d expect from a premium flagship phone. It looks and feels luxurious, has some of the most intuitive features on a Pixel yet, and the cameras are sublime. For such a big phone though, the battery life isn’t great. It will get you through the day, but not if you’re a super user. Charging is also painfully slow compared to many phones (often cheaper ones) on the market. Plus, some AI features such as Best Take are just plain creepy.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 14/08/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: Still a great buy
Źródło: Tech Advisor angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 Pro has a lot of what you’d expect from a premium flagship phone. It looks and feels luxurious, has some of the most intuitive features on a Pixel yet, and the cameras are sublime. For such a big phone though, the battery life isn’t great. It will get you through the day, but not if you’re a super user. Charging is also painfully slow compared to many phones (often cheaper ones) on the market. Plus, some AI features such as Best Take are just plain creepy.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 14/08/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
Google Pixel 8 Pro After The Buzz - It Was Interesting..
Źródło: Pocketnow angielski
Even if most products get forgotten by the media after their review period is done, there are a few that stand out. Gadgets that people still ask about months later. Some that we even decide to hold-on to as daily drivers, and that we get to see age over time. The Pixel 8 Pro is one of them. Google's most ambitious flagship is about to get refreshed in a few days, so it does beg to wonder if it's worth to stick around for another year, or get ready for that pre-order. I'm Jaime Rivera with Pocketnow and it's time for Google Pixel 8 Pro, After The Buzz.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/08/2024
Google Pixel 8 Pro After The Buzz - It Was Interesting..
Źródło: Pocketnow angielski
Even if most products get forgotten by the media after their review period is done, there are a few that stand out. Gadgets that people still ask about months later. Some that we even decide to hold-on to as daily drivers, and that we get to see age over time. The Pixel 8 Pro is one of them. Google's most ambitious flagship is about to get refreshed in a few days, so it does beg to wonder if it's worth to stick around for another year, or get ready for that pre-order. I'm Jaime Rivera with Pocketnow and it's time for Google Pixel 8 Pro, After The Buzz.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/08/2024
Google Pixel 8 Pro After The Buzz - It Was Interesting..
Źródło: Pocketnow angielski
Even if most products get forgotten by the media after their review period is done, there are a few that stand out. Gadgets that people still ask about months later. Some that we even decide to hold-on to as daily drivers, and that we get to see age over time. The Pixel 8 Pro is one of them. Google's most ambitious flagship is about to get refreshed in a few days, so it does beg to wonder if it's worth to stick around for another year, or get ready for that pre-order. I'm Jaime Rivera with Pocketnow and it's time for Google Pixel 8 Pro, After The Buzz.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/08/2024
Google Pixel 8 Pro After The Buzz - It Was Interesting..
Źródło: Pocketnow angielski
Even if most products get forgotten by the media after their review period is done, there are a few that stand out. Gadgets that people still ask about months later. Some that we even decide to hold-on to as daily drivers, and that we get to see age over time. The Pixel 8 Pro is one of them. Google's most ambitious flagship is about to get refreshed in a few days, so it does beg to wonder if it's worth to stick around for another year, or get ready for that pre-order. I'm Jaime Rivera with Pocketnow and it's time for Google Pixel 8 Pro, After The Buzz.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/08/2024
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro Long-term Review: Great cameras, smooth Android experience, unreasonable price tag
Źródło: angielski EN→PL
More often than not, we do not have the luxury of testing a phone for months before writing its review. To be fair, after having tested enough phones, one can judge the capabilities of a new model within a few weeks. As a result, the current Google flagship, Pixel 8 Pro already made it to our list of best phones of 2023 at the end of last year. However, for a truly wholesome experience and to see how it ages, one needs to use a device for a considerable amount of time.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 23/07/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro Long-term Review: Great cameras, smooth Android experience, unreasonable price tag
Źródło: angielski EN→PL
More often than not, we do not have the luxury of testing a phone for months before writing its review. To be fair, after having tested enough phones, one can judge the capabilities of a new model within a few weeks. As a result, the current Google flagship, Pixel 8 Pro already made it to our list of best phones of 2023 at the end of last year. However, for a truly wholesome experience and to see how it ages, one needs to use a device for a considerable amount of time.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 23/07/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro Long-term Review: Great cameras, smooth Android experience, unreasonable price tag
Źródło: angielski EN→PL
More often than not, we do not have the luxury of testing a phone for months before writing its review. To be fair, after having tested enough phones, one can judge the capabilities of a new model within a few weeks. As a result, the current Google flagship, Pixel 8 Pro already made it to our list of best phones of 2023 at the end of last year. However, for a truly wholesome experience and to see how it ages, one needs to use a device for a considerable amount of time.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 23/07/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro Long-term Review: Great cameras, smooth Android experience, unreasonable price tag
Źródło: angielski EN→PL
More often than not, we do not have the luxury of testing a phone for months before writing its review. To be fair, after having tested enough phones, one can judge the capabilities of a new model within a few weeks. As a result, the current Google flagship, Pixel 8 Pro already made it to our list of best phones of 2023 at the end of last year. However, for a truly wholesome experience and to see how it ages, one needs to use a device for a considerable amount of time.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 23/07/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: Still the definitive Android flagship?
Źródło: Expert Reviews angielski EN→PL
Last year’s Pixel 7 Pro was the ultimate Android trendsetter, so it’s no surprise that its successor continues in the same vein. The Pixel 8 Pro makes heaps of improvements and refinements, and is quite clearly the Android flagship to aspire to as we head into 2024. Yet that price increase dampens the mood somewhat. Matching the price of the iPhone 15 Pro, the Pixel’s days as a cutthroat flagship option are now over and we might perhaps see consumers defecting to iOS as a result.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 18/07/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: Still the definitive Android flagship?
Źródło: Expert Reviews angielski EN→PL
Last year’s Pixel 7 Pro was the ultimate Android trendsetter, so it’s no surprise that its successor continues in the same vein. The Pixel 8 Pro makes heaps of improvements and refinements, and is quite clearly the Android flagship to aspire to as we head into 2024. Yet that price increase dampens the mood somewhat. Matching the price of the iPhone 15 Pro, the Pixel’s days as a cutthroat flagship option are now over and we might perhaps see consumers defecting to iOS as a result.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 18/07/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: Still the definitive Android flagship?
Źródło: Expert Reviews angielski EN→PL
Last year’s Pixel 7 Pro was the ultimate Android trendsetter, so it’s no surprise that its successor continues in the same vein. The Pixel 8 Pro makes heaps of improvements and refinements, and is quite clearly the Android flagship to aspire to as we head into 2024. Yet that price increase dampens the mood somewhat. Matching the price of the iPhone 15 Pro, the Pixel’s days as a cutthroat flagship option are now over and we might perhaps see consumers defecting to iOS as a result.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 18/07/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: Still the definitive Android flagship?
Źródło: Expert Reviews angielski EN→PL
Last year’s Pixel 7 Pro was the ultimate Android trendsetter, so it’s no surprise that its successor continues in the same vein. The Pixel 8 Pro makes heaps of improvements and refinements, and is quite clearly the Android flagship to aspire to as we head into 2024. Yet that price increase dampens the mood somewhat. Matching the price of the iPhone 15 Pro, the Pixel’s days as a cutthroat flagship option are now over and we might perhaps see consumers defecting to iOS as a result.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 18/07/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: making more out of your phone
Źródło: Techradar angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 Pro is Google's best Pixel ever, and it shows us Google’s vision for the future of mobile tech. It's fantastic display is bigger and brighter than the competition, and the photo features, bolstered by Google’s machine learning, are unmatched. Some new AI features are cool and useful, and some are a bit weird, but its AI capabilities and potential makes the Pixel 8 Pro the best AI phone you can buy.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 21/06/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% cena: 80% wydajność: 60% wyświetlacz: 100% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: making more out of your phone
Źródło: Techradar angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 Pro is Google's best Pixel ever, and it shows us Google’s vision for the future of mobile tech. It's fantastic display is bigger and brighter than the competition, and the photo features, bolstered by Google’s machine learning, are unmatched. Some new AI features are cool and useful, and some are a bit weird, but its AI capabilities and potential makes the Pixel 8 Pro the best AI phone you can buy.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 21/06/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% cena: 80% wydajność: 60% wyświetlacz: 100% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: making more out of your phone
Źródło: Techradar angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 Pro is Google's best Pixel ever, and it shows us Google’s vision for the future of mobile tech. It's fantastic display is bigger and brighter than the competition, and the photo features, bolstered by Google’s machine learning, are unmatched. Some new AI features are cool and useful, and some are a bit weird, but its AI capabilities and potential makes the Pixel 8 Pro the best AI phone you can buy.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 21/06/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% cena: 80% wydajność: 60% wyświetlacz: 100% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: making more out of your phone
Źródło: Techradar angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 Pro is Google's best Pixel ever, and it shows us Google’s vision for the future of mobile tech. It's fantastic display is bigger and brighter than the competition, and the photo features, bolstered by Google’s machine learning, are unmatched. Some new AI features are cool and useful, and some are a bit weird, but its AI capabilities and potential makes the Pixel 8 Pro the best AI phone you can buy.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 21/06/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% cena: 80% wydajność: 60% wyświetlacz: 100% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 80%
Google Pixel 8 Pro Display test
Źródło: DxOMark angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 Pro is a very versatile phone that provides users with a good display experience in all lighting conditions. Its strongest performances in the protocol were in two important sub-categories: readability and color. Compared with previous generations of Google phones, the Pixel 8 Pro showed better peak brightness and improved colors and contrast in challenging environments, such as outdoors on a bright sunny day. The Google Pixel 8 Pro achieved a high score in readability, including outdoors and in direct sunlight (which is a differentiating element among smartphones today). Using automatic brightness in bright outdoor conditions, the peak brightness achieved can vary according to the displayed content — meaning that the brighter the content displayed, the lower the brightness of the screen. (This is the case for most devices achieving high peak brightness.)
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 25/04/2024
Google Pixel 8 Pro Display test
Źródło: DxOMark angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 Pro is a very versatile phone that provides users with a good display experience in all lighting conditions. Its strongest performances in the protocol were in two important sub-categories: readability and color. Compared with previous generations of Google phones, the Pixel 8 Pro showed better peak brightness and improved colors and contrast in challenging environments, such as outdoors on a bright sunny day. The Google Pixel 8 Pro achieved a high score in readability, including outdoors and in direct sunlight (which is a differentiating element among smartphones today). Using automatic brightness in bright outdoor conditions, the peak brightness achieved can vary according to the displayed content — meaning that the brighter the content displayed, the lower the brightness of the screen. (This is the case for most devices achieving high peak brightness.)
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 25/04/2024
Google Pixel 8 Pro Display test
Źródło: DxOMark angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 Pro is a very versatile phone that provides users with a good display experience in all lighting conditions. Its strongest performances in the protocol were in two important sub-categories: readability and color. Compared with previous generations of Google phones, the Pixel 8 Pro showed better peak brightness and improved colors and contrast in challenging environments, such as outdoors on a bright sunny day. The Google Pixel 8 Pro achieved a high score in readability, including outdoors and in direct sunlight (which is a differentiating element among smartphones today). Using automatic brightness in bright outdoor conditions, the peak brightness achieved can vary according to the displayed content — meaning that the brighter the content displayed, the lower the brightness of the screen. (This is the case for most devices achieving high peak brightness.)
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 25/04/2024
Google Pixel 8 Pro Display test
Źródło: DxOMark angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 Pro is a very versatile phone that provides users with a good display experience in all lighting conditions. Its strongest performances in the protocol were in two important sub-categories: readability and color. Compared with previous generations of Google phones, the Pixel 8 Pro showed better peak brightness and improved colors and contrast in challenging environments, such as outdoors on a bright sunny day. The Google Pixel 8 Pro achieved a high score in readability, including outdoors and in direct sunlight (which is a differentiating element among smartphones today). Using automatic brightness in bright outdoor conditions, the peak brightness achieved can vary according to the displayed content — meaning that the brighter the content displayed, the lower the brightness of the screen. (This is the case for most devices achieving high peak brightness.)
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 25/04/2024
Google Pixel 8 Pro Review | Six Months Later...
Źródło: Tech Spurt angielski
Reviewing Google's Pixel 8 Pro in 2024, six months after launch, to see if it's the best camera phone - or straight-up flagship smartphone. Vs rivals like the Samsung S24 Ultra and OnePlus 12, the Pixel 8 Pro isn't quite as impressive. Gaming isn't as fluid or satisfying, for one, with that Tensor G3 stuffed inside. However, Google's Pixel exclusive features and AI tools help to elevate it above many other premium phones. And then there's the excellent camera, which is perfect for point-and-shoot action. You can capture RAW images, but the Pixel 8 Pro can spaff out gorgeous photos all on its own, while the editing tools are excellent. Likewise, I've had no complaints with the battery life. The Pixel 8 Pro is just as strong as other Androids, offering two days of use between charges if you're careful - or a full day of heavy use including lots of camera play.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 23/04/2024
Google Pixel 8 Pro Review | Six Months Later...
Źródło: Tech Spurt angielski
Reviewing Google's Pixel 8 Pro in 2024, six months after launch, to see if it's the best camera phone - or straight-up flagship smartphone. Vs rivals like the Samsung S24 Ultra and OnePlus 12, the Pixel 8 Pro isn't quite as impressive. Gaming isn't as fluid or satisfying, for one, with that Tensor G3 stuffed inside. However, Google's Pixel exclusive features and AI tools help to elevate it above many other premium phones. And then there's the excellent camera, which is perfect for point-and-shoot action. You can capture RAW images, but the Pixel 8 Pro can spaff out gorgeous photos all on its own, while the editing tools are excellent. Likewise, I've had no complaints with the battery life. The Pixel 8 Pro is just as strong as other Androids, offering two days of use between charges if you're careful - or a full day of heavy use including lots of camera play.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 23/04/2024
Google Pixel 8 Pro Review | Six Months Later...
Źródło: Tech Spurt angielski
Reviewing Google's Pixel 8 Pro in 2024, six months after launch, to see if it's the best camera phone - or straight-up flagship smartphone. Vs rivals like the Samsung S24 Ultra and OnePlus 12, the Pixel 8 Pro isn't quite as impressive. Gaming isn't as fluid or satisfying, for one, with that Tensor G3 stuffed inside. However, Google's Pixel exclusive features and AI tools help to elevate it above many other premium phones. And then there's the excellent camera, which is perfect for point-and-shoot action. You can capture RAW images, but the Pixel 8 Pro can spaff out gorgeous photos all on its own, while the editing tools are excellent. Likewise, I've had no complaints with the battery life. The Pixel 8 Pro is just as strong as other Androids, offering two days of use between charges if you're careful - or a full day of heavy use including lots of camera play.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 23/04/2024
Google Pixel 8 Pro Review | Six Months Later...
Źródło: Tech Spurt angielski
Reviewing Google's Pixel 8 Pro in 2024, six months after launch, to see if it's the best camera phone - or straight-up flagship smartphone. Vs rivals like the Samsung S24 Ultra and OnePlus 12, the Pixel 8 Pro isn't quite as impressive. Gaming isn't as fluid or satisfying, for one, with that Tensor G3 stuffed inside. However, Google's Pixel exclusive features and AI tools help to elevate it above many other premium phones. And then there's the excellent camera, which is perfect for point-and-shoot action. You can capture RAW images, but the Pixel 8 Pro can spaff out gorgeous photos all on its own, while the editing tools are excellent. Likewise, I've had no complaints with the battery life. The Pixel 8 Pro is just as strong as other Androids, offering two days of use between charges if you're careful - or a full day of heavy use including lots of camera play.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 23/04/2024
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: making more out of your phone
Źródło: Techradar angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 Pro is the best Pixel that Google has ever made, and it represents Google’s vision for the future of mobile technology, though that vision does seem a bit clouded and unfocused at times. It has a fantastic display that’s bigger and brighter than its competitors at this price, and the photography features, bolstered by Google’s machine learning, are unmatched by any other phone maker. Some of the new AI features are cool and useful, but some are a bit weird, even off-putting, and the phone suffers from the worst Android tendencies. But Google is committed to this phone for seven years in terms of updates, longer than ever before, so there’s plenty of time for improvement, and the hardware gives Google a great platform to build up from.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 09/04/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% cena: 80% wydajność: 60% wyświetlacz: 100% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: making more out of your phone
Źródło: Techradar angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 Pro is the best Pixel that Google has ever made, and it represents Google’s vision for the future of mobile technology, though that vision does seem a bit clouded and unfocused at times. It has a fantastic display that’s bigger and brighter than its competitors at this price, and the photography features, bolstered by Google’s machine learning, are unmatched by any other phone maker. Some of the new AI features are cool and useful, but some are a bit weird, even off-putting, and the phone suffers from the worst Android tendencies. But Google is committed to this phone for seven years in terms of updates, longer than ever before, so there’s plenty of time for improvement, and the hardware gives Google a great platform to build up from.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 09/04/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% cena: 80% wydajność: 60% wyświetlacz: 100% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: making more out of your phone
Źródło: Techradar angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 Pro is the best Pixel that Google has ever made, and it represents Google’s vision for the future of mobile technology, though that vision does seem a bit clouded and unfocused at times. It has a fantastic display that’s bigger and brighter than its competitors at this price, and the photography features, bolstered by Google’s machine learning, are unmatched by any other phone maker. Some of the new AI features are cool and useful, but some are a bit weird, even off-putting, and the phone suffers from the worst Android tendencies. But Google is committed to this phone for seven years in terms of updates, longer than ever before, so there’s plenty of time for improvement, and the hardware gives Google a great platform to build up from.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 09/04/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% cena: 80% wydajność: 60% wyświetlacz: 100% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: making more out of your phone
Źródło: Techradar angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 Pro is the best Pixel that Google has ever made, and it represents Google’s vision for the future of mobile technology, though that vision does seem a bit clouded and unfocused at times. It has a fantastic display that’s bigger and brighter than its competitors at this price, and the photography features, bolstered by Google’s machine learning, are unmatched by any other phone maker. Some of the new AI features are cool and useful, but some are a bit weird, even off-putting, and the phone suffers from the worst Android tendencies. But Google is committed to this phone for seven years in terms of updates, longer than ever before, so there’s plenty of time for improvement, and the hardware gives Google a great platform to build up from.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 09/04/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% cena: 80% wydajność: 60% wyświetlacz: 100% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: Still the definitive Android flagship?
Źródło: Expert Reviews angielski EN→PL
Last year’s Pixel 7 Pro was the ultimate Android trendsetter, so it’s no surprise that its successor continues in the same vein. The Pixel 8 Pro makes heaps of improvements and refinements, and is quite clearly the Android flagship to aspire to as we head into 2024. Yet that price increase dampens the mood somewhat. Matching the price of the iPhone 15 Pro, the Pixel’s days as a cutthroat flagship option are now over and we might perhaps see consumers defecting to iOS as a result.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 26/03/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: Still the definitive Android flagship?
Źródło: Expert Reviews angielski EN→PL
Last year’s Pixel 7 Pro was the ultimate Android trendsetter, so it’s no surprise that its successor continues in the same vein. The Pixel 8 Pro makes heaps of improvements and refinements, and is quite clearly the Android flagship to aspire to as we head into 2024. Yet that price increase dampens the mood somewhat. Matching the price of the iPhone 15 Pro, the Pixel’s days as a cutthroat flagship option are now over and we might perhaps see consumers defecting to iOS as a result.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 26/03/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: Still the definitive Android flagship?
Źródło: Expert Reviews angielski EN→PL
Last year’s Pixel 7 Pro was the ultimate Android trendsetter, so it’s no surprise that its successor continues in the same vein. The Pixel 8 Pro makes heaps of improvements and refinements, and is quite clearly the Android flagship to aspire to as we head into 2024. Yet that price increase dampens the mood somewhat. Matching the price of the iPhone 15 Pro, the Pixel’s days as a cutthroat flagship option are now over and we might perhaps see consumers defecting to iOS as a result.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 26/03/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: Still the definitive Android flagship?
Źródło: Expert Reviews angielski EN→PL
Last year’s Pixel 7 Pro was the ultimate Android trendsetter, so it’s no surprise that its successor continues in the same vein. The Pixel 8 Pro makes heaps of improvements and refinements, and is quite clearly the Android flagship to aspire to as we head into 2024. Yet that price increase dampens the mood somewhat. Matching the price of the iPhone 15 Pro, the Pixel’s days as a cutthroat flagship option are now over and we might perhaps see consumers defecting to iOS as a result.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 26/03/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: A big leap for AI
Źródło: Tom's Guide angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 Pro is a satisfying showcase for how artificial intelligence is being leveraged in a greater way in our phones, with a smarter, more human sounding Google Assistant at the helm. Even with a $100 price hike over its predecessor, the Pixel 8 Pro stands out thanks to these AI improvements.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 25/03/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: A big leap for AI
Źródło: Tom's Guide angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 Pro is a satisfying showcase for how artificial intelligence is being leveraged in a greater way in our phones, with a smarter, more human sounding Google Assistant at the helm. Even with a $100 price hike over its predecessor, the Pixel 8 Pro stands out thanks to these AI improvements.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 25/03/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: A big leap for AI
Źródło: Tom's Guide angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 Pro is a satisfying showcase for how artificial intelligence is being leveraged in a greater way in our phones, with a smarter, more human sounding Google Assistant at the helm. Even with a $100 price hike over its predecessor, the Pixel 8 Pro stands out thanks to these AI improvements.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 25/03/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: A big leap for AI
Źródło: Tom's Guide angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 Pro is a satisfying showcase for how artificial intelligence is being leveraged in a greater way in our phones, with a smarter, more human sounding Google Assistant at the helm. Even with a $100 price hike over its predecessor, the Pixel 8 Pro stands out thanks to these AI improvements.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 25/03/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Pixel 8 Pro long term-review | Bringing the HEAT!
Źródło: 9to5google angielski
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 09/03/2024
Pixel 8 Pro long term-review | Bringing the HEAT!
Źródło: 9to5google angielski
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 09/03/2024
Pixel 8 Pro long term-review | Bringing the HEAT!
Źródło: 9to5google angielski
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 09/03/2024
Pixel 8 Pro long term-review | Bringing the HEAT!
Źródło: 9to5google angielski
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 09/03/2024
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: A big leap for AI
Źródło: Tom's Guide angielski EN→PL
I can’t stop focusing on how the Pixel 8 Pro is one of the smartest phones I’ve ever come across. For once, I can confidently say that it’s the assistant I need to make my workflow more efficient and streamlined. All of the AI-assisted features in the Pixel 8 Pro reveal how it takes all the complications in our lives and makes them uncomplicated — like how editing photos is a cinch with Magic Editor, or how Call Screen intelligently responds to phone calls. Even better, I’m satisfied knowing that the Pixel 8 Pro improves on every aspect over last year’s disappointing Pixel 7 Pro. This new Pixel is a far stronger contender in our best phones list, but it’s hard to overlook how the competition still beats it in critical areas such as performance, battery life, and cameras.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 06/03/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review
Źródło: Trusted Reviews angielski EN→PL
The highest praise I can give the Pixel 8 Pro is that it does an impressive job of standing out from the swathes of Android phones on the market. Moving the focus from speed and performance to building a chip designed to improve AI performance gives the Pixel 8 Pro a unique selling point, even in 2024 where the likes of Samsung are offering their own GenAI-powered features. The Pixel’s AI offering is just much more rounded than the competing Galaxy AI. The biggest reason to pick up a Pixel remains the photography skills and the three cameras on the back all take great snaps in varying conditions. There’s no dramatic improvement this time, and in certain situations, the Xiaomi 13 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro and Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra take better pictures.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 06/03/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: A big leap for AI
Źródło: Tom's Guide angielski EN→PL
I can’t stop focusing on how the Pixel 8 Pro is one of the smartest phones I’ve ever come across. For once, I can confidently say that it’s the assistant I need to make my workflow more efficient and streamlined. All of the AI-assisted features in the Pixel 8 Pro reveal how it takes all the complications in our lives and makes them uncomplicated — like how editing photos is a cinch with Magic Editor, or how Call Screen intelligently responds to phone calls. Even better, I’m satisfied knowing that the Pixel 8 Pro improves on every aspect over last year’s disappointing Pixel 7 Pro. This new Pixel is a far stronger contender in our best phones list, but it’s hard to overlook how the competition still beats it in critical areas such as performance, battery life, and cameras.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 06/03/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review
Źródło: Trusted Reviews angielski EN→PL
The highest praise I can give the Pixel 8 Pro is that it does an impressive job of standing out from the swathes of Android phones on the market. Moving the focus from speed and performance to building a chip designed to improve AI performance gives the Pixel 8 Pro a unique selling point, even in 2024 where the likes of Samsung are offering their own GenAI-powered features. The Pixel’s AI offering is just much more rounded than the competing Galaxy AI. The biggest reason to pick up a Pixel remains the photography skills and the three cameras on the back all take great snaps in varying conditions. There’s no dramatic improvement this time, and in certain situations, the Xiaomi 13 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro and Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra take better pictures.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 06/03/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: A big leap for AI
Źródło: Tom's Guide angielski EN→PL
I can’t stop focusing on how the Pixel 8 Pro is one of the smartest phones I’ve ever come across. For once, I can confidently say that it’s the assistant I need to make my workflow more efficient and streamlined. All of the AI-assisted features in the Pixel 8 Pro reveal how it takes all the complications in our lives and makes them uncomplicated — like how editing photos is a cinch with Magic Editor, or how Call Screen intelligently responds to phone calls. Even better, I’m satisfied knowing that the Pixel 8 Pro improves on every aspect over last year’s disappointing Pixel 7 Pro. This new Pixel is a far stronger contender in our best phones list, but it’s hard to overlook how the competition still beats it in critical areas such as performance, battery life, and cameras.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 06/03/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review
Źródło: Trusted Reviews angielski EN→PL
The highest praise I can give the Pixel 8 Pro is that it does an impressive job of standing out from the swathes of Android phones on the market. Moving the focus from speed and performance to building a chip designed to improve AI performance gives the Pixel 8 Pro a unique selling point, even in 2024 where the likes of Samsung are offering their own GenAI-powered features. The Pixel’s AI offering is just much more rounded than the competing Galaxy AI. The biggest reason to pick up a Pixel remains the photography skills and the three cameras on the back all take great snaps in varying conditions. There’s no dramatic improvement this time, and in certain situations, the Xiaomi 13 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro and Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra take better pictures.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 06/03/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: A big leap for AI
Źródło: Tom's Guide angielski EN→PL
I can’t stop focusing on how the Pixel 8 Pro is one of the smartest phones I’ve ever come across. For once, I can confidently say that it’s the assistant I need to make my workflow more efficient and streamlined. All of the AI-assisted features in the Pixel 8 Pro reveal how it takes all the complications in our lives and makes them uncomplicated — like how editing photos is a cinch with Magic Editor, or how Call Screen intelligently responds to phone calls. Even better, I’m satisfied knowing that the Pixel 8 Pro improves on every aspect over last year’s disappointing Pixel 7 Pro. This new Pixel is a far stronger contender in our best phones list, but it’s hard to overlook how the competition still beats it in critical areas such as performance, battery life, and cameras.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 06/03/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review
Źródło: Trusted Reviews angielski EN→PL
The highest praise I can give the Pixel 8 Pro is that it does an impressive job of standing out from the swathes of Android phones on the market. Moving the focus from speed and performance to building a chip designed to improve AI performance gives the Pixel 8 Pro a unique selling point, even in 2024 where the likes of Samsung are offering their own GenAI-powered features. The Pixel’s AI offering is just much more rounded than the competing Galaxy AI. The biggest reason to pick up a Pixel remains the photography skills and the three cameras on the back all take great snaps in varying conditions. There’s no dramatic improvement this time, and in certain situations, the Xiaomi 13 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro and Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra take better pictures.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 06/03/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: Five months later, still the AI phone to beat in 2024
Źródło: angielski EN→PL
After five months with both Pixel models, my buying advice remains the same: Buy the Pro model if you're after Google's best, most fool-proof camera system and the latest AI features, including Video Boost and Summarize in Recorder. If the general software experience of a Pixel phone is at the top of your priority list, the Pixel 8, at $699, will serve you just as well and for $300 less. Both models are frequently discounted by $100 to $200, so keep an eye out for those deals too.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 22/02/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: Five months later, still the AI phone to beat in 2024
Źródło: angielski EN→PL
After five months with both Pixel models, my buying advice remains the same: Buy the Pro model if you're after Google's best, most fool-proof camera system and the latest AI features, including Video Boost and Summarize in Recorder. If the general software experience of a Pixel phone is at the top of your priority list, the Pixel 8, at $699, will serve you just as well and for $300 less. Both models are frequently discounted by $100 to $200, so keep an eye out for those deals too.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 22/02/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: Five months later, still the AI phone to beat in 2024
Źródło: angielski EN→PL
After five months with both Pixel models, my buying advice remains the same: Buy the Pro model if you're after Google's best, most fool-proof camera system and the latest AI features, including Video Boost and Summarize in Recorder. If the general software experience of a Pixel phone is at the top of your priority list, the Pixel 8, at $699, will serve you just as well and for $300 less. Both models are frequently discounted by $100 to $200, so keep an eye out for those deals too.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 22/02/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: Five months later, still the AI phone to beat in 2024
Źródło: angielski EN→PL
After five months with both Pixel models, my buying advice remains the same: Buy the Pro model if you're after Google's best, most fool-proof camera system and the latest AI features, including Video Boost and Summarize in Recorder. If the general software experience of a Pixel phone is at the top of your priority list, the Pixel 8, at $699, will serve you just as well and for $300 less. Both models are frequently discounted by $100 to $200, so keep an eye out for those deals too.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 22/02/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: the best Pixel I’ve ever used
Źródło: Digital Trends angielski EN→PL
We’re now at the end of this review, which took multiple days and a lot of caffeine to power through. And you know what? I’m no longer nervous about the Google Pixel 8 Pro. Instead, I’m ecstatic about it. Elated, even. Or whatever other synonyms you want to use! There are a lot of intricate details about the Pixel 8 Pro, and I hope those all come across clearly as you make your way through this review. What it all boils down to, though, is that this is an outstanding smartphone — easily one of the best Android phones of the year. The Google Pixel 8 Pro is a champion of a smartphone. Google’s hardware is better than it’s ever been, the software experience is unmatched, and you’re getting all of this at a (relatively) reasonable price. If anything, its biggest competitor is the smaller and cheaper Google Pixel 8.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 20/02/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: the best Pixel I’ve ever used
Źródło: Digital Trends angielski EN→PL
We’re now at the end of this review, which took multiple days and a lot of caffeine to power through. And you know what? I’m no longer nervous about the Google Pixel 8 Pro. Instead, I’m ecstatic about it. Elated, even. Or whatever other synonyms you want to use! There are a lot of intricate details about the Pixel 8 Pro, and I hope those all come across clearly as you make your way through this review. What it all boils down to, though, is that this is an outstanding smartphone — easily one of the best Android phones of the year. The Google Pixel 8 Pro is a champion of a smartphone. Google’s hardware is better than it’s ever been, the software experience is unmatched, and you’re getting all of this at a (relatively) reasonable price. If anything, its biggest competitor is the smaller and cheaper Google Pixel 8.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 20/02/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: the best Pixel I’ve ever used
Źródło: Digital Trends angielski EN→PL
We’re now at the end of this review, which took multiple days and a lot of caffeine to power through. And you know what? I’m no longer nervous about the Google Pixel 8 Pro. Instead, I’m ecstatic about it. Elated, even. Or whatever other synonyms you want to use! There are a lot of intricate details about the Pixel 8 Pro, and I hope those all come across clearly as you make your way through this review. What it all boils down to, though, is that this is an outstanding smartphone — easily one of the best Android phones of the year. The Google Pixel 8 Pro is a champion of a smartphone. Google’s hardware is better than it’s ever been, the software experience is unmatched, and you’re getting all of this at a (relatively) reasonable price. If anything, its biggest competitor is the smaller and cheaper Google Pixel 8.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 20/02/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: the best Pixel I’ve ever used
Źródło: Digital Trends angielski EN→PL
We’re now at the end of this review, which took multiple days and a lot of caffeine to power through. And you know what? I’m no longer nervous about the Google Pixel 8 Pro. Instead, I’m ecstatic about it. Elated, even. Or whatever other synonyms you want to use! There are a lot of intricate details about the Pixel 8 Pro, and I hope those all come across clearly as you make your way through this review. What it all boils down to, though, is that this is an outstanding smartphone — easily one of the best Android phones of the year. The Google Pixel 8 Pro is a champion of a smartphone. Google’s hardware is better than it’s ever been, the software experience is unmatched, and you’re getting all of this at a (relatively) reasonable price. If anything, its biggest competitor is the smaller and cheaper Google Pixel 8.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 20/02/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
Google Pixel 8 Pro Review
Źródło: Tech Amaze angielski EN→PL
In the review of Pixel 8 Pro, we found the most improvements where we had the least expectations; brighter display, more attractive design and a 7-year software update that now puts Pixel ahead of iPhone; of course, if we can trust Google’s promises, which has been talking about killing many of its services and applications. On the other hand, we are faced with a plethora of artificial intelligence capabilities to finally turn Pixel 8 Pro into the Google dream phone; features such as AI Wallpaper for creating wallpapers with artificial intelligence, Video Boost for cloud processing of videos that will be available in the future and most importantly, Best Take for capturing the best group photos.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 30/01/2024
Google Pixel 8 Pro Review
Źródło: Tech Amaze angielski EN→PL
In the review of Pixel 8 Pro, we found the most improvements where we had the least expectations; brighter display, more attractive design and a 7-year software update that now puts Pixel ahead of iPhone; of course, if we can trust Google’s promises, which has been talking about killing many of its services and applications. On the other hand, we are faced with a plethora of artificial intelligence capabilities to finally turn Pixel 8 Pro into the Google dream phone; features such as AI Wallpaper for creating wallpapers with artificial intelligence, Video Boost for cloud processing of videos that will be available in the future and most importantly, Best Take for capturing the best group photos.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 30/01/2024
Google Pixel 8 Pro Review
Źródło: Tech Amaze angielski EN→PL
In the review of Pixel 8 Pro, we found the most improvements where we had the least expectations; brighter display, more attractive design and a 7-year software update that now puts Pixel ahead of iPhone; of course, if we can trust Google’s promises, which has been talking about killing many of its services and applications. On the other hand, we are faced with a plethora of artificial intelligence capabilities to finally turn Pixel 8 Pro into the Google dream phone; features such as AI Wallpaper for creating wallpapers with artificial intelligence, Video Boost for cloud processing of videos that will be available in the future and most importantly, Best Take for capturing the best group photos.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 30/01/2024
Google Pixel 8 Pro Review
Źródło: Tech Amaze angielski EN→PL
In the review of Pixel 8 Pro, we found the most improvements where we had the least expectations; brighter display, more attractive design and a 7-year software update that now puts Pixel ahead of iPhone; of course, if we can trust Google’s promises, which has been talking about killing many of its services and applications. On the other hand, we are faced with a plethora of artificial intelligence capabilities to finally turn Pixel 8 Pro into the Google dream phone; features such as AI Wallpaper for creating wallpapers with artificial intelligence, Video Boost for cloud processing of videos that will be available in the future and most importantly, Best Take for capturing the best group photos.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 30/01/2024
100% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review – Great Hardware meets AI Magic
Źródło: Amateur Photographer angielski EN→PL
That said, if you’ve got a Pixel 7 Pro, there’s probably no need to immediately go out and upgrade. Yes, the 8 Pro is better, but with the main differences coming to low light and if you scrutinise things like detail at close quarters. There are also software improvements, such as the Pro Mode and Best Take – but how often you’ll want to use those is questionable. If this is how good the 8 Pro is – you might question, how good will the 9 Pro be – perhaps if you’ve got a 7 Pro already, it’s better to wait. You’re more likely to notice a bigger difference if you’ve got an older Pixel. If you’re coming from a different brand altogether, unless you’ve already got one of the other flagships, the Pixel 8 Pro is likely to give you noticeably better pictures than what you’re already used to as well.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 20/01/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
100% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review – Great Hardware meets AI Magic
Źródło: Amateur Photographer angielski EN→PL
That said, if you’ve got a Pixel 7 Pro, there’s probably no need to immediately go out and upgrade. Yes, the 8 Pro is better, but with the main differences coming to low light and if you scrutinise things like detail at close quarters. There are also software improvements, such as the Pro Mode and Best Take – but how often you’ll want to use those is questionable. If this is how good the 8 Pro is – you might question, how good will the 9 Pro be – perhaps if you’ve got a 7 Pro already, it’s better to wait. You’re more likely to notice a bigger difference if you’ve got an older Pixel. If you’re coming from a different brand altogether, unless you’ve already got one of the other flagships, the Pixel 8 Pro is likely to give you noticeably better pictures than what you’re already used to as well.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 20/01/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
100% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review – Great Hardware meets AI Magic
Źródło: Amateur Photographer angielski EN→PL
That said, if you’ve got a Pixel 7 Pro, there’s probably no need to immediately go out and upgrade. Yes, the 8 Pro is better, but with the main differences coming to low light and if you scrutinise things like detail at close quarters. There are also software improvements, such as the Pro Mode and Best Take – but how often you’ll want to use those is questionable. If this is how good the 8 Pro is – you might question, how good will the 9 Pro be – perhaps if you’ve got a 7 Pro already, it’s better to wait. You’re more likely to notice a bigger difference if you’ve got an older Pixel. If you’re coming from a different brand altogether, unless you’ve already got one of the other flagships, the Pixel 8 Pro is likely to give you noticeably better pictures than what you’re already used to as well.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 20/01/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
100% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review – Great Hardware meets AI Magic
Źródło: Amateur Photographer angielski EN→PL
That said, if you’ve got a Pixel 7 Pro, there’s probably no need to immediately go out and upgrade. Yes, the 8 Pro is better, but with the main differences coming to low light and if you scrutinise things like detail at close quarters. There are also software improvements, such as the Pro Mode and Best Take – but how often you’ll want to use those is questionable. If this is how good the 8 Pro is – you might question, how good will the 9 Pro be – perhaps if you’ve got a 7 Pro already, it’s better to wait. You’re more likely to notice a bigger difference if you’ve got an older Pixel. If you’re coming from a different brand altogether, unless you’ve already got one of the other flagships, the Pixel 8 Pro is likely to give you noticeably better pictures than what you’re already used to as well.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 20/01/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
The Most Fun I've Had Unboxing A Phone — ROG Phone 8 Pro
Źródło: ben's gadget reviews angielski
The ROG Phone 8 Pro from ASUS is a gaming phone and it once again comes with all the latest specs. The packing is also clever and includes a fun mini game when you first set up the phone.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 11/01/2024
The Most Fun I've Had Unboxing A Phone — ROG Phone 8 Pro
Źródło: ben's gadget reviews angielski
The ROG Phone 8 Pro from ASUS is a gaming phone and it once again comes with all the latest specs. The packing is also clever and includes a fun mini game when you first set up the phone.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 11/01/2024
The Most Fun I've Had Unboxing A Phone — ROG Phone 8 Pro
Źródło: ben's gadget reviews angielski
The ROG Phone 8 Pro from ASUS is a gaming phone and it once again comes with all the latest specs. The packing is also clever and includes a fun mini game when you first set up the phone.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 11/01/2024
The Most Fun I've Had Unboxing A Phone — ROG Phone 8 Pro
Źródło: ben's gadget reviews angielski
The ROG Phone 8 Pro from ASUS is a gaming phone and it once again comes with all the latest specs. The packing is also clever and includes a fun mini game when you first set up the phone.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 11/01/2024
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: A smartphone for the AI era
Źródło: Gadgets Now angielski EN→PL
“Sugar, spice and everything nice” but the price. Despite being designed keeping in mind the masses to help them get the maximum out of their smartphone, the Google Pixel 8 Pro seems to lack certain things that will most likely not make it "the smartphone" for the masses. One of these things is the absence of numbers in terms of speed and performance, which the Indian audience really cares about. Second is word of mouth, so to say, that affects Indians' purchasing decisions. There are not many Pixel phone users who can convince you to buy a Google smartphone despite the fact that most of them are using an Android smartphone. The third factor is the pricing. When you offer a not-so-popular smartphone at a price that crosses a lakh, people tend to lose interest. Google Pixel 8 Pro, in some sense, is a phone for the future that will find it hard to fit in today's world dominated by highly popular and pricey iPhones or other feature-loaded Samsung smartphones.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 26/12/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Google Pixel 8 Pro long term review — Iterative hardware, leaps forward in AI
Źródło: Ausdroid angielski EN→PL
As a generalised statement, what I’ve truly enjoyed about the Pixel 8 Pro is that it just slid into my life smoothly and made all things mobile a little bit better. Face unlock is smooth, the performance is great, the software in general is buttery smooth and an absolute delight. There has been a bit of push back by some potential buyers about the price increase, but I honestly believe that the Pixel 8 Pro is worth the increase from the 7 Pro if you’re weighing up between the two. It’s perhaps not a significant enough upgrade, however, if you have the 7 Pro and are happy with it. I’ve tried to touch on all of the factors that can affect buying decision, without turning this into a war and peace epic. At the end of it all, even after two months, I haven’t found a deal breaking issue or software bug. The hardware has come along well including a stunning screen, with better lenses, better performance and acceptable battery life.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 26/12/2023
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: A smartphone for the AI era
Źródło: Gadgets Now angielski EN→PL
“Sugar, spice and everything nice” but the price. Despite being designed keeping in mind the masses to help them get the maximum out of their smartphone, the Google Pixel 8 Pro seems to lack certain things that will most likely not make it "the smartphone" for the masses. One of these things is the absence of numbers in terms of speed and performance, which the Indian audience really cares about. Second is word of mouth, so to say, that affects Indians' purchasing decisions. There are not many Pixel phone users who can convince you to buy a Google smartphone despite the fact that most of them are using an Android smartphone. The third factor is the pricing. When you offer a not-so-popular smartphone at a price that crosses a lakh, people tend to lose interest. Google Pixel 8 Pro, in some sense, is a phone for the future that will find it hard to fit in today's world dominated by highly popular and pricey iPhones or other feature-loaded Samsung smartphones.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 26/12/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Google Pixel 8 Pro long term review — Iterative hardware, leaps forward in AI
Źródło: Ausdroid angielski EN→PL
As a generalised statement, what I’ve truly enjoyed about the Pixel 8 Pro is that it just slid into my life smoothly and made all things mobile a little bit better. Face unlock is smooth, the performance is great, the software in general is buttery smooth and an absolute delight. There has been a bit of push back by some potential buyers about the price increase, but I honestly believe that the Pixel 8 Pro is worth the increase from the 7 Pro if you’re weighing up between the two. It’s perhaps not a significant enough upgrade, however, if you have the 7 Pro and are happy with it. I’ve tried to touch on all of the factors that can affect buying decision, without turning this into a war and peace epic. At the end of it all, even after two months, I haven’t found a deal breaking issue or software bug. The hardware has come along well including a stunning screen, with better lenses, better performance and acceptable battery life.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 26/12/2023
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: A smartphone for the AI era
Źródło: Gadgets Now angielski EN→PL
“Sugar, spice and everything nice” but the price. Despite being designed keeping in mind the masses to help them get the maximum out of their smartphone, the Google Pixel 8 Pro seems to lack certain things that will most likely not make it "the smartphone" for the masses. One of these things is the absence of numbers in terms of speed and performance, which the Indian audience really cares about. Second is word of mouth, so to say, that affects Indians' purchasing decisions. There are not many Pixel phone users who can convince you to buy a Google smartphone despite the fact that most of them are using an Android smartphone. The third factor is the pricing. When you offer a not-so-popular smartphone at a price that crosses a lakh, people tend to lose interest. Google Pixel 8 Pro, in some sense, is a phone for the future that will find it hard to fit in today's world dominated by highly popular and pricey iPhones or other feature-loaded Samsung smartphones.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 26/12/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Google Pixel 8 Pro long term review — Iterative hardware, leaps forward in AI
Źródło: Ausdroid angielski EN→PL
As a generalised statement, what I’ve truly enjoyed about the Pixel 8 Pro is that it just slid into my life smoothly and made all things mobile a little bit better. Face unlock is smooth, the performance is great, the software in general is buttery smooth and an absolute delight. There has been a bit of push back by some potential buyers about the price increase, but I honestly believe that the Pixel 8 Pro is worth the increase from the 7 Pro if you’re weighing up between the two. It’s perhaps not a significant enough upgrade, however, if you have the 7 Pro and are happy with it. I’ve tried to touch on all of the factors that can affect buying decision, without turning this into a war and peace epic. At the end of it all, even after two months, I haven’t found a deal breaking issue or software bug. The hardware has come along well including a stunning screen, with better lenses, better performance and acceptable battery life.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 26/12/2023
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: A smartphone for the AI era
Źródło: Gadgets Now angielski EN→PL
“Sugar, spice and everything nice” but the price. Despite being designed keeping in mind the masses to help them get the maximum out of their smartphone, the Google Pixel 8 Pro seems to lack certain things that will most likely not make it "the smartphone" for the masses. One of these things is the absence of numbers in terms of speed and performance, which the Indian audience really cares about. Second is word of mouth, so to say, that affects Indians' purchasing decisions. There are not many Pixel phone users who can convince you to buy a Google smartphone despite the fact that most of them are using an Android smartphone. The third factor is the pricing. When you offer a not-so-popular smartphone at a price that crosses a lakh, people tend to lose interest. Google Pixel 8 Pro, in some sense, is a phone for the future that will find it hard to fit in today's world dominated by highly popular and pricey iPhones or other feature-loaded Samsung smartphones.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 26/12/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Google Pixel 8 Pro long term review — Iterative hardware, leaps forward in AI
Źródło: Ausdroid angielski EN→PL
As a generalised statement, what I’ve truly enjoyed about the Pixel 8 Pro is that it just slid into my life smoothly and made all things mobile a little bit better. Face unlock is smooth, the performance is great, the software in general is buttery smooth and an absolute delight. There has been a bit of push back by some potential buyers about the price increase, but I honestly believe that the Pixel 8 Pro is worth the increase from the 7 Pro if you’re weighing up between the two. It’s perhaps not a significant enough upgrade, however, if you have the 7 Pro and are happy with it. I’ve tried to touch on all of the factors that can affect buying decision, without turning this into a war and peace epic. At the end of it all, even after two months, I haven’t found a deal breaking issue or software bug. The hardware has come along well including a stunning screen, with better lenses, better performance and acceptable battery life.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 26/12/2023
The Pixel 8 Pro’s videos get a whole lot brighter with video boost — if you use it right
Źródło: The Verge angielski EN→PL
In that sense, Video Boost is a glimpse of the future — it’s just a future where the AI on your phone works hand-in-hand with the AI in the cloud. More functions will be handled by a combination of on and off-device AI, and the distinction between what your phone can do and what a cloud server can do will fade into the background. It’s hardly the “aha” moment that Night Sight was, but it’s going to be a significant shift in how we think about our phone’s capabilities all the same.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 23/12/2023
The Pixel 8 Pro’s videos get a whole lot brighter with video boost — if you use it right
Źródło: The Verge angielski EN→PL
In that sense, Video Boost is a glimpse of the future — it’s just a future where the AI on your phone works hand-in-hand with the AI in the cloud. More functions will be handled by a combination of on and off-device AI, and the distinction between what your phone can do and what a cloud server can do will fade into the background. It’s hardly the “aha” moment that Night Sight was, but it’s going to be a significant shift in how we think about our phone’s capabilities all the same.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 23/12/2023
The Pixel 8 Pro’s videos get a whole lot brighter with video boost — if you use it right
Źródło: The Verge angielski EN→PL
In that sense, Video Boost is a glimpse of the future — it’s just a future where the AI on your phone works hand-in-hand with the AI in the cloud. More functions will be handled by a combination of on and off-device AI, and the distinction between what your phone can do and what a cloud server can do will fade into the background. It’s hardly the “aha” moment that Night Sight was, but it’s going to be a significant shift in how we think about our phone’s capabilities all the same.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 23/12/2023
The Pixel 8 Pro’s videos get a whole lot brighter with video boost — if you use it right
Źródło: The Verge angielski EN→PL
In that sense, Video Boost is a glimpse of the future — it’s just a future where the AI on your phone works hand-in-hand with the AI in the cloud. More functions will be handled by a combination of on and off-device AI, and the distinction between what your phone can do and what a cloud server can do will fade into the background. It’s hardly the “aha” moment that Night Sight was, but it’s going to be a significant shift in how we think about our phone’s capabilities all the same.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 23/12/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro: Video Boost FULL BREAKDOWN!
Źródło: 9to5google angielski
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 16/12/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro: Video Boost FULL BREAKDOWN!
Źródło: 9to5google angielski
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 16/12/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro: Video Boost FULL BREAKDOWN!
Źródło: 9to5google angielski
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 16/12/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro: Video Boost FULL BREAKDOWN!
Źródło: 9to5google angielski
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 16/12/2023
88% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review: Gets a Boost in Storage Options and Price Tag
Źródło: The Mobile Indian angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 Pro is a smartphone with advanced AI capabilities, which allows offline processing of multiple requests and tools. It features well-designed Pro Controls that make it stand out. However, the increased price of the Pixel 8 Pro may discourage upgrades, especially since the Pixel 7 Pro, which is priced as low as Rs. 63,999, remains a compelling option. Although the Pixel 8 Pro excels in still camera performance and has improved thermal management, some potential customers may not be happy with its battery life and the post-processing of photographs.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/12/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 88% wydajność: 80% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 90%
88% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review: Gets a Boost in Storage Options and Price Tag
Źródło: The Mobile Indian angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 Pro is a smartphone with advanced AI capabilities, which allows offline processing of multiple requests and tools. It features well-designed Pro Controls that make it stand out. However, the increased price of the Pixel 8 Pro may discourage upgrades, especially since the Pixel 7 Pro, which is priced as low as Rs. 63,999, remains a compelling option. Although the Pixel 8 Pro excels in still camera performance and has improved thermal management, some potential customers may not be happy with its battery life and the post-processing of photographs.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/12/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 88% wydajność: 80% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 90%
88% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review: Gets a Boost in Storage Options and Price Tag
Źródło: The Mobile Indian angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 Pro is a smartphone with advanced AI capabilities, which allows offline processing of multiple requests and tools. It features well-designed Pro Controls that make it stand out. However, the increased price of the Pixel 8 Pro may discourage upgrades, especially since the Pixel 7 Pro, which is priced as low as Rs. 63,999, remains a compelling option. Although the Pixel 8 Pro excels in still camera performance and has improved thermal management, some potential customers may not be happy with its battery life and the post-processing of photographs.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/12/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 88% wydajność: 80% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 90%
88% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review: Gets a Boost in Storage Options and Price Tag
Źródło: The Mobile Indian angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 Pro is a smartphone with advanced AI capabilities, which allows offline processing of multiple requests and tools. It features well-designed Pro Controls that make it stand out. However, the increased price of the Pixel 8 Pro may discourage upgrades, especially since the Pixel 7 Pro, which is priced as low as Rs. 63,999, remains a compelling option. Although the Pixel 8 Pro excels in still camera performance and has improved thermal management, some potential customers may not be happy with its battery life and the post-processing of photographs.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/12/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 88% wydajność: 80% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 90%
Google Pixel 8 Pro Battery test
Źródło: DxOMark angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 Pro outperformed its predecessor, the Google Pixel 7 Pro, thanks to better experiences in autonomy, efficiency, and charging, but its global battery score remained below the average of our database. When used moderately, the Pixel 8 Pro managed to achieve almost 55 hours of autonomy, which is just above the average in our database. Usages such as gaming and streaming videos showed good autonomy, but for the other individual test cases, performances were slightly below average. Autonomy was poor when listening to music. The Pixel 8 Pro’s charging experience was an improvement over the Pixel 7 Pro. Using a wired charge, it took the device 1 hour and 40 minutes to fully charge the battery, 30 minutes faster than for the Pixel 7 Pro. But even with that improvement, the charging time remains longer than average when compared with other phones. In a wireless charge, using the Pixel Stand 2, the battery was fully replenished in 2 hours and 34 minutes, which was slightly longer than other devices in our database.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/12/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro Battery test
Źródło: DxOMark angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 Pro outperformed its predecessor, the Google Pixel 7 Pro, thanks to better experiences in autonomy, efficiency, and charging, but its global battery score remained below the average of our database. When used moderately, the Pixel 8 Pro managed to achieve almost 55 hours of autonomy, which is just above the average in our database. Usages such as gaming and streaming videos showed good autonomy, but for the other individual test cases, performances were slightly below average. Autonomy was poor when listening to music. The Pixel 8 Pro’s charging experience was an improvement over the Pixel 7 Pro. Using a wired charge, it took the device 1 hour and 40 minutes to fully charge the battery, 30 minutes faster than for the Pixel 7 Pro. But even with that improvement, the charging time remains longer than average when compared with other phones. In a wireless charge, using the Pixel Stand 2, the battery was fully replenished in 2 hours and 34 minutes, which was slightly longer than other devices in our database.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/12/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro Battery test
Źródło: DxOMark angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 Pro outperformed its predecessor, the Google Pixel 7 Pro, thanks to better experiences in autonomy, efficiency, and charging, but its global battery score remained below the average of our database. When used moderately, the Pixel 8 Pro managed to achieve almost 55 hours of autonomy, which is just above the average in our database. Usages such as gaming and streaming videos showed good autonomy, but for the other individual test cases, performances were slightly below average. Autonomy was poor when listening to music. The Pixel 8 Pro’s charging experience was an improvement over the Pixel 7 Pro. Using a wired charge, it took the device 1 hour and 40 minutes to fully charge the battery, 30 minutes faster than for the Pixel 7 Pro. But even with that improvement, the charging time remains longer than average when compared with other phones. In a wireless charge, using the Pixel Stand 2, the battery was fully replenished in 2 hours and 34 minutes, which was slightly longer than other devices in our database.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/12/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro Battery test
Źródło: DxOMark angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 Pro outperformed its predecessor, the Google Pixel 7 Pro, thanks to better experiences in autonomy, efficiency, and charging, but its global battery score remained below the average of our database. When used moderately, the Pixel 8 Pro managed to achieve almost 55 hours of autonomy, which is just above the average in our database. Usages such as gaming and streaming videos showed good autonomy, but for the other individual test cases, performances were slightly below average. Autonomy was poor when listening to music. The Pixel 8 Pro’s charging experience was an improvement over the Pixel 7 Pro. Using a wired charge, it took the device 1 hour and 40 minutes to fully charge the battery, 30 minutes faster than for the Pixel 7 Pro. But even with that improvement, the charging time remains longer than average when compared with other phones. In a wireless charge, using the Pixel Stand 2, the battery was fully replenished in 2 hours and 34 minutes, which was slightly longer than other devices in our database.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/12/2023
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review: An AI powerhouse, but there is much more at stake here
Źródło: The Times of India angielski EN→PL
Should you buy the Google Pixel 8 Pro? Yes and no. The Tensor G3 SoC under the hood of the Pixel 8 Pro isn't as impressive as its competition and is even inferior to them in terms of processing power. Therefore, if you're expecting iPhone 15 Pro Max-esque performance from your smartphone, then you shouldn't go for the Pixel 8 Pro, especially at the price tag that it flaunts - Rs. 1,06,999. The battery life on the device isn't anything special either, with the Pixel 8 Pro requiring you to plug it in almost every night. On the other hand, the Google Pixel 8 Pro is the best camera smartphone of 2023 and is definitely the one to go for if you're a social media buff who likes to take and post pictures. The images are well-detailed, have great colour balance, and the exposure is spot-on. The device is also an AI powerhouse with a wide variety of features that enhance the out-of-the-box Android 14 experience, which means you can use it to enhance your productivity immensely.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 08/12/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review: An AI powerhouse, but there is much more at stake here
Źródło: The Times of India angielski EN→PL
Should you buy the Google Pixel 8 Pro? Yes and no. The Tensor G3 SoC under the hood of the Pixel 8 Pro isn't as impressive as its competition and is even inferior to them in terms of processing power. Therefore, if you're expecting iPhone 15 Pro Max-esque performance from your smartphone, then you shouldn't go for the Pixel 8 Pro, especially at the price tag that it flaunts - Rs. 1,06,999. The battery life on the device isn't anything special either, with the Pixel 8 Pro requiring you to plug it in almost every night. On the other hand, the Google Pixel 8 Pro is the best camera smartphone of 2023 and is definitely the one to go for if you're a social media buff who likes to take and post pictures. The images are well-detailed, have great colour balance, and the exposure is spot-on. The device is also an AI powerhouse with a wide variety of features that enhance the out-of-the-box Android 14 experience, which means you can use it to enhance your productivity immensely.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 08/12/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review: An AI powerhouse, but there is much more at stake here
Źródło: The Times of India angielski EN→PL
Should you buy the Google Pixel 8 Pro? Yes and no. The Tensor G3 SoC under the hood of the Pixel 8 Pro isn't as impressive as its competition and is even inferior to them in terms of processing power. Therefore, if you're expecting iPhone 15 Pro Max-esque performance from your smartphone, then you shouldn't go for the Pixel 8 Pro, especially at the price tag that it flaunts - Rs. 1,06,999. The battery life on the device isn't anything special either, with the Pixel 8 Pro requiring you to plug it in almost every night. On the other hand, the Google Pixel 8 Pro is the best camera smartphone of 2023 and is definitely the one to go for if you're a social media buff who likes to take and post pictures. The images are well-detailed, have great colour balance, and the exposure is spot-on. The device is also an AI powerhouse with a wide variety of features that enhance the out-of-the-box Android 14 experience, which means you can use it to enhance your productivity immensely.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 08/12/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review: An AI powerhouse, but there is much more at stake here
Źródło: The Times of India angielski EN→PL
Should you buy the Google Pixel 8 Pro? Yes and no. The Tensor G3 SoC under the hood of the Pixel 8 Pro isn't as impressive as its competition and is even inferior to them in terms of processing power. Therefore, if you're expecting iPhone 15 Pro Max-esque performance from your smartphone, then you shouldn't go for the Pixel 8 Pro, especially at the price tag that it flaunts - Rs. 1,06,999. The battery life on the device isn't anything special either, with the Pixel 8 Pro requiring you to plug it in almost every night. On the other hand, the Google Pixel 8 Pro is the best camera smartphone of 2023 and is definitely the one to go for if you're a social media buff who likes to take and post pictures. The images are well-detailed, have great colour balance, and the exposure is spot-on. The device is also an AI powerhouse with a wide variety of features that enhance the out-of-the-box Android 14 experience, which means you can use it to enhance your productivity immensely.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 08/12/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
It took me seven weeks and two trips to tropical microchip conferences to figure out what to say about the new Google Phone … and even then, I had to rope in its sibling smartwatch and earbud buddies to summon anything of substance. Why? Well, as Daniel
Źródło: MrMobile angielski
Google has blended boring iteration with buzzworthy innovation to produce a phone that’s easy to recommend. But when you zoom out to include the Pixel Watch 2 and Pixel Buds Pro that complete the Google mobile ecosystem in 2023 … well, the Pixels get a bit fuzzier. Join me for the MrMobile Google Pixel 8 Pro Review / Pixel Watch 2 Review!
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 30/11/2023
It took me seven weeks and two trips to tropical microchip conferences to figure out what to say about the new Google Phone … and even then, I had to rope in its sibling smartwatch and earbud buddies to summon anything of substance. Why? Well, as Daniel
Źródło: MrMobile angielski
Google has blended boring iteration with buzzworthy innovation to produce a phone that’s easy to recommend. But when you zoom out to include the Pixel Watch 2 and Pixel Buds Pro that complete the Google mobile ecosystem in 2023 … well, the Pixels get a bit fuzzier. Join me for the MrMobile Google Pixel 8 Pro Review / Pixel Watch 2 Review!
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 30/11/2023
It took me seven weeks and two trips to tropical microchip conferences to figure out what to say about the new Google Phone … and even then, I had to rope in its sibling smartwatch and earbud buddies to summon anything of substance. Why? Well, as Daniel
Źródło: MrMobile angielski
Google has blended boring iteration with buzzworthy innovation to produce a phone that’s easy to recommend. But when you zoom out to include the Pixel Watch 2 and Pixel Buds Pro that complete the Google mobile ecosystem in 2023 … well, the Pixels get a bit fuzzier. Join me for the MrMobile Google Pixel 8 Pro Review / Pixel Watch 2 Review!
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 30/11/2023
It took me seven weeks and two trips to tropical microchip conferences to figure out what to say about the new Google Phone … and even then, I had to rope in its sibling smartwatch and earbud buddies to summon anything of substance. Why? Well, as Daniel
Źródło: MrMobile angielski
Google has blended boring iteration with buzzworthy innovation to produce a phone that’s easy to recommend. But when you zoom out to include the Pixel Watch 2 and Pixel Buds Pro that complete the Google mobile ecosystem in 2023 … well, the Pixels get a bit fuzzier. Join me for the MrMobile Google Pixel 8 Pro Review / Pixel Watch 2 Review!
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 30/11/2023
100% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review: The Smartest Android Smartphone
Źródło: Android Headlines angielski EN→PL
This year, Google put a lot more of a difference between the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro, instead of just being about size and the telephoto camera. There’s a lot to like about the Pixel 8 Pro here, and it makes it an even harder decision between it and the Pixel 8. Especially with the price increase for both models, of $100. If you’re coming from a Pixel 7 series, the upgrade isn’t really worth it. But if it’s a Pixel 6 or older, then the Pixel 8 Pro is pretty worth it. And there’s loads of great trade-in options available right now.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 27/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
100% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review: The Smartest Android Smartphone
Źródło: Android Headlines angielski EN→PL
This year, Google put a lot more of a difference between the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro, instead of just being about size and the telephoto camera. There’s a lot to like about the Pixel 8 Pro here, and it makes it an even harder decision between it and the Pixel 8. Especially with the price increase for both models, of $100. If you’re coming from a Pixel 7 series, the upgrade isn’t really worth it. But if it’s a Pixel 6 or older, then the Pixel 8 Pro is pretty worth it. And there’s loads of great trade-in options available right now.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 27/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
100% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review: The Smartest Android Smartphone
Źródło: Android Headlines angielski EN→PL
This year, Google put a lot more of a difference between the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro, instead of just being about size and the telephoto camera. There’s a lot to like about the Pixel 8 Pro here, and it makes it an even harder decision between it and the Pixel 8. Especially with the price increase for both models, of $100. If you’re coming from a Pixel 7 series, the upgrade isn’t really worth it. But if it’s a Pixel 6 or older, then the Pixel 8 Pro is pretty worth it. And there’s loads of great trade-in options available right now.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 27/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
100% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review: The Smartest Android Smartphone
Źródło: Android Headlines angielski EN→PL
This year, Google put a lot more of a difference between the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro, instead of just being about size and the telephoto camera. There’s a lot to like about the Pixel 8 Pro here, and it makes it an even harder decision between it and the Pixel 8. Especially with the price increase for both models, of $100. If you’re coming from a Pixel 7 series, the upgrade isn’t really worth it. But if it’s a Pixel 6 or older, then the Pixel 8 Pro is pretty worth it. And there’s loads of great trade-in options available right now.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 27/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review: New Pixel, Old Problems
Źródło: NDTV Gadgets angielski EN→PL
What sets the Pixel 8 Pro apart from every other Pixel of the past, is its AI capabilities. It's a direction that Google has charted for its Pixel smartphones, and the Pixel 8 Pro surely shines in this area with the ability to process a lot of requests and use several tools without the need to connect to the internet or the cloud for processing. The very capable and well-designed built-in Pro Controls is also an area which mobile photography enthusiasts will enjoy. But the price hike may convince many upgraders to stick with their Pixel 7 Pro models this year as all of the above-mentioned features (except for a 7-year commitment for software updates) don't really seem like must-haves on anyone's list. To make things worse, the Pixel 7 Pro today retails for as low as Rs. 63,999, which isn't a bad deal, depending on what one is looking for in a new smartphone purchase. Its still camera performance is similar to the Pixel 8 Pro but falls behind when it comes to video recording.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 18/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90% cena: 80% wydajność: 80% wyświetlacz: 100% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review: New Pixel, Old Problems
Źródło: NDTV Gadgets angielski EN→PL
What sets the Pixel 8 Pro apart from every other Pixel of the past, is its AI capabilities. It's a direction that Google has charted for its Pixel smartphones, and the Pixel 8 Pro surely shines in this area with the ability to process a lot of requests and use several tools without the need to connect to the internet or the cloud for processing. The very capable and well-designed built-in Pro Controls is also an area which mobile photography enthusiasts will enjoy. But the price hike may convince many upgraders to stick with their Pixel 7 Pro models this year as all of the above-mentioned features (except for a 7-year commitment for software updates) don't really seem like must-haves on anyone's list. To make things worse, the Pixel 7 Pro today retails for as low as Rs. 63,999, which isn't a bad deal, depending on what one is looking for in a new smartphone purchase. Its still camera performance is similar to the Pixel 8 Pro but falls behind when it comes to video recording.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 18/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90% cena: 80% wydajność: 80% wyświetlacz: 100% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review: New Pixel, Old Problems
Źródło: NDTV Gadgets angielski EN→PL
What sets the Pixel 8 Pro apart from every other Pixel of the past, is its AI capabilities. It's a direction that Google has charted for its Pixel smartphones, and the Pixel 8 Pro surely shines in this area with the ability to process a lot of requests and use several tools without the need to connect to the internet or the cloud for processing. The very capable and well-designed built-in Pro Controls is also an area which mobile photography enthusiasts will enjoy. But the price hike may convince many upgraders to stick with their Pixel 7 Pro models this year as all of the above-mentioned features (except for a 7-year commitment for software updates) don't really seem like must-haves on anyone's list. To make things worse, the Pixel 7 Pro today retails for as low as Rs. 63,999, which isn't a bad deal, depending on what one is looking for in a new smartphone purchase. Its still camera performance is similar to the Pixel 8 Pro but falls behind when it comes to video recording.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 18/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90% cena: 80% wydajność: 80% wyświetlacz: 100% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review: New Pixel, Old Problems
Źródło: NDTV Gadgets angielski EN→PL
What sets the Pixel 8 Pro apart from every other Pixel of the past, is its AI capabilities. It's a direction that Google has charted for its Pixel smartphones, and the Pixel 8 Pro surely shines in this area with the ability to process a lot of requests and use several tools without the need to connect to the internet or the cloud for processing. The very capable and well-designed built-in Pro Controls is also an area which mobile photography enthusiasts will enjoy. But the price hike may convince many upgraders to stick with their Pixel 7 Pro models this year as all of the above-mentioned features (except for a 7-year commitment for software updates) don't really seem like must-haves on anyone's list. To make things worse, the Pixel 7 Pro today retails for as low as Rs. 63,999, which isn't a bad deal, depending on what one is looking for in a new smartphone purchase. Its still camera performance is similar to the Pixel 8 Pro but falls behind when it comes to video recording.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 18/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90% cena: 80% wydajność: 80% wyświetlacz: 100% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 90%
I've tested Google Pixel 8 Pro for one month - can it beat best Android phone of the year?
Źródło: Irish Mirror angielski EN→PL
The non-folding Android phone to beat this year is Samsung’s Galaxy S23 Ultra. Pixel 8 Pro has done a brilliant job of challenging it for the number one spot. The camera experience is sublime, the display is dazzling and the AI smarts and fluid performance combine to make it a joy to pick up and use.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 17/11/2023
I've tested Google Pixel 8 Pro for one month - can it beat best Android phone of the year?
Źródło: Irish Mirror angielski EN→PL
The non-folding Android phone to beat this year is Samsung’s Galaxy S23 Ultra. Pixel 8 Pro has done a brilliant job of challenging it for the number one spot. The camera experience is sublime, the display is dazzling and the AI smarts and fluid performance combine to make it a joy to pick up and use.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 17/11/2023
I've tested Google Pixel 8 Pro for one month - can it beat best Android phone of the year?
Źródło: Irish Mirror angielski EN→PL
The non-folding Android phone to beat this year is Samsung’s Galaxy S23 Ultra. Pixel 8 Pro has done a brilliant job of challenging it for the number one spot. The camera experience is sublime, the display is dazzling and the AI smarts and fluid performance combine to make it a joy to pick up and use.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 17/11/2023
I've tested Google Pixel 8 Pro for one month - can it beat best Android phone of the year?
Źródło: Irish Mirror angielski EN→PL
The non-folding Android phone to beat this year is Samsung’s Galaxy S23 Ultra. Pixel 8 Pro has done a brilliant job of challenging it for the number one spot. The camera experience is sublime, the display is dazzling and the AI smarts and fluid performance combine to make it a joy to pick up and use.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 17/11/2023
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: the best Pixel I’ve ever used
Źródło: Digital Trends angielski EN→PL
We’re now at the end of this review, which took multiple days and a lot of caffeine to power through. And you know what? I’m no longer nervous about the Google Pixel 8 Pro. Instead, I’m ecstatic about it. Elated, even. Or whatever other synonyms you want to use! There are a lot of intricate details about the Pixel 8 Pro, and I hope those all came across clearly as you made your way through this review. What it all boils down to, though, is that this is an outstanding smartphone — easily one of the best Android phones of the year. The Google Pixel 8 Pro is a champion of a smartphone. Google’s hardware is better than it’s ever been, the software experience is unmatched, and you’re getting all of this at a (relatively) reasonable price. If anything, its biggest competitor is the smaller and cheaper Google Pixel 8. There’s no doubt that 2023 has given us a lot of outstanding handsets, many of which are fierce competitors against this one.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 15/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: the best Pixel I’ve ever used
Źródło: Digital Trends angielski EN→PL
We’re now at the end of this review, which took multiple days and a lot of caffeine to power through. And you know what? I’m no longer nervous about the Google Pixel 8 Pro. Instead, I’m ecstatic about it. Elated, even. Or whatever other synonyms you want to use! There are a lot of intricate details about the Pixel 8 Pro, and I hope those all came across clearly as you made your way through this review. What it all boils down to, though, is that this is an outstanding smartphone — easily one of the best Android phones of the year. The Google Pixel 8 Pro is a champion of a smartphone. Google’s hardware is better than it’s ever been, the software experience is unmatched, and you’re getting all of this at a (relatively) reasonable price. If anything, its biggest competitor is the smaller and cheaper Google Pixel 8. There’s no doubt that 2023 has given us a lot of outstanding handsets, many of which are fierce competitors against this one.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 15/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: the best Pixel I’ve ever used
Źródło: Digital Trends angielski EN→PL
We’re now at the end of this review, which took multiple days and a lot of caffeine to power through. And you know what? I’m no longer nervous about the Google Pixel 8 Pro. Instead, I’m ecstatic about it. Elated, even. Or whatever other synonyms you want to use! There are a lot of intricate details about the Pixel 8 Pro, and I hope those all came across clearly as you made your way through this review. What it all boils down to, though, is that this is an outstanding smartphone — easily one of the best Android phones of the year. The Google Pixel 8 Pro is a champion of a smartphone. Google’s hardware is better than it’s ever been, the software experience is unmatched, and you’re getting all of this at a (relatively) reasonable price. If anything, its biggest competitor is the smaller and cheaper Google Pixel 8. There’s no doubt that 2023 has given us a lot of outstanding handsets, many of which are fierce competitors against this one.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 15/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: the best Pixel I’ve ever used
Źródło: Digital Trends angielski EN→PL
We’re now at the end of this review, which took multiple days and a lot of caffeine to power through. And you know what? I’m no longer nervous about the Google Pixel 8 Pro. Instead, I’m ecstatic about it. Elated, even. Or whatever other synonyms you want to use! There are a lot of intricate details about the Pixel 8 Pro, and I hope those all came across clearly as you made your way through this review. What it all boils down to, though, is that this is an outstanding smartphone — easily one of the best Android phones of the year. The Google Pixel 8 Pro is a champion of a smartphone. Google’s hardware is better than it’s ever been, the software experience is unmatched, and you’re getting all of this at a (relatively) reasonable price. If anything, its biggest competitor is the smaller and cheaper Google Pixel 8. There’s no doubt that 2023 has given us a lot of outstanding handsets, many of which are fierce competitors against this one.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 15/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
Google Pixel 8 Pro Thermometer Teardown - (Google Watches my Videos...)
Źródło: JerryRigEverything angielski
The real reason the Pixel 8 Pro thermometer doesnt work on humans probably isnt hardware related... Get a 4-week trial, free postage, and a digital scale at Thanks to for sponsoring the show! Today we are taking apart the brand new Google Pixel 8 Pro - the latest flagship from Google. The father of all phones Android - sometimes Google has been slackin... but this Google Pixel 8 Pro appears to be the real deal.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/11/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro Thermometer Teardown - (Google Watches my Videos...)
Źródło: JerryRigEverything angielski
The real reason the Pixel 8 Pro thermometer doesnt work on humans probably isnt hardware related... Get a 4-week trial, free postage, and a digital scale at Thanks to for sponsoring the show! Today we are taking apart the brand new Google Pixel 8 Pro - the latest flagship from Google. The father of all phones Android - sometimes Google has been slackin... but this Google Pixel 8 Pro appears to be the real deal.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/11/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro Thermometer Teardown - (Google Watches my Videos...)
Źródło: JerryRigEverything angielski
The real reason the Pixel 8 Pro thermometer doesnt work on humans probably isnt hardware related... Get a 4-week trial, free postage, and a digital scale at Thanks to for sponsoring the show! Today we are taking apart the brand new Google Pixel 8 Pro - the latest flagship from Google. The father of all phones Android - sometimes Google has been slackin... but this Google Pixel 8 Pro appears to be the real deal.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/11/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro Thermometer Teardown - (Google Watches my Videos...)
Źródło: JerryRigEverything angielski
The real reason the Pixel 8 Pro thermometer doesnt work on humans probably isnt hardware related... Get a 4-week trial, free postage, and a digital scale at Thanks to for sponsoring the show! Today we are taking apart the brand new Google Pixel 8 Pro - the latest flagship from Google. The father of all phones Android - sometimes Google has been slackin... but this Google Pixel 8 Pro appears to be the real deal.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/11/2023
75% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review: Exciting AI abilities, but priced incorrectly
Źródło: Think Digit angielski EN→PL
At ₹1,06,999, the Pixel 8 Pro is honestly very hard to recommend amidst the landscape of stellar flagship smartphones in India. The improvements don’t measure up to the ginormous ₹22,000 price hike from the Pixel 7 Pro. Yes, the cameras are excellent in most conditions, the display is the brightest in the segment, and the AI features are super exciting, but the miserable throttling, heating issues, lack of power, and average battery life are serious cons to buying a 1 lakh+ smartphone. Add to that random stutters and lag, and this is not a true flagship experience. And this is something that won’t go down well in a price-conscious market like India. Pixel fans across the globe wait with bated breath for the launch of the new Pixel flagship phones at the end of every year. Google’s AI focus has been more than apparent over the past few years, and the launch of the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro are no different.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 08/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 75% cena: 75% wydajność: 67% wykonanie: 81%
75% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review: Exciting AI abilities, but priced incorrectly
Źródło: Think Digit angielski EN→PL
At ₹1,06,999, the Pixel 8 Pro is honestly very hard to recommend amidst the landscape of stellar flagship smartphones in India. The improvements don’t measure up to the ginormous ₹22,000 price hike from the Pixel 7 Pro. Yes, the cameras are excellent in most conditions, the display is the brightest in the segment, and the AI features are super exciting, but the miserable throttling, heating issues, lack of power, and average battery life are serious cons to buying a 1 lakh+ smartphone. Add to that random stutters and lag, and this is not a true flagship experience. And this is something that won’t go down well in a price-conscious market like India. Pixel fans across the globe wait with bated breath for the launch of the new Pixel flagship phones at the end of every year. Google’s AI focus has been more than apparent over the past few years, and the launch of the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro are no different.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 08/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 75% cena: 75% wydajność: 67% wykonanie: 81%
75% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review: Exciting AI abilities, but priced incorrectly
Źródło: Think Digit angielski EN→PL
At ₹1,06,999, the Pixel 8 Pro is honestly very hard to recommend amidst the landscape of stellar flagship smartphones in India. The improvements don’t measure up to the ginormous ₹22,000 price hike from the Pixel 7 Pro. Yes, the cameras are excellent in most conditions, the display is the brightest in the segment, and the AI features are super exciting, but the miserable throttling, heating issues, lack of power, and average battery life are serious cons to buying a 1 lakh+ smartphone. Add to that random stutters and lag, and this is not a true flagship experience. And this is something that won’t go down well in a price-conscious market like India. Pixel fans across the globe wait with bated breath for the launch of the new Pixel flagship phones at the end of every year. Google’s AI focus has been more than apparent over the past few years, and the launch of the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro are no different.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 08/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 75% cena: 75% wydajność: 67% wykonanie: 81%
75% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review: Exciting AI abilities, but priced incorrectly
Źródło: Think Digit angielski EN→PL
At ₹1,06,999, the Pixel 8 Pro is honestly very hard to recommend amidst the landscape of stellar flagship smartphones in India. The improvements don’t measure up to the ginormous ₹22,000 price hike from the Pixel 7 Pro. Yes, the cameras are excellent in most conditions, the display is the brightest in the segment, and the AI features are super exciting, but the miserable throttling, heating issues, lack of power, and average battery life are serious cons to buying a 1 lakh+ smartphone. Add to that random stutters and lag, and this is not a true flagship experience. And this is something that won’t go down well in a price-conscious market like India. Pixel fans across the globe wait with bated breath for the launch of the new Pixel flagship phones at the end of every year. Google’s AI focus has been more than apparent over the past few years, and the launch of the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro are no different.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 08/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 75% cena: 75% wydajność: 67% wykonanie: 81%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: Still the definitive Android flagship?
Źródło: Expert Reviews angielski EN→PL
Last year’s Pixel 7 Pro was the ultimate Android trendsetter, so it’s no surprise that its successor continues in the same vein. The Pixel 8 Pro makes heaps of improvements and refinements, and is quite clearly the Android flagship to aspire to as we head into 2024. Yet that price increase dampens the mood somewhat. Matching the price of the iPhone 15 Pro, the Pixel’s days as a cutthroat flagship option are now over and we might perhaps see consumers defecting to iOS as a result.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 07/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: Still the definitive Android flagship?
Źródło: Expert Reviews angielski EN→PL
Last year’s Pixel 7 Pro was the ultimate Android trendsetter, so it’s no surprise that its successor continues in the same vein. The Pixel 8 Pro makes heaps of improvements and refinements, and is quite clearly the Android flagship to aspire to as we head into 2024. Yet that price increase dampens the mood somewhat. Matching the price of the iPhone 15 Pro, the Pixel’s days as a cutthroat flagship option are now over and we might perhaps see consumers defecting to iOS as a result.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 07/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: Still the definitive Android flagship?
Źródło: Expert Reviews angielski EN→PL
Last year’s Pixel 7 Pro was the ultimate Android trendsetter, so it’s no surprise that its successor continues in the same vein. The Pixel 8 Pro makes heaps of improvements and refinements, and is quite clearly the Android flagship to aspire to as we head into 2024. Yet that price increase dampens the mood somewhat. Matching the price of the iPhone 15 Pro, the Pixel’s days as a cutthroat flagship option are now over and we might perhaps see consumers defecting to iOS as a result.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 07/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: Still the definitive Android flagship?
Źródło: Expert Reviews angielski EN→PL
Last year’s Pixel 7 Pro was the ultimate Android trendsetter, so it’s no surprise that its successor continues in the same vein. The Pixel 8 Pro makes heaps of improvements and refinements, and is quite clearly the Android flagship to aspire to as we head into 2024. Yet that price increase dampens the mood somewhat. Matching the price of the iPhone 15 Pro, the Pixel’s days as a cutthroat flagship option are now over and we might perhaps see consumers defecting to iOS as a result.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 07/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review
Źródło: What Hi-Fi angielski EN→PL
While the Pixel 8 Pro doesn't fully excel at picture and sound performance, Google has made an effort to improve both areas and it shows. While it hasn't shouted about audio improvements, they're certainly there, and the screen gets all the basics right, too, with enhanced brightness the cherry on top. Ultimately, a smartphone doesn't live and die by its picture and sound performance, as you have to use it for much more than that – and that's where the Google Pixel shines. It's slick, well put together, and has a boatload of features that make it feel like a true flagship-level phone. But picture and sound are what we care most about, and a lack of subtlety holds the Pixel 8 Pro back from true greatness. The heavy-handed approach to shadows and colours plus a sluggish take on musical timing mean that the cheaper Sony Xperia 5 V is the better buy for portable movie and music use.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 06/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review
Źródło: What Hi-Fi angielski EN→PL
While the Pixel 8 Pro doesn't fully excel at picture and sound performance, Google has made an effort to improve both areas and it shows. While it hasn't shouted about audio improvements, they're certainly there, and the screen gets all the basics right, too, with enhanced brightness the cherry on top. Ultimately, a smartphone doesn't live and die by its picture and sound performance, as you have to use it for much more than that – and that's where the Google Pixel shines. It's slick, well put together, and has a boatload of features that make it feel like a true flagship-level phone. But picture and sound are what we care most about, and a lack of subtlety holds the Pixel 8 Pro back from true greatness. The heavy-handed approach to shadows and colours plus a sluggish take on musical timing mean that the cheaper Sony Xperia 5 V is the better buy for portable movie and music use.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 06/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review
Źródło: What Hi-Fi angielski EN→PL
While the Pixel 8 Pro doesn't fully excel at picture and sound performance, Google has made an effort to improve both areas and it shows. While it hasn't shouted about audio improvements, they're certainly there, and the screen gets all the basics right, too, with enhanced brightness the cherry on top. Ultimately, a smartphone doesn't live and die by its picture and sound performance, as you have to use it for much more than that – and that's where the Google Pixel shines. It's slick, well put together, and has a boatload of features that make it feel like a true flagship-level phone. But picture and sound are what we care most about, and a lack of subtlety holds the Pixel 8 Pro back from true greatness. The heavy-handed approach to shadows and colours plus a sluggish take on musical timing mean that the cheaper Sony Xperia 5 V is the better buy for portable movie and music use.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 06/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review
Źródło: What Hi-Fi angielski EN→PL
While the Pixel 8 Pro doesn't fully excel at picture and sound performance, Google has made an effort to improve both areas and it shows. While it hasn't shouted about audio improvements, they're certainly there, and the screen gets all the basics right, too, with enhanced brightness the cherry on top. Ultimately, a smartphone doesn't live and die by its picture and sound performance, as you have to use it for much more than that – and that's where the Google Pixel shines. It's slick, well put together, and has a boatload of features that make it feel like a true flagship-level phone. But picture and sound are what we care most about, and a lack of subtlety holds the Pixel 8 Pro back from true greatness. The heavy-handed approach to shadows and colours plus a sluggish take on musical timing mean that the cheaper Sony Xperia 5 V is the better buy for portable movie and music use.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 06/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: King of the Androids
Źródło: Android Central angielski EN→PL
It's becoming harder and harder to find reasons not to recommend a Google Pixel phone. The Pixel 8 Pro is the best phone Google has ever made, bar none. It's got an improved build over its predecessors, a more efficient processor that doesn't get hot under pressure, great battery life, and stunning cameras. Plus, Google's new AI tools are a marvel when they work. Some tools like Magic Editor and Best Take are more finicky than I would like, but time may iron out some of the issues I ran across. Still, other tools like Audio Magic Eraser and the improved normal Magic Eraser do a bang-up job of helping users easily edit out common issues in their videos and photos. And other helpful tools like Call Screening will make your day easier without you even realizing it most of the time. Google's commitment to supporting the Pixel 8 Pro with major Android updates for seven years is simply unmatched by any major smartphone company — even Apple!
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 02/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: King of the Androids
Źródło: Android Central angielski EN→PL
It's becoming harder and harder to find reasons not to recommend a Google Pixel phone. The Pixel 8 Pro is the best phone Google has ever made, bar none. It's got an improved build over its predecessors, a more efficient processor that doesn't get hot under pressure, great battery life, and stunning cameras. Plus, Google's new AI tools are a marvel when they work. Some tools like Magic Editor and Best Take are more finicky than I would like, but time may iron out some of the issues I ran across. Still, other tools like Audio Magic Eraser and the improved normal Magic Eraser do a bang-up job of helping users easily edit out common issues in their videos and photos. And other helpful tools like Call Screening will make your day easier without you even realizing it most of the time. Google's commitment to supporting the Pixel 8 Pro with major Android updates for seven years is simply unmatched by any major smartphone company — even Apple!
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 02/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: King of the Androids
Źródło: Android Central angielski EN→PL
It's becoming harder and harder to find reasons not to recommend a Google Pixel phone. The Pixel 8 Pro is the best phone Google has ever made, bar none. It's got an improved build over its predecessors, a more efficient processor that doesn't get hot under pressure, great battery life, and stunning cameras. Plus, Google's new AI tools are a marvel when they work. Some tools like Magic Editor and Best Take are more finicky than I would like, but time may iron out some of the issues I ran across. Still, other tools like Audio Magic Eraser and the improved normal Magic Eraser do a bang-up job of helping users easily edit out common issues in their videos and photos. And other helpful tools like Call Screening will make your day easier without you even realizing it most of the time. Google's commitment to supporting the Pixel 8 Pro with major Android updates for seven years is simply unmatched by any major smartphone company — even Apple!
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 02/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: King of the Androids
Źródło: Android Central angielski EN→PL
It's becoming harder and harder to find reasons not to recommend a Google Pixel phone. The Pixel 8 Pro is the best phone Google has ever made, bar none. It's got an improved build over its predecessors, a more efficient processor that doesn't get hot under pressure, great battery life, and stunning cameras. Plus, Google's new AI tools are a marvel when they work. Some tools like Magic Editor and Best Take are more finicky than I would like, but time may iron out some of the issues I ran across. Still, other tools like Audio Magic Eraser and the improved normal Magic Eraser do a bang-up job of helping users easily edit out common issues in their videos and photos. And other helpful tools like Call Screening will make your day easier without you even realizing it most of the time. Google's commitment to supporting the Pixel 8 Pro with major Android updates for seven years is simply unmatched by any major smartphone company — even Apple!
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 02/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
Google Pixel 8 Pro review
Źródło: GSM Arena angielski
The Pixel 8 Pro brings an updated camera system, an impressive display, a new and improved chipset, the promise of 7 years of software support, and an unexpected design change. Check out our video review to learn ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW about the phone's top features, build and screen quality, battery life, performance, and camera image quality.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 31/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro review
Źródło: GSM Arena angielski
The Pixel 8 Pro brings an updated camera system, an impressive display, a new and improved chipset, the promise of 7 years of software support, and an unexpected design change. Check out our video review to learn ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW about the phone's top features, build and screen quality, battery life, performance, and camera image quality.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 31/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro review
Źródło: GSM Arena angielski
The Pixel 8 Pro brings an updated camera system, an impressive display, a new and improved chipset, the promise of 7 years of software support, and an unexpected design change. Check out our video review to learn ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW about the phone's top features, build and screen quality, battery life, performance, and camera image quality.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 31/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro review
Źródło: GSM Arena angielski
The Pixel 8 Pro brings an updated camera system, an impressive display, a new and improved chipset, the promise of 7 years of software support, and an unexpected design change. Check out our video review to learn ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW about the phone's top features, build and screen quality, battery life, performance, and camera image quality.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 31/10/2023
Pixel 8 Pro review: Mainstream smartphone with Google software, AI galore
Źródło: Business Standard angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 Pro stands out primarily due to Google's software and AI features, which position it as a notable contender. Priced at Rs 106,999, it resides on the upper end of the price spectrum. As such, it serves as an attractive option for those who see value in Google's software and AI features. Conversely, it functions as a mainstream smartphone with variable performance, which may or may not improve with subsequent software updates.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 27/10/2023
Pixel 8 Pro review: Mainstream smartphone with Google software, AI galore
Źródło: Business Standard angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 Pro stands out primarily due to Google's software and AI features, which position it as a notable contender. Priced at Rs 106,999, it resides on the upper end of the price spectrum. As such, it serves as an attractive option for those who see value in Google's software and AI features. Conversely, it functions as a mainstream smartphone with variable performance, which may or may not improve with subsequent software updates.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 27/10/2023
Pixel 8 Pro review: Mainstream smartphone with Google software, AI galore
Źródło: Business Standard angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 Pro stands out primarily due to Google's software and AI features, which position it as a notable contender. Priced at Rs 106,999, it resides on the upper end of the price spectrum. As such, it serves as an attractive option for those who see value in Google's software and AI features. Conversely, it functions as a mainstream smartphone with variable performance, which may or may not improve with subsequent software updates.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 27/10/2023
Pixel 8 Pro review: Mainstream smartphone with Google software, AI galore
Źródło: Business Standard angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 Pro stands out primarily due to Google's software and AI features, which position it as a notable contender. Priced at Rs 106,999, it resides on the upper end of the price spectrum. As such, it serves as an attractive option for those who see value in Google's software and AI features. Conversely, it functions as a mainstream smartphone with variable performance, which may or may not improve with subsequent software updates.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 27/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro Smartphone Review
Źródło: OI Spice Tech News angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 Pro smartphone does seem to provide the best of Google’s hardware and software. It has a powerful new processor along with a very high-performance camera setup that blows some of the most prominent smartphones out of the pool. On top of that, Google is providing 7 years of software support, including OS upgrades, security updates, and regular features. This will dramatically improve the user experience in the long run and help build trust and reliability among its users. Considering the specs and the software support in mind, the slight price increase does sound somewhat justified. We would have all liked it at its previous pricing but good things usually don’t come cheap and if you want such high-grade software support, you will have to pay that premium. However, if Pixel is not the Jam that you are looking for, you can go flagship Samsung smartphone.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 26/10/2023
75% Pixel 8 Pro Review: Not the Google Phone I Hoped It Would Be
Źródło: CNet angielski EN→PL
Collectively, we spent many hours testing the Pixel 8 Pro, putting all its features through their paces and taking hundreds of test images in all conditions. Despite my earlier concerns, I'm confident that the Pixel 8 Pro is a solid phone to consider, especially if you're into nighttime photo taking. Overall it doesn't feel like a huge step up over the Pixel 7 Pro, which Google still officially sells for $100 less. That's not much of a price difference, but it's worth keeping in mind if you want a great all-rounder for a bit of a discount. If you already have a Pixel 7 Pro, it certainly isn't worth upgrading to the new model. But those of you on older Pixels, or other Android handsets more than a few years old, will absolutely benefit from the great cameras and fancy new AI features found on the Pixel 8 Pro.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 26/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 75%
88% Google Pixel 8 Pro review
Źródło: GSM Arena angielski EN→PL
When first introduced, the visor on the back of the Pixel 6 Pro was quite polarizing, but two years later, it's evolved into a somewhat appealing trademark design element. This year Google has also fitted a thermometer in there - we're not quite sure just how useful it is yet, but if no one else has one, it has to be a plus for the Pixel 8 Pro. What we find to be another welcome development is the flat display - even one of the biggest supporters of curves in this office has grown to appreciate screen protectors and truly trouble-free handling. In the end, we think the Pixel 8 Pro is the evolutionary upgrade you'd expect it to be and then some. Google could have done less this generation and still charged the extra $100/€200, but instead, they actually did bring some meaningful improvements that move the series forward. We approve.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 26/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 88%
Google Pixel 8 Pro Smartphone Review
Źródło: OI Spice Tech News angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 Pro smartphone does seem to provide the best of Google’s hardware and software. It has a powerful new processor along with a very high-performance camera setup that blows some of the most prominent smartphones out of the pool. On top of that, Google is providing 7 years of software support, including OS upgrades, security updates, and regular features. This will dramatically improve the user experience in the long run and help build trust and reliability among its users. Considering the specs and the software support in mind, the slight price increase does sound somewhat justified. We would have all liked it at its previous pricing but good things usually don’t come cheap and if you want such high-grade software support, you will have to pay that premium. However, if Pixel is not the Jam that you are looking for, you can go flagship Samsung smartphone.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 26/10/2023
75% Pixel 8 Pro Review: Not the Google Phone I Hoped It Would Be
Źródło: CNet angielski EN→PL
Collectively, we spent many hours testing the Pixel 8 Pro, putting all its features through their paces and taking hundreds of test images in all conditions. Despite my earlier concerns, I'm confident that the Pixel 8 Pro is a solid phone to consider, especially if you're into nighttime photo taking. Overall it doesn't feel like a huge step up over the Pixel 7 Pro, which Google still officially sells for $100 less. That's not much of a price difference, but it's worth keeping in mind if you want a great all-rounder for a bit of a discount. If you already have a Pixel 7 Pro, it certainly isn't worth upgrading to the new model. But those of you on older Pixels, or other Android handsets more than a few years old, will absolutely benefit from the great cameras and fancy new AI features found on the Pixel 8 Pro.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 26/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 75%
88% Google Pixel 8 Pro review
Źródło: GSM Arena angielski EN→PL
When first introduced, the visor on the back of the Pixel 6 Pro was quite polarizing, but two years later, it's evolved into a somewhat appealing trademark design element. This year Google has also fitted a thermometer in there - we're not quite sure just how useful it is yet, but if no one else has one, it has to be a plus for the Pixel 8 Pro. What we find to be another welcome development is the flat display - even one of the biggest supporters of curves in this office has grown to appreciate screen protectors and truly trouble-free handling. In the end, we think the Pixel 8 Pro is the evolutionary upgrade you'd expect it to be and then some. Google could have done less this generation and still charged the extra $100/€200, but instead, they actually did bring some meaningful improvements that move the series forward. We approve.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 26/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 88%
Google Pixel 8 Pro Smartphone Review
Źródło: OI Spice Tech News angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 Pro smartphone does seem to provide the best of Google’s hardware and software. It has a powerful new processor along with a very high-performance camera setup that blows some of the most prominent smartphones out of the pool. On top of that, Google is providing 7 years of software support, including OS upgrades, security updates, and regular features. This will dramatically improve the user experience in the long run and help build trust and reliability among its users. Considering the specs and the software support in mind, the slight price increase does sound somewhat justified. We would have all liked it at its previous pricing but good things usually don’t come cheap and if you want such high-grade software support, you will have to pay that premium. However, if Pixel is not the Jam that you are looking for, you can go flagship Samsung smartphone.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 26/10/2023
75% Pixel 8 Pro Review: Not the Google Phone I Hoped It Would Be
Źródło: CNet angielski EN→PL
Collectively, we spent many hours testing the Pixel 8 Pro, putting all its features through their paces and taking hundreds of test images in all conditions. Despite my earlier concerns, I'm confident that the Pixel 8 Pro is a solid phone to consider, especially if you're into nighttime photo taking. Overall it doesn't feel like a huge step up over the Pixel 7 Pro, which Google still officially sells for $100 less. That's not much of a price difference, but it's worth keeping in mind if you want a great all-rounder for a bit of a discount. If you already have a Pixel 7 Pro, it certainly isn't worth upgrading to the new model. But those of you on older Pixels, or other Android handsets more than a few years old, will absolutely benefit from the great cameras and fancy new AI features found on the Pixel 8 Pro.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 26/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 75%
88% Google Pixel 8 Pro review
Źródło: GSM Arena angielski EN→PL
When first introduced, the visor on the back of the Pixel 6 Pro was quite polarizing, but two years later, it's evolved into a somewhat appealing trademark design element. This year Google has also fitted a thermometer in there - we're not quite sure just how useful it is yet, but if no one else has one, it has to be a plus for the Pixel 8 Pro. What we find to be another welcome development is the flat display - even one of the biggest supporters of curves in this office has grown to appreciate screen protectors and truly trouble-free handling. In the end, we think the Pixel 8 Pro is the evolutionary upgrade you'd expect it to be and then some. Google could have done less this generation and still charged the extra $100/€200, but instead, they actually did bring some meaningful improvements that move the series forward. We approve.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 26/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 88%
Google Pixel 8 Pro Smartphone Review
Źródło: OI Spice Tech News angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 Pro smartphone does seem to provide the best of Google’s hardware and software. It has a powerful new processor along with a very high-performance camera setup that blows some of the most prominent smartphones out of the pool. On top of that, Google is providing 7 years of software support, including OS upgrades, security updates, and regular features. This will dramatically improve the user experience in the long run and help build trust and reliability among its users. Considering the specs and the software support in mind, the slight price increase does sound somewhat justified. We would have all liked it at its previous pricing but good things usually don’t come cheap and if you want such high-grade software support, you will have to pay that premium. However, if Pixel is not the Jam that you are looking for, you can go flagship Samsung smartphone.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 26/10/2023
75% Pixel 8 Pro Review: Not the Google Phone I Hoped It Would Be
Źródło: CNet angielski EN→PL
Collectively, we spent many hours testing the Pixel 8 Pro, putting all its features through their paces and taking hundreds of test images in all conditions. Despite my earlier concerns, I'm confident that the Pixel 8 Pro is a solid phone to consider, especially if you're into nighttime photo taking. Overall it doesn't feel like a huge step up over the Pixel 7 Pro, which Google still officially sells for $100 less. That's not much of a price difference, but it's worth keeping in mind if you want a great all-rounder for a bit of a discount. If you already have a Pixel 7 Pro, it certainly isn't worth upgrading to the new model. But those of you on older Pixels, or other Android handsets more than a few years old, will absolutely benefit from the great cameras and fancy new AI features found on the Pixel 8 Pro.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 26/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 75%
88% Google Pixel 8 Pro review
Źródło: GSM Arena angielski EN→PL
When first introduced, the visor on the back of the Pixel 6 Pro was quite polarizing, but two years later, it's evolved into a somewhat appealing trademark design element. This year Google has also fitted a thermometer in there - we're not quite sure just how useful it is yet, but if no one else has one, it has to be a plus for the Pixel 8 Pro. What we find to be another welcome development is the flat display - even one of the biggest supporters of curves in this office has grown to appreciate screen protectors and truly trouble-free handling. In the end, we think the Pixel 8 Pro is the evolutionary upgrade you'd expect it to be and then some. Google could have done less this generation and still charged the extra $100/€200, but instead, they actually did bring some meaningful improvements that move the series forward. We approve.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 26/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 88%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: pixel perfect?
Źródło: T3 angielski EN→PL
So there we have it: on paper the Google Pixel 8 Pro is perhaps the most accomplished Android phone of a recent generation. In reality, however, I've found it to be a great phone that's just sometimes short of the mark where it matters in the everyday – from battery life to Tensor processor consistency and refresh rate as a result. Having used the Pixel 8 Pro for three weeks now, however, I'm totally going to stick with it as my daily driver. I love this phone, just as I did its predecessor. The cameras are consistent, advanced yet easy to use. The software is smooth, a breeze to use and loaded with AI potential that will only improve – plus the promise of future-proofing for seven years is a real statement of intent. It's just that, hand on heart, I feel as though the Pixel 8 Pro is missing some of its potential – it's as though Google is knocking on so many doors, yet not all are fully open right now. Add in the increased price year-on-year and that temperature sensor oddity (who asked for that?) and there are some question marks.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 25/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Google Pixel 8 vs Pixel 8 Pro: Is it worth $300 more?
Źródło: Tom's Guide angielski
The Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro are finally here, giving consumers a look into the future that's powered by artificial intelligence. I've spent time checking out the two flagship phones, getting a better idea of what more you're getting by paying the additional $300 more for the Pixel 8 Pro.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 25/10/2023
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: pixel perfect?
Źródło: T3 angielski EN→PL
So there we have it: on paper the Google Pixel 8 Pro is perhaps the most accomplished Android phone of a recent generation. In reality, however, I've found it to be a great phone that's just sometimes short of the mark where it matters in the everyday – from battery life to Tensor processor consistency and refresh rate as a result. Having used the Pixel 8 Pro for three weeks now, however, I'm totally going to stick with it as my daily driver. I love this phone, just as I did its predecessor. The cameras are consistent, advanced yet easy to use. The software is smooth, a breeze to use and loaded with AI potential that will only improve – plus the promise of future-proofing for seven years is a real statement of intent. It's just that, hand on heart, I feel as though the Pixel 8 Pro is missing some of its potential – it's as though Google is knocking on so many doors, yet not all are fully open right now. Add in the increased price year-on-year and that temperature sensor oddity (who asked for that?) and there are some question marks.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 25/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Google Pixel 8 vs Pixel 8 Pro: Is it worth $300 more?
Źródło: Tom's Guide angielski
The Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro are finally here, giving consumers a look into the future that's powered by artificial intelligence. I've spent time checking out the two flagship phones, getting a better idea of what more you're getting by paying the additional $300 more for the Pixel 8 Pro.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 25/10/2023
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: pixel perfect?
Źródło: T3 angielski EN→PL
So there we have it: on paper the Google Pixel 8 Pro is perhaps the most accomplished Android phone of a recent generation. In reality, however, I've found it to be a great phone that's just sometimes short of the mark where it matters in the everyday – from battery life to Tensor processor consistency and refresh rate as a result. Having used the Pixel 8 Pro for three weeks now, however, I'm totally going to stick with it as my daily driver. I love this phone, just as I did its predecessor. The cameras are consistent, advanced yet easy to use. The software is smooth, a breeze to use and loaded with AI potential that will only improve – plus the promise of future-proofing for seven years is a real statement of intent. It's just that, hand on heart, I feel as though the Pixel 8 Pro is missing some of its potential – it's as though Google is knocking on so many doors, yet not all are fully open right now. Add in the increased price year-on-year and that temperature sensor oddity (who asked for that?) and there are some question marks.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 25/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Google Pixel 8 vs Pixel 8 Pro: Is it worth $300 more?
Źródło: Tom's Guide angielski
The Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro are finally here, giving consumers a look into the future that's powered by artificial intelligence. I've spent time checking out the two flagship phones, getting a better idea of what more you're getting by paying the additional $300 more for the Pixel 8 Pro.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 25/10/2023
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: pixel perfect?
Źródło: T3 angielski EN→PL
So there we have it: on paper the Google Pixel 8 Pro is perhaps the most accomplished Android phone of a recent generation. In reality, however, I've found it to be a great phone that's just sometimes short of the mark where it matters in the everyday – from battery life to Tensor processor consistency and refresh rate as a result. Having used the Pixel 8 Pro for three weeks now, however, I'm totally going to stick with it as my daily driver. I love this phone, just as I did its predecessor. The cameras are consistent, advanced yet easy to use. The software is smooth, a breeze to use and loaded with AI potential that will only improve – plus the promise of future-proofing for seven years is a real statement of intent. It's just that, hand on heart, I feel as though the Pixel 8 Pro is missing some of its potential – it's as though Google is knocking on so many doors, yet not all are fully open right now. Add in the increased price year-on-year and that temperature sensor oddity (who asked for that?) and there are some question marks.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 25/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Google Pixel 8 vs Pixel 8 Pro: Is it worth $300 more?
Źródło: Tom's Guide angielski
The Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro are finally here, giving consumers a look into the future that's powered by artificial intelligence. I've spent time checking out the two flagship phones, getting a better idea of what more you're getting by paying the additional $300 more for the Pixel 8 Pro.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 25/10/2023
100% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review – Great Hardware meets AI Magic
Źródło: Amateur Photographer angielski EN→PL
That said, if you’ve got a Pixel 7 Pro, there’s probably no need to immediately go out and upgrade. Yes, the 8 Pro is better, but with the main differences coming to low light and if you scrutinise things like detail at close quarters. There are also software improvements, such as the Pro Mode and Best Take – but how often you’ll want to use those is questionable. If this is how good the 8 Pro is – you might question, how good will the 9 Pro be – perhaps if you’ve got a 7 Pro already, it’s better to wait. You’re more likely to notice a bigger difference if you’ve got an older Pixel. If you’re coming from a different brand altogether, unless you’ve already got one of the other flagships, the Pixel 8 Pro is likely to give you noticeably better pictures than what you’re already used to as well. It doesn’t quite snatch the crown from the Samsung S23 Ultra as the ultimate device for photographers – that phone’s extra zooming capability, plus 8K video recording means it just about pips it, but it’s an extremely close-run thing.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 24/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
100% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review – Great Hardware meets AI Magic
Źródło: Amateur Photographer angielski EN→PL
That said, if you’ve got a Pixel 7 Pro, there’s probably no need to immediately go out and upgrade. Yes, the 8 Pro is better, but with the main differences coming to low light and if you scrutinise things like detail at close quarters. There are also software improvements, such as the Pro Mode and Best Take – but how often you’ll want to use those is questionable. If this is how good the 8 Pro is – you might question, how good will the 9 Pro be – perhaps if you’ve got a 7 Pro already, it’s better to wait. You’re more likely to notice a bigger difference if you’ve got an older Pixel. If you’re coming from a different brand altogether, unless you’ve already got one of the other flagships, the Pixel 8 Pro is likely to give you noticeably better pictures than what you’re already used to as well. It doesn’t quite snatch the crown from the Samsung S23 Ultra as the ultimate device for photographers – that phone’s extra zooming capability, plus 8K video recording means it just about pips it, but it’s an extremely close-run thing.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 24/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
100% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review – Great Hardware meets AI Magic
Źródło: Amateur Photographer angielski EN→PL
That said, if you’ve got a Pixel 7 Pro, there’s probably no need to immediately go out and upgrade. Yes, the 8 Pro is better, but with the main differences coming to low light and if you scrutinise things like detail at close quarters. There are also software improvements, such as the Pro Mode and Best Take – but how often you’ll want to use those is questionable. If this is how good the 8 Pro is – you might question, how good will the 9 Pro be – perhaps if you’ve got a 7 Pro already, it’s better to wait. You’re more likely to notice a bigger difference if you’ve got an older Pixel. If you’re coming from a different brand altogether, unless you’ve already got one of the other flagships, the Pixel 8 Pro is likely to give you noticeably better pictures than what you’re already used to as well. It doesn’t quite snatch the crown from the Samsung S23 Ultra as the ultimate device for photographers – that phone’s extra zooming capability, plus 8K video recording means it just about pips it, but it’s an extremely close-run thing.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 24/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
100% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review – Great Hardware meets AI Magic
Źródło: Amateur Photographer angielski EN→PL
That said, if you’ve got a Pixel 7 Pro, there’s probably no need to immediately go out and upgrade. Yes, the 8 Pro is better, but with the main differences coming to low light and if you scrutinise things like detail at close quarters. There are also software improvements, such as the Pro Mode and Best Take – but how often you’ll want to use those is questionable. If this is how good the 8 Pro is – you might question, how good will the 9 Pro be – perhaps if you’ve got a 7 Pro already, it’s better to wait. You’re more likely to notice a bigger difference if you’ve got an older Pixel. If you’re coming from a different brand altogether, unless you’ve already got one of the other flagships, the Pixel 8 Pro is likely to give you noticeably better pictures than what you’re already used to as well. It doesn’t quite snatch the crown from the Samsung S23 Ultra as the ultimate device for photographers – that phone’s extra zooming capability, plus 8K video recording means it just about pips it, but it’s an extremely close-run thing.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 24/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
Google Pixel 8 Pro Review: Making Magic
Źródło: GadgetMatch angielski
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 23/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro Review: Making Magic
Źródło: GadgetMatch angielski
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 23/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro Review: Making Magic
Źródło: GadgetMatch angielski
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 23/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro Review: Making Magic
Źródło: GadgetMatch angielski
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 23/10/2023
Pixel 8/8 Pro: Top Camera Features!
Źródło: 9to5google angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 22/10/2023
Pixel 8/8 Pro: Top Camera Features!
Źródło: 9to5google angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 22/10/2023
Pixel 8/8 Pro: Top Camera Features!
Źródło: 9to5google angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 22/10/2023
Pixel 8/8 Pro: Top Camera Features!
Źródło: 9to5google angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 22/10/2023
Pixel 8 Pro Review: Google's Best Phone Needs More
Źródło: CNet angielski
I tested the Google Pixel 8 Pro over the course of several weeks. And after a rocky start, I think Google's flagship phone offers plenty, but it's the long-term support that stands out the most to me.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 22/10/2023
Pixel 8 Pro Review: Google's Best Phone Needs More
Źródło: CNet angielski
I tested the Google Pixel 8 Pro over the course of several weeks. And after a rocky start, I think Google's flagship phone offers plenty, but it's the long-term support that stands out the most to me.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 22/10/2023
Pixel 8 Pro Review: Google's Best Phone Needs More
Źródło: CNet angielski
I tested the Google Pixel 8 Pro over the course of several weeks. And after a rocky start, I think Google's flagship phone offers plenty, but it's the long-term support that stands out the most to me.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 22/10/2023
Pixel 8 Pro Review: Google's Best Phone Needs More
Źródło: CNet angielski
I tested the Google Pixel 8 Pro over the course of several weeks. And after a rocky start, I think Google's flagship phone offers plenty, but it's the long-term support that stands out the most to me.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 22/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 And Pixel 8 Pro Review: The Best Ai-Integrated Androids For Under $1,000
Źródło: Best Products angielski EN→PL
By merging beautiful and capable hardware with a unique, cutting-edge Android experience, the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro are the best Android phones in their price range and beyond. The AI integration they offer, while not a must-have just yet, is exciting and a hint about the future of Android. The Pixel 8 Pro is the one to get if camera performance is the most important feature you're shopping for — while the Pixel 8 is a great buy if you prioritize size, ergonomics, and price over everything else. Unless you have a massive upgrade budget to spend on a foldable Android that can simultaneously replace a standard phone and a tablet, the new Pixels are the best worth your attention. Samsung's Galaxy S23 and Galaxy S23+ are the most formidable Pixel alternatives, with more powerful Qualcomm chips and faster charging at similar price points. I'd take the latest Pixels for their cameras and Android experience.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 21/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 And Pixel 8 Pro Review: The Best Ai-Integrated Androids For Under $1,000
Źródło: Best Products angielski EN→PL
By merging beautiful and capable hardware with a unique, cutting-edge Android experience, the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro are the best Android phones in their price range and beyond. The AI integration they offer, while not a must-have just yet, is exciting and a hint about the future of Android. The Pixel 8 Pro is the one to get if camera performance is the most important feature you're shopping for — while the Pixel 8 is a great buy if you prioritize size, ergonomics, and price over everything else. Unless you have a massive upgrade budget to spend on a foldable Android that can simultaneously replace a standard phone and a tablet, the new Pixels are the best worth your attention. Samsung's Galaxy S23 and Galaxy S23+ are the most formidable Pixel alternatives, with more powerful Qualcomm chips and faster charging at similar price points. I'd take the latest Pixels for their cameras and Android experience.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 21/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 And Pixel 8 Pro Review: The Best Ai-Integrated Androids For Under $1,000
Źródło: Best Products angielski EN→PL
By merging beautiful and capable hardware with a unique, cutting-edge Android experience, the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro are the best Android phones in their price range and beyond. The AI integration they offer, while not a must-have just yet, is exciting and a hint about the future of Android. The Pixel 8 Pro is the one to get if camera performance is the most important feature you're shopping for — while the Pixel 8 is a great buy if you prioritize size, ergonomics, and price over everything else. Unless you have a massive upgrade budget to spend on a foldable Android that can simultaneously replace a standard phone and a tablet, the new Pixels are the best worth your attention. Samsung's Galaxy S23 and Galaxy S23+ are the most formidable Pixel alternatives, with more powerful Qualcomm chips and faster charging at similar price points. I'd take the latest Pixels for their cameras and Android experience.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 21/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 And Pixel 8 Pro Review: The Best Ai-Integrated Androids For Under $1,000
Źródło: Best Products angielski EN→PL
By merging beautiful and capable hardware with a unique, cutting-edge Android experience, the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro are the best Android phones in their price range and beyond. The AI integration they offer, while not a must-have just yet, is exciting and a hint about the future of Android. The Pixel 8 Pro is the one to get if camera performance is the most important feature you're shopping for — while the Pixel 8 is a great buy if you prioritize size, ergonomics, and price over everything else. Unless you have a massive upgrade budget to spend on a foldable Android that can simultaneously replace a standard phone and a tablet, the new Pixels are the best worth your attention. Samsung's Galaxy S23 and Galaxy S23+ are the most formidable Pixel alternatives, with more powerful Qualcomm chips and faster charging at similar price points. I'd take the latest Pixels for their cameras and Android experience.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 21/10/2023
80% Google Pixel 8 & Pixel 8 Pro review: Setting the standard for Android phones
Źródło: Hardware Zone angielski EN→PL
That said, the S$1,099 for 128GB Google Pixel 8 is one of the best Android phones in the high-end category, propped up by its display clarity and refresh rates, a highly competent main camera, and all the software features other Android phone makers wish they had (or had first). It’s actually a tough choice between Pixel 8 and the S$999 for 256GB Nothing Phone (2), since both devices offer competent performance in core areas. At the same time, the trade-offs don’t impact their excellent user experiences. You could go for Nothing’s higher storage 512GB, at the same S$1,099 price as Pixel 8’s 128GB, but you lose out on pure Android, a higher IP rating for resistance, class-leading photography, and seven years of security and firmware support. In return, Nothing offers you a sexier rear, more storage, and a more powerful chipset. For these reasons, Google Pixel 8 also deserves a spot for Editor’s Choice. However, we feel 128GB isn't really sufficient for most users who eat, live, and breathe on phones.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 20/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 & Pixel 8 Pro review: Setting the standard for Android phones
Źródło: Hardware Zone angielski EN→PL
That said, the S$1,099 for 128GB Google Pixel 8 is one of the best Android phones in the high-end category, propped up by its display clarity and refresh rates, a highly competent main camera, and all the software features other Android phone makers wish they had (or had first). It’s actually a tough choice between Pixel 8 and the S$999 for 256GB Nothing Phone (2), since both devices offer competent performance in core areas. At the same time, the trade-offs don’t impact their excellent user experiences. You could go for Nothing’s higher storage 512GB, at the same S$1,099 price as Pixel 8’s 128GB, but you lose out on pure Android, a higher IP rating for resistance, class-leading photography, and seven years of security and firmware support. In return, Nothing offers you a sexier rear, more storage, and a more powerful chipset. For these reasons, Google Pixel 8 also deserves a spot for Editor’s Choice. However, we feel 128GB isn't really sufficient for most users who eat, live, and breathe on phones.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 20/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 & Pixel 8 Pro review: Setting the standard for Android phones
Źródło: Hardware Zone angielski EN→PL
That said, the S$1,099 for 128GB Google Pixel 8 is one of the best Android phones in the high-end category, propped up by its display clarity and refresh rates, a highly competent main camera, and all the software features other Android phone makers wish they had (or had first). It’s actually a tough choice between Pixel 8 and the S$999 for 256GB Nothing Phone (2), since both devices offer competent performance in core areas. At the same time, the trade-offs don’t impact their excellent user experiences. You could go for Nothing’s higher storage 512GB, at the same S$1,099 price as Pixel 8’s 128GB, but you lose out on pure Android, a higher IP rating for resistance, class-leading photography, and seven years of security and firmware support. In return, Nothing offers you a sexier rear, more storage, and a more powerful chipset. For these reasons, Google Pixel 8 also deserves a spot for Editor’s Choice. However, we feel 128GB isn't really sufficient for most users who eat, live, and breathe on phones.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 20/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 & Pixel 8 Pro review: Setting the standard for Android phones
Źródło: Hardware Zone angielski EN→PL
That said, the S$1,099 for 128GB Google Pixel 8 is one of the best Android phones in the high-end category, propped up by its display clarity and refresh rates, a highly competent main camera, and all the software features other Android phone makers wish they had (or had first). It’s actually a tough choice between Pixel 8 and the S$999 for 256GB Nothing Phone (2), since both devices offer competent performance in core areas. At the same time, the trade-offs don’t impact their excellent user experiences. You could go for Nothing’s higher storage 512GB, at the same S$1,099 price as Pixel 8’s 128GB, but you lose out on pure Android, a higher IP rating for resistance, class-leading photography, and seven years of security and firmware support. In return, Nothing offers you a sexier rear, more storage, and a more powerful chipset. For these reasons, Google Pixel 8 also deserves a spot for Editor’s Choice. However, we feel 128GB isn't really sufficient for most users who eat, live, and breathe on phones.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 20/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Google Pixel 8 Pro Camera test
Źródło: DxOMark angielski EN→PL
When compared to the current top-ranked device, the Huawei P60 Pro, the Google Pixel 8 Pro lags slightly behind in many photo sub-attributes, except for color, where the Google managed to have a more neutral white balance. The two devices share the top score for the ultra-wide category, though. In video mode, the Pixel 8 Pro showed a slightly better overall performance, thanks to a more accurate autofocus and fewer artifacts.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 19/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro Selfie test
Źródło: DxOMark angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 Pro delivered an excellent performance in the DXOMARK Selfie tests, approaching the top of our ranking and making it the best Android device to date. The Pixel 8 Pro uses similar front-camera hardware as the Pixel 7 generation but adds autofocus. Overall, the camera showed significant improvements over the previous models in both photo and video modes. In our tests, the Pixel 8 Pro did particularly well in terms of color. The autofocus helped greatly improve texture levels, especially in close-up shots, and therefore also resulted in a better texture/noise trade-off. In video mode, the Pixel 8 Pro just trailed the class-leading Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max, thanks to accurate exposure, nice colors and good detail. Video stabilization was smooth on panning shots, making for an overall decent video performance.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 19/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro Review
Źródło: Mobile Tech Review angielski
The Pixel 8 Pro is Google’s 2023 flagship Android phone. Improvements include a flat 6.7” LTPO OLED 120Hz display with 2400 nits peak brightness, the new Tensor G3 processor and updated class-leading cameras. The 5G phone is available unlocked as well as from Verizon, AT&T and Google Fi in the US. Pricing starts at $999, making it less expensive than the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra and iPhone 15 Pro Max with which it competes.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 19/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro Camera test
Źródło: DxOMark angielski EN→PL
When compared to the current top-ranked device, the Huawei P60 Pro, the Google Pixel 8 Pro lags slightly behind in many photo sub-attributes, except for color, where the Google managed to have a more neutral white balance. The two devices share the top score for the ultra-wide category, though. In video mode, the Pixel 8 Pro showed a slightly better overall performance, thanks to a more accurate autofocus and fewer artifacts.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 19/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro Selfie test
Źródło: DxOMark angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 Pro delivered an excellent performance in the DXOMARK Selfie tests, approaching the top of our ranking and making it the best Android device to date. The Pixel 8 Pro uses similar front-camera hardware as the Pixel 7 generation but adds autofocus. Overall, the camera showed significant improvements over the previous models in both photo and video modes. In our tests, the Pixel 8 Pro did particularly well in terms of color. The autofocus helped greatly improve texture levels, especially in close-up shots, and therefore also resulted in a better texture/noise trade-off. In video mode, the Pixel 8 Pro just trailed the class-leading Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max, thanks to accurate exposure, nice colors and good detail. Video stabilization was smooth on panning shots, making for an overall decent video performance.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 19/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro Review
Źródło: Mobile Tech Review angielski
The Pixel 8 Pro is Google’s 2023 flagship Android phone. Improvements include a flat 6.7” LTPO OLED 120Hz display with 2400 nits peak brightness, the new Tensor G3 processor and updated class-leading cameras. The 5G phone is available unlocked as well as from Verizon, AT&T and Google Fi in the US. Pricing starts at $999, making it less expensive than the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra and iPhone 15 Pro Max with which it competes.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 19/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro Camera test
Źródło: DxOMark angielski EN→PL
When compared to the current top-ranked device, the Huawei P60 Pro, the Google Pixel 8 Pro lags slightly behind in many photo sub-attributes, except for color, where the Google managed to have a more neutral white balance. The two devices share the top score for the ultra-wide category, though. In video mode, the Pixel 8 Pro showed a slightly better overall performance, thanks to a more accurate autofocus and fewer artifacts.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 19/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro Selfie test
Źródło: DxOMark angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 Pro delivered an excellent performance in the DXOMARK Selfie tests, approaching the top of our ranking and making it the best Android device to date. The Pixel 8 Pro uses similar front-camera hardware as the Pixel 7 generation but adds autofocus. Overall, the camera showed significant improvements over the previous models in both photo and video modes. In our tests, the Pixel 8 Pro did particularly well in terms of color. The autofocus helped greatly improve texture levels, especially in close-up shots, and therefore also resulted in a better texture/noise trade-off. In video mode, the Pixel 8 Pro just trailed the class-leading Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max, thanks to accurate exposure, nice colors and good detail. Video stabilization was smooth on panning shots, making for an overall decent video performance.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 19/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro Review
Źródło: Mobile Tech Review angielski
The Pixel 8 Pro is Google’s 2023 flagship Android phone. Improvements include a flat 6.7” LTPO OLED 120Hz display with 2400 nits peak brightness, the new Tensor G3 processor and updated class-leading cameras. The 5G phone is available unlocked as well as from Verizon, AT&T and Google Fi in the US. Pricing starts at $999, making it less expensive than the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra and iPhone 15 Pro Max with which it competes.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 19/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro Camera test
Źródło: DxOMark angielski EN→PL
When compared to the current top-ranked device, the Huawei P60 Pro, the Google Pixel 8 Pro lags slightly behind in many photo sub-attributes, except for color, where the Google managed to have a more neutral white balance. The two devices share the top score for the ultra-wide category, though. In video mode, the Pixel 8 Pro showed a slightly better overall performance, thanks to a more accurate autofocus and fewer artifacts.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 19/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro Selfie test
Źródło: DxOMark angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 Pro delivered an excellent performance in the DXOMARK Selfie tests, approaching the top of our ranking and making it the best Android device to date. The Pixel 8 Pro uses similar front-camera hardware as the Pixel 7 generation but adds autofocus. Overall, the camera showed significant improvements over the previous models in both photo and video modes. In our tests, the Pixel 8 Pro did particularly well in terms of color. The autofocus helped greatly improve texture levels, especially in close-up shots, and therefore also resulted in a better texture/noise trade-off. In video mode, the Pixel 8 Pro just trailed the class-leading Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max, thanks to accurate exposure, nice colors and good detail. Video stabilization was smooth on panning shots, making for an overall decent video performance.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 19/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro Review
Źródło: Mobile Tech Review angielski
The Pixel 8 Pro is Google’s 2023 flagship Android phone. Improvements include a flat 6.7” LTPO OLED 120Hz display with 2400 nits peak brightness, the new Tensor G3 processor and updated class-leading cameras. The 5G phone is available unlocked as well as from Verizon, AT&T and Google Fi in the US. Pricing starts at $999, making it less expensive than the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra and iPhone 15 Pro Max with which it competes.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 19/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 / 8 Pro Review - Problems!
Źródło: Mrwhosetheboss angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 18/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 / 8 Pro Review - Problems!
Źródło: Mrwhosetheboss angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 18/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 / 8 Pro Review - Problems!
Źródło: Mrwhosetheboss angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 18/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 / 8 Pro Review - Problems!
Źródło: Mrwhosetheboss angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 18/10/2023
Pixel 8 Pro Review: Best-in-Class Camera, Display, Software
Źródło: Droid Life angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 Pro is $100 more than the Pixel 7 Pro, bringing its starting price to $999. Since this phone will be supported for 7 years, you probably don’t want the $999 version, which only has 128GB storage, so that means you will likely pay for 256GB. That would bring your starting price to $1,059. That’s a lot for a smartphone. The thing is, a smartphone this good with that amount of storage is still priced under the iPhone 15 Pro Max ($1,199) and the Galaxy S23 Ultra ($1,199). I would take this phone before both of those even if the price matched. Google is giving you a best-in-class camera that has a few unique tricks up its sleeves, their best-in-Android software experience, improved hardware with a lovely matte glass, and the flat display we’ve been begging for. All of that is then surrounded by a best-in-industry level of software support, all at a price under the competition. This seems like the easiest smartphone buy in a while.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 18/10/2023
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review
Źródło: Trusted Reviews angielski EN→PL
The highest praise I can give the Pixel 8 Pro is that it does an impressive job of standing out from the swathes of Android phones on the market. Moving the focus from speed and performance to building a chip designed to improve AI performance gives the Pixel 8 Pro a unique selling point, even if some of the features made me a little uneasy at times. The biggest reason to pick up a Pixel remains the photography skills and the three cameras on the back all take great snaps in varying conditions. There’s no dramatic improvement this time, and in certain situations, the Xiaomi 13 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro and Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra take better pictures. Yet, I still love shooting with a Pixel, thanks to the stunning colours and striking images each sensor produces. There are a few misses here that stop this from being the very best phone you’ll find. The design is dull and needs a refresh next year, with more of a focus on comfort and weight distribution.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 18/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Pixel 8 Pro Review: Best-in-Class Camera, Display, Software
Źródło: Droid Life angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 Pro is $100 more than the Pixel 7 Pro, bringing its starting price to $999. Since this phone will be supported for 7 years, you probably don’t want the $999 version, which only has 128GB storage, so that means you will likely pay for 256GB. That would bring your starting price to $1,059. That’s a lot for a smartphone. The thing is, a smartphone this good with that amount of storage is still priced under the iPhone 15 Pro Max ($1,199) and the Galaxy S23 Ultra ($1,199). I would take this phone before both of those even if the price matched. Google is giving you a best-in-class camera that has a few unique tricks up its sleeves, their best-in-Android software experience, improved hardware with a lovely matte glass, and the flat display we’ve been begging for. All of that is then surrounded by a best-in-industry level of software support, all at a price under the competition. This seems like the easiest smartphone buy in a while.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 18/10/2023
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review
Źródło: Trusted Reviews angielski EN→PL
The highest praise I can give the Pixel 8 Pro is that it does an impressive job of standing out from the swathes of Android phones on the market. Moving the focus from speed and performance to building a chip designed to improve AI performance gives the Pixel 8 Pro a unique selling point, even if some of the features made me a little uneasy at times. The biggest reason to pick up a Pixel remains the photography skills and the three cameras on the back all take great snaps in varying conditions. There’s no dramatic improvement this time, and in certain situations, the Xiaomi 13 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro and Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra take better pictures. Yet, I still love shooting with a Pixel, thanks to the stunning colours and striking images each sensor produces. There are a few misses here that stop this from being the very best phone you’ll find. The design is dull and needs a refresh next year, with more of a focus on comfort and weight distribution.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 18/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Pixel 8 Pro Review: Best-in-Class Camera, Display, Software
Źródło: Droid Life angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 Pro is $100 more than the Pixel 7 Pro, bringing its starting price to $999. Since this phone will be supported for 7 years, you probably don’t want the $999 version, which only has 128GB storage, so that means you will likely pay for 256GB. That would bring your starting price to $1,059. That’s a lot for a smartphone. The thing is, a smartphone this good with that amount of storage is still priced under the iPhone 15 Pro Max ($1,199) and the Galaxy S23 Ultra ($1,199). I would take this phone before both of those even if the price matched. Google is giving you a best-in-class camera that has a few unique tricks up its sleeves, their best-in-Android software experience, improved hardware with a lovely matte glass, and the flat display we’ve been begging for. All of that is then surrounded by a best-in-industry level of software support, all at a price under the competition. This seems like the easiest smartphone buy in a while.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 18/10/2023
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review
Źródło: Trusted Reviews angielski EN→PL
The highest praise I can give the Pixel 8 Pro is that it does an impressive job of standing out from the swathes of Android phones on the market. Moving the focus from speed and performance to building a chip designed to improve AI performance gives the Pixel 8 Pro a unique selling point, even if some of the features made me a little uneasy at times. The biggest reason to pick up a Pixel remains the photography skills and the three cameras on the back all take great snaps in varying conditions. There’s no dramatic improvement this time, and in certain situations, the Xiaomi 13 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro and Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra take better pictures. Yet, I still love shooting with a Pixel, thanks to the stunning colours and striking images each sensor produces. There are a few misses here that stop this from being the very best phone you’ll find. The design is dull and needs a refresh next year, with more of a focus on comfort and weight distribution.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 18/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Pixel 8 Pro Review: Best-in-Class Camera, Display, Software
Źródło: Droid Life angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 Pro is $100 more than the Pixel 7 Pro, bringing its starting price to $999. Since this phone will be supported for 7 years, you probably don’t want the $999 version, which only has 128GB storage, so that means you will likely pay for 256GB. That would bring your starting price to $1,059. That’s a lot for a smartphone. The thing is, a smartphone this good with that amount of storage is still priced under the iPhone 15 Pro Max ($1,199) and the Galaxy S23 Ultra ($1,199). I would take this phone before both of those even if the price matched. Google is giving you a best-in-class camera that has a few unique tricks up its sleeves, their best-in-Android software experience, improved hardware with a lovely matte glass, and the flat display we’ve been begging for. All of that is then surrounded by a best-in-industry level of software support, all at a price under the competition. This seems like the easiest smartphone buy in a while.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 18/10/2023
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review
Źródło: Trusted Reviews angielski EN→PL
The highest praise I can give the Pixel 8 Pro is that it does an impressive job of standing out from the swathes of Android phones on the market. Moving the focus from speed and performance to building a chip designed to improve AI performance gives the Pixel 8 Pro a unique selling point, even if some of the features made me a little uneasy at times. The biggest reason to pick up a Pixel remains the photography skills and the three cameras on the back all take great snaps in varying conditions. There’s no dramatic improvement this time, and in certain situations, the Xiaomi 13 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro and Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra take better pictures. Yet, I still love shooting with a Pixel, thanks to the stunning colours and striking images each sensor produces. There are a few misses here that stop this from being the very best phone you’ll find. The design is dull and needs a refresh next year, with more of a focus on comfort and weight distribution.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 18/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% This Google Pixel 8 Pro review is all about its smart camera, the phone too is all about the camera
Źródło: The Indian Express angielski EN→PL
While this is a flagship smartphone in every aspect, I think the Google Pixel 8 Pro is primarily a smart camera that comes with additional phone features. So if you love your photography and don’t mind getting some AI help to make the shots look better, then this is the smartphone for you. But do keep in mind that with a Pixel phone, you will be entering a niche and there could be issues getting support across the country even though Google is all-pervasive. And, yes, this is still an expensive phone at Rs 106,999 and you might not get the brownie points of owning an iPhone or Galaxy flagship with similar pricing when you walk around with a Pixel. But that acceptance will come when you flip the phone out and show the magic its software can perform.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 17/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: A big leap for AI
Źródło: Tom's Guide angielski EN→PL
I can’t stop focusing on how the Pixel 8 Pro is one of the smartest phones I’ve ever come across. For once, I can confidently say that it’s the assistant I need to make my workflow more efficient and streamlined. All of the AI-assisted features in the Pixel 8 Pro reveal how it takes all the complications in our lives and makes them uncomplicated — like how editing photos is a cinch with Magic Editor, or how Call Screen intelligently responds to phone calls. Even better, I’m satisfied knowing that the Pixel 8 Pro improves on every aspect over last year’s disappointing Pixel 7 Pro. This new Pixel is a far stronger contender in our best phones list, but it’s hard to overlook how the competition still beats it in critical areas such as performance, battery life, and cameras.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 17/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Google Pixel 8 Pro Review for Photographers: Android’s Best Camera
Źródło: Petapixel angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 Pro is a strange device in that it caters to both the photographer who wants to edit RAW files and squeeze out maximum image quality as well as the influencer who wants to easily edit and alter their images before posting to social media — true to life or not. The new cameras and brighter lenses make a difference and as a result, the 8 Pro is the most powerful photo and video camera Google has ever made. But it doesn’t stop there: the new AI tools and Magic Editor are also a useful addition to anyone’s repertoire, especially if they don’t have the time or the necessary Photoshop skills to go further. The image quality is the best we’ve seen from the Pixel line and competes favorably against the Apple iPhone 15 Pro phones in many regards. As a result, the Pixel 8 Pro is worth taking a look at if you want the best images possible from a smartphone.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 17/10/2023
80% This Google Pixel 8 Pro review is all about its smart camera, the phone too is all about the camera
Źródło: The Indian Express angielski EN→PL
While this is a flagship smartphone in every aspect, I think the Google Pixel 8 Pro is primarily a smart camera that comes with additional phone features. So if you love your photography and don’t mind getting some AI help to make the shots look better, then this is the smartphone for you. But do keep in mind that with a Pixel phone, you will be entering a niche and there could be issues getting support across the country even though Google is all-pervasive. And, yes, this is still an expensive phone at Rs 106,999 and you might not get the brownie points of owning an iPhone or Galaxy flagship with similar pricing when you walk around with a Pixel. But that acceptance will come when you flip the phone out and show the magic its software can perform.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 17/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: A big leap for AI
Źródło: Tom's Guide angielski EN→PL
I can’t stop focusing on how the Pixel 8 Pro is one of the smartest phones I’ve ever come across. For once, I can confidently say that it’s the assistant I need to make my workflow more efficient and streamlined. All of the AI-assisted features in the Pixel 8 Pro reveal how it takes all the complications in our lives and makes them uncomplicated — like how editing photos is a cinch with Magic Editor, or how Call Screen intelligently responds to phone calls. Even better, I’m satisfied knowing that the Pixel 8 Pro improves on every aspect over last year’s disappointing Pixel 7 Pro. This new Pixel is a far stronger contender in our best phones list, but it’s hard to overlook how the competition still beats it in critical areas such as performance, battery life, and cameras.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 17/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Google Pixel 8 Pro Review for Photographers: Android’s Best Camera
Źródło: Petapixel angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 Pro is a strange device in that it caters to both the photographer who wants to edit RAW files and squeeze out maximum image quality as well as the influencer who wants to easily edit and alter their images before posting to social media — true to life or not. The new cameras and brighter lenses make a difference and as a result, the 8 Pro is the most powerful photo and video camera Google has ever made. But it doesn’t stop there: the new AI tools and Magic Editor are also a useful addition to anyone’s repertoire, especially if they don’t have the time or the necessary Photoshop skills to go further. The image quality is the best we’ve seen from the Pixel line and competes favorably against the Apple iPhone 15 Pro phones in many regards. As a result, the Pixel 8 Pro is worth taking a look at if you want the best images possible from a smartphone.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 17/10/2023
80% This Google Pixel 8 Pro review is all about its smart camera, the phone too is all about the camera
Źródło: The Indian Express angielski EN→PL
While this is a flagship smartphone in every aspect, I think the Google Pixel 8 Pro is primarily a smart camera that comes with additional phone features. So if you love your photography and don’t mind getting some AI help to make the shots look better, then this is the smartphone for you. But do keep in mind that with a Pixel phone, you will be entering a niche and there could be issues getting support across the country even though Google is all-pervasive. And, yes, this is still an expensive phone at Rs 106,999 and you might not get the brownie points of owning an iPhone or Galaxy flagship with similar pricing when you walk around with a Pixel. But that acceptance will come when you flip the phone out and show the magic its software can perform.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 17/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: A big leap for AI
Źródło: Tom's Guide angielski EN→PL
I can’t stop focusing on how the Pixel 8 Pro is one of the smartest phones I’ve ever come across. For once, I can confidently say that it’s the assistant I need to make my workflow more efficient and streamlined. All of the AI-assisted features in the Pixel 8 Pro reveal how it takes all the complications in our lives and makes them uncomplicated — like how editing photos is a cinch with Magic Editor, or how Call Screen intelligently responds to phone calls. Even better, I’m satisfied knowing that the Pixel 8 Pro improves on every aspect over last year’s disappointing Pixel 7 Pro. This new Pixel is a far stronger contender in our best phones list, but it’s hard to overlook how the competition still beats it in critical areas such as performance, battery life, and cameras.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 17/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Google Pixel 8 Pro Review for Photographers: Android’s Best Camera
Źródło: Petapixel angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 Pro is a strange device in that it caters to both the photographer who wants to edit RAW files and squeeze out maximum image quality as well as the influencer who wants to easily edit and alter their images before posting to social media — true to life or not. The new cameras and brighter lenses make a difference and as a result, the 8 Pro is the most powerful photo and video camera Google has ever made. But it doesn’t stop there: the new AI tools and Magic Editor are also a useful addition to anyone’s repertoire, especially if they don’t have the time or the necessary Photoshop skills to go further. The image quality is the best we’ve seen from the Pixel line and competes favorably against the Apple iPhone 15 Pro phones in many regards. As a result, the Pixel 8 Pro is worth taking a look at if you want the best images possible from a smartphone.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 17/10/2023
80% This Google Pixel 8 Pro review is all about its smart camera, the phone too is all about the camera
Źródło: The Indian Express angielski EN→PL
While this is a flagship smartphone in every aspect, I think the Google Pixel 8 Pro is primarily a smart camera that comes with additional phone features. So if you love your photography and don’t mind getting some AI help to make the shots look better, then this is the smartphone for you. But do keep in mind that with a Pixel phone, you will be entering a niche and there could be issues getting support across the country even though Google is all-pervasive. And, yes, this is still an expensive phone at Rs 106,999 and you might not get the brownie points of owning an iPhone or Galaxy flagship with similar pricing when you walk around with a Pixel. But that acceptance will come when you flip the phone out and show the magic its software can perform.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 17/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: A big leap for AI
Źródło: Tom's Guide angielski EN→PL
I can’t stop focusing on how the Pixel 8 Pro is one of the smartest phones I’ve ever come across. For once, I can confidently say that it’s the assistant I need to make my workflow more efficient and streamlined. All of the AI-assisted features in the Pixel 8 Pro reveal how it takes all the complications in our lives and makes them uncomplicated — like how editing photos is a cinch with Magic Editor, or how Call Screen intelligently responds to phone calls. Even better, I’m satisfied knowing that the Pixel 8 Pro improves on every aspect over last year’s disappointing Pixel 7 Pro. This new Pixel is a far stronger contender in our best phones list, but it’s hard to overlook how the competition still beats it in critical areas such as performance, battery life, and cameras.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 17/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Google Pixel 8 Pro Review for Photographers: Android’s Best Camera
Źródło: Petapixel angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 Pro is a strange device in that it caters to both the photographer who wants to edit RAW files and squeeze out maximum image quality as well as the influencer who wants to easily edit and alter their images before posting to social media — true to life or not. The new cameras and brighter lenses make a difference and as a result, the 8 Pro is the most powerful photo and video camera Google has ever made. But it doesn’t stop there: the new AI tools and Magic Editor are also a useful addition to anyone’s repertoire, especially if they don’t have the time or the necessary Photoshop skills to go further. The image quality is the best we’ve seen from the Pixel line and competes favorably against the Apple iPhone 15 Pro phones in many regards. As a result, the Pixel 8 Pro is worth taking a look at if you want the best images possible from a smartphone.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 17/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro review: Destined for gr(eight)ness
Źródło: Android Authority angielski EN→PL
At the end of the day, Google’s Pixel 8 Pro has more than earned a place in my pocket. It feels like a realization of what Google wants its flagship to be, marrying on-device AI with powerful cameras and a clean Android experience with unique, Pixel-only features. The Tensor G3 still isn’t perfect, but it’s a sight better than its predecessor and feels much more like an asset than a thermal liability. Mix in seven years of updates, and the Google Pixel 8 Pro is a phone that can stay with you for a long, long time.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 16/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro review: Destined for gr(eight)ness
Źródło: Android Authority angielski EN→PL
If you’re not ready to rule out Android but want something with a little flash to it, Google’s Pixel 8 Pro is priced right up against some of the best flip phones around. Both the Motorola Razr Plus ($999.99 at Motorola) and Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 ($999.99 at Samsung) match the Pixel’s $999 cost of entry, but they bring entirely different experiences to the table. Motorola was the first to adopt the larger cover screen, stretching its 144Hz AMOLED panel around its two cameras, offering the ability to toggle your apps in and out of full-screen mode as needed. Samsung took a slightly different approach, shaping its Flex Window around the cameras, resulting in a folder-shaped layout. Motorola’s resurrected Razr Plus has the less visible crease of the two, though Samsung makes up for it with a sturdier hinge. You won’t match the Pixel 8 Pro’s battery life with either flip phone, but they’ll both turn a few heads while you walk down the street.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 16/10/2023
Google’s latest smartphones put AI photo-editing in your hands
Źródło: Sydney Morning Herald angielski EN→PL
The phones are evenly matched across almost all specs, though Apple has the strong advantage of an immensely powerful processor that outpaces the Pixel in raw strength. In cameras Google has opted for bigger sensors and more flexibility in editing, and the Pro has an excellent manual control mode, but Apple’s shots tend to be more pleasant for quick snaps since you can preset your preferred temperature and crop. When it comes to portrait mode and low light photography the Pixel is far more confident, and both phones now support adding a bokeh blur after the fact; Apple by capturing depth data when it detects a face and Google through the Magic Editor. iPhone users have access to a pretty full suite of Google products these days, and even features like the Magic Eraser have made their way from Pixel to iPhone, though the opposite is not true; those who choose Apple services tend to have a hard time on Android.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 16/10/2023
85% Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro smartphone review – the total Android experience
Źródło: Tech Guru Daily angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 and Google Pixel 8 Pro are solid updates over the previous models with improvements in performance and camera and display quality with AI features like Magic Eraser and Magic Editor that will appeal to loyal Android users.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 16/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 85%
Google Pixel 8 Pro review: Destined for gr(eight)ness
Źródło: Android Authority angielski EN→PL
At the end of the day, Google’s Pixel 8 Pro has more than earned a place in my pocket. It feels like a realization of what Google wants its flagship to be, marrying on-device AI with powerful cameras and a clean Android experience with unique, Pixel-only features. The Tensor G3 still isn’t perfect, but it’s a sight better than its predecessor and feels much more like an asset than a thermal liability. Mix in seven years of updates, and the Google Pixel 8 Pro is a phone that can stay with you for a long, long time.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 16/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro review: Destined for gr(eight)ness
Źródło: Android Authority angielski EN→PL
If you’re not ready to rule out Android but want something with a little flash to it, Google’s Pixel 8 Pro is priced right up against some of the best flip phones around. Both the Motorola Razr Plus ($999.99 at Motorola) and Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 ($999.99 at Samsung) match the Pixel’s $999 cost of entry, but they bring entirely different experiences to the table. Motorola was the first to adopt the larger cover screen, stretching its 144Hz AMOLED panel around its two cameras, offering the ability to toggle your apps in and out of full-screen mode as needed. Samsung took a slightly different approach, shaping its Flex Window around the cameras, resulting in a folder-shaped layout. Motorola’s resurrected Razr Plus has the less visible crease of the two, though Samsung makes up for it with a sturdier hinge. You won’t match the Pixel 8 Pro’s battery life with either flip phone, but they’ll both turn a few heads while you walk down the street.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 16/10/2023
Google’s latest smartphones put AI photo-editing in your hands
Źródło: Sydney Morning Herald angielski EN→PL
The phones are evenly matched across almost all specs, though Apple has the strong advantage of an immensely powerful processor that outpaces the Pixel in raw strength. In cameras Google has opted for bigger sensors and more flexibility in editing, and the Pro has an excellent manual control mode, but Apple’s shots tend to be more pleasant for quick snaps since you can preset your preferred temperature and crop. When it comes to portrait mode and low light photography the Pixel is far more confident, and both phones now support adding a bokeh blur after the fact; Apple by capturing depth data when it detects a face and Google through the Magic Editor. iPhone users have access to a pretty full suite of Google products these days, and even features like the Magic Eraser have made their way from Pixel to iPhone, though the opposite is not true; those who choose Apple services tend to have a hard time on Android.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 16/10/2023
85% Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro smartphone review – the total Android experience
Źródło: Tech Guru Daily angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 and Google Pixel 8 Pro are solid updates over the previous models with improvements in performance and camera and display quality with AI features like Magic Eraser and Magic Editor that will appeal to loyal Android users.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 16/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 85%
Google Pixel 8 Pro review: Destined for gr(eight)ness
Źródło: Android Authority angielski EN→PL
At the end of the day, Google’s Pixel 8 Pro has more than earned a place in my pocket. It feels like a realization of what Google wants its flagship to be, marrying on-device AI with powerful cameras and a clean Android experience with unique, Pixel-only features. The Tensor G3 still isn’t perfect, but it’s a sight better than its predecessor and feels much more like an asset than a thermal liability. Mix in seven years of updates, and the Google Pixel 8 Pro is a phone that can stay with you for a long, long time.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 16/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro review: Destined for gr(eight)ness
Źródło: Android Authority angielski EN→PL
If you’re not ready to rule out Android but want something with a little flash to it, Google’s Pixel 8 Pro is priced right up against some of the best flip phones around. Both the Motorola Razr Plus ($999.99 at Motorola) and Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 ($999.99 at Samsung) match the Pixel’s $999 cost of entry, but they bring entirely different experiences to the table. Motorola was the first to adopt the larger cover screen, stretching its 144Hz AMOLED panel around its two cameras, offering the ability to toggle your apps in and out of full-screen mode as needed. Samsung took a slightly different approach, shaping its Flex Window around the cameras, resulting in a folder-shaped layout. Motorola’s resurrected Razr Plus has the less visible crease of the two, though Samsung makes up for it with a sturdier hinge. You won’t match the Pixel 8 Pro’s battery life with either flip phone, but they’ll both turn a few heads while you walk down the street.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 16/10/2023
Google’s latest smartphones put AI photo-editing in your hands
Źródło: Sydney Morning Herald angielski EN→PL
The phones are evenly matched across almost all specs, though Apple has the strong advantage of an immensely powerful processor that outpaces the Pixel in raw strength. In cameras Google has opted for bigger sensors and more flexibility in editing, and the Pro has an excellent manual control mode, but Apple’s shots tend to be more pleasant for quick snaps since you can preset your preferred temperature and crop. When it comes to portrait mode and low light photography the Pixel is far more confident, and both phones now support adding a bokeh blur after the fact; Apple by capturing depth data when it detects a face and Google through the Magic Editor. iPhone users have access to a pretty full suite of Google products these days, and even features like the Magic Eraser have made their way from Pixel to iPhone, though the opposite is not true; those who choose Apple services tend to have a hard time on Android.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 16/10/2023
85% Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro smartphone review – the total Android experience
Źródło: Tech Guru Daily angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 and Google Pixel 8 Pro are solid updates over the previous models with improvements in performance and camera and display quality with AI features like Magic Eraser and Magic Editor that will appeal to loyal Android users.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 16/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 85%
Google Pixel 8 Pro review: Destined for gr(eight)ness
Źródło: Android Authority angielski EN→PL
At the end of the day, Google’s Pixel 8 Pro has more than earned a place in my pocket. It feels like a realization of what Google wants its flagship to be, marrying on-device AI with powerful cameras and a clean Android experience with unique, Pixel-only features. The Tensor G3 still isn’t perfect, but it’s a sight better than its predecessor and feels much more like an asset than a thermal liability. Mix in seven years of updates, and the Google Pixel 8 Pro is a phone that can stay with you for a long, long time.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 16/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro review: Destined for gr(eight)ness
Źródło: Android Authority angielski EN→PL
If you’re not ready to rule out Android but want something with a little flash to it, Google’s Pixel 8 Pro is priced right up against some of the best flip phones around. Both the Motorola Razr Plus ($999.99 at Motorola) and Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 ($999.99 at Samsung) match the Pixel’s $999 cost of entry, but they bring entirely different experiences to the table. Motorola was the first to adopt the larger cover screen, stretching its 144Hz AMOLED panel around its two cameras, offering the ability to toggle your apps in and out of full-screen mode as needed. Samsung took a slightly different approach, shaping its Flex Window around the cameras, resulting in a folder-shaped layout. Motorola’s resurrected Razr Plus has the less visible crease of the two, though Samsung makes up for it with a sturdier hinge. You won’t match the Pixel 8 Pro’s battery life with either flip phone, but they’ll both turn a few heads while you walk down the street.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 16/10/2023
Google’s latest smartphones put AI photo-editing in your hands
Źródło: Sydney Morning Herald angielski EN→PL
The phones are evenly matched across almost all specs, though Apple has the strong advantage of an immensely powerful processor that outpaces the Pixel in raw strength. In cameras Google has opted for bigger sensors and more flexibility in editing, and the Pro has an excellent manual control mode, but Apple’s shots tend to be more pleasant for quick snaps since you can preset your preferred temperature and crop. When it comes to portrait mode and low light photography the Pixel is far more confident, and both phones now support adding a bokeh blur after the fact; Apple by capturing depth data when it detects a face and Google through the Magic Editor. iPhone users have access to a pretty full suite of Google products these days, and even features like the Magic Eraser have made their way from Pixel to iPhone, though the opposite is not true; those who choose Apple services tend to have a hard time on Android.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 16/10/2023
85% Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro smartphone review – the total Android experience
Źródło: Tech Guru Daily angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 and Google Pixel 8 Pro are solid updates over the previous models with improvements in performance and camera and display quality with AI features like Magic Eraser and Magic Editor that will appeal to loyal Android users.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 16/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 85%
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro hands-on: AI like it’s magic
Źródło: Hardware Zone angielski EN→PL
With those variables, we’d still say the Google Pixel 8 Pro’s temperature sensor is sufficiently accurate for basic checks before you start worrying about bigger problems, just like how you shouldn’t solely rely on wearables or health trackers to make medical judgement calls (always leave it to a professional). Until then, the Google Pixel 8 starts at S$1,099 (128GB) in Hazel, Rose, and Obsidian colourways. The Google Pixel 8 Pro starts at S$1,549 (128GB) in Bay, Porcelain, and Obsidian. Pre-orders begin on 5 October 2023, 12 AM Singapore Time. On-shelf retail availability starts on 12 October 2023, 9 AM SGT. For a comprehensive list of new features, specs, and prices, don’t forget to check out our event coverage here. We've also compiled a separate list of promotions and offers we've found here.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 15/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro hands-on: AI like it’s magic
Źródło: Hardware Zone angielski EN→PL
With those variables, we’d still say the Google Pixel 8 Pro’s temperature sensor is sufficiently accurate for basic checks before you start worrying about bigger problems, just like how you shouldn’t solely rely on wearables or health trackers to make medical judgement calls (always leave it to a professional). Until then, the Google Pixel 8 starts at S$1,099 (128GB) in Hazel, Rose, and Obsidian colourways. The Google Pixel 8 Pro starts at S$1,549 (128GB) in Bay, Porcelain, and Obsidian. Pre-orders begin on 5 October 2023, 12 AM Singapore Time. On-shelf retail availability starts on 12 October 2023, 9 AM SGT. For a comprehensive list of new features, specs, and prices, don’t forget to check out our event coverage here. We've also compiled a separate list of promotions and offers we've found here.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 15/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro hands-on: AI like it’s magic
Źródło: Hardware Zone angielski EN→PL
With those variables, we’d still say the Google Pixel 8 Pro’s temperature sensor is sufficiently accurate for basic checks before you start worrying about bigger problems, just like how you shouldn’t solely rely on wearables or health trackers to make medical judgement calls (always leave it to a professional). Until then, the Google Pixel 8 starts at S$1,099 (128GB) in Hazel, Rose, and Obsidian colourways. The Google Pixel 8 Pro starts at S$1,549 (128GB) in Bay, Porcelain, and Obsidian. Pre-orders begin on 5 October 2023, 12 AM Singapore Time. On-shelf retail availability starts on 12 October 2023, 9 AM SGT. For a comprehensive list of new features, specs, and prices, don’t forget to check out our event coverage here. We've also compiled a separate list of promotions and offers we've found here.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 15/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro hands-on: AI like it’s magic
Źródło: Hardware Zone angielski EN→PL
With those variables, we’d still say the Google Pixel 8 Pro’s temperature sensor is sufficiently accurate for basic checks before you start worrying about bigger problems, just like how you shouldn’t solely rely on wearables or health trackers to make medical judgement calls (always leave it to a professional). Until then, the Google Pixel 8 starts at S$1,099 (128GB) in Hazel, Rose, and Obsidian colourways. The Google Pixel 8 Pro starts at S$1,549 (128GB) in Bay, Porcelain, and Obsidian. Pre-orders begin on 5 October 2023, 12 AM Singapore Time. On-shelf retail availability starts on 12 October 2023, 9 AM SGT. For a comprehensive list of new features, specs, and prices, don’t forget to check out our event coverage here. We've also compiled a separate list of promotions and offers we've found here.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 15/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro FULL REVIEW - Should You Buy??
Źródło: The Tech Chap angielski
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 14/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro FULL REVIEW - Should You Buy??
Źródło: The Tech Chap angielski
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 14/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro FULL REVIEW - Should You Buy??
Źródło: The Tech Chap angielski
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 14/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro FULL REVIEW - Should You Buy??
Źródło: The Tech Chap angielski
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 14/10/2023
75% Pixel 8 Pro Review: Not the Google Phone I Hoped It Would Be
Źródło: CNet angielski EN→PL
Collectively, we spent many hours testing the Pixel 8 Pro, putting all its features through their paces and taking hundreds of test images in all conditions. Despite my earlier concerns, I'm confident that the Pixel 8 Pro is a solid phone to consider, especially if you're into nighttime photo taking. But overall it doesn't feel like a huge step up over the Pixel 7 Pro, which Google still officially sells for $100 less. That's not much of a price difference, but it's worth keeping in mind if you want a great all-rounder for a bit of a discount. If you already have a Pixel 7 Pro, it certainly isn't worth upgrading to the new model. But those of you on older Pixels, or other Android handsets more than a few years old, will absolutely benefit from the great cameras and fancy new AI features found on the Pixel 8 Pro.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 14/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 75%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review: Work-in-Progress Investment
Źródło: Nextpit EN angielski EN→PL
Two things catch the eye of potential Google Pixel 8 Pro buyers: Seven whopping years of guaranteed system and security updates and a $100 price hike. Thus, anyone who wants to get the flagship Pixel Phone will pay at least $999 this year. Well, some will now counter: "I also pay that much for an Apple iPhone 15 Pro, Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra or Xiaomi 13 Ultra—if not even more. But you also have a faster processor that does not drop to its knees in demanding games." I cannot say anything bad about the display, the build quality, and certainly not about the installed camera. Google is clearly the benchmark here and is also convincing. In the end, the slow battery charging remains, which probably does not bother everyone as much as me, the missing power adapter, and the fact that you do not immediately get all the software features that were promised during the presentation. For me, these are neutrally negligible points. Only the price hike at an inappropriate time was punished with a half-star deduction.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 14/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
75% Pixel 8 Pro Review: Not the Google Phone I Hoped It Would Be
Źródło: CNet angielski EN→PL
Collectively, we spent many hours testing the Pixel 8 Pro, putting all its features through their paces and taking hundreds of test images in all conditions. Despite my earlier concerns, I'm confident that the Pixel 8 Pro is a solid phone to consider, especially if you're into nighttime photo taking. But overall it doesn't feel like a huge step up over the Pixel 7 Pro, which Google still officially sells for $100 less. That's not much of a price difference, but it's worth keeping in mind if you want a great all-rounder for a bit of a discount. If you already have a Pixel 7 Pro, it certainly isn't worth upgrading to the new model. But those of you on older Pixels, or other Android handsets more than a few years old, will absolutely benefit from the great cameras and fancy new AI features found on the Pixel 8 Pro.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 14/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 75%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review: Work-in-Progress Investment
Źródło: Nextpit EN angielski EN→PL
Two things catch the eye of potential Google Pixel 8 Pro buyers: Seven whopping years of guaranteed system and security updates and a $100 price hike. Thus, anyone who wants to get the flagship Pixel Phone will pay at least $999 this year. Well, some will now counter: "I also pay that much for an Apple iPhone 15 Pro, Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra or Xiaomi 13 Ultra—if not even more. But you also have a faster processor that does not drop to its knees in demanding games." I cannot say anything bad about the display, the build quality, and certainly not about the installed camera. Google is clearly the benchmark here and is also convincing. In the end, the slow battery charging remains, which probably does not bother everyone as much as me, the missing power adapter, and the fact that you do not immediately get all the software features that were promised during the presentation. For me, these are neutrally negligible points. Only the price hike at an inappropriate time was punished with a half-star deduction.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 14/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
75% Pixel 8 Pro Review: Not the Google Phone I Hoped It Would Be
Źródło: CNet angielski EN→PL
Collectively, we spent many hours testing the Pixel 8 Pro, putting all its features through their paces and taking hundreds of test images in all conditions. Despite my earlier concerns, I'm confident that the Pixel 8 Pro is a solid phone to consider, especially if you're into nighttime photo taking. But overall it doesn't feel like a huge step up over the Pixel 7 Pro, which Google still officially sells for $100 less. That's not much of a price difference, but it's worth keeping in mind if you want a great all-rounder for a bit of a discount. If you already have a Pixel 7 Pro, it certainly isn't worth upgrading to the new model. But those of you on older Pixels, or other Android handsets more than a few years old, will absolutely benefit from the great cameras and fancy new AI features found on the Pixel 8 Pro.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 14/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 75%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review: Work-in-Progress Investment
Źródło: Nextpit EN angielski EN→PL
Two things catch the eye of potential Google Pixel 8 Pro buyers: Seven whopping years of guaranteed system and security updates and a $100 price hike. Thus, anyone who wants to get the flagship Pixel Phone will pay at least $999 this year. Well, some will now counter: "I also pay that much for an Apple iPhone 15 Pro, Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra or Xiaomi 13 Ultra—if not even more. But you also have a faster processor that does not drop to its knees in demanding games." I cannot say anything bad about the display, the build quality, and certainly not about the installed camera. Google is clearly the benchmark here and is also convincing. In the end, the slow battery charging remains, which probably does not bother everyone as much as me, the missing power adapter, and the fact that you do not immediately get all the software features that were promised during the presentation. For me, these are neutrally negligible points. Only the price hike at an inappropriate time was punished with a half-star deduction.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 14/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
75% Pixel 8 Pro Review: Not the Google Phone I Hoped It Would Be
Źródło: CNet angielski EN→PL
Collectively, we spent many hours testing the Pixel 8 Pro, putting all its features through their paces and taking hundreds of test images in all conditions. Despite my earlier concerns, I'm confident that the Pixel 8 Pro is a solid phone to consider, especially if you're into nighttime photo taking. But overall it doesn't feel like a huge step up over the Pixel 7 Pro, which Google still officially sells for $100 less. That's not much of a price difference, but it's worth keeping in mind if you want a great all-rounder for a bit of a discount. If you already have a Pixel 7 Pro, it certainly isn't worth upgrading to the new model. But those of you on older Pixels, or other Android handsets more than a few years old, will absolutely benefit from the great cameras and fancy new AI features found on the Pixel 8 Pro.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 14/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 75%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review: Work-in-Progress Investment
Źródło: Nextpit EN angielski EN→PL
Two things catch the eye of potential Google Pixel 8 Pro buyers: Seven whopping years of guaranteed system and security updates and a $100 price hike. Thus, anyone who wants to get the flagship Pixel Phone will pay at least $999 this year. Well, some will now counter: "I also pay that much for an Apple iPhone 15 Pro, Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra or Xiaomi 13 Ultra—if not even more. But you also have a faster processor that does not drop to its knees in demanding games." I cannot say anything bad about the display, the build quality, and certainly not about the installed camera. Google is clearly the benchmark here and is also convincing. In the end, the slow battery charging remains, which probably does not bother everyone as much as me, the missing power adapter, and the fact that you do not immediately get all the software features that were promised during the presentation. For me, these are neutrally negligible points. Only the price hike at an inappropriate time was punished with a half-star deduction.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 14/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
Google Pixel 8 & 8 Pro hands-on review
Źródło: GSM Arena angielski EN→PL
We are still in the process of testing the Pixel 8 phones and there will be more to come later. For now, we have mixed feelings about these devices. Among the things we liked are the new designs, which may look a bit generic now but are far more comfortable to hold, especially the smaller Pixel 8, which is absolutely delightful. The new displays are also terrific and possibly the best hardware upgrade this generation. The software is clean as usual, there are a lot of AI things to play around with, and the seven-year update promise is commendable. Pixel 8 Pixel 8 Pro hands-on reviewPixel 8 next to Pixel 8 Pro The cameras this year feel more like a sidegrade after initial testing so it's unsurprising that Google is relying heavily on AI and cloud-based processing to improve things further. They are still great cameras but nothing that will give Pixel 7 or even Pixel 6 owners severe FOMO. What's clearly unimpressive, however, is the new Tensor G3 chip.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 13/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 & 8 Pro Tips | 20+ Best Android 14 Features
Źródło: Tech Spurt angielski
The best Google Pixel 8 Pro features, exclusive to these flagship phones or baked into Android 14. From camera tools and the Pixel 8's excellent photo editing, to my favourite customisation and setup features, here's tips and tricks on how to get the most from your Google flagship. My unboxing and Pixel 8 vs Pixel 8 Pro comparison are live now, full review is coming soon! The camera experience is one of the major areas where these 2023 phones have been upgraded, mostly with fresh features including AI shenanigans. For instance, the Pixel 8 Pro can now shoot RAW images and soon will have a special Night Video mode. You can boost the audio on your clips and swap faces between photos to get the perfect family portrait. AI Wallpaper is a new feature that can replace your mineral-based background with something just as random.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 13/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro review: Making AI cool again
Źródło: Engadget angielski
Between the Pixel 8 line’s new Tensor G3 chip and an assortment of powerful software features, Google might have just cut through the hype by giving regular people a reason to care about again. The Pixel 8’s Magic Editor uses machine learning to put sophisticated photo editing in the palm of your hand and, thanks to improved natural language recognition, you can ask the Google Assistant to summarize articles or read them aloud while translating in real-time. The phone’s new Actua displays have also set a high bar in terms of brightness, while Google’s pledge to provide seven years of software support is practically unmatched among Android devices. So while it’s a small bummer that prices have risen $100 to $699 and $999 respectively, with the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro, it feels like Google is entering a new era of AI-powered computing.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 13/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 & 8 Pro hands-on review
Źródło: GSM Arena angielski EN→PL
We are still in the process of testing the Pixel 8 phones and there will be more to come later. For now, we have mixed feelings about these devices. Among the things we liked are the new designs, which may look a bit generic now but are far more comfortable to hold, especially the smaller Pixel 8, which is absolutely delightful. The new displays are also terrific and possibly the best hardware upgrade this generation. The software is clean as usual, there are a lot of AI things to play around with, and the seven-year update promise is commendable. Pixel 8 Pixel 8 Pro hands-on reviewPixel 8 next to Pixel 8 Pro The cameras this year feel more like a sidegrade after initial testing so it's unsurprising that Google is relying heavily on AI and cloud-based processing to improve things further. They are still great cameras but nothing that will give Pixel 7 or even Pixel 6 owners severe FOMO. What's clearly unimpressive, however, is the new Tensor G3 chip.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 13/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 & 8 Pro Tips | 20+ Best Android 14 Features
Źródło: Tech Spurt angielski
The best Google Pixel 8 Pro features, exclusive to these flagship phones or baked into Android 14. From camera tools and the Pixel 8's excellent photo editing, to my favourite customisation and setup features, here's tips and tricks on how to get the most from your Google flagship. My unboxing and Pixel 8 vs Pixel 8 Pro comparison are live now, full review is coming soon! The camera experience is one of the major areas where these 2023 phones have been upgraded, mostly with fresh features including AI shenanigans. For instance, the Pixel 8 Pro can now shoot RAW images and soon will have a special Night Video mode. You can boost the audio on your clips and swap faces between photos to get the perfect family portrait. AI Wallpaper is a new feature that can replace your mineral-based background with something just as random.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 13/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro review: Making AI cool again
Źródło: Engadget angielski
Between the Pixel 8 line’s new Tensor G3 chip and an assortment of powerful software features, Google might have just cut through the hype by giving regular people a reason to care about again. The Pixel 8’s Magic Editor uses machine learning to put sophisticated photo editing in the palm of your hand and, thanks to improved natural language recognition, you can ask the Google Assistant to summarize articles or read them aloud while translating in real-time. The phone’s new Actua displays have also set a high bar in terms of brightness, while Google’s pledge to provide seven years of software support is practically unmatched among Android devices. So while it’s a small bummer that prices have risen $100 to $699 and $999 respectively, with the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro, it feels like Google is entering a new era of AI-powered computing.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 13/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 & 8 Pro hands-on review
Źródło: GSM Arena angielski EN→PL
We are still in the process of testing the Pixel 8 phones and there will be more to come later. For now, we have mixed feelings about these devices. Among the things we liked are the new designs, which may look a bit generic now but are far more comfortable to hold, especially the smaller Pixel 8, which is absolutely delightful. The new displays are also terrific and possibly the best hardware upgrade this generation. The software is clean as usual, there are a lot of AI things to play around with, and the seven-year update promise is commendable. Pixel 8 Pixel 8 Pro hands-on reviewPixel 8 next to Pixel 8 Pro The cameras this year feel more like a sidegrade after initial testing so it's unsurprising that Google is relying heavily on AI and cloud-based processing to improve things further. They are still great cameras but nothing that will give Pixel 7 or even Pixel 6 owners severe FOMO. What's clearly unimpressive, however, is the new Tensor G3 chip.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 13/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 & 8 Pro Tips | 20+ Best Android 14 Features
Źródło: Tech Spurt angielski
The best Google Pixel 8 Pro features, exclusive to these flagship phones or baked into Android 14. From camera tools and the Pixel 8's excellent photo editing, to my favourite customisation and setup features, here's tips and tricks on how to get the most from your Google flagship. My unboxing and Pixel 8 vs Pixel 8 Pro comparison are live now, full review is coming soon! The camera experience is one of the major areas where these 2023 phones have been upgraded, mostly with fresh features including AI shenanigans. For instance, the Pixel 8 Pro can now shoot RAW images and soon will have a special Night Video mode. You can boost the audio on your clips and swap faces between photos to get the perfect family portrait. AI Wallpaper is a new feature that can replace your mineral-based background with something just as random.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 13/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro review: Making AI cool again
Źródło: Engadget angielski
Between the Pixel 8 line’s new Tensor G3 chip and an assortment of powerful software features, Google might have just cut through the hype by giving regular people a reason to care about again. The Pixel 8’s Magic Editor uses machine learning to put sophisticated photo editing in the palm of your hand and, thanks to improved natural language recognition, you can ask the Google Assistant to summarize articles or read them aloud while translating in real-time. The phone’s new Actua displays have also set a high bar in terms of brightness, while Google’s pledge to provide seven years of software support is practically unmatched among Android devices. So while it’s a small bummer that prices have risen $100 to $699 and $999 respectively, with the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro, it feels like Google is entering a new era of AI-powered computing.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 13/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 & 8 Pro hands-on review
Źródło: GSM Arena angielski EN→PL
We are still in the process of testing the Pixel 8 phones and there will be more to come later. For now, we have mixed feelings about these devices. Among the things we liked are the new designs, which may look a bit generic now but are far more comfortable to hold, especially the smaller Pixel 8, which is absolutely delightful. The new displays are also terrific and possibly the best hardware upgrade this generation. The software is clean as usual, there are a lot of AI things to play around with, and the seven-year update promise is commendable. Pixel 8 Pixel 8 Pro hands-on reviewPixel 8 next to Pixel 8 Pro The cameras this year feel more like a sidegrade after initial testing so it's unsurprising that Google is relying heavily on AI and cloud-based processing to improve things further. They are still great cameras but nothing that will give Pixel 7 or even Pixel 6 owners severe FOMO. What's clearly unimpressive, however, is the new Tensor G3 chip.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 13/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 & 8 Pro Tips | 20+ Best Android 14 Features
Źródło: Tech Spurt angielski
The best Google Pixel 8 Pro features, exclusive to these flagship phones or baked into Android 14. From camera tools and the Pixel 8's excellent photo editing, to my favourite customisation and setup features, here's tips and tricks on how to get the most from your Google flagship. My unboxing and Pixel 8 vs Pixel 8 Pro comparison are live now, full review is coming soon! The camera experience is one of the major areas where these 2023 phones have been upgraded, mostly with fresh features including AI shenanigans. For instance, the Pixel 8 Pro can now shoot RAW images and soon will have a special Night Video mode. You can boost the audio on your clips and swap faces between photos to get the perfect family portrait. AI Wallpaper is a new feature that can replace your mineral-based background with something just as random.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 13/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro review: Making AI cool again
Źródło: Engadget angielski
Between the Pixel 8 line’s new Tensor G3 chip and an assortment of powerful software features, Google might have just cut through the hype by giving regular people a reason to care about again. The Pixel 8’s Magic Editor uses machine learning to put sophisticated photo editing in the palm of your hand and, thanks to improved natural language recognition, you can ask the Google Assistant to summarize articles or read them aloud while translating in real-time. The phone’s new Actua displays have also set a high bar in terms of brightness, while Google’s pledge to provide seven years of software support is practically unmatched among Android devices. So while it’s a small bummer that prices have risen $100 to $699 and $999 respectively, with the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro, it feels like Google is entering a new era of AI-powered computing.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 13/10/2023
Pixel 8 Pro: Early Review! | A True Flagship?
Źródło: 9to5google angielski
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
My Pixel 8 Pro Review
Źródło: Dave 2D angielski
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Google Pixel 8/8 Pro Review: We'll Fix It In Post!
Źródło: Marques Brownlee angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Pixel 8 Pro: Early Review! | A True Flagship?
Źródło: 9to5google angielski
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
My Pixel 8 Pro Review
Źródło: Dave 2D angielski
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Google Pixel 8/8 Pro Review: We'll Fix It In Post!
Źródło: Marques Brownlee angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Pixel 8 Pro: Early Review! | A True Flagship?
Źródło: 9to5google angielski
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
My Pixel 8 Pro Review
Źródło: Dave 2D angielski
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Google Pixel 8/8 Pro Review: We'll Fix It In Post!
Źródło: Marques Brownlee angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Pixel 8 Pro: Early Review! | A True Flagship?
Źródło: 9to5google angielski
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
My Pixel 8 Pro Review
Źródło: Dave 2D angielski
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Google Pixel 8/8 Pro Review: We'll Fix It In Post!
Źródło: Marques Brownlee angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
80% Geek Review: Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: Geek Culture angielski EN→PL
Google’s foray and leaning into AI for the Google Pixel 8 Pro is best described as an inconsistent experience and packed with caveats. While we’d have to show grace towards features that are new to the market, the Pixel 8 Pro needs to hold itself to a higher standard as it ultimately represents the best of the Android ecosystem. At its core, the phone offers an excellent experience, but lacks the defining feature that makes it a must-buy for Android aficionados. If a phone upgrade is in order the Google Pixel 8 Pro is still a good pick but if you can hold out for the inevitable Pixel 8a, it would be a great decision to get the phone’s features but at a fraction of the cost.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% cena: 70% wydajność: 70% wykonanie: 90%
100% Review: Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: L&B TechReview angielski EN→PL
It’s clear that with its Pixel mobiles, Google wants to set the direction for Android mobiles. And the future is not an arms race on raw speed. Our mobiles are already as fast as computers, but do we really need it? Instead, it makes everything a little smarter. The camera takes better pictures for us, the microphone cancels noise for us, the assistant understands what we want, and it charges the battery smarter than we can figure out on our own. That’s not to say that there are no new features, because the performance has really improved, the screen has become extremely bright – and the phone has a thermometer! Sure, it has its flaws, but you just have to surrender to the feeling of desire.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
84% Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro review: Take a peek at our camera samples
Źródło: Mashable angielski EN→PL
Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro felt like the best of all worlds a year ago. They had stunning new camera features to go along with superb performance. Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro are technically better devices, but they’re a good deal less exciting. I don’t expect everyone to have the same philosophical objections to the new AI features that I do, but I have them nonetheless. The Pro’s temperature sensor is also value-neutral at best right now. Google just didn’t pack as many new and enthralling features into these phones as it did last year. That’s fine. It happens with devices that are refreshed annually, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t worth pointing out. Even with that in mind, these are going to be the best Android phones you can get if you care about great cameras, strong performance, and AI. Just…maybe don’t jump to upgrade if you already have a Pixel 7.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 84% wydajność: 100%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro initial review: five days with Google's greatest phone
Źródło: Android Central angielski EN→PL
It's becoming harder and harder to find reasons not to recommend a Google Pixel phone. The Pixel 8 Pro is the best phone Google has ever made, bar none. It's got an improved build over its predecessors, a more efficient processor that doesn't get hot under pressure, great battery life, and stunning cameras. Plus, Google's new AI tools are a marvel when they work. At this point, some tools like Magic Editor and Best Take are a little too finicky for my taste, but time may iron out some of the issues I ran across. Still, Audio Magic Eraser and the improved normal Magic Eraser do a bang-up job of helping users easily edit out common issues in their videos and photos. And Google's commitment to supporting the Pixel 8 Pro with major Android updates for seven years is simply unmatched by any major smartphone company — even Apple! While the $100 price hike is tough, being supported for such a long time is a meaningful improvement that's worth the trade-off and makes this the best flagship smartphone you can buy today.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
89% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: photo finish
Źródło: Gadgetguy angielski EN→PL
As the price of the search Pixel range keeps creeping up, it becomes harder to justify stretching your budget from the standard model to the Pro. The search Pixel 8 Prosearch 8 Pro offers a bigger screen compared to the standard search Pixel 8, but its real selling point is the improved cameras and extra lens – especially if you need good photos from a distance. If this all sounds like overkill to you, the standard search Pixel 8 lets you save $500 dollars while still enjoying all of the high-end Pixel magic. But if you’re after a killer camera phone that can handle anything you throw at it, the Google Pixel search 8 Pro is the way to go.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 89% cena: 85% wydajność: 90% wykonanie: 90%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: When you want the best Android, you get this
Źródło: India Today angielski EN→PL
Let's be real: Any phone that comes out in the ultra-premium segment faces an iPhone-sized challenge. And it is extremely extremely difficult to challenge the top iPhones for several reasons. Most don't succeed. But some like the Pixel 8 Pro offer consumers a different - and compelling - vision of what a smartphone is supposed to do. The Pixel 8 Pro is a fantastic smartphone, with capable hardware and arguably the best camera for photography in the world of smartphones. It is, I am convinced, the best Android phone to buy in India. There are no ifs and buts anymore with the hardware inside the Pixel phones, and the fact that you get a clean and Google's version of Android with it is a big positive. At this price segment now, the choice is between Android or iOS. And if you want Android, you would do well to pick up the Pixel 8 Pro.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Google Pixel 8 Pro Audio test
Źródło: DxOMark angielski EN→PL
With a DXOMARK Audio score of 142, the Google Pixel 8 Pro performed very well in our tests and is a clear improvement over its predecessor, the Pixel 7 Pro, with better results in both playback and recording. The built-in speakers sounded great, with a warm timbre and excellent wideness of the sound scene. In playback, the device did best when listening to music. Audio quality was good when watching movies or gaming as well, but the test scores were slightly lower for those use cases. Pixel 8 Pro audio recordings featured a pleasant and natural timbre. Our testers found that the recording quality during loud events in particular, such as concerts, had been improved over the previous generation Google flagship. The audio zoom feature could have been more effective, though. Recording results were best when using the front camera but only slightly lower with the main camera app. Due to its mono rendition, there was a noticeable drop in performance when using the recorder app for memos and similar use.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro Display test
Źródło: DxOMark angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 Pro is a very versatile phone that provides users with a good display experience in all lighting conditions. Currently at the top for the overall score, it leads all other phones in our database to date in two important sub-categories: readability and color. Compared to previous generations of Google phones, the Pixel 8 Pro shows better peak brightness and improved colors and contrast in challenging environments, such as outdoors on a bright sunny day.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
80% Pixel 8 and 8 Pro review: in Google we trust?
Źródło: The Verge angielski EN→PL
There’s also the very real potential that in seven years, the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro will only just be receiving their last OS platform update. Sure, there’s a chance that Google won’t even be making phones in seven years, but the company has made good on its previous software support promises, so it’s not completely foolish to believe it might happen. How much you trust Google to fulfill these promises — and how much you trust the company with a lot of your personal information — should dictate whether or not the Pixel 8 is for you. They offer more potential than ever, but they’re also more expensive than ever. Can you trust Google to make that investment worthwhile? That’s a comfort level that each of us can only define for ourselves.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Google Pixel 8 Pro vs Pixel 8 | Unboxing & 1 Week Later...
Źródło: Tech Spurt angielski
Unboxing Google's Pixel 8 Pro and regular flagship with a 1 week review of the camera tech, gaming performance, battery life and beyond. We tour the best new Android 14 features and compare the Pixel 8 Pro vs that compact Pixel 8, which costs £300 less in the UK! As well as the obvious size difference, Google has packed quite a few extra features into the more premium phone. That camera hardware has been boosted with a telephoto lens as well as upgraded ultra-wide snapper. Plus the Pixel 8 Pro has full manual controls, and will enjoy a Video Boost tool later in 2023. Check out my Pixel 8 camera review for full testing! Likewise, the larger smartphone offers up some bonuses like a temperature sensor - possibly the most random phone feature of the year?
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro Camera Review vs Pixel 8 | Worth that £300 Extra?
Źródło: Tech Spurt angielski
Reviewing the Google Pixel 8 Pro camera vs the regular Pixel 8, testing the difference in photo and video quality and features. Google's latest 2023 flagships boast dependable camera tech but the Pixel 8 Pro is more powerful, best for shooting kids, pets etc. For the hardware, both phones serve up the same 50MP Octa PD primary sensor with OIS. However, the ultra-wide sensors are different and the Pixel 8 Pro also boasts an upgraded focus and 48MP telephoto camera. This means the Pro is superior for zoom photos as well as capturing portrait shots. That said, I did still see some borky portraits from this Google phone, which will hopefully be sorted in an update. Likewise, the Pixel 8 Pro serves up more manual controls and a high resolution mode (which I haven't found too helpful so far, but maybe you have?)
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro Review: Generative AI Matters
Źródło: ben's gadget reviews angielski
The Google Pixel 8 Pro is, more than any other phone, not about its specs. Don't get me wrong, the specs are fine, and even pretty good. 6.7-inch LTPO OLED screen, 50MP main camera with a 1/1.3-inch image sensor; 5X Periscope zoom lens. But what really sets this phone apart is Tensor G3, and its Generative AI capabilities. Generative AI is going to disrupt and kill entire industries, and this is the first phone to offer us a glimpse of it in our pocket.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Can the Google Pixel 8 Pro even Survive 7 YEARS?! - Durability Test!
Źródło: JerryRigEverything angielski
Google has never been known for their exceptionably durable hardware. But the Durability and Longevity of the Google Pixel 8 Pro is super important - especially if the phone is getting 7 years worth of updates!
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro - 1 Week Later...
Źródło: SuperSaf angielski
The Google Pixel 8 Pro features a 6.7” 120Hz LTPO Display, Triple Camera, 50MP Primary, 48MP Ultrawide and 48MP telephoto camera, Google Tensor G3 Chip with Titan M2 Security, 128/256/512GB/1TB UFS 3.1 storage, 12GB LPDDR5 RAM, 5050mAh Battery with 30W Fast Charging (not included) and Price is from £999/$999. The Google Pixel 8 features a 6.2” 120Hz Display, Dual Camera, 50MP Primary and 12MP Ultrawide, Google Tensor G3 Chip with Titan M2 Security, 128/256GB UFS 3.1 storage, 8GB LPDDR5 RAM, 4575mAh Battery with 30W Fast Charging (not included) and Price is from £699/$699. For my UK viewers, the first 50 purchases to use code SuperSaf50UK at checkout on Google Store will get £50 off the Pixel 8, Pixel 8 pro OR the Pixel Watch 2.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro REVIEW: Should You Buy It?
Źródło: Tom's Guide angielski
The Google Pixel 8 Pro makes all the right moves in making it a more complete, robust flagship that’s worthy of taking on the competition. Armed with a barrage of new camera features powered by Google AI, it’s the phone that can make the average pro seem like a seasoned Adobe Photoshop and Premiere editor with features like Audio Magic Eraser, Magic Editor, and Pro Controls. I think it has a shot at becoming one of the best phones this year, giving the iPhone 15 Pro Max and Galaxy S23 Ultra competition for the top honor. Google is gambling big on artificial intelligence with the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro, giving up a small glimpse into the future of what our phones could do for us.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
80% Geek Review: Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: Geek Culture angielski EN→PL
Google’s foray and leaning into AI for the Google Pixel 8 Pro is best described as an inconsistent experience and packed with caveats. While we’d have to show grace towards features that are new to the market, the Pixel 8 Pro needs to hold itself to a higher standard as it ultimately represents the best of the Android ecosystem. At its core, the phone offers an excellent experience, but lacks the defining feature that makes it a must-buy for Android aficionados. If a phone upgrade is in order the Google Pixel 8 Pro is still a good pick but if you can hold out for the inevitable Pixel 8a, it would be a great decision to get the phone’s features but at a fraction of the cost.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% cena: 70% wydajność: 70% wykonanie: 90%
100% Review: Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: L&B TechReview angielski EN→PL
It’s clear that with its Pixel mobiles, Google wants to set the direction for Android mobiles. And the future is not an arms race on raw speed. Our mobiles are already as fast as computers, but do we really need it? Instead, it makes everything a little smarter. The camera takes better pictures for us, the microphone cancels noise for us, the assistant understands what we want, and it charges the battery smarter than we can figure out on our own. That’s not to say that there are no new features, because the performance has really improved, the screen has become extremely bright – and the phone has a thermometer! Sure, it has its flaws, but you just have to surrender to the feeling of desire.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
84% Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro review: Take a peek at our camera samples
Źródło: Mashable angielski EN→PL
Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro felt like the best of all worlds a year ago. They had stunning new camera features to go along with superb performance. Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro are technically better devices, but they’re a good deal less exciting. I don’t expect everyone to have the same philosophical objections to the new AI features that I do, but I have them nonetheless. The Pro’s temperature sensor is also value-neutral at best right now. Google just didn’t pack as many new and enthralling features into these phones as it did last year. That’s fine. It happens with devices that are refreshed annually, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t worth pointing out. Even with that in mind, these are going to be the best Android phones you can get if you care about great cameras, strong performance, and AI. Just…maybe don’t jump to upgrade if you already have a Pixel 7.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 84% wydajność: 100%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro initial review: five days with Google's greatest phone
Źródło: Android Central angielski EN→PL
It's becoming harder and harder to find reasons not to recommend a Google Pixel phone. The Pixel 8 Pro is the best phone Google has ever made, bar none. It's got an improved build over its predecessors, a more efficient processor that doesn't get hot under pressure, great battery life, and stunning cameras. Plus, Google's new AI tools are a marvel when they work. At this point, some tools like Magic Editor and Best Take are a little too finicky for my taste, but time may iron out some of the issues I ran across. Still, Audio Magic Eraser and the improved normal Magic Eraser do a bang-up job of helping users easily edit out common issues in their videos and photos. And Google's commitment to supporting the Pixel 8 Pro with major Android updates for seven years is simply unmatched by any major smartphone company — even Apple! While the $100 price hike is tough, being supported for such a long time is a meaningful improvement that's worth the trade-off and makes this the best flagship smartphone you can buy today.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
89% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: photo finish
Źródło: Gadgetguy angielski EN→PL
As the price of the search Pixel range keeps creeping up, it becomes harder to justify stretching your budget from the standard model to the Pro. The search Pixel 8 Prosearch 8 Pro offers a bigger screen compared to the standard search Pixel 8, but its real selling point is the improved cameras and extra lens – especially if you need good photos from a distance. If this all sounds like overkill to you, the standard search Pixel 8 lets you save $500 dollars while still enjoying all of the high-end Pixel magic. But if you’re after a killer camera phone that can handle anything you throw at it, the Google Pixel search 8 Pro is the way to go.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 89% cena: 85% wydajność: 90% wykonanie: 90%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: When you want the best Android, you get this
Źródło: India Today angielski EN→PL
Let's be real: Any phone that comes out in the ultra-premium segment faces an iPhone-sized challenge. And it is extremely extremely difficult to challenge the top iPhones for several reasons. Most don't succeed. But some like the Pixel 8 Pro offer consumers a different - and compelling - vision of what a smartphone is supposed to do. The Pixel 8 Pro is a fantastic smartphone, with capable hardware and arguably the best camera for photography in the world of smartphones. It is, I am convinced, the best Android phone to buy in India. There are no ifs and buts anymore with the hardware inside the Pixel phones, and the fact that you get a clean and Google's version of Android with it is a big positive. At this price segment now, the choice is between Android or iOS. And if you want Android, you would do well to pick up the Pixel 8 Pro.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Google Pixel 8 Pro Audio test
Źródło: DxOMark angielski EN→PL
With a DXOMARK Audio score of 142, the Google Pixel 8 Pro performed very well in our tests and is a clear improvement over its predecessor, the Pixel 7 Pro, with better results in both playback and recording. The built-in speakers sounded great, with a warm timbre and excellent wideness of the sound scene. In playback, the device did best when listening to music. Audio quality was good when watching movies or gaming as well, but the test scores were slightly lower for those use cases. Pixel 8 Pro audio recordings featured a pleasant and natural timbre. Our testers found that the recording quality during loud events in particular, such as concerts, had been improved over the previous generation Google flagship. The audio zoom feature could have been more effective, though. Recording results were best when using the front camera but only slightly lower with the main camera app. Due to its mono rendition, there was a noticeable drop in performance when using the recorder app for memos and similar use.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro Display test
Źródło: DxOMark angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 Pro is a very versatile phone that provides users with a good display experience in all lighting conditions. Currently at the top for the overall score, it leads all other phones in our database to date in two important sub-categories: readability and color. Compared to previous generations of Google phones, the Pixel 8 Pro shows better peak brightness and improved colors and contrast in challenging environments, such as outdoors on a bright sunny day.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
80% Pixel 8 and 8 Pro review: in Google we trust?
Źródło: The Verge angielski EN→PL
There’s also the very real potential that in seven years, the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro will only just be receiving their last OS platform update. Sure, there’s a chance that Google won’t even be making phones in seven years, but the company has made good on its previous software support promises, so it’s not completely foolish to believe it might happen. How much you trust Google to fulfill these promises — and how much you trust the company with a lot of your personal information — should dictate whether or not the Pixel 8 is for you. They offer more potential than ever, but they’re also more expensive than ever. Can you trust Google to make that investment worthwhile? That’s a comfort level that each of us can only define for ourselves.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Google Pixel 8 Pro vs Pixel 8 | Unboxing & 1 Week Later...
Źródło: Tech Spurt angielski
Unboxing Google's Pixel 8 Pro and regular flagship with a 1 week review of the camera tech, gaming performance, battery life and beyond. We tour the best new Android 14 features and compare the Pixel 8 Pro vs that compact Pixel 8, which costs £300 less in the UK! As well as the obvious size difference, Google has packed quite a few extra features into the more premium phone. That camera hardware has been boosted with a telephoto lens as well as upgraded ultra-wide snapper. Plus the Pixel 8 Pro has full manual controls, and will enjoy a Video Boost tool later in 2023. Check out my Pixel 8 camera review for full testing! Likewise, the larger smartphone offers up some bonuses like a temperature sensor - possibly the most random phone feature of the year?
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro Camera Review vs Pixel 8 | Worth that £300 Extra?
Źródło: Tech Spurt angielski
Reviewing the Google Pixel 8 Pro camera vs the regular Pixel 8, testing the difference in photo and video quality and features. Google's latest 2023 flagships boast dependable camera tech but the Pixel 8 Pro is more powerful, best for shooting kids, pets etc. For the hardware, both phones serve up the same 50MP Octa PD primary sensor with OIS. However, the ultra-wide sensors are different and the Pixel 8 Pro also boasts an upgraded focus and 48MP telephoto camera. This means the Pro is superior for zoom photos as well as capturing portrait shots. That said, I did still see some borky portraits from this Google phone, which will hopefully be sorted in an update. Likewise, the Pixel 8 Pro serves up more manual controls and a high resolution mode (which I haven't found too helpful so far, but maybe you have?)
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro Review: Generative AI Matters
Źródło: ben's gadget reviews angielski
The Google Pixel 8 Pro is, more than any other phone, not about its specs. Don't get me wrong, the specs are fine, and even pretty good. 6.7-inch LTPO OLED screen, 50MP main camera with a 1/1.3-inch image sensor; 5X Periscope zoom lens. But what really sets this phone apart is Tensor G3, and its Generative AI capabilities. Generative AI is going to disrupt and kill entire industries, and this is the first phone to offer us a glimpse of it in our pocket.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Can the Google Pixel 8 Pro even Survive 7 YEARS?! - Durability Test!
Źródło: JerryRigEverything angielski
Google has never been known for their exceptionably durable hardware. But the Durability and Longevity of the Google Pixel 8 Pro is super important - especially if the phone is getting 7 years worth of updates!
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro - 1 Week Later...
Źródło: SuperSaf angielski
The Google Pixel 8 Pro features a 6.7” 120Hz LTPO Display, Triple Camera, 50MP Primary, 48MP Ultrawide and 48MP telephoto camera, Google Tensor G3 Chip with Titan M2 Security, 128/256/512GB/1TB UFS 3.1 storage, 12GB LPDDR5 RAM, 5050mAh Battery with 30W Fast Charging (not included) and Price is from £999/$999. The Google Pixel 8 features a 6.2” 120Hz Display, Dual Camera, 50MP Primary and 12MP Ultrawide, Google Tensor G3 Chip with Titan M2 Security, 128/256GB UFS 3.1 storage, 8GB LPDDR5 RAM, 4575mAh Battery with 30W Fast Charging (not included) and Price is from £699/$699. For my UK viewers, the first 50 purchases to use code SuperSaf50UK at checkout on Google Store will get £50 off the Pixel 8, Pixel 8 pro OR the Pixel Watch 2.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro REVIEW: Should You Buy It?
Źródło: Tom's Guide angielski
The Google Pixel 8 Pro makes all the right moves in making it a more complete, robust flagship that’s worthy of taking on the competition. Armed with a barrage of new camera features powered by Google AI, it’s the phone that can make the average pro seem like a seasoned Adobe Photoshop and Premiere editor with features like Audio Magic Eraser, Magic Editor, and Pro Controls. I think it has a shot at becoming one of the best phones this year, giving the iPhone 15 Pro Max and Galaxy S23 Ultra competition for the top honor. Google is gambling big on artificial intelligence with the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro, giving up a small glimpse into the future of what our phones could do for us.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
80% Geek Review: Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: Geek Culture angielski EN→PL
Google’s foray and leaning into AI for the Google Pixel 8 Pro is best described as an inconsistent experience and packed with caveats. While we’d have to show grace towards features that are new to the market, the Pixel 8 Pro needs to hold itself to a higher standard as it ultimately represents the best of the Android ecosystem. At its core, the phone offers an excellent experience, but lacks the defining feature that makes it a must-buy for Android aficionados. If a phone upgrade is in order the Google Pixel 8 Pro is still a good pick but if you can hold out for the inevitable Pixel 8a, it would be a great decision to get the phone’s features but at a fraction of the cost.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% cena: 70% wydajność: 70% wykonanie: 90%
100% Review: Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: L&B TechReview angielski EN→PL
It’s clear that with its Pixel mobiles, Google wants to set the direction for Android mobiles. And the future is not an arms race on raw speed. Our mobiles are already as fast as computers, but do we really need it? Instead, it makes everything a little smarter. The camera takes better pictures for us, the microphone cancels noise for us, the assistant understands what we want, and it charges the battery smarter than we can figure out on our own. That’s not to say that there are no new features, because the performance has really improved, the screen has become extremely bright – and the phone has a thermometer! Sure, it has its flaws, but you just have to surrender to the feeling of desire.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
84% Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro review: Take a peek at our camera samples
Źródło: Mashable angielski EN→PL
Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro felt like the best of all worlds a year ago. They had stunning new camera features to go along with superb performance. Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro are technically better devices, but they’re a good deal less exciting. I don’t expect everyone to have the same philosophical objections to the new AI features that I do, but I have them nonetheless. The Pro’s temperature sensor is also value-neutral at best right now. Google just didn’t pack as many new and enthralling features into these phones as it did last year. That’s fine. It happens with devices that are refreshed annually, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t worth pointing out. Even with that in mind, these are going to be the best Android phones you can get if you care about great cameras, strong performance, and AI. Just…maybe don’t jump to upgrade if you already have a Pixel 7.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 84% wydajność: 100%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro initial review: five days with Google's greatest phone
Źródło: Android Central angielski EN→PL
It's becoming harder and harder to find reasons not to recommend a Google Pixel phone. The Pixel 8 Pro is the best phone Google has ever made, bar none. It's got an improved build over its predecessors, a more efficient processor that doesn't get hot under pressure, great battery life, and stunning cameras. Plus, Google's new AI tools are a marvel when they work. At this point, some tools like Magic Editor and Best Take are a little too finicky for my taste, but time may iron out some of the issues I ran across. Still, Audio Magic Eraser and the improved normal Magic Eraser do a bang-up job of helping users easily edit out common issues in their videos and photos. And Google's commitment to supporting the Pixel 8 Pro with major Android updates for seven years is simply unmatched by any major smartphone company — even Apple! While the $100 price hike is tough, being supported for such a long time is a meaningful improvement that's worth the trade-off and makes this the best flagship smartphone you can buy today.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
89% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: photo finish
Źródło: Gadgetguy angielski EN→PL
As the price of the search Pixel range keeps creeping up, it becomes harder to justify stretching your budget from the standard model to the Pro. The search Pixel 8 Prosearch 8 Pro offers a bigger screen compared to the standard search Pixel 8, but its real selling point is the improved cameras and extra lens – especially if you need good photos from a distance. If this all sounds like overkill to you, the standard search Pixel 8 lets you save $500 dollars while still enjoying all of the high-end Pixel magic. But if you’re after a killer camera phone that can handle anything you throw at it, the Google Pixel search 8 Pro is the way to go.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 89% cena: 85% wydajność: 90% wykonanie: 90%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: When you want the best Android, you get this
Źródło: India Today angielski EN→PL
Let's be real: Any phone that comes out in the ultra-premium segment faces an iPhone-sized challenge. And it is extremely extremely difficult to challenge the top iPhones for several reasons. Most don't succeed. But some like the Pixel 8 Pro offer consumers a different - and compelling - vision of what a smartphone is supposed to do. The Pixel 8 Pro is a fantastic smartphone, with capable hardware and arguably the best camera for photography in the world of smartphones. It is, I am convinced, the best Android phone to buy in India. There are no ifs and buts anymore with the hardware inside the Pixel phones, and the fact that you get a clean and Google's version of Android with it is a big positive. At this price segment now, the choice is between Android or iOS. And if you want Android, you would do well to pick up the Pixel 8 Pro.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Google Pixel 8 Pro Audio test
Źródło: DxOMark angielski EN→PL
With a DXOMARK Audio score of 142, the Google Pixel 8 Pro performed very well in our tests and is a clear improvement over its predecessor, the Pixel 7 Pro, with better results in both playback and recording. The built-in speakers sounded great, with a warm timbre and excellent wideness of the sound scene. In playback, the device did best when listening to music. Audio quality was good when watching movies or gaming as well, but the test scores were slightly lower for those use cases. Pixel 8 Pro audio recordings featured a pleasant and natural timbre. Our testers found that the recording quality during loud events in particular, such as concerts, had been improved over the previous generation Google flagship. The audio zoom feature could have been more effective, though. Recording results were best when using the front camera but only slightly lower with the main camera app. Due to its mono rendition, there was a noticeable drop in performance when using the recorder app for memos and similar use.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro Display test
Źródło: DxOMark angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 Pro is a very versatile phone that provides users with a good display experience in all lighting conditions. Currently at the top for the overall score, it leads all other phones in our database to date in two important sub-categories: readability and color. Compared to previous generations of Google phones, the Pixel 8 Pro shows better peak brightness and improved colors and contrast in challenging environments, such as outdoors on a bright sunny day.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
80% Pixel 8 and 8 Pro review: in Google we trust?
Źródło: The Verge angielski EN→PL
There’s also the very real potential that in seven years, the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro will only just be receiving their last OS platform update. Sure, there’s a chance that Google won’t even be making phones in seven years, but the company has made good on its previous software support promises, so it’s not completely foolish to believe it might happen. How much you trust Google to fulfill these promises — and how much you trust the company with a lot of your personal information — should dictate whether or not the Pixel 8 is for you. They offer more potential than ever, but they’re also more expensive than ever. Can you trust Google to make that investment worthwhile? That’s a comfort level that each of us can only define for ourselves.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Google Pixel 8 Pro vs Pixel 8 | Unboxing & 1 Week Later...
Źródło: Tech Spurt angielski
Unboxing Google's Pixel 8 Pro and regular flagship with a 1 week review of the camera tech, gaming performance, battery life and beyond. We tour the best new Android 14 features and compare the Pixel 8 Pro vs that compact Pixel 8, which costs £300 less in the UK! As well as the obvious size difference, Google has packed quite a few extra features into the more premium phone. That camera hardware has been boosted with a telephoto lens as well as upgraded ultra-wide snapper. Plus the Pixel 8 Pro has full manual controls, and will enjoy a Video Boost tool later in 2023. Check out my Pixel 8 camera review for full testing! Likewise, the larger smartphone offers up some bonuses like a temperature sensor - possibly the most random phone feature of the year?
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro Camera Review vs Pixel 8 | Worth that £300 Extra?
Źródło: Tech Spurt angielski
Reviewing the Google Pixel 8 Pro camera vs the regular Pixel 8, testing the difference in photo and video quality and features. Google's latest 2023 flagships boast dependable camera tech but the Pixel 8 Pro is more powerful, best for shooting kids, pets etc. For the hardware, both phones serve up the same 50MP Octa PD primary sensor with OIS. However, the ultra-wide sensors are different and the Pixel 8 Pro also boasts an upgraded focus and 48MP telephoto camera. This means the Pro is superior for zoom photos as well as capturing portrait shots. That said, I did still see some borky portraits from this Google phone, which will hopefully be sorted in an update. Likewise, the Pixel 8 Pro serves up more manual controls and a high resolution mode (which I haven't found too helpful so far, but maybe you have?)
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro Review: Generative AI Matters
Źródło: ben's gadget reviews angielski
The Google Pixel 8 Pro is, more than any other phone, not about its specs. Don't get me wrong, the specs are fine, and even pretty good. 6.7-inch LTPO OLED screen, 50MP main camera with a 1/1.3-inch image sensor; 5X Periscope zoom lens. But what really sets this phone apart is Tensor G3, and its Generative AI capabilities. Generative AI is going to disrupt and kill entire industries, and this is the first phone to offer us a glimpse of it in our pocket.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Can the Google Pixel 8 Pro even Survive 7 YEARS?! - Durability Test!
Źródło: JerryRigEverything angielski
Google has never been known for their exceptionably durable hardware. But the Durability and Longevity of the Google Pixel 8 Pro is super important - especially if the phone is getting 7 years worth of updates!
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro - 1 Week Later...
Źródło: SuperSaf angielski
The Google Pixel 8 Pro features a 6.7” 120Hz LTPO Display, Triple Camera, 50MP Primary, 48MP Ultrawide and 48MP telephoto camera, Google Tensor G3 Chip with Titan M2 Security, 128/256/512GB/1TB UFS 3.1 storage, 12GB LPDDR5 RAM, 5050mAh Battery with 30W Fast Charging (not included) and Price is from £999/$999. The Google Pixel 8 features a 6.2” 120Hz Display, Dual Camera, 50MP Primary and 12MP Ultrawide, Google Tensor G3 Chip with Titan M2 Security, 128/256GB UFS 3.1 storage, 8GB LPDDR5 RAM, 4575mAh Battery with 30W Fast Charging (not included) and Price is from £699/$699. For my UK viewers, the first 50 purchases to use code SuperSaf50UK at checkout on Google Store will get £50 off the Pixel 8, Pixel 8 pro OR the Pixel Watch 2.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro REVIEW: Should You Buy It?
Źródło: Tom's Guide angielski
The Google Pixel 8 Pro makes all the right moves in making it a more complete, robust flagship that’s worthy of taking on the competition. Armed with a barrage of new camera features powered by Google AI, it’s the phone that can make the average pro seem like a seasoned Adobe Photoshop and Premiere editor with features like Audio Magic Eraser, Magic Editor, and Pro Controls. I think it has a shot at becoming one of the best phones this year, giving the iPhone 15 Pro Max and Galaxy S23 Ultra competition for the top honor. Google is gambling big on artificial intelligence with the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro, giving up a small glimpse into the future of what our phones could do for us.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
80% Geek Review: Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: Geek Culture angielski EN→PL
Google’s foray and leaning into AI for the Google Pixel 8 Pro is best described as an inconsistent experience and packed with caveats. While we’d have to show grace towards features that are new to the market, the Pixel 8 Pro needs to hold itself to a higher standard as it ultimately represents the best of the Android ecosystem. At its core, the phone offers an excellent experience, but lacks the defining feature that makes it a must-buy for Android aficionados. If a phone upgrade is in order the Google Pixel 8 Pro is still a good pick but if you can hold out for the inevitable Pixel 8a, it would be a great decision to get the phone’s features but at a fraction of the cost.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% cena: 70% wydajność: 70% wykonanie: 90%
100% Review: Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: L&B TechReview angielski EN→PL
It’s clear that with its Pixel mobiles, Google wants to set the direction for Android mobiles. And the future is not an arms race on raw speed. Our mobiles are already as fast as computers, but do we really need it? Instead, it makes everything a little smarter. The camera takes better pictures for us, the microphone cancels noise for us, the assistant understands what we want, and it charges the battery smarter than we can figure out on our own. That’s not to say that there are no new features, because the performance has really improved, the screen has become extremely bright – and the phone has a thermometer! Sure, it has its flaws, but you just have to surrender to the feeling of desire.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
84% Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro review: Take a peek at our camera samples
Źródło: Mashable angielski EN→PL
Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro felt like the best of all worlds a year ago. They had stunning new camera features to go along with superb performance. Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro are technically better devices, but they’re a good deal less exciting. I don’t expect everyone to have the same philosophical objections to the new AI features that I do, but I have them nonetheless. The Pro’s temperature sensor is also value-neutral at best right now. Google just didn’t pack as many new and enthralling features into these phones as it did last year. That’s fine. It happens with devices that are refreshed annually, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t worth pointing out. Even with that in mind, these are going to be the best Android phones you can get if you care about great cameras, strong performance, and AI. Just…maybe don’t jump to upgrade if you already have a Pixel 7.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 84% wydajność: 100%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro initial review: five days with Google's greatest phone
Źródło: Android Central angielski EN→PL
It's becoming harder and harder to find reasons not to recommend a Google Pixel phone. The Pixel 8 Pro is the best phone Google has ever made, bar none. It's got an improved build over its predecessors, a more efficient processor that doesn't get hot under pressure, great battery life, and stunning cameras. Plus, Google's new AI tools are a marvel when they work. At this point, some tools like Magic Editor and Best Take are a little too finicky for my taste, but time may iron out some of the issues I ran across. Still, Audio Magic Eraser and the improved normal Magic Eraser do a bang-up job of helping users easily edit out common issues in their videos and photos. And Google's commitment to supporting the Pixel 8 Pro with major Android updates for seven years is simply unmatched by any major smartphone company — even Apple! While the $100 price hike is tough, being supported for such a long time is a meaningful improvement that's worth the trade-off and makes this the best flagship smartphone you can buy today.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
89% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: photo finish
Źródło: Gadgetguy angielski EN→PL
As the price of the search Pixel range keeps creeping up, it becomes harder to justify stretching your budget from the standard model to the Pro. The search Pixel 8 Prosearch 8 Pro offers a bigger screen compared to the standard search Pixel 8, but its real selling point is the improved cameras and extra lens – especially if you need good photos from a distance. If this all sounds like overkill to you, the standard search Pixel 8 lets you save $500 dollars while still enjoying all of the high-end Pixel magic. But if you’re after a killer camera phone that can handle anything you throw at it, the Google Pixel search 8 Pro is the way to go.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 89% cena: 85% wydajność: 90% wykonanie: 90%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: When you want the best Android, you get this
Źródło: India Today angielski EN→PL
Let's be real: Any phone that comes out in the ultra-premium segment faces an iPhone-sized challenge. And it is extremely extremely difficult to challenge the top iPhones for several reasons. Most don't succeed. But some like the Pixel 8 Pro offer consumers a different - and compelling - vision of what a smartphone is supposed to do. The Pixel 8 Pro is a fantastic smartphone, with capable hardware and arguably the best camera for photography in the world of smartphones. It is, I am convinced, the best Android phone to buy in India. There are no ifs and buts anymore with the hardware inside the Pixel phones, and the fact that you get a clean and Google's version of Android with it is a big positive. At this price segment now, the choice is between Android or iOS. And if you want Android, you would do well to pick up the Pixel 8 Pro.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Google Pixel 8 Pro Audio test
Źródło: DxOMark angielski EN→PL
With a DXOMARK Audio score of 142, the Google Pixel 8 Pro performed very well in our tests and is a clear improvement over its predecessor, the Pixel 7 Pro, with better results in both playback and recording. The built-in speakers sounded great, with a warm timbre and excellent wideness of the sound scene. In playback, the device did best when listening to music. Audio quality was good when watching movies or gaming as well, but the test scores were slightly lower for those use cases. Pixel 8 Pro audio recordings featured a pleasant and natural timbre. Our testers found that the recording quality during loud events in particular, such as concerts, had been improved over the previous generation Google flagship. The audio zoom feature could have been more effective, though. Recording results were best when using the front camera but only slightly lower with the main camera app. Due to its mono rendition, there was a noticeable drop in performance when using the recorder app for memos and similar use.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro Display test
Źródło: DxOMark angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 Pro is a very versatile phone that provides users with a good display experience in all lighting conditions. Currently at the top for the overall score, it leads all other phones in our database to date in two important sub-categories: readability and color. Compared to previous generations of Google phones, the Pixel 8 Pro shows better peak brightness and improved colors and contrast in challenging environments, such as outdoors on a bright sunny day.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
80% Pixel 8 and 8 Pro review: in Google we trust?
Źródło: The Verge angielski EN→PL
There’s also the very real potential that in seven years, the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro will only just be receiving their last OS platform update. Sure, there’s a chance that Google won’t even be making phones in seven years, but the company has made good on its previous software support promises, so it’s not completely foolish to believe it might happen. How much you trust Google to fulfill these promises — and how much you trust the company with a lot of your personal information — should dictate whether or not the Pixel 8 is for you. They offer more potential than ever, but they’re also more expensive than ever. Can you trust Google to make that investment worthwhile? That’s a comfort level that each of us can only define for ourselves.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Google Pixel 8 Pro vs Pixel 8 | Unboxing & 1 Week Later...
Źródło: Tech Spurt angielski
Unboxing Google's Pixel 8 Pro and regular flagship with a 1 week review of the camera tech, gaming performance, battery life and beyond. We tour the best new Android 14 features and compare the Pixel 8 Pro vs that compact Pixel 8, which costs £300 less in the UK! As well as the obvious size difference, Google has packed quite a few extra features into the more premium phone. That camera hardware has been boosted with a telephoto lens as well as upgraded ultra-wide snapper. Plus the Pixel 8 Pro has full manual controls, and will enjoy a Video Boost tool later in 2023. Check out my Pixel 8 camera review for full testing! Likewise, the larger smartphone offers up some bonuses like a temperature sensor - possibly the most random phone feature of the year?
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro Camera Review vs Pixel 8 | Worth that £300 Extra?
Źródło: Tech Spurt angielski
Reviewing the Google Pixel 8 Pro camera vs the regular Pixel 8, testing the difference in photo and video quality and features. Google's latest 2023 flagships boast dependable camera tech but the Pixel 8 Pro is more powerful, best for shooting kids, pets etc. For the hardware, both phones serve up the same 50MP Octa PD primary sensor with OIS. However, the ultra-wide sensors are different and the Pixel 8 Pro also boasts an upgraded focus and 48MP telephoto camera. This means the Pro is superior for zoom photos as well as capturing portrait shots. That said, I did still see some borky portraits from this Google phone, which will hopefully be sorted in an update. Likewise, the Pixel 8 Pro serves up more manual controls and a high resolution mode (which I haven't found too helpful so far, but maybe you have?)
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro Review: Generative AI Matters
Źródło: ben's gadget reviews angielski
The Google Pixel 8 Pro is, more than any other phone, not about its specs. Don't get me wrong, the specs are fine, and even pretty good. 6.7-inch LTPO OLED screen, 50MP main camera with a 1/1.3-inch image sensor; 5X Periscope zoom lens. But what really sets this phone apart is Tensor G3, and its Generative AI capabilities. Generative AI is going to disrupt and kill entire industries, and this is the first phone to offer us a glimpse of it in our pocket.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Can the Google Pixel 8 Pro even Survive 7 YEARS?! - Durability Test!
Źródło: JerryRigEverything angielski
Google has never been known for their exceptionably durable hardware. But the Durability and Longevity of the Google Pixel 8 Pro is super important - especially if the phone is getting 7 years worth of updates!
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro - 1 Week Later...
Źródło: SuperSaf angielski
The Google Pixel 8 Pro features a 6.7” 120Hz LTPO Display, Triple Camera, 50MP Primary, 48MP Ultrawide and 48MP telephoto camera, Google Tensor G3 Chip with Titan M2 Security, 128/256/512GB/1TB UFS 3.1 storage, 12GB LPDDR5 RAM, 5050mAh Battery with 30W Fast Charging (not included) and Price is from £999/$999. The Google Pixel 8 features a 6.2” 120Hz Display, Dual Camera, 50MP Primary and 12MP Ultrawide, Google Tensor G3 Chip with Titan M2 Security, 128/256GB UFS 3.1 storage, 8GB LPDDR5 RAM, 4575mAh Battery with 30W Fast Charging (not included) and Price is from £699/$699. For my UK viewers, the first 50 purchases to use code SuperSaf50UK at checkout on Google Store will get £50 off the Pixel 8, Pixel 8 pro OR the Pixel Watch 2.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro REVIEW: Should You Buy It?
Źródło: Tom's Guide angielski
The Google Pixel 8 Pro makes all the right moves in making it a more complete, robust flagship that’s worthy of taking on the competition. Armed with a barrage of new camera features powered by Google AI, it’s the phone that can make the average pro seem like a seasoned Adobe Photoshop and Premiere editor with features like Audio Magic Eraser, Magic Editor, and Pro Controls. I think it has a shot at becoming one of the best phones this year, giving the iPhone 15 Pro Max and Galaxy S23 Ultra competition for the top honor. Google is gambling big on artificial intelligence with the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro, giving up a small glimpse into the future of what our phones could do for us.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review
Źródło: PC Mag angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 Pro is a refreshing entry into the Android space thanks to its AI-powered software tricks. What other phone lets you easily erase stuff from photos, move yourself over a few feet in a picture, or ensure that everyone in a group shot is looking at the camera? It also comes with the best software update policy in the biz, making it one of the most attractive Android phones for anyone who likes to go the distance with their device. That said, the Pixel 8 Pro falls behind some competitors when it comes to raw horsepower and, more importantly, battery life. That's why the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra ultimately remains our Editors' Choice for top Android flagships. If you're looking to spend less, meanwhile, the standard Pixel 8 offers many of the same features as the Pro (not to mention better battery life) for $300 dollars less, which earns it our Editors' Choice award for midrange phones.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
100% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: Google just went and reinvented smartphone photography
Źródło: Pocket Lint angielski EN→PL
Smartphone launches always focus on the camera, and Pixel has always been there as one of the best. But in the Pixel 8 Pro, we're talking about something else. We're talking about progression beyond photography and into creativity I've never experienced. It's clear that this is down to years of work into computational photography, and while new device launches in the next couple of months will offer more power (probably) and perhaps more battery life, you can't just conjure up a feature like Magic Editor. The Pixel 8 Pro is a stellar smartphone: it's the Pixel 7 Pro on steroids. As iterative as the design and software might be, Google didn't try reinventing its flagship smartphone in 2023. Instead, it went and reinvented smartphone imaging.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: picture perfect, pesky pricing
Źródło: 91mobiles angielski EN→PL
Google raised a lot of eyebrows when it launched the Pixel 8 Pro in India with a price tag of Rs 1,06,999. Google bumped up the price by around Rs 22,000 compared to last year’s Pixel 7 Pro, which is a significant bump, especially considering Apple managed to keep the pricing of the iPhone 15 models more or less similar to last year’s models. At this price, the Pixel 8 Pro could face an uphill battle in a price-sensitive market like India. But impressive upgrades are what you get with the Pixel 8 Pro, especially on the software side of things. There are tons of camera features that will completely change the meaning of a photograph and the promise of 7 years of OS upgrades is a sweet deal for any buyer. The design is more refined now and the display is fantastic. The Tensor G3 isn’t the most powerful chipset out there, but it will get you from point A to B without fuss, so to speak.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% wydajność: 70% wyświetlacz: 80% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 80%
Google Pixel 8 Pro Initial Review: It’s all coming together
Źródło: 9to5google angielski EN→PL
It sounds like a cliche at this point, but the Pixel 8 Pro is genuinely Google’s best phone yet and the culmination of the entire Pixel series thus far. It takes the camera and AI legacy of the first few Pixel phones and mixes that with the improved hardware that’s come from everything after the Tensor reboot, as well as finally (probably, maybe, hopefully) getting that chip right. Throw in that the Pixel ecosystem is getting much stronger and that this phone is potentially going to have better resale value thanks to its seven-year update promise, and you’ve got a pretty compelling device in my opinion. I’ve enjoyed every minute with the Pixel 8 Pro so far, and I can’t wait to keep running it daily. I don’t think anyone who picks up a Pixel 8 Pro will regret it. Pixel 8 Pro is the biggest leap Google has taken in smartphones since the first Pixel device, and really for the first time in years, this is a device that feels like it’s not just waiting on a better future but is ready for customers today.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Google's Pixel 8 Pro Has Some Big Problems: Our Review in Progress
Źródło: CNet angielski EN→PL
The issues we've found on multiple models of the Pixel 8 Pro suggest that there are software issues with the phone that aren't simply restricted to one dud unit. And while we expect Google to quickly roll out fixes to address these, the fact remains that right now, Google wants $1,000 for a phone that has major problems. CNET's advice is to hold on to your money and check back with us in the coming days as we continue to test the 8 Pro and the updates it'll likely receive.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro review
Źródło: Tech Advisor angielski EN→PL
Google has produced its most advanced Pixel phone yet with the Pixel 8 Pro, which has one of the most intuitive cameras you can get on a smartphone and plenty of other premium features – it’s just a shame that the battery life isn’t as impressive.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review - making more out of your phone
Źródło: Techradar angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 Pro is the best Pixel that Google has ever made, and it represents Google’s vision for the future of mobile technology, though that vision does seem a bit clouded and unfocused at times. It has a fantastic display that’s bigger and brighter than its competitors at this price, and the photography features, bolstered by Google’s machine learning, are unmatched by any other phone maker. Some of the new AI features are cool and useful, but some are a bit weird, even off-putting, and the phone suffers from the worst Android tendencies. But Google is committed to this phone for seven years in terms of updates, longer than ever before, so there’s plenty of time for improvement, and the hardware gives Google a great platform to build up from.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% cena: 80% wydajność: 60% wyświetlacz: 100% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: A big leap for AI
Źródło: Tom's Guide angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 Pro is a satisfying showcase for how artificial intelligence is being leveraged in a greater way in our phones, with a smarter, more human sounding Google Assistant at the helm. Even with a $100 price hike over its predecessor, the Pixel 8 Pro stands out thanks to these AI improvements.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: Living up to its name
Źródło: Android Police angielski EN→PL
That said, I find myself hesitating on some of Google's latest AI-powered software enhancements. Not everything here, at least in my eyes, is a home run, and I'm curious to see how real-world users react to some of these options. However, there's nothing here that can't be easily ignored — if you don't like Best Take or Magic Editor or Assistant's Summarize tools, pretending they don't exist is super simple. Remove all that noise and you're left with a great Android phone, combining an excellent design with a premium camera. And at that point, what's not to like? The Google Pixel 8 Pro is the company's latest flagship, boasting a new Tensor G3 chip, a brigher screen, and a new camera array capable of capturing even more light. As usual, the real power lies in Google's Tensor chip, which offers even more photo enhancement and image editing features.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
100% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review: The Smartest Android Smartphone
Źródło: Android Headlines angielski EN→PL
This year, Google put a lot more of a difference between the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro, instead of just being about size and the telephoto camera. There’s a lot to like about the Pixel 8 Pro here, and it makes it an even harder decision between it and the Pixel 8. Especially with the price increase for both models, of $100. If you’re coming from a Pixel 7 series, the upgrade isn’t really worth it. But if it’s a Pixel 6 or older, then the Pixel 8 Pro is pretty worth it. And there’s loads of great trade-in options available right now.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: the best Pixel I’ve ever used
Źródło: Digital Trends angielski EN→PL
We’re now at the end of this review, which took multiple days and a lot of caffeine to power through. And you know what? I’m no longer nervous about the Google Pixel 8 Pro. Instead, I’m ecstatic about it. Elated, even. Or whatever other synonyms you want to use! There are a lot of intricate details about the Pixel 8 Pro, and I hope those all came across clearly as you made your way through this review. What it all boils down to, though, is that this is an outstanding smartphone — easily one of the best Android phones of the year. The Google Pixel 8 Pro is a champion of a smartphone. Google’s hardware is better than it’s ever been, the software experience is unmatched, and you’re getting all of this at a (relatively) reasonable price. If anything, its biggest competitor is the smaller and cheaper Google Pixel 8. There’s no doubt that 2023 has given us a lot of outstanding handsets, many of which are fierce competitors against this one.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro review: Google's most compelling phones in years
Źródło: Engadget angielski EN→PL
Back in 2018 when the Pixel 3 came out, that was the first time it felt like Google’s software-first approach to phone design really came together. And now on the Pixel 8, between the Tensor G3 and compelling new tools that chip is powering, Google is using AI to level up its playbook. More importantly, it’s doing so in a more tangible and practical way than services like ChatGPT or Midjourney. The Pixel 8 delivers AI to the palm of your hand that makes your photos look better, videos sound better, news easier to digest and your drunk texts easier to understand. And with even longer software support, there’s a pathway for the Pixel 8 to get better down the line. It is a bit of a shame that both the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro now cost $100 more than before. But just like everything else, phones aren't immune to inflation. And that price is even higher for people on Verizon who want support for mmWave 5G, as Big Red’s version of the Pixel 8 starts at $799 instead of $699.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro First Impressions: Going Big on AI
Źródło: NDTV Gadgets angielski EN→PL
As you can tell from the new AI-related upgrades and hardware performance upgrades, it is easy to forget that Pixel devices have always been about being first in line to receive the latest software updates. The new Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro are no different and come with Android 14 and all its Pixel customisations out of the box. Google also announced that it will provide seven years of OS, security and juicy Pixel Drops as well, which is a massive commitment from Google. But will that battery even last that long? Well, Google seems to have the spares situation covered for the same duration too. While all of the above features and commitments appear to raise the bar for both Android and even iOS-powered smartphones, Google has also raised the bar when it comes to pricing this year. With the Pixel 8 starting from Rs. 75,999 and the Pixel 8 Pro priced at Rs. 1,06,999, these are indeed Google's most expensive smartphones to reach India.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 11/10/2023
Pixel 8 And Pixel 8 Pro Review: Artificially Intelligent, Naturally Elegant
Źródło: Hot Hardware angielski EN→PL
If you've got the Pixel 7 / 7 Pro and like them, this may not be as big an upgrade for you. If you are on an older Pixel (or a different phone entirely) and yearning for an upgrade, the Pixel 8 or 8 Pro will impress. Pricing has inched up $100 this year to $700 for the Pixel 8 and $1,000 for the Pixel 8 Pro. The Pro has a bigger, better display and more camera features, but the Pixel 8 is otherwise identical. The Pixel 8 is still a solid deal at $700, and that's the one most mainstream users should probably get, unless you want that lager display and pro camera mode. If Google ever doubles back and gives the Pixel 8 manual camera controls as well, it will be a slam dunk. In the meantime, depending on your budget, you can't go wrong either way with the new Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro, and we're giving both our coveted Editor's Choice award.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
85% Pixel 8 Pro Review: Android’s best
Źródło: Mobile Syrup angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 Pro is an awesome flagship, but unfortunately, it's not that different from its predecessor for people who want to upgrade. However, if you have anything older than the Pixel 7 Pro, the Pixel 8 Pro is definitely a lot more appealing. This year, the Mountain View company has also increased the price of the 8 Pro. The handset now costs $1,349 compared to last year's $1,179. I don't really think it's worth this price increase. At the same time, this puts the 8 Pro more in line with other flagships like the Galaxy S23 Ultra and the iPhone 15 Pro Max. Although those handsets start at around $300 more expensive than the 8 Pro. But the 8 Pro starts at 128GB of storage, which seems like an odd choice for Google. However, getting the 8 Pro at launch isn't the right move if you're looking for a good deal, although Google will probably discount the handset during the holiday season. I like the Pixel 8 Pro. I enjoy its design and how it feels to hold. I think it has a great camera, and the Tensor G3 processor is more than capable.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 85%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review: Seven Years Make All The Difference
Źródło: Slashgear angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 Pro is the first Pixel in a few years that's really stood out from its predecessors with feature functionality that's easy to recommend to Pixel users. In past years, Google made it difficult to recommend a new Pixel to someone already using an older Pixel because Google has been fairly reliable about pushing new features to old phones — and keeping older units viable with operating system updates and security updates a few years after they're released. At launch, Google guaranteed that the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro would get 7 years of updates – both security and OS updates, included. That means that the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro should be running the latest version of Android all the way to October 2030. The Google Pixel 8 Pro is as good or better than every Pixel that's come before it. It's well worth the amount of cash you'll need to pay to get it, especially considering the prices of its high-end competition and the 7-year promise. You can purchase the Pixel 8 Pro at Best Buy in a variety of colors and storage sizes.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
100% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: raising the bar
Źródło: Stuff TV angielski EN→PL
With a design that has matured like a fine wine, a simply stunning screen, and some of the most capable cameras you’ll find on a phone, the Pixel 8 Pro finally feels deserving of that ‘Pro’ label. Even if it comes at the expense of the smaller, cheaper Pixel 8. Extensive software support means it could earn a place in your pocket for years to come – but that’s not to say there aren’t areas where rivals do things better. Performance, battery life and charging speeds are good rather than great, and the growing reliance on generative AI is sure to divide opinions. The temperature sensor also feels like a flash in the pan right now. Previous Pro Pixels had their sore spots, of course. And they also had value on their side. The Pixel 8 Pro still compares favourably on price with the iPhone 15 Pro Max and Galaxy S23 Ultra, but not by a lot. That means you have to be more of a Google die-hard to pick this over the very capable alternatives. You’ll be very happy with your purchase if you do.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: This phone sold me on an AI-powered future
Źródło: angielski EN→PL
Going into this review, I spent a week with the Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro, with my primary SIM (T-Mobile) in the Pro model and an eSIM (Mint Mobile) in the non-Pro model. My daily usage included listening to podcasts in the morning and night, using Android Auto/GPS navigation during my commutes, frequently communicating via text message, emails, and Slack, taking the occasional food/scenic photo because #newyorkcity, and spending a good two hours on Reddit and YouTube. I try not to deviate from my normal usage no matter what phone I test in order to understand how each device handles the various tasks, for better or worse. Given Google's love for announcing key features that don't actually make it onto review units until months later, I'll be updating this testimonial as new services roll out. Stay tuned.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review
Źródło: PC Mag angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 Pro is a refreshing entry into the Android space thanks to its AI-powered software tricks. What other phone lets you easily erase stuff from photos, move yourself over a few feet in a picture, or ensure that everyone in a group shot is looking at the camera? It also comes with the best software update policy in the biz, making it one of the most attractive Android phones for anyone who likes to go the distance with their device. That said, the Pixel 8 Pro falls behind some competitors when it comes to raw horsepower and, more importantly, battery life. That's why the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra ultimately remains our Editors' Choice for top Android flagships. If you're looking to spend less, meanwhile, the standard Pixel 8 offers many of the same features as the Pro (not to mention better battery life) for $300 dollars less, which earns it our Editors' Choice award for midrange phones.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
100% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: Google just went and reinvented smartphone photography
Źródło: Pocket Lint angielski EN→PL
Smartphone launches always focus on the camera, and Pixel has always been there as one of the best. But in the Pixel 8 Pro, we're talking about something else. We're talking about progression beyond photography and into creativity I've never experienced. It's clear that this is down to years of work into computational photography, and while new device launches in the next couple of months will offer more power (probably) and perhaps more battery life, you can't just conjure up a feature like Magic Editor. The Pixel 8 Pro is a stellar smartphone: it's the Pixel 7 Pro on steroids. As iterative as the design and software might be, Google didn't try reinventing its flagship smartphone in 2023. Instead, it went and reinvented smartphone imaging.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: picture perfect, pesky pricing
Źródło: 91mobiles angielski EN→PL
Google raised a lot of eyebrows when it launched the Pixel 8 Pro in India with a price tag of Rs 1,06,999. Google bumped up the price by around Rs 22,000 compared to last year’s Pixel 7 Pro, which is a significant bump, especially considering Apple managed to keep the pricing of the iPhone 15 models more or less similar to last year’s models. At this price, the Pixel 8 Pro could face an uphill battle in a price-sensitive market like India. But impressive upgrades are what you get with the Pixel 8 Pro, especially on the software side of things. There are tons of camera features that will completely change the meaning of a photograph and the promise of 7 years of OS upgrades is a sweet deal for any buyer. The design is more refined now and the display is fantastic. The Tensor G3 isn’t the most powerful chipset out there, but it will get you from point A to B without fuss, so to speak.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% wydajność: 70% wyświetlacz: 80% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 80%
Google Pixel 8 Pro Initial Review: It’s all coming together
Źródło: 9to5google angielski EN→PL
It sounds like a cliche at this point, but the Pixel 8 Pro is genuinely Google’s best phone yet and the culmination of the entire Pixel series thus far. It takes the camera and AI legacy of the first few Pixel phones and mixes that with the improved hardware that’s come from everything after the Tensor reboot, as well as finally (probably, maybe, hopefully) getting that chip right. Throw in that the Pixel ecosystem is getting much stronger and that this phone is potentially going to have better resale value thanks to its seven-year update promise, and you’ve got a pretty compelling device in my opinion. I’ve enjoyed every minute with the Pixel 8 Pro so far, and I can’t wait to keep running it daily. I don’t think anyone who picks up a Pixel 8 Pro will regret it. Pixel 8 Pro is the biggest leap Google has taken in smartphones since the first Pixel device, and really for the first time in years, this is a device that feels like it’s not just waiting on a better future but is ready for customers today.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Google's Pixel 8 Pro Has Some Big Problems: Our Review in Progress
Źródło: CNet angielski EN→PL
The issues we've found on multiple models of the Pixel 8 Pro suggest that there are software issues with the phone that aren't simply restricted to one dud unit. And while we expect Google to quickly roll out fixes to address these, the fact remains that right now, Google wants $1,000 for a phone that has major problems. CNET's advice is to hold on to your money and check back with us in the coming days as we continue to test the 8 Pro and the updates it'll likely receive.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro review
Źródło: Tech Advisor angielski EN→PL
Google has produced its most advanced Pixel phone yet with the Pixel 8 Pro, which has one of the most intuitive cameras you can get on a smartphone and plenty of other premium features – it’s just a shame that the battery life isn’t as impressive.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review - making more out of your phone
Źródło: Techradar angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 Pro is the best Pixel that Google has ever made, and it represents Google’s vision for the future of mobile technology, though that vision does seem a bit clouded and unfocused at times. It has a fantastic display that’s bigger and brighter than its competitors at this price, and the photography features, bolstered by Google’s machine learning, are unmatched by any other phone maker. Some of the new AI features are cool and useful, but some are a bit weird, even off-putting, and the phone suffers from the worst Android tendencies. But Google is committed to this phone for seven years in terms of updates, longer than ever before, so there’s plenty of time for improvement, and the hardware gives Google a great platform to build up from.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% cena: 80% wydajność: 60% wyświetlacz: 100% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: A big leap for AI
Źródło: Tom's Guide angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 Pro is a satisfying showcase for how artificial intelligence is being leveraged in a greater way in our phones, with a smarter, more human sounding Google Assistant at the helm. Even with a $100 price hike over its predecessor, the Pixel 8 Pro stands out thanks to these AI improvements.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: Living up to its name
Źródło: Android Police angielski EN→PL
That said, I find myself hesitating on some of Google's latest AI-powered software enhancements. Not everything here, at least in my eyes, is a home run, and I'm curious to see how real-world users react to some of these options. However, there's nothing here that can't be easily ignored — if you don't like Best Take or Magic Editor or Assistant's Summarize tools, pretending they don't exist is super simple. Remove all that noise and you're left with a great Android phone, combining an excellent design with a premium camera. And at that point, what's not to like? The Google Pixel 8 Pro is the company's latest flagship, boasting a new Tensor G3 chip, a brigher screen, and a new camera array capable of capturing even more light. As usual, the real power lies in Google's Tensor chip, which offers even more photo enhancement and image editing features.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
100% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review: The Smartest Android Smartphone
Źródło: Android Headlines angielski EN→PL
This year, Google put a lot more of a difference between the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro, instead of just being about size and the telephoto camera. There’s a lot to like about the Pixel 8 Pro here, and it makes it an even harder decision between it and the Pixel 8. Especially with the price increase for both models, of $100. If you’re coming from a Pixel 7 series, the upgrade isn’t really worth it. But if it’s a Pixel 6 or older, then the Pixel 8 Pro is pretty worth it. And there’s loads of great trade-in options available right now.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: the best Pixel I’ve ever used
Źródło: Digital Trends angielski EN→PL
We’re now at the end of this review, which took multiple days and a lot of caffeine to power through. And you know what? I’m no longer nervous about the Google Pixel 8 Pro. Instead, I’m ecstatic about it. Elated, even. Or whatever other synonyms you want to use! There are a lot of intricate details about the Pixel 8 Pro, and I hope those all came across clearly as you made your way through this review. What it all boils down to, though, is that this is an outstanding smartphone — easily one of the best Android phones of the year. The Google Pixel 8 Pro is a champion of a smartphone. Google’s hardware is better than it’s ever been, the software experience is unmatched, and you’re getting all of this at a (relatively) reasonable price. If anything, its biggest competitor is the smaller and cheaper Google Pixel 8. There’s no doubt that 2023 has given us a lot of outstanding handsets, many of which are fierce competitors against this one.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro review: Google's most compelling phones in years
Źródło: Engadget angielski EN→PL
Back in 2018 when the Pixel 3 came out, that was the first time it felt like Google’s software-first approach to phone design really came together. And now on the Pixel 8, between the Tensor G3 and compelling new tools that chip is powering, Google is using AI to level up its playbook. More importantly, it’s doing so in a more tangible and practical way than services like ChatGPT or Midjourney. The Pixel 8 delivers AI to the palm of your hand that makes your photos look better, videos sound better, news easier to digest and your drunk texts easier to understand. And with even longer software support, there’s a pathway for the Pixel 8 to get better down the line. It is a bit of a shame that both the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro now cost $100 more than before. But just like everything else, phones aren't immune to inflation. And that price is even higher for people on Verizon who want support for mmWave 5G, as Big Red’s version of the Pixel 8 starts at $799 instead of $699.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro First Impressions: Going Big on AI
Źródło: NDTV Gadgets angielski EN→PL
As you can tell from the new AI-related upgrades and hardware performance upgrades, it is easy to forget that Pixel devices have always been about being first in line to receive the latest software updates. The new Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro are no different and come with Android 14 and all its Pixel customisations out of the box. Google also announced that it will provide seven years of OS, security and juicy Pixel Drops as well, which is a massive commitment from Google. But will that battery even last that long? Well, Google seems to have the spares situation covered for the same duration too. While all of the above features and commitments appear to raise the bar for both Android and even iOS-powered smartphones, Google has also raised the bar when it comes to pricing this year. With the Pixel 8 starting from Rs. 75,999 and the Pixel 8 Pro priced at Rs. 1,06,999, these are indeed Google's most expensive smartphones to reach India.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 11/10/2023
Pixel 8 And Pixel 8 Pro Review: Artificially Intelligent, Naturally Elegant
Źródło: Hot Hardware angielski EN→PL
If you've got the Pixel 7 / 7 Pro and like them, this may not be as big an upgrade for you. If you are on an older Pixel (or a different phone entirely) and yearning for an upgrade, the Pixel 8 or 8 Pro will impress. Pricing has inched up $100 this year to $700 for the Pixel 8 and $1,000 for the Pixel 8 Pro. The Pro has a bigger, better display and more camera features, but the Pixel 8 is otherwise identical. The Pixel 8 is still a solid deal at $700, and that's the one most mainstream users should probably get, unless you want that lager display and pro camera mode. If Google ever doubles back and gives the Pixel 8 manual camera controls as well, it will be a slam dunk. In the meantime, depending on your budget, you can't go wrong either way with the new Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro, and we're giving both our coveted Editor's Choice award.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
85% Pixel 8 Pro Review: Android’s best
Źródło: Mobile Syrup angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 Pro is an awesome flagship, but unfortunately, it's not that different from its predecessor for people who want to upgrade. However, if you have anything older than the Pixel 7 Pro, the Pixel 8 Pro is definitely a lot more appealing. This year, the Mountain View company has also increased the price of the 8 Pro. The handset now costs $1,349 compared to last year's $1,179. I don't really think it's worth this price increase. At the same time, this puts the 8 Pro more in line with other flagships like the Galaxy S23 Ultra and the iPhone 15 Pro Max. Although those handsets start at around $300 more expensive than the 8 Pro. But the 8 Pro starts at 128GB of storage, which seems like an odd choice for Google. However, getting the 8 Pro at launch isn't the right move if you're looking for a good deal, although Google will probably discount the handset during the holiday season. I like the Pixel 8 Pro. I enjoy its design and how it feels to hold. I think it has a great camera, and the Tensor G3 processor is more than capable.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 85%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review: Seven Years Make All The Difference
Źródło: Slashgear angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 Pro is the first Pixel in a few years that's really stood out from its predecessors with feature functionality that's easy to recommend to Pixel users. In past years, Google made it difficult to recommend a new Pixel to someone already using an older Pixel because Google has been fairly reliable about pushing new features to old phones — and keeping older units viable with operating system updates and security updates a few years after they're released. At launch, Google guaranteed that the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro would get 7 years of updates – both security and OS updates, included. That means that the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro should be running the latest version of Android all the way to October 2030. The Google Pixel 8 Pro is as good or better than every Pixel that's come before it. It's well worth the amount of cash you'll need to pay to get it, especially considering the prices of its high-end competition and the 7-year promise. You can purchase the Pixel 8 Pro at Best Buy in a variety of colors and storage sizes.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
100% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: raising the bar
Źródło: Stuff TV angielski EN→PL
With a design that has matured like a fine wine, a simply stunning screen, and some of the most capable cameras you’ll find on a phone, the Pixel 8 Pro finally feels deserving of that ‘Pro’ label. Even if it comes at the expense of the smaller, cheaper Pixel 8. Extensive software support means it could earn a place in your pocket for years to come – but that’s not to say there aren’t areas where rivals do things better. Performance, battery life and charging speeds are good rather than great, and the growing reliance on generative AI is sure to divide opinions. The temperature sensor also feels like a flash in the pan right now. Previous Pro Pixels had their sore spots, of course. And they also had value on their side. The Pixel 8 Pro still compares favourably on price with the iPhone 15 Pro Max and Galaxy S23 Ultra, but not by a lot. That means you have to be more of a Google die-hard to pick this over the very capable alternatives. You’ll be very happy with your purchase if you do.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: This phone sold me on an AI-powered future
Źródło: angielski EN→PL
Going into this review, I spent a week with the Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro, with my primary SIM (T-Mobile) in the Pro model and an eSIM (Mint Mobile) in the non-Pro model. My daily usage included listening to podcasts in the morning and night, using Android Auto/GPS navigation during my commutes, frequently communicating via text message, emails, and Slack, taking the occasional food/scenic photo because #newyorkcity, and spending a good two hours on Reddit and YouTube. I try not to deviate from my normal usage no matter what phone I test in order to understand how each device handles the various tasks, for better or worse. Given Google's love for announcing key features that don't actually make it onto review units until months later, I'll be updating this testimonial as new services roll out. Stay tuned.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review
Źródło: PC Mag angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 Pro is a refreshing entry into the Android space thanks to its AI-powered software tricks. What other phone lets you easily erase stuff from photos, move yourself over a few feet in a picture, or ensure that everyone in a group shot is looking at the camera? It also comes with the best software update policy in the biz, making it one of the most attractive Android phones for anyone who likes to go the distance with their device. That said, the Pixel 8 Pro falls behind some competitors when it comes to raw horsepower and, more importantly, battery life. That's why the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra ultimately remains our Editors' Choice for top Android flagships. If you're looking to spend less, meanwhile, the standard Pixel 8 offers many of the same features as the Pro (not to mention better battery life) for $300 dollars less, which earns it our Editors' Choice award for midrange phones.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
100% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: Google just went and reinvented smartphone photography
Źródło: Pocket Lint angielski EN→PL
Smartphone launches always focus on the camera, and Pixel has always been there as one of the best. But in the Pixel 8 Pro, we're talking about something else. We're talking about progression beyond photography and into creativity I've never experienced. It's clear that this is down to years of work into computational photography, and while new device launches in the next couple of months will offer more power (probably) and perhaps more battery life, you can't just conjure up a feature like Magic Editor. The Pixel 8 Pro is a stellar smartphone: it's the Pixel 7 Pro on steroids. As iterative as the design and software might be, Google didn't try reinventing its flagship smartphone in 2023. Instead, it went and reinvented smartphone imaging.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: picture perfect, pesky pricing
Źródło: 91mobiles angielski EN→PL
Google raised a lot of eyebrows when it launched the Pixel 8 Pro in India with a price tag of Rs 1,06,999. Google bumped up the price by around Rs 22,000 compared to last year’s Pixel 7 Pro, which is a significant bump, especially considering Apple managed to keep the pricing of the iPhone 15 models more or less similar to last year’s models. At this price, the Pixel 8 Pro could face an uphill battle in a price-sensitive market like India. But impressive upgrades are what you get with the Pixel 8 Pro, especially on the software side of things. There are tons of camera features that will completely change the meaning of a photograph and the promise of 7 years of OS upgrades is a sweet deal for any buyer. The design is more refined now and the display is fantastic. The Tensor G3 isn’t the most powerful chipset out there, but it will get you from point A to B without fuss, so to speak.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% wydajność: 70% wyświetlacz: 80% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 80%
Google Pixel 8 Pro Initial Review: It’s all coming together
Źródło: 9to5google angielski EN→PL
It sounds like a cliche at this point, but the Pixel 8 Pro is genuinely Google’s best phone yet and the culmination of the entire Pixel series thus far. It takes the camera and AI legacy of the first few Pixel phones and mixes that with the improved hardware that’s come from everything after the Tensor reboot, as well as finally (probably, maybe, hopefully) getting that chip right. Throw in that the Pixel ecosystem is getting much stronger and that this phone is potentially going to have better resale value thanks to its seven-year update promise, and you’ve got a pretty compelling device in my opinion. I’ve enjoyed every minute with the Pixel 8 Pro so far, and I can’t wait to keep running it daily. I don’t think anyone who picks up a Pixel 8 Pro will regret it. Pixel 8 Pro is the biggest leap Google has taken in smartphones since the first Pixel device, and really for the first time in years, this is a device that feels like it’s not just waiting on a better future but is ready for customers today.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Google's Pixel 8 Pro Has Some Big Problems: Our Review in Progress
Źródło: CNet angielski EN→PL
The issues we've found on multiple models of the Pixel 8 Pro suggest that there are software issues with the phone that aren't simply restricted to one dud unit. And while we expect Google to quickly roll out fixes to address these, the fact remains that right now, Google wants $1,000 for a phone that has major problems. CNET's advice is to hold on to your money and check back with us in the coming days as we continue to test the 8 Pro and the updates it'll likely receive.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro review
Źródło: Tech Advisor angielski EN→PL
Google has produced its most advanced Pixel phone yet with the Pixel 8 Pro, which has one of the most intuitive cameras you can get on a smartphone and plenty of other premium features – it’s just a shame that the battery life isn’t as impressive.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review - making more out of your phone
Źródło: Techradar angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 Pro is the best Pixel that Google has ever made, and it represents Google’s vision for the future of mobile technology, though that vision does seem a bit clouded and unfocused at times. It has a fantastic display that’s bigger and brighter than its competitors at this price, and the photography features, bolstered by Google’s machine learning, are unmatched by any other phone maker. Some of the new AI features are cool and useful, but some are a bit weird, even off-putting, and the phone suffers from the worst Android tendencies. But Google is committed to this phone for seven years in terms of updates, longer than ever before, so there’s plenty of time for improvement, and the hardware gives Google a great platform to build up from.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% cena: 80% wydajność: 60% wyświetlacz: 100% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: A big leap for AI
Źródło: Tom's Guide angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 Pro is a satisfying showcase for how artificial intelligence is being leveraged in a greater way in our phones, with a smarter, more human sounding Google Assistant at the helm. Even with a $100 price hike over its predecessor, the Pixel 8 Pro stands out thanks to these AI improvements.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: Living up to its name
Źródło: Android Police angielski EN→PL
That said, I find myself hesitating on some of Google's latest AI-powered software enhancements. Not everything here, at least in my eyes, is a home run, and I'm curious to see how real-world users react to some of these options. However, there's nothing here that can't be easily ignored — if you don't like Best Take or Magic Editor or Assistant's Summarize tools, pretending they don't exist is super simple. Remove all that noise and you're left with a great Android phone, combining an excellent design with a premium camera. And at that point, what's not to like? The Google Pixel 8 Pro is the company's latest flagship, boasting a new Tensor G3 chip, a brigher screen, and a new camera array capable of capturing even more light. As usual, the real power lies in Google's Tensor chip, which offers even more photo enhancement and image editing features.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
100% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review: The Smartest Android Smartphone
Źródło: Android Headlines angielski EN→PL
This year, Google put a lot more of a difference between the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro, instead of just being about size and the telephoto camera. There’s a lot to like about the Pixel 8 Pro here, and it makes it an even harder decision between it and the Pixel 8. Especially with the price increase for both models, of $100. If you’re coming from a Pixel 7 series, the upgrade isn’t really worth it. But if it’s a Pixel 6 or older, then the Pixel 8 Pro is pretty worth it. And there’s loads of great trade-in options available right now.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: the best Pixel I’ve ever used
Źródło: Digital Trends angielski EN→PL
We’re now at the end of this review, which took multiple days and a lot of caffeine to power through. And you know what? I’m no longer nervous about the Google Pixel 8 Pro. Instead, I’m ecstatic about it. Elated, even. Or whatever other synonyms you want to use! There are a lot of intricate details about the Pixel 8 Pro, and I hope those all came across clearly as you made your way through this review. What it all boils down to, though, is that this is an outstanding smartphone — easily one of the best Android phones of the year. The Google Pixel 8 Pro is a champion of a smartphone. Google’s hardware is better than it’s ever been, the software experience is unmatched, and you’re getting all of this at a (relatively) reasonable price. If anything, its biggest competitor is the smaller and cheaper Google Pixel 8. There’s no doubt that 2023 has given us a lot of outstanding handsets, many of which are fierce competitors against this one.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro review: Google's most compelling phones in years
Źródło: Engadget angielski EN→PL
Back in 2018 when the Pixel 3 came out, that was the first time it felt like Google’s software-first approach to phone design really came together. And now on the Pixel 8, between the Tensor G3 and compelling new tools that chip is powering, Google is using AI to level up its playbook. More importantly, it’s doing so in a more tangible and practical way than services like ChatGPT or Midjourney. The Pixel 8 delivers AI to the palm of your hand that makes your photos look better, videos sound better, news easier to digest and your drunk texts easier to understand. And with even longer software support, there’s a pathway for the Pixel 8 to get better down the line. It is a bit of a shame that both the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro now cost $100 more than before. But just like everything else, phones aren't immune to inflation. And that price is even higher for people on Verizon who want support for mmWave 5G, as Big Red’s version of the Pixel 8 starts at $799 instead of $699.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro First Impressions: Going Big on AI
Źródło: NDTV Gadgets angielski EN→PL
As you can tell from the new AI-related upgrades and hardware performance upgrades, it is easy to forget that Pixel devices have always been about being first in line to receive the latest software updates. The new Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro are no different and come with Android 14 and all its Pixel customisations out of the box. Google also announced that it will provide seven years of OS, security and juicy Pixel Drops as well, which is a massive commitment from Google. But will that battery even last that long? Well, Google seems to have the spares situation covered for the same duration too. While all of the above features and commitments appear to raise the bar for both Android and even iOS-powered smartphones, Google has also raised the bar when it comes to pricing this year. With the Pixel 8 starting from Rs. 75,999 and the Pixel 8 Pro priced at Rs. 1,06,999, these are indeed Google's most expensive smartphones to reach India.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 11/10/2023
Pixel 8 And Pixel 8 Pro Review: Artificially Intelligent, Naturally Elegant
Źródło: Hot Hardware angielski EN→PL
If you've got the Pixel 7 / 7 Pro and like them, this may not be as big an upgrade for you. If you are on an older Pixel (or a different phone entirely) and yearning for an upgrade, the Pixel 8 or 8 Pro will impress. Pricing has inched up $100 this year to $700 for the Pixel 8 and $1,000 for the Pixel 8 Pro. The Pro has a bigger, better display and more camera features, but the Pixel 8 is otherwise identical. The Pixel 8 is still a solid deal at $700, and that's the one most mainstream users should probably get, unless you want that lager display and pro camera mode. If Google ever doubles back and gives the Pixel 8 manual camera controls as well, it will be a slam dunk. In the meantime, depending on your budget, you can't go wrong either way with the new Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro, and we're giving both our coveted Editor's Choice award.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
85% Pixel 8 Pro Review: Android’s best
Źródło: Mobile Syrup angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 Pro is an awesome flagship, but unfortunately, it's not that different from its predecessor for people who want to upgrade. However, if you have anything older than the Pixel 7 Pro, the Pixel 8 Pro is definitely a lot more appealing. This year, the Mountain View company has also increased the price of the 8 Pro. The handset now costs $1,349 compared to last year's $1,179. I don't really think it's worth this price increase. At the same time, this puts the 8 Pro more in line with other flagships like the Galaxy S23 Ultra and the iPhone 15 Pro Max. Although those handsets start at around $300 more expensive than the 8 Pro. But the 8 Pro starts at 128GB of storage, which seems like an odd choice for Google. However, getting the 8 Pro at launch isn't the right move if you're looking for a good deal, although Google will probably discount the handset during the holiday season. I like the Pixel 8 Pro. I enjoy its design and how it feels to hold. I think it has a great camera, and the Tensor G3 processor is more than capable.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 85%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review: Seven Years Make All The Difference
Źródło: Slashgear angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 Pro is the first Pixel in a few years that's really stood out from its predecessors with feature functionality that's easy to recommend to Pixel users. In past years, Google made it difficult to recommend a new Pixel to someone already using an older Pixel because Google has been fairly reliable about pushing new features to old phones — and keeping older units viable with operating system updates and security updates a few years after they're released. At launch, Google guaranteed that the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro would get 7 years of updates – both security and OS updates, included. That means that the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro should be running the latest version of Android all the way to October 2030. The Google Pixel 8 Pro is as good or better than every Pixel that's come before it. It's well worth the amount of cash you'll need to pay to get it, especially considering the prices of its high-end competition and the 7-year promise. You can purchase the Pixel 8 Pro at Best Buy in a variety of colors and storage sizes.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
100% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: raising the bar
Źródło: Stuff TV angielski EN→PL
With a design that has matured like a fine wine, a simply stunning screen, and some of the most capable cameras you’ll find on a phone, the Pixel 8 Pro finally feels deserving of that ‘Pro’ label. Even if it comes at the expense of the smaller, cheaper Pixel 8. Extensive software support means it could earn a place in your pocket for years to come – but that’s not to say there aren’t areas where rivals do things better. Performance, battery life and charging speeds are good rather than great, and the growing reliance on generative AI is sure to divide opinions. The temperature sensor also feels like a flash in the pan right now. Previous Pro Pixels had their sore spots, of course. And they also had value on their side. The Pixel 8 Pro still compares favourably on price with the iPhone 15 Pro Max and Galaxy S23 Ultra, but not by a lot. That means you have to be more of a Google die-hard to pick this over the very capable alternatives. You’ll be very happy with your purchase if you do.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: This phone sold me on an AI-powered future
Źródło: angielski EN→PL
Going into this review, I spent a week with the Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro, with my primary SIM (T-Mobile) in the Pro model and an eSIM (Mint Mobile) in the non-Pro model. My daily usage included listening to podcasts in the morning and night, using Android Auto/GPS navigation during my commutes, frequently communicating via text message, emails, and Slack, taking the occasional food/scenic photo because #newyorkcity, and spending a good two hours on Reddit and YouTube. I try not to deviate from my normal usage no matter what phone I test in order to understand how each device handles the various tasks, for better or worse. Given Google's love for announcing key features that don't actually make it onto review units until months later, I'll be updating this testimonial as new services roll out. Stay tuned.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review
Źródło: PC Mag angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 Pro is a refreshing entry into the Android space thanks to its AI-powered software tricks. What other phone lets you easily erase stuff from photos, move yourself over a few feet in a picture, or ensure that everyone in a group shot is looking at the camera? It also comes with the best software update policy in the biz, making it one of the most attractive Android phones for anyone who likes to go the distance with their device. That said, the Pixel 8 Pro falls behind some competitors when it comes to raw horsepower and, more importantly, battery life. That's why the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra ultimately remains our Editors' Choice for top Android flagships. If you're looking to spend less, meanwhile, the standard Pixel 8 offers many of the same features as the Pro (not to mention better battery life) for $300 dollars less, which earns it our Editors' Choice award for midrange phones.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
100% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: Google just went and reinvented smartphone photography
Źródło: Pocket Lint angielski EN→PL
Smartphone launches always focus on the camera, and Pixel has always been there as one of the best. But in the Pixel 8 Pro, we're talking about something else. We're talking about progression beyond photography and into creativity I've never experienced. It's clear that this is down to years of work into computational photography, and while new device launches in the next couple of months will offer more power (probably) and perhaps more battery life, you can't just conjure up a feature like Magic Editor. The Pixel 8 Pro is a stellar smartphone: it's the Pixel 7 Pro on steroids. As iterative as the design and software might be, Google didn't try reinventing its flagship smartphone in 2023. Instead, it went and reinvented smartphone imaging.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: picture perfect, pesky pricing
Źródło: 91mobiles angielski EN→PL
Google raised a lot of eyebrows when it launched the Pixel 8 Pro in India with a price tag of Rs 1,06,999. Google bumped up the price by around Rs 22,000 compared to last year’s Pixel 7 Pro, which is a significant bump, especially considering Apple managed to keep the pricing of the iPhone 15 models more or less similar to last year’s models. At this price, the Pixel 8 Pro could face an uphill battle in a price-sensitive market like India. But impressive upgrades are what you get with the Pixel 8 Pro, especially on the software side of things. There are tons of camera features that will completely change the meaning of a photograph and the promise of 7 years of OS upgrades is a sweet deal for any buyer. The design is more refined now and the display is fantastic. The Tensor G3 isn’t the most powerful chipset out there, but it will get you from point A to B without fuss, so to speak.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% wydajność: 70% wyświetlacz: 80% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 80%
Google Pixel 8 Pro Initial Review: It’s all coming together
Źródło: 9to5google angielski EN→PL
It sounds like a cliche at this point, but the Pixel 8 Pro is genuinely Google’s best phone yet and the culmination of the entire Pixel series thus far. It takes the camera and AI legacy of the first few Pixel phones and mixes that with the improved hardware that’s come from everything after the Tensor reboot, as well as finally (probably, maybe, hopefully) getting that chip right. Throw in that the Pixel ecosystem is getting much stronger and that this phone is potentially going to have better resale value thanks to its seven-year update promise, and you’ve got a pretty compelling device in my opinion. I’ve enjoyed every minute with the Pixel 8 Pro so far, and I can’t wait to keep running it daily. I don’t think anyone who picks up a Pixel 8 Pro will regret it. Pixel 8 Pro is the biggest leap Google has taken in smartphones since the first Pixel device, and really for the first time in years, this is a device that feels like it’s not just waiting on a better future but is ready for customers today.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Google's Pixel 8 Pro Has Some Big Problems: Our Review in Progress
Źródło: CNet angielski EN→PL
The issues we've found on multiple models of the Pixel 8 Pro suggest that there are software issues with the phone that aren't simply restricted to one dud unit. And while we expect Google to quickly roll out fixes to address these, the fact remains that right now, Google wants $1,000 for a phone that has major problems. CNET's advice is to hold on to your money and check back with us in the coming days as we continue to test the 8 Pro and the updates it'll likely receive.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro review
Źródło: Tech Advisor angielski EN→PL
Google has produced its most advanced Pixel phone yet with the Pixel 8 Pro, which has one of the most intuitive cameras you can get on a smartphone and plenty of other premium features – it’s just a shame that the battery life isn’t as impressive.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review - making more out of your phone
Źródło: Techradar angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 Pro is the best Pixel that Google has ever made, and it represents Google’s vision for the future of mobile technology, though that vision does seem a bit clouded and unfocused at times. It has a fantastic display that’s bigger and brighter than its competitors at this price, and the photography features, bolstered by Google’s machine learning, are unmatched by any other phone maker. Some of the new AI features are cool and useful, but some are a bit weird, even off-putting, and the phone suffers from the worst Android tendencies. But Google is committed to this phone for seven years in terms of updates, longer than ever before, so there’s plenty of time for improvement, and the hardware gives Google a great platform to build up from.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% cena: 80% wydajność: 60% wyświetlacz: 100% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: A big leap for AI
Źródło: Tom's Guide angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 Pro is a satisfying showcase for how artificial intelligence is being leveraged in a greater way in our phones, with a smarter, more human sounding Google Assistant at the helm. Even with a $100 price hike over its predecessor, the Pixel 8 Pro stands out thanks to these AI improvements.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: Living up to its name
Źródło: Android Police angielski EN→PL
That said, I find myself hesitating on some of Google's latest AI-powered software enhancements. Not everything here, at least in my eyes, is a home run, and I'm curious to see how real-world users react to some of these options. However, there's nothing here that can't be easily ignored — if you don't like Best Take or Magic Editor or Assistant's Summarize tools, pretending they don't exist is super simple. Remove all that noise and you're left with a great Android phone, combining an excellent design with a premium camera. And at that point, what's not to like? The Google Pixel 8 Pro is the company's latest flagship, boasting a new Tensor G3 chip, a brigher screen, and a new camera array capable of capturing even more light. As usual, the real power lies in Google's Tensor chip, which offers even more photo enhancement and image editing features.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
100% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review: The Smartest Android Smartphone
Źródło: Android Headlines angielski EN→PL
This year, Google put a lot more of a difference between the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro, instead of just being about size and the telephoto camera. There’s a lot to like about the Pixel 8 Pro here, and it makes it an even harder decision between it and the Pixel 8. Especially with the price increase for both models, of $100. If you’re coming from a Pixel 7 series, the upgrade isn’t really worth it. But if it’s a Pixel 6 or older, then the Pixel 8 Pro is pretty worth it. And there’s loads of great trade-in options available right now.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: the best Pixel I’ve ever used
Źródło: Digital Trends angielski EN→PL
We’re now at the end of this review, which took multiple days and a lot of caffeine to power through. And you know what? I’m no longer nervous about the Google Pixel 8 Pro. Instead, I’m ecstatic about it. Elated, even. Or whatever other synonyms you want to use! There are a lot of intricate details about the Pixel 8 Pro, and I hope those all came across clearly as you made your way through this review. What it all boils down to, though, is that this is an outstanding smartphone — easily one of the best Android phones of the year. The Google Pixel 8 Pro is a champion of a smartphone. Google’s hardware is better than it’s ever been, the software experience is unmatched, and you’re getting all of this at a (relatively) reasonable price. If anything, its biggest competitor is the smaller and cheaper Google Pixel 8. There’s no doubt that 2023 has given us a lot of outstanding handsets, many of which are fierce competitors against this one.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro review: Google's most compelling phones in years
Źródło: Engadget angielski EN→PL
Back in 2018 when the Pixel 3 came out, that was the first time it felt like Google’s software-first approach to phone design really came together. And now on the Pixel 8, between the Tensor G3 and compelling new tools that chip is powering, Google is using AI to level up its playbook. More importantly, it’s doing so in a more tangible and practical way than services like ChatGPT or Midjourney. The Pixel 8 delivers AI to the palm of your hand that makes your photos look better, videos sound better, news easier to digest and your drunk texts easier to understand. And with even longer software support, there’s a pathway for the Pixel 8 to get better down the line. It is a bit of a shame that both the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro now cost $100 more than before. But just like everything else, phones aren't immune to inflation. And that price is even higher for people on Verizon who want support for mmWave 5G, as Big Red’s version of the Pixel 8 starts at $799 instead of $699.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro First Impressions: Going Big on AI
Źródło: NDTV Gadgets angielski EN→PL
As you can tell from the new AI-related upgrades and hardware performance upgrades, it is easy to forget that Pixel devices have always been about being first in line to receive the latest software updates. The new Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro are no different and come with Android 14 and all its Pixel customisations out of the box. Google also announced that it will provide seven years of OS, security and juicy Pixel Drops as well, which is a massive commitment from Google. But will that battery even last that long? Well, Google seems to have the spares situation covered for the same duration too. While all of the above features and commitments appear to raise the bar for both Android and even iOS-powered smartphones, Google has also raised the bar when it comes to pricing this year. With the Pixel 8 starting from Rs. 75,999 and the Pixel 8 Pro priced at Rs. 1,06,999, these are indeed Google's most expensive smartphones to reach India.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 11/10/2023
Pixel 8 And Pixel 8 Pro Review: Artificially Intelligent, Naturally Elegant
Źródło: Hot Hardware angielski EN→PL
If you've got the Pixel 7 / 7 Pro and like them, this may not be as big an upgrade for you. If you are on an older Pixel (or a different phone entirely) and yearning for an upgrade, the Pixel 8 or 8 Pro will impress. Pricing has inched up $100 this year to $700 for the Pixel 8 and $1,000 for the Pixel 8 Pro. The Pro has a bigger, better display and more camera features, but the Pixel 8 is otherwise identical. The Pixel 8 is still a solid deal at $700, and that's the one most mainstream users should probably get, unless you want that lager display and pro camera mode. If Google ever doubles back and gives the Pixel 8 manual camera controls as well, it will be a slam dunk. In the meantime, depending on your budget, you can't go wrong either way with the new Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro, and we're giving both our coveted Editor's Choice award.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
85% Pixel 8 Pro Review: Android’s best
Źródło: Mobile Syrup angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 Pro is an awesome flagship, but unfortunately, it's not that different from its predecessor for people who want to upgrade. However, if you have anything older than the Pixel 7 Pro, the Pixel 8 Pro is definitely a lot more appealing. This year, the Mountain View company has also increased the price of the 8 Pro. The handset now costs $1,349 compared to last year's $1,179. I don't really think it's worth this price increase. At the same time, this puts the 8 Pro more in line with other flagships like the Galaxy S23 Ultra and the iPhone 15 Pro Max. Although those handsets start at around $300 more expensive than the 8 Pro. But the 8 Pro starts at 128GB of storage, which seems like an odd choice for Google. However, getting the 8 Pro at launch isn't the right move if you're looking for a good deal, although Google will probably discount the handset during the holiday season. I like the Pixel 8 Pro. I enjoy its design and how it feels to hold. I think it has a great camera, and the Tensor G3 processor is more than capable.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 85%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro Review: Seven Years Make All The Difference
Źródło: Slashgear angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 Pro is the first Pixel in a few years that's really stood out from its predecessors with feature functionality that's easy to recommend to Pixel users. In past years, Google made it difficult to recommend a new Pixel to someone already using an older Pixel because Google has been fairly reliable about pushing new features to old phones — and keeping older units viable with operating system updates and security updates a few years after they're released. At launch, Google guaranteed that the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro would get 7 years of updates – both security and OS updates, included. That means that the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro should be running the latest version of Android all the way to October 2030. The Google Pixel 8 Pro is as good or better than every Pixel that's come before it. It's well worth the amount of cash you'll need to pay to get it, especially considering the prices of its high-end competition and the 7-year promise. You can purchase the Pixel 8 Pro at Best Buy in a variety of colors and storage sizes.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
100% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: raising the bar
Źródło: Stuff TV angielski EN→PL
With a design that has matured like a fine wine, a simply stunning screen, and some of the most capable cameras you’ll find on a phone, the Pixel 8 Pro finally feels deserving of that ‘Pro’ label. Even if it comes at the expense of the smaller, cheaper Pixel 8. Extensive software support means it could earn a place in your pocket for years to come – but that’s not to say there aren’t areas where rivals do things better. Performance, battery life and charging speeds are good rather than great, and the growing reliance on generative AI is sure to divide opinions. The temperature sensor also feels like a flash in the pan right now. Previous Pro Pixels had their sore spots, of course. And they also had value on their side. The Pixel 8 Pro still compares favourably on price with the iPhone 15 Pro Max and Galaxy S23 Ultra, but not by a lot. That means you have to be more of a Google die-hard to pick this over the very capable alternatives. You’ll be very happy with your purchase if you do.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
80% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: This phone sold me on an AI-powered future
Źródło: angielski EN→PL
Going into this review, I spent a week with the Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro, with my primary SIM (T-Mobile) in the Pro model and an eSIM (Mint Mobile) in the non-Pro model. My daily usage included listening to podcasts in the morning and night, using Android Auto/GPS navigation during my commutes, frequently communicating via text message, emails, and Slack, taking the occasional food/scenic photo because #newyorkcity, and spending a good two hours on Reddit and YouTube. I try not to deviate from my normal usage no matter what phone I test in order to understand how each device handles the various tasks, for better or worse. Given Google's love for announcing key features that don't actually make it onto review units until months later, I'll be updating this testimonial as new services roll out. Stay tuned.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
The Pixel 8 Pro gimmick, Prada and NASA's spacesuit collaboration and more | The Morning After
Źródło: Engadget angielski
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 07/10/2023
The Pixel 8 Pro gimmick, Prada and NASA's spacesuit collaboration and more | The Morning After
Źródło: Engadget angielski
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 07/10/2023
The Pixel 8 Pro gimmick, Prada and NASA's spacesuit collaboration and more | The Morning After
Źródło: Engadget angielski
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 07/10/2023
The Pixel 8 Pro gimmick, Prada and NASA's spacesuit collaboration and more | The Morning After
Źródło: Engadget angielski
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 07/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 & 8 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max - Two Weeks Later | TSW172
Źródło: Tech Spurt angielski
Google's Pixel 8 Pro & regular flagship and Apple's iPhone 15 Pro Max are the subject of this week's TSW, as my review woes continue. Here's a quick summary of Google's big Pixel 8 series announcements ahead of my unboxing, and how the battery life, heating etc on the iPhone 15 Pro Max has been in a second full week. Spoiler alert: the bloody thing's going out the window. The Pixel 8 Pro delivers a few hardware upgrades vs last year's 7, including some camera updates, an LTPO screen and that Tensor 3 chipset. Likewise, the regular Pixel 8 has a 120Hz display, upgraded lenses and hopefully a boost to gaming performance and battery life. However, most of Google's changes are AI-led, with the majority again focused on the camera experience. Here's hoping Tensor 3 doesn't heat up like the A17 Pro, which turns the iPhone 15 Pro Max into a pocket-sized pizza oven at times. Battery life is still crap, a fortnight later - frankly, the Pixel 8 Pro would have to be awful to put in a worse performance.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 06/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 & 8 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max - Two Weeks Later | TSW172
Źródło: Tech Spurt angielski
Google's Pixel 8 Pro & regular flagship and Apple's iPhone 15 Pro Max are the subject of this week's TSW, as my review woes continue. Here's a quick summary of Google's big Pixel 8 series announcements ahead of my unboxing, and how the battery life, heating etc on the iPhone 15 Pro Max has been in a second full week. Spoiler alert: the bloody thing's going out the window. The Pixel 8 Pro delivers a few hardware upgrades vs last year's 7, including some camera updates, an LTPO screen and that Tensor 3 chipset. Likewise, the regular Pixel 8 has a 120Hz display, upgraded lenses and hopefully a boost to gaming performance and battery life. However, most of Google's changes are AI-led, with the majority again focused on the camera experience. Here's hoping Tensor 3 doesn't heat up like the A17 Pro, which turns the iPhone 15 Pro Max into a pocket-sized pizza oven at times. Battery life is still crap, a fortnight later - frankly, the Pixel 8 Pro would have to be awful to put in a worse performance.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 06/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 & 8 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max - Two Weeks Later | TSW172
Źródło: Tech Spurt angielski
Google's Pixel 8 Pro & regular flagship and Apple's iPhone 15 Pro Max are the subject of this week's TSW, as my review woes continue. Here's a quick summary of Google's big Pixel 8 series announcements ahead of my unboxing, and how the battery life, heating etc on the iPhone 15 Pro Max has been in a second full week. Spoiler alert: the bloody thing's going out the window. The Pixel 8 Pro delivers a few hardware upgrades vs last year's 7, including some camera updates, an LTPO screen and that Tensor 3 chipset. Likewise, the regular Pixel 8 has a 120Hz display, upgraded lenses and hopefully a boost to gaming performance and battery life. However, most of Google's changes are AI-led, with the majority again focused on the camera experience. Here's hoping Tensor 3 doesn't heat up like the A17 Pro, which turns the iPhone 15 Pro Max into a pocket-sized pizza oven at times. Battery life is still crap, a fortnight later - frankly, the Pixel 8 Pro would have to be awful to put in a worse performance.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 06/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 & 8 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max - Two Weeks Later | TSW172
Źródło: Tech Spurt angielski
Google's Pixel 8 Pro & regular flagship and Apple's iPhone 15 Pro Max are the subject of this week's TSW, as my review woes continue. Here's a quick summary of Google's big Pixel 8 series announcements ahead of my unboxing, and how the battery life, heating etc on the iPhone 15 Pro Max has been in a second full week. Spoiler alert: the bloody thing's going out the window. The Pixel 8 Pro delivers a few hardware upgrades vs last year's 7, including some camera updates, an LTPO screen and that Tensor 3 chipset. Likewise, the regular Pixel 8 has a 120Hz display, upgraded lenses and hopefully a boost to gaming performance and battery life. However, most of Google's changes are AI-led, with the majority again focused on the camera experience. Here's hoping Tensor 3 doesn't heat up like the A17 Pro, which turns the iPhone 15 Pro Max into a pocket-sized pizza oven at times. Battery life is still crap, a fortnight later - frankly, the Pixel 8 Pro would have to be awful to put in a worse performance.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 06/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro and Pixel 8 are the smartest smartphones - here's all you need to know
Źródło: Irish Mirror angielski EN→PL
Google has launched two new smartphones that blend the Pixel’s usually excellent cameras with the smartest AI features that you can get on a smartphone. The firm also promised seven years of operating system updates and security upgrades for both smartphones - this surpasses what every other smartphone manufacturer offers. And the firm said the phones have more premium designs and improved battery life.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 05/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro hands-on: AI like it’s magic
Źródło: Hardware Zone angielski EN→PL
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro are now officially available, with the new generation of Pixel handsets also getting a punctual, official release in Singapore. We’ve had the opportunity to try out the phones at Google’s SG HQ today, and here are some of our thoughts on the new features showcased during its online keynote.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 05/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and 8 Pro announcement in under 9 minutes: All new AI-powered features
Źródło: Engadget angielski
It was Google's turn on Wednesday to announce a litany of devices and updates. The Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro were the headline acts, though there was lots of interest further down the bill including the reveal of the Pixel Watch 2 and the public version of Android 14 making its way out into the world.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 05/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro and Pixel 8 are the smartest smartphones - here's all you need to know
Źródło: Irish Mirror angielski EN→PL
Google has launched two new smartphones that blend the Pixel’s usually excellent cameras with the smartest AI features that you can get on a smartphone. The firm also promised seven years of operating system updates and security upgrades for both smartphones - this surpasses what every other smartphone manufacturer offers. And the firm said the phones have more premium designs and improved battery life.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 05/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro hands-on: AI like it’s magic
Źródło: Hardware Zone angielski EN→PL
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro are now officially available, with the new generation of Pixel handsets also getting a punctual, official release in Singapore. We’ve had the opportunity to try out the phones at Google’s SG HQ today, and here are some of our thoughts on the new features showcased during its online keynote.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 05/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and 8 Pro announcement in under 9 minutes: All new AI-powered features
Źródło: Engadget angielski
It was Google's turn on Wednesday to announce a litany of devices and updates. The Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro were the headline acts, though there was lots of interest further down the bill including the reveal of the Pixel Watch 2 and the public version of Android 14 making its way out into the world.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 05/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro and Pixel 8 are the smartest smartphones - here's all you need to know
Źródło: Irish Mirror angielski EN→PL
Google has launched two new smartphones that blend the Pixel’s usually excellent cameras with the smartest AI features that you can get on a smartphone. The firm also promised seven years of operating system updates and security upgrades for both smartphones - this surpasses what every other smartphone manufacturer offers. And the firm said the phones have more premium designs and improved battery life.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 05/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro hands-on: AI like it’s magic
Źródło: Hardware Zone angielski EN→PL
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro are now officially available, with the new generation of Pixel handsets also getting a punctual, official release in Singapore. We’ve had the opportunity to try out the phones at Google’s SG HQ today, and here are some of our thoughts on the new features showcased during its online keynote.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 05/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and 8 Pro announcement in under 9 minutes: All new AI-powered features
Źródło: Engadget angielski
It was Google's turn on Wednesday to announce a litany of devices and updates. The Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro were the headline acts, though there was lots of interest further down the bill including the reveal of the Pixel Watch 2 and the public version of Android 14 making its way out into the world.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 05/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro and Pixel 8 are the smartest smartphones - here's all you need to know
Źródło: Irish Mirror angielski EN→PL
Google has launched two new smartphones that blend the Pixel’s usually excellent cameras with the smartest AI features that you can get on a smartphone. The firm also promised seven years of operating system updates and security upgrades for both smartphones - this surpasses what every other smartphone manufacturer offers. And the firm said the phones have more premium designs and improved battery life.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 05/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro hands-on: AI like it’s magic
Źródło: Hardware Zone angielski EN→PL
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro are now officially available, with the new generation of Pixel handsets also getting a punctual, official release in Singapore. We’ve had the opportunity to try out the phones at Google’s SG HQ today, and here are some of our thoughts on the new features showcased during its online keynote.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 05/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and 8 Pro announcement in under 9 minutes: All new AI-powered features
Źródło: Engadget angielski
It was Google's turn on Wednesday to announce a litany of devices and updates. The Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro were the headline acts, though there was lots of interest further down the bill including the reveal of the Pixel Watch 2 and the public version of Android 14 making its way out into the world.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 05/10/2023
Pixel 8/8 Pro Hands-On! | EVERYTHING New!
Źródło: 9to5google angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro - Early Thoughts!
Źródło: Dave 2D angielski
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and 8 Pro Hands-On!
Źródło: GadgetMatch angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8/8 Pro Impressions: Software Magic!
Źródło: Marques Brownlee angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Pixel 8/8 Pro Hands-On! | EVERYTHING New!
Źródło: 9to5google angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro - Early Thoughts!
Źródło: Dave 2D angielski
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and 8 Pro Hands-On!
Źródło: GadgetMatch angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google’s Pixel 8 Pro offers impressive but subtle updates
Źródło: Mobile Syrup angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 Pro seems pretty fantastic so far, but so did the Pixel 7 Pro. I’m unsure if the handset is that much of a step above its predecessor, but new features like Magic Editor and Best Take could prove very useful. The handset offers top-of-the-line specifications, with a trio of cameras that feature up to 5x zoom. While I can’t say the Pixel 8 Pro will be the best of the year without further testing, it could turn out to be Google’s best smartphone yet. I’ll put the Pixel 8 Pro through its paces, testing out the battery, the Tensor G3 chip, and cameras, and I will have a review before the handset releases on October 12th. The Pixel 8 Pro starts at $1,349. You can find my hands-on with the Pixel 8 here. Follow this link for all of our content from Google’s Pixel 8 event.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8/8 Pro Impressions: Software Magic!
Źródło: Marques Brownlee angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro Hands-on: Bigger and Badder
Źródło: Nextpit EN angielski EN→PL
Even with a price premium of $100 over its predecessor, the Google Pixel 8 Pro is an exciting flagship smartphone, there is no question of that. However, Google itself has now raised the bar by a margin, and expectations for photo and video quality, computing power, and the new AI features are high. In any case, the Google Pixel 8 Pro only left positive impressions in our first hands-on, even though we could not really test the most exciting feature, namely the camera, yet. Otherwise: The 6.7-inch display is still outstanding, the Tensor G3 processor with 12 GB of RAM is faster than ever, and the software offers a number of exciting new features.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro hands-on preview: artificial intelligence is genuinely cool
Źródło: Phone Arena angielski EN→PL
With its large screen size, extensive set of camera capabilities, and a starting price of $999, the Pixel 8 Pro is going against rivals like the Galaxy S23 Ultra and the iPhone 15 Pro Max. Both of these are great phones by brands with loyal following, so attracting buyers to join team Google could be quite the challenge. Still, Google's best phone yet offers an impressive set of features, specs, and exclusive extras at a competitive price. It's in a good position to end up in many buyers' shopping carts this holiday season – so long as no software glitches or hardware issues don't spoil the latest Pixel phone launch. Of course, it's too early to give our final verdict, but all things considered, the Pixel 8 Pro is shaping up like a solid Android phone with a fair amount of unique qualities that could draw the attention of anyone who's already into Google's ecosystem or could be looking for something different. Expect the results from our in-depth testing and first-hand impressions in the coming days.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro hands-on: The w8 was worth it
Źródło: Android Authority angielski EN→PL
I will very likely be pre-ordering the Pixel 8 Pro and making it my new daily driver. Buying a product with their own money is about the highest praise any tech journalist can give to a product. The fact that pre-orders in the United States come with a free Pixel Watch 2 makes the deal difficult to ignore. The Pixel 8 won’t become my daily driver because it won’t have many of the AI features I want. It also lacks a telephoto lens, which I depend on during my frequent camping trips in the mountains. However, as I said earlier, it will probably become the Android phone I recommend to everyone because of its compact size, relatively low price point, cool colors, long-term support commitment, and wealth of features. I’m really excited about the full reviews of these two phones.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro preview: Smarter than ever with new AI features and Tensor G3 chipset
Źródło: Expert Reviews angielski EN→PL
2023’s Pixel 7 Pro was the ultimate Android trend-setter, and at this stage it looks as though its successor will continue in the same vein. The Pixel 8 Pro is filled with heaps of improvements and refinements, so there’s a solid chance that this will be the Android smartphone to beat as we head into 2024. We need to talk about the price, however. At launch, the Pixel 8 Pro is £150 more expensive than the previous model, starting at a whopping £999. That’s the same price as the iPhone 15 Pro – the first time Google’s flagship has cost the same as its biggest non-Android rival.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 04/10/2023
Pixel 8/8 Pro Hands-On! | EVERYTHING New!
Źródło: 9to5google angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro - Early Thoughts!
Źródło: Dave 2D angielski
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and 8 Pro Hands-On!
Źródło: GadgetMatch angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8/8 Pro Impressions: Software Magic!
Źródło: Marques Brownlee angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Pixel 8/8 Pro Hands-On! | EVERYTHING New!
Źródło: 9to5google angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro - Early Thoughts!
Źródło: Dave 2D angielski
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and 8 Pro Hands-On!
Źródło: GadgetMatch angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8/8 Pro Impressions: Software Magic!
Źródło: Marques Brownlee angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 vs Pixel 8 Pro: which is the better buy?
Źródło: Tech Advisor angielski EN→PL
If your question is simply “which is the better phone?” then clearly the Pixel 8 Pro is the answer. However, you didn’t need us to tell you that. Ultimately, whether the Google Pixel 8 or Pixel 8 Pro is the best choice for you will depend on your priorities and preferences, as well as your budget. If you prefer a more compact, lightweight phone that also offers flagship performance, display, and camera quality, the Pixel 8 is an excellent choice. On the other hand, if you crave a larger, more powerful device with enhanced camera capabilities and ample memory and storage, the Pixel 8 Pro is the way to go. Both phones are excellent options, offering top-tier features and the signature Google experience. The decision comes down to what suits your needs and fits your budget.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro hands-on
Źródło: Engadget angielski
After teasing us for weeks with trailers showing off the Pixel 8 series, Google is now ready to give us all the details about its latest flagships. The Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro look largely the same as their predecessors, with a couple of key differences. The regular Pixel 8 is slightly smaller, which makes it easier to use with one hand. Meanwhile, the Pro model has a new matte finish, upgraded cameras and an intriguing temperature sensor. Though it’s smaller than before, the standard Pixel 8 starts at $699, which is $100 more than its predecessor. That seems a little counterintuitive, but the slightly smaller display actually refreshes at up to 120Hz now, which is better than the 90Hz last year. Meanwhile, the Pixel 8 Pro costs the same $899 as the Pixel 7 Pro did, and you can find a slew of pre-order offers from Google and most carriers to sweeten the deal.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Series HANDS-ON! Pixel Watch 2 Changes, Pixel Buds Pro Refresh & more
Źródło: Pocketnow angielski
On Pocketnow Daily, Apple will fix the overheating issues of the iPhone 15 Pro Max soon. We have new indicator of a possible Google Pixel Flip. The Pixel Watch 2 and Buds Pro were also what I'd call an Interesting Update, just to be nice. Finally, Google's Pixel 8 series is now official and let's just see it's more than meets the eye.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro HANDS ON
Źródło: Tom's Guide angielski
The Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro deliver brighter displays, a more powerful Tensor G3 chip and lots of smart AI camera features like Magic Editor, Best Take and Audio Erase. The Pixel 8 Pro goes a step further with Pro-level camera controls. The price for the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro are both $100 higher though. Here’s what you get for the money.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google’s Pixel 8 Pro offers impressive but subtle updates
Źródło: Mobile Syrup angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 Pro seems pretty fantastic so far, but so did the Pixel 7 Pro. I’m unsure if the handset is that much of a step above its predecessor, but new features like Magic Editor and Best Take could prove very useful. The handset offers top-of-the-line specifications, with a trio of cameras that feature up to 5x zoom. While I can’t say the Pixel 8 Pro will be the best of the year without further testing, it could turn out to be Google’s best smartphone yet. I’ll put the Pixel 8 Pro through its paces, testing out the battery, the Tensor G3 chip, and cameras, and I will have a review before the handset releases on October 12th. The Pixel 8 Pro starts at $1,349. You can find my hands-on with the Pixel 8 here. Follow this link for all of our content from Google’s Pixel 8 event.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro Hands-on: Bigger and Badder
Źródło: Nextpit EN angielski EN→PL
Even with a price premium of $100 over its predecessor, the Google Pixel 8 Pro is an exciting flagship smartphone, there is no question of that. However, Google itself has now raised the bar by a margin, and expectations for photo and video quality, computing power, and the new AI features are high. In any case, the Google Pixel 8 Pro only left positive impressions in our first hands-on, even though we could not really test the most exciting feature, namely the camera, yet. Otherwise: The 6.7-inch display is still outstanding, the Tensor G3 processor with 12 GB of RAM is faster than ever, and the software offers a number of exciting new features.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro hands-on preview: artificial intelligence is genuinely cool
Źródło: Phone Arena angielski EN→PL
With its large screen size, extensive set of camera capabilities, and a starting price of $999, the Pixel 8 Pro is going against rivals like the Galaxy S23 Ultra and the iPhone 15 Pro Max. Both of these are great phones by brands with loyal following, so attracting buyers to join team Google could be quite the challenge. Still, Google's best phone yet offers an impressive set of features, specs, and exclusive extras at a competitive price. It's in a good position to end up in many buyers' shopping carts this holiday season – so long as no software glitches or hardware issues don't spoil the latest Pixel phone launch. Of course, it's too early to give our final verdict, but all things considered, the Pixel 8 Pro is shaping up like a solid Android phone with a fair amount of unique qualities that could draw the attention of anyone who's already into Google's ecosystem or could be looking for something different. Expect the results from our in-depth testing and first-hand impressions in the coming days.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro hands-on: The w8 was worth it
Źródło: Android Authority angielski EN→PL
I will very likely be pre-ordering the Pixel 8 Pro and making it my new daily driver. Buying a product with their own money is about the highest praise any tech journalist can give to a product. The fact that pre-orders in the United States come with a free Pixel Watch 2 makes the deal difficult to ignore. The Pixel 8 won’t become my daily driver because it won’t have many of the AI features I want. It also lacks a telephoto lens, which I depend on during my frequent camping trips in the mountains. However, as I said earlier, it will probably become the Android phone I recommend to everyone because of its compact size, relatively low price point, cool colors, long-term support commitment, and wealth of features. I’m really excited about the full reviews of these two phones.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro preview: Smarter than ever with new AI features and Tensor G3 chipset
Źródło: Expert Reviews angielski EN→PL
2023’s Pixel 7 Pro was the ultimate Android trend-setter, and at this stage it looks as though its successor will continue in the same vein. The Pixel 8 Pro is filled with heaps of improvements and refinements, so there’s a solid chance that this will be the Android smartphone to beat as we head into 2024. We need to talk about the price, however. At launch, the Pixel 8 Pro is £150 more expensive than the previous model, starting at a whopping £999. That’s the same price as the iPhone 15 Pro – the first time Google’s flagship has cost the same as its biggest non-Android rival.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 vs Pixel 8 Pro: which is the better buy?
Źródło: Tech Advisor angielski EN→PL
If your question is simply “which is the better phone?” then clearly the Pixel 8 Pro is the answer. However, you didn’t need us to tell you that. Ultimately, whether the Google Pixel 8 or Pixel 8 Pro is the best choice for you will depend on your priorities and preferences, as well as your budget. If you prefer a more compact, lightweight phone that also offers flagship performance, display, and camera quality, the Pixel 8 is an excellent choice. On the other hand, if you crave a larger, more powerful device with enhanced camera capabilities and ample memory and storage, the Pixel 8 Pro is the way to go. Both phones are excellent options, offering top-tier features and the signature Google experience. The decision comes down to what suits your needs and fits your budget.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro hands-on
Źródło: Engadget angielski
After teasing us for weeks with trailers showing off the Pixel 8 series, Google is now ready to give us all the details about its latest flagships. The Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro look largely the same as their predecessors, with a couple of key differences. The regular Pixel 8 is slightly smaller, which makes it easier to use with one hand. Meanwhile, the Pro model has a new matte finish, upgraded cameras and an intriguing temperature sensor. Though it’s smaller than before, the standard Pixel 8 starts at $699, which is $100 more than its predecessor. That seems a little counterintuitive, but the slightly smaller display actually refreshes at up to 120Hz now, which is better than the 90Hz last year. Meanwhile, the Pixel 8 Pro costs the same $899 as the Pixel 7 Pro did, and you can find a slew of pre-order offers from Google and most carriers to sweeten the deal.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Series HANDS-ON! Pixel Watch 2 Changes, Pixel Buds Pro Refresh & more
Źródło: Pocketnow angielski
On Pocketnow Daily, Apple will fix the overheating issues of the iPhone 15 Pro Max soon. We have new indicator of a possible Google Pixel Flip. The Pixel Watch 2 and Buds Pro were also what I'd call an Interesting Update, just to be nice. Finally, Google's Pixel 8 series is now official and let's just see it's more than meets the eye.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro HANDS ON
Źródło: Tom's Guide angielski
The Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro deliver brighter displays, a more powerful Tensor G3 chip and lots of smart AI camera features like Magic Editor, Best Take and Audio Erase. The Pixel 8 Pro goes a step further with Pro-level camera controls. The price for the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro are both $100 higher though. Here’s what you get for the money.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google’s Pixel 8 Pro offers impressive but subtle updates
Źródło: Mobile Syrup angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 Pro seems pretty fantastic so far, but so did the Pixel 7 Pro. I’m unsure if the handset is that much of a step above its predecessor, but new features like Magic Editor and Best Take could prove very useful. The handset offers top-of-the-line specifications, with a trio of cameras that feature up to 5x zoom. While I can’t say the Pixel 8 Pro will be the best of the year without further testing, it could turn out to be Google’s best smartphone yet. I’ll put the Pixel 8 Pro through its paces, testing out the battery, the Tensor G3 chip, and cameras, and I will have a review before the handset releases on October 12th. The Pixel 8 Pro starts at $1,349. You can find my hands-on with the Pixel 8 here. Follow this link for all of our content from Google’s Pixel 8 event.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro Hands-on: Bigger and Badder
Źródło: Nextpit EN angielski EN→PL
Even with a price premium of $100 over its predecessor, the Google Pixel 8 Pro is an exciting flagship smartphone, there is no question of that. However, Google itself has now raised the bar by a margin, and expectations for photo and video quality, computing power, and the new AI features are high. In any case, the Google Pixel 8 Pro only left positive impressions in our first hands-on, even though we could not really test the most exciting feature, namely the camera, yet. Otherwise: The 6.7-inch display is still outstanding, the Tensor G3 processor with 12 GB of RAM is faster than ever, and the software offers a number of exciting new features.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro hands-on preview: artificial intelligence is genuinely cool
Źródło: Phone Arena angielski EN→PL
With its large screen size, extensive set of camera capabilities, and a starting price of $999, the Pixel 8 Pro is going against rivals like the Galaxy S23 Ultra and the iPhone 15 Pro Max. Both of these are great phones by brands with loyal following, so attracting buyers to join team Google could be quite the challenge. Still, Google's best phone yet offers an impressive set of features, specs, and exclusive extras at a competitive price. It's in a good position to end up in many buyers' shopping carts this holiday season – so long as no software glitches or hardware issues don't spoil the latest Pixel phone launch. Of course, it's too early to give our final verdict, but all things considered, the Pixel 8 Pro is shaping up like a solid Android phone with a fair amount of unique qualities that could draw the attention of anyone who's already into Google's ecosystem or could be looking for something different. Expect the results from our in-depth testing and first-hand impressions in the coming days.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro hands-on: The w8 was worth it
Źródło: Android Authority angielski EN→PL
I will very likely be pre-ordering the Pixel 8 Pro and making it my new daily driver. Buying a product with their own money is about the highest praise any tech journalist can give to a product. The fact that pre-orders in the United States come with a free Pixel Watch 2 makes the deal difficult to ignore. The Pixel 8 won’t become my daily driver because it won’t have many of the AI features I want. It also lacks a telephoto lens, which I depend on during my frequent camping trips in the mountains. However, as I said earlier, it will probably become the Android phone I recommend to everyone because of its compact size, relatively low price point, cool colors, long-term support commitment, and wealth of features. I’m really excited about the full reviews of these two phones.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro preview: Smarter than ever with new AI features and Tensor G3 chipset
Źródło: Expert Reviews angielski EN→PL
2023’s Pixel 7 Pro was the ultimate Android trend-setter, and at this stage it looks as though its successor will continue in the same vein. The Pixel 8 Pro is filled with heaps of improvements and refinements, so there’s a solid chance that this will be the Android smartphone to beat as we head into 2024. We need to talk about the price, however. At launch, the Pixel 8 Pro is £150 more expensive than the previous model, starting at a whopping £999. That’s the same price as the iPhone 15 Pro – the first time Google’s flagship has cost the same as its biggest non-Android rival.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 vs Pixel 8 Pro: which is the better buy?
Źródło: Tech Advisor angielski EN→PL
If your question is simply “which is the better phone?” then clearly the Pixel 8 Pro is the answer. However, you didn’t need us to tell you that. Ultimately, whether the Google Pixel 8 or Pixel 8 Pro is the best choice for you will depend on your priorities and preferences, as well as your budget. If you prefer a more compact, lightweight phone that also offers flagship performance, display, and camera quality, the Pixel 8 is an excellent choice. On the other hand, if you crave a larger, more powerful device with enhanced camera capabilities and ample memory and storage, the Pixel 8 Pro is the way to go. Both phones are excellent options, offering top-tier features and the signature Google experience. The decision comes down to what suits your needs and fits your budget.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro hands-on
Źródło: Engadget angielski
After teasing us for weeks with trailers showing off the Pixel 8 series, Google is now ready to give us all the details about its latest flagships. The Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro look largely the same as their predecessors, with a couple of key differences. The regular Pixel 8 is slightly smaller, which makes it easier to use with one hand. Meanwhile, the Pro model has a new matte finish, upgraded cameras and an intriguing temperature sensor. Though it’s smaller than before, the standard Pixel 8 starts at $699, which is $100 more than its predecessor. That seems a little counterintuitive, but the slightly smaller display actually refreshes at up to 120Hz now, which is better than the 90Hz last year. Meanwhile, the Pixel 8 Pro costs the same $899 as the Pixel 7 Pro did, and you can find a slew of pre-order offers from Google and most carriers to sweeten the deal.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Series HANDS-ON! Pixel Watch 2 Changes, Pixel Buds Pro Refresh & more
Źródło: Pocketnow angielski
On Pocketnow Daily, Apple will fix the overheating issues of the iPhone 15 Pro Max soon. We have new indicator of a possible Google Pixel Flip. The Pixel Watch 2 and Buds Pro were also what I'd call an Interesting Update, just to be nice. Finally, Google's Pixel 8 series is now official and let's just see it's more than meets the eye.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro HANDS ON
Źródło: Tom's Guide angielski
The Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro deliver brighter displays, a more powerful Tensor G3 chip and lots of smart AI camera features like Magic Editor, Best Take and Audio Erase. The Pixel 8 Pro goes a step further with Pro-level camera controls. The price for the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro are both $100 higher though. Here’s what you get for the money.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google’s Pixel 8 Pro offers impressive but subtle updates
Źródło: Mobile Syrup angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 Pro seems pretty fantastic so far, but so did the Pixel 7 Pro. I’m unsure if the handset is that much of a step above its predecessor, but new features like Magic Editor and Best Take could prove very useful. The handset offers top-of-the-line specifications, with a trio of cameras that feature up to 5x zoom. While I can’t say the Pixel 8 Pro will be the best of the year without further testing, it could turn out to be Google’s best smartphone yet. I’ll put the Pixel 8 Pro through its paces, testing out the battery, the Tensor G3 chip, and cameras, and I will have a review before the handset releases on October 12th. The Pixel 8 Pro starts at $1,349. You can find my hands-on with the Pixel 8 here. Follow this link for all of our content from Google’s Pixel 8 event.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro Hands-on: Bigger and Badder
Źródło: Nextpit EN angielski EN→PL
Even with a price premium of $100 over its predecessor, the Google Pixel 8 Pro is an exciting flagship smartphone, there is no question of that. However, Google itself has now raised the bar by a margin, and expectations for photo and video quality, computing power, and the new AI features are high. In any case, the Google Pixel 8 Pro only left positive impressions in our first hands-on, even though we could not really test the most exciting feature, namely the camera, yet. Otherwise: The 6.7-inch display is still outstanding, the Tensor G3 processor with 12 GB of RAM is faster than ever, and the software offers a number of exciting new features.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro hands-on preview: artificial intelligence is genuinely cool
Źródło: Phone Arena angielski EN→PL
With its large screen size, extensive set of camera capabilities, and a starting price of $999, the Pixel 8 Pro is going against rivals like the Galaxy S23 Ultra and the iPhone 15 Pro Max. Both of these are great phones by brands with loyal following, so attracting buyers to join team Google could be quite the challenge. Still, Google's best phone yet offers an impressive set of features, specs, and exclusive extras at a competitive price. It's in a good position to end up in many buyers' shopping carts this holiday season – so long as no software glitches or hardware issues don't spoil the latest Pixel phone launch. Of course, it's too early to give our final verdict, but all things considered, the Pixel 8 Pro is shaping up like a solid Android phone with a fair amount of unique qualities that could draw the attention of anyone who's already into Google's ecosystem or could be looking for something different. Expect the results from our in-depth testing and first-hand impressions in the coming days.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro hands-on: The w8 was worth it
Źródło: Android Authority angielski EN→PL
I will very likely be pre-ordering the Pixel 8 Pro and making it my new daily driver. Buying a product with their own money is about the highest praise any tech journalist can give to a product. The fact that pre-orders in the United States come with a free Pixel Watch 2 makes the deal difficult to ignore. The Pixel 8 won’t become my daily driver because it won’t have many of the AI features I want. It also lacks a telephoto lens, which I depend on during my frequent camping trips in the mountains. However, as I said earlier, it will probably become the Android phone I recommend to everyone because of its compact size, relatively low price point, cool colors, long-term support commitment, and wealth of features. I’m really excited about the full reviews of these two phones.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro preview: Smarter than ever with new AI features and Tensor G3 chipset
Źródło: Expert Reviews angielski EN→PL
2023’s Pixel 7 Pro was the ultimate Android trend-setter, and at this stage it looks as though its successor will continue in the same vein. The Pixel 8 Pro is filled with heaps of improvements and refinements, so there’s a solid chance that this will be the Android smartphone to beat as we head into 2024. We need to talk about the price, however. At launch, the Pixel 8 Pro is £150 more expensive than the previous model, starting at a whopping £999. That’s the same price as the iPhone 15 Pro – the first time Google’s flagship has cost the same as its biggest non-Android rival.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 vs Pixel 8 Pro: which is the better buy?
Źródło: Tech Advisor angielski EN→PL
If your question is simply “which is the better phone?” then clearly the Pixel 8 Pro is the answer. However, you didn’t need us to tell you that. Ultimately, whether the Google Pixel 8 or Pixel 8 Pro is the best choice for you will depend on your priorities and preferences, as well as your budget. If you prefer a more compact, lightweight phone that also offers flagship performance, display, and camera quality, the Pixel 8 is an excellent choice. On the other hand, if you crave a larger, more powerful device with enhanced camera capabilities and ample memory and storage, the Pixel 8 Pro is the way to go. Both phones are excellent options, offering top-tier features and the signature Google experience. The decision comes down to what suits your needs and fits your budget.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro hands-on
Źródło: Engadget angielski
After teasing us for weeks with trailers showing off the Pixel 8 series, Google is now ready to give us all the details about its latest flagships. The Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro look largely the same as their predecessors, with a couple of key differences. The regular Pixel 8 is slightly smaller, which makes it easier to use with one hand. Meanwhile, the Pro model has a new matte finish, upgraded cameras and an intriguing temperature sensor. Though it’s smaller than before, the standard Pixel 8 starts at $699, which is $100 more than its predecessor. That seems a little counterintuitive, but the slightly smaller display actually refreshes at up to 120Hz now, which is better than the 90Hz last year. Meanwhile, the Pixel 8 Pro costs the same $899 as the Pixel 7 Pro did, and you can find a slew of pre-order offers from Google and most carriers to sweeten the deal.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Series HANDS-ON! Pixel Watch 2 Changes, Pixel Buds Pro Refresh & more
Źródło: Pocketnow angielski
On Pocketnow Daily, Apple will fix the overheating issues of the iPhone 15 Pro Max soon. We have new indicator of a possible Google Pixel Flip. The Pixel Watch 2 and Buds Pro were also what I'd call an Interesting Update, just to be nice. Finally, Google's Pixel 8 series is now official and let's just see it's more than meets the eye.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro HANDS ON
Źródło: Tom's Guide angielski
The Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro deliver brighter displays, a more powerful Tensor G3 chip and lots of smart AI camera features like Magic Editor, Best Take and Audio Erase. The Pixel 8 Pro goes a step further with Pro-level camera controls. The price for the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro are both $100 higher though. Here’s what you get for the money.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Źródło: Pocketnow angielski
On Pocketnow Daily, it seems Apple is going hard on Gaming with just where Resident Evil will be launching soon. We have more details about the specifications of the upcoming Samsung FE tablets. Reports have Apple already dealing with a new challenge coming from the European Union. Finally, we kind of get most details of what's coming with the next pixels thanks to Even Blass
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 28/09/2023
Źródło: Pocketnow angielski
On Pocketnow Daily, it seems Apple is going hard on Gaming with just where Resident Evil will be launching soon. We have more details about the specifications of the upcoming Samsung FE tablets. Reports have Apple already dealing with a new challenge coming from the European Union. Finally, we kind of get most details of what's coming with the next pixels thanks to Even Blass
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 28/09/2023
Źródło: Pocketnow angielski
On Pocketnow Daily, it seems Apple is going hard on Gaming with just where Resident Evil will be launching soon. We have more details about the specifications of the upcoming Samsung FE tablets. Reports have Apple already dealing with a new challenge coming from the European Union. Finally, we kind of get most details of what's coming with the next pixels thanks to Even Blass
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 28/09/2023
Źródło: Pocketnow angielski
On Pocketnow Daily, it seems Apple is going hard on Gaming with just where Resident Evil will be launching soon. We have more details about the specifications of the upcoming Samsung FE tablets. Reports have Apple already dealing with a new challenge coming from the European Union. Finally, we kind of get most details of what's coming with the next pixels thanks to Even Blass
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 28/09/2023
97% Google Pixel 8 Pro im Test: Das Maß der Dinge in Sachen Kamera
Źródło: Computerbild niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 08/08/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 97%
97% Google Pixel 8 Pro im Test: Das Maß der Dinge in Sachen Kamera
Źródło: Computerbild niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 08/08/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 97%
97% Google Pixel 8 Pro im Test: Das Maß der Dinge in Sachen Kamera
Źródło: Computerbild niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 08/08/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 97%
97% Google Pixel 8 Pro im Test: Das Maß der Dinge in Sachen Kamera
Źródło: Computerbild niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 08/08/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 97%
97% Google Pixel 8 Pro im Test: Das Maß der Dinge bei Handy-Fotos
Źródło: Computerbild niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 29/04/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 97%
97% Google Pixel 8 Pro im Test: Das Maß der Dinge bei Handy-Fotos
Źródło: Computerbild niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 29/04/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 97%
97% Google Pixel 8 Pro im Test: Das Maß der Dinge bei Handy-Fotos
Źródło: Computerbild niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 29/04/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 97%
97% Google Pixel 8 Pro im Test: Das Maß der Dinge bei Handy-Fotos
Źródło: Computerbild niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 29/04/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 97%
97% Google Pixel 8 Pro im Test: Das Maß der Dinge bei Handy-Fotos
Źródło: Computerbild niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 17/02/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 97%
97% Google Pixel 8 Pro im Test: Das Maß der Dinge bei Handy-Fotos
Źródło: Computerbild niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 17/02/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 97%
97% Google Pixel 8 Pro im Test: Das Maß der Dinge bei Handy-Fotos
Źródło: Computerbild niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 17/02/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 97%
97% Google Pixel 8 Pro im Test: Das Maß der Dinge bei Handy-Fotos
Źródło: Computerbild niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 17/02/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 97%
90% Hervorragende Kamera, solide Leistung - aber wie nützlich sind die KI-Funktionen?
Źródło: Gamestar niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 18/01/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Hervorragende Kamera, solide Leistung - aber wie nützlich sind die KI-Funktionen?
Źródło: Gamestar niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 18/01/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Hervorragende Kamera, solide Leistung - aber wie nützlich sind die KI-Funktionen?
Źródło: Gamestar niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 18/01/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Hervorragende Kamera, solide Leistung - aber wie nützlich sind die KI-Funktionen?
Źródło: Gamestar niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 18/01/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro 200 Euro teurer – aber!
Źródło: Nextpit Germany niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 05/01/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro 200 Euro teurer – aber!
Źródło: Nextpit Germany niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 05/01/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro 200 Euro teurer – aber!
Źródło: Nextpit Germany niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 05/01/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro 200 Euro teurer – aber!
Źródło: Nextpit Germany niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 05/01/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
93% Google Pixel 8 Pro Ein stimmiges Gesamtpaket
Źródło: Basic Tutorials niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 15/12/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 93% cena: 90% wydajność: 80% mobilność: 100% wykonanie: 100%
93% Google Pixel 8 Pro Ein stimmiges Gesamtpaket
Źródło: Basic Tutorials niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 15/12/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 93% cena: 90% wydajność: 80% mobilność: 100% wykonanie: 100%
93% Google Pixel 8 Pro Ein stimmiges Gesamtpaket
Źródło: Basic Tutorials niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 15/12/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 93% cena: 90% wydajność: 80% mobilność: 100% wykonanie: 100%
93% Google Pixel 8 Pro Ein stimmiges Gesamtpaket
Źródło: Basic Tutorials niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 15/12/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 93% cena: 90% wydajność: 80% mobilność: 100% wykonanie: 100%
97% Google Pixel 8 Pro im Test: Darum ist es so dermaßen gut!
Źródło: Computerbild niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 28/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 97%
97% Google Pixel 8 Pro im Test: Darum ist es so dermaßen gut!
Źródło: Computerbild niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 28/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 97%
97% Google Pixel 8 Pro im Test: Darum ist es so dermaßen gut!
Źródło: Computerbild niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 28/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 97%
97% Google Pixel 8 Pro im Test: Darum ist es so dermaßen gut!
Źródło: Computerbild niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 28/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 97%
100% KI-Smartphone mit grandioser Kamera
Źródło: Tech Stage niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 07/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
100% KI-Smartphone mit grandioser Kamera
Źródło: Tech Stage niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 07/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
100% KI-Smartphone mit grandioser Kamera
Źródło: Tech Stage niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 07/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
100% KI-Smartphone mit grandioser Kamera
Źródło: Tech Stage niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 07/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
83% Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 04/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 83% wydajność: 70% wyświetlacz: 95% mobilność: 60% wykonanie: 100%
83% Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 04/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 83% wydajność: 70% wyświetlacz: 95% mobilność: 60% wykonanie: 100%
83% Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 04/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 83% wydajność: 70% wyświetlacz: 95% mobilność: 60% wykonanie: 100%
83% Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 04/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 83% wydajność: 70% wyświetlacz: 95% mobilność: 60% wykonanie: 100%
Google Pixel 8 Pro Das Beste, was Android zu bieten hat?
Źródło: niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 25/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro Das Beste, was Android zu bieten hat?
Źródło: niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 25/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro Das Beste, was Android zu bieten hat?
Źródło: niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 25/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro Das Beste, was Android zu bieten hat?
Źródło: niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 25/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro ein tolles Smartphone aber ist der höhere Preis gerechtfertigt?
Źródło: niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 18/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro ein tolles Smartphone aber ist der höhere Preis gerechtfertigt?
Źródło: niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 18/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro ein tolles Smartphone aber ist der höhere Preis gerechtfertigt?
Źródło: niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 18/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro ein tolles Smartphone aber ist der höhere Preis gerechtfertigt?
Źródło: niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 18/10/2023
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro 200 Euro teurer – aber!
Źródło: Nextpit Germany niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 15/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro 200 Euro teurer – aber!
Źródło: Nextpit Germany niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 15/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro 200 Euro teurer – aber!
Źródło: Nextpit Germany niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 15/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro 200 Euro teurer – aber!
Źródło: Nextpit Germany niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 15/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro Richtig viel Smartphone mit spannenden KI-Funktionen
Źródło: Inside Handy niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro Richtig viel Smartphone mit spannenden KI-Funktionen
Źródło: Inside Handy niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro Richtig viel Smartphone mit spannenden KI-Funktionen
Źródło: Inside Handy niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro Richtig viel Smartphone mit spannenden KI-Funktionen
Źródło: Inside Handy niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro starke KI-Features und 7 Jahre lang Updates
Źródło: PC Welt niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro starke KI-Features und 7 Jahre lang Updates
Źródło: PC Welt niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro starke KI-Features und 7 Jahre lang Updates
Źródło: PC Welt niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro starke KI-Features und 7 Jahre lang Updates
Źródło: PC Welt niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
So magisch ist die KI-Kamera wirklich
Źródło: Blick niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
96% Tolles Handy mit einem Trumpf und einer Schwäche
Źródło: niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 96% wydajność: 96% cechy: 97% wyświetlacz: 98% mobilność: 87%
Google Pixel 8 Pro Ist das jetzt ein iPhone-Killer?
Źródło: niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro Deutlich teurer, aber auch deutlich besser?
Źródło: MobiFlip niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
97% Google Pixel 8 Pro im Test: Junge, ist das gut!
Źródło: Computerbild niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 97%
So magisch ist die KI-Kamera wirklich
Źródło: Blick niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
96% Tolles Handy mit einem Trumpf und einer Schwäche
Źródło: niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 96% wydajność: 96% cechy: 97% wyświetlacz: 98% mobilność: 87%
Google Pixel 8 Pro Ist das jetzt ein iPhone-Killer?
Źródło: niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro Deutlich teurer, aber auch deutlich besser?
Źródło: MobiFlip niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
97% Google Pixel 8 Pro im Test: Junge, ist das gut!
Źródło: Computerbild niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 97%
So magisch ist die KI-Kamera wirklich
Źródło: Blick niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
96% Tolles Handy mit einem Trumpf und einer Schwäche
Źródło: niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 96% wydajność: 96% cechy: 97% wyświetlacz: 98% mobilność: 87%
Google Pixel 8 Pro Ist das jetzt ein iPhone-Killer?
Źródło: niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro Deutlich teurer, aber auch deutlich besser?
Źródło: MobiFlip niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
97% Google Pixel 8 Pro im Test: Junge, ist das gut!
Źródło: Computerbild niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 97%
So magisch ist die KI-Kamera wirklich
Źródło: Blick niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
96% Tolles Handy mit einem Trumpf und einer Schwäche
Źródło: niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 96% wydajność: 96% cechy: 97% wyświetlacz: 98% mobilność: 87%
Google Pixel 8 Pro Ist das jetzt ein iPhone-Killer?
Źródło: niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro Deutlich teurer, aber auch deutlich besser?
Źródło: MobiFlip niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
97% Google Pixel 8 Pro im Test: Junge, ist das gut!
Źródło: Computerbild niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 97%
200 Euro teurer – aber!
Źródło: Nextpit Germany niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 05/10/2023
200 Euro teurer – aber!
Źródło: Nextpit Germany niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 05/10/2023
200 Euro teurer – aber!
Źródło: Nextpit Germany niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 05/10/2023
200 Euro teurer – aber!
Źródło: Nextpit Germany niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 05/10/2023
El Pixel 8 Pro ya es mío
Źródło: hiszpański ES→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/06/2024
El Pixel 8 Pro ya es mío
Źródło: hiszpański ES→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/06/2024
El Pixel 8 Pro ya es mío
Źródło: hiszpański ES→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/06/2024
El Pixel 8 Pro ya es mío
Źródło: hiszpański ES→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/06/2024
92% Review Google Pixel 8 Pro: colosal
Źródło: MuyComputer hiszpański ES→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 24/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 92% wydajność: 90% wyświetlacz: 100% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro, análisis: enamorarse del Pixel sigue siendo fácil. Encontrar sus puntos débiles lo es más aún
Źródło: Xataka hiszpański ES→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 24/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90% wydajność: 93% wyświetlacz: 95% mobilność: 90% wykonanie: 90%
92% Review Google Pixel 8 Pro: colosal
Źródło: MuyComputer hiszpański ES→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 24/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 92% wydajność: 90% wyświetlacz: 100% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro, análisis: enamorarse del Pixel sigue siendo fácil. Encontrar sus puntos débiles lo es más aún
Źródło: Xataka hiszpański ES→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 24/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90% wydajność: 93% wyświetlacz: 95% mobilność: 90% wykonanie: 90%
92% Review Google Pixel 8 Pro: colosal
Źródło: MuyComputer hiszpański ES→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 24/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 92% wydajność: 90% wyświetlacz: 100% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro, análisis: enamorarse del Pixel sigue siendo fácil. Encontrar sus puntos débiles lo es más aún
Źródło: Xataka hiszpański ES→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 24/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90% wydajność: 93% wyświetlacz: 95% mobilność: 90% wykonanie: 90%
92% Review Google Pixel 8 Pro: colosal
Źródło: MuyComputer hiszpański ES→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 24/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 92% wydajność: 90% wyświetlacz: 100% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro, análisis: enamorarse del Pixel sigue siendo fácil. Encontrar sus puntos débiles lo es más aún
Źródło: Xataka hiszpański ES→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 24/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90% wydajność: 93% wyświetlacz: 95% mobilność: 90% wykonanie: 90%
89% Google Pixel 8 Pro, análisis y opinión: mucha nube para tanto móvil
Źródło: Computerhoy hiszpański ES→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 89%
89% Google Pixel 8 Pro, análisis y opinión: mucha nube para tanto móvil
Źródło: Computerhoy hiszpański ES→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 89%
89% Google Pixel 8 Pro, análisis y opinión: mucha nube para tanto móvil
Źródło: Computerhoy hiszpański ES→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 89%
89% Google Pixel 8 Pro, análisis y opinión: mucha nube para tanto móvil
Źródło: Computerhoy hiszpański ES→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 89%
Google Pixel 8 Pro, análisis: la IA se apodera del móvil con la mejor cámara del mercado
Źródło: Hipertextual hiszpański ES→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro, análisis: la IA se apodera del móvil con la mejor cámara del mercado
Źródło: Hipertextual hiszpański ES→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro, análisis: la IA se apodera del móvil con la mejor cámara del mercado
Źródło: Hipertextual hiszpański ES→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro, análisis: la IA se apodera del móvil con la mejor cámara del mercado
Źródło: Hipertextual hiszpański ES→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
90% Análise Google Pixel 8 Pro: Review ao melhor smartphone Android de 2023
Źródło: Mais Tecnologia portugalski PT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 25/12/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Análise Google Pixel 8 Pro: Review ao melhor smartphone Android de 2023
Źródło: Mais Tecnologia portugalski PT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 25/12/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Análise Google Pixel 8 Pro: Review ao melhor smartphone Android de 2023
Źródło: Mais Tecnologia portugalski PT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 25/12/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Análise Google Pixel 8 Pro: Review ao melhor smartphone Android de 2023
Źródło: Mais Tecnologia portugalski PT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 25/12/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
Review Google Pixel 8 Pro | O topo de linha com Android puro e IA
Źródło: Canaltech portugalski PT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 20/12/2023
Review Google Pixel 8 Pro | O topo de linha com Android puro e IA
Źródło: Canaltech portugalski PT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 20/12/2023
Review Google Pixel 8 Pro | O topo de linha com Android puro e IA
Źródło: Canaltech portugalski PT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 20/12/2023
Review Google Pixel 8 Pro | O topo de linha com Android puro e IA
Źródło: Canaltech portugalski PT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 20/12/2023
82% Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: PC Guia portugalski PT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 25/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 82%
82% Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: PC Guia portugalski PT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 25/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 82%
82% Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: PC Guia portugalski PT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 25/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 82%
82% Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: PC Guia portugalski PT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 25/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 82%
Duelo de Titans: Google Pixel 8 Pro versus Pixel 8, Qual é o Melhor para ti?
Źródło: Android Geek portugalski PT→PL
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 22/11/2023
Duelo de Titans: Google Pixel 8 Pro versus Pixel 8, Qual é o Melhor para ti?
Źródło: Android Geek portugalski PT→PL
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 22/11/2023
Duelo de Titans: Google Pixel 8 Pro versus Pixel 8, Qual é o Melhor para ti?
Źródło: Android Geek portugalski PT→PL
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 22/11/2023
Duelo de Titans: Google Pixel 8 Pro versus Pixel 8, Qual é o Melhor para ti?
Źródło: Android Geek portugalski PT→PL
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 22/11/2023
88% Análise Google Pixel 8 Pro: Uma Nova Dimensão na Fotografia Computacional
Źródło: Android Geek portugalski PT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 21/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 88% wydajność: 80% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 90%
88% Análise Google Pixel 8 Pro: Uma Nova Dimensão na Fotografia Computacional
Źródło: Android Geek portugalski PT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 21/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 88% wydajność: 80% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 90%
88% Análise Google Pixel 8 Pro: Uma Nova Dimensão na Fotografia Computacional
Źródło: Android Geek portugalski PT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 21/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 88% wydajność: 80% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 90%
88% Análise Google Pixel 8 Pro: Uma Nova Dimensão na Fotografia Computacional
Źródło: Android Geek portugalski PT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 21/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 88% wydajność: 80% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 90%
Google Pixel 8 Pro: Uma semana com o Flagship da Google
Źródło: Android Geek portugalski PT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 12/10/2023
94% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: o Feiticeiro de Mountain View
Źródło: 4G News portugalski PT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 94% cena: 80% wydajność: 90% wyświetlacz: 100% mobilność: 90% wykonanie: 100%
Google Pixel 8 Pro: Uma semana com o Flagship da Google
Źródło: Android Geek portugalski PT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 12/10/2023
94% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: o Feiticeiro de Mountain View
Źródło: 4G News portugalski PT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 94% cena: 80% wydajność: 90% wyświetlacz: 100% mobilność: 90% wykonanie: 100%
Google Pixel 8 Pro: Uma semana com o Flagship da Google
Źródło: Android Geek portugalski PT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 12/10/2023
94% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: o Feiticeiro de Mountain View
Źródło: 4G News portugalski PT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 94% cena: 80% wydajność: 90% wyświetlacz: 100% mobilność: 90% wykonanie: 100%
Google Pixel 8 Pro: Uma semana com o Flagship da Google
Źródło: Android Geek portugalski PT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 12/10/2023
94% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: o Feiticeiro de Mountain View
Źródło: 4G News portugalski PT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 94% cena: 80% wydajność: 90% wyświetlacz: 100% mobilność: 90% wykonanie: 100%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro, lo smartphone Highlander
Źródło: Wired IT włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 16/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
78% Recensione Google Pixel 8 Pro: un netto passo in avanti!
Źródło: Evo smart włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 16/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 78% wydajność: 80% wyświetlacz: 80% wykonanie: 80%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro, lo smartphone Highlander
Źródło: Wired IT włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 16/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
78% Recensione Google Pixel 8 Pro: un netto passo in avanti!
Źródło: Evo smart włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 16/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 78% wydajność: 80% wyświetlacz: 80% wykonanie: 80%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro, lo smartphone Highlander
Źródło: Wired IT włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 16/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
78% Recensione Google Pixel 8 Pro: un netto passo in avanti!
Źródło: Evo smart włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 16/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 78% wydajność: 80% wyświetlacz: 80% wykonanie: 80%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro, lo smartphone Highlander
Źródło: Wired IT włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 16/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
78% Recensione Google Pixel 8 Pro: un netto passo in avanti!
Źródło: Evo smart włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 16/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 78% wydajność: 80% wyświetlacz: 80% wykonanie: 80%
86% Recensione Google Pixel 8
Źródło: Andrea Galeazzi włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 13/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 86% cena: 79% wyświetlacz: 92% mobilność: 76% wykonanie: 87%
88% Recensione Google Pixel 8 Pro : Smart è la nuova parola d’ordine
Źródło: Batista70Phone włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 88% cechy: 85% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 85% wykonanie: 90% ergonomia: 90%
86% Recensione Google Pixel 8
Źródło: Andrea Galeazzi włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 13/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 86% cena: 79% wyświetlacz: 92% mobilność: 76% wykonanie: 87%
88% Recensione Google Pixel 8 Pro : Smart è la nuova parola d’ordine
Źródło: Batista70Phone włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 88% cechy: 85% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 85% wykonanie: 90% ergonomia: 90%
86% Recensione Google Pixel 8
Źródło: Andrea Galeazzi włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 13/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 86% cena: 79% wyświetlacz: 92% mobilność: 76% wykonanie: 87%
88% Recensione Google Pixel 8 Pro : Smart è la nuova parola d’ordine
Źródło: Batista70Phone włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 88% cechy: 85% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 85% wykonanie: 90% ergonomia: 90%
86% Recensione Google Pixel 8
Źródło: Andrea Galeazzi włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 13/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 86% cena: 79% wyświetlacz: 92% mobilność: 76% wykonanie: 87%
88% Recensione Google Pixel 8 Pro : Smart è la nuova parola d’ordine
Źródło: Batista70Phone włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 88% cechy: 85% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 85% wykonanie: 90% ergonomia: 90%
90% Recensione Google Pixel 8 Pro: il nuovo top di gamma è un super smartphone | VIDEO
Źródło: włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90% cechy: 79%
80% Recensione Google Pixel 8 Pro, la prova di maturità
Źródło: Mister Gadget włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
85% Google Pixel 8 Pro, la recensione dello smartphone che fa tutto con l'intelligenza artificiale
Źródło: Multiplayer IT włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 85%
Recensione Google Pixel 8 Pro: il primo smartphone che ti porge l’IA in mano
Źródło: Tutto Android włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
90% Recensione Google Pixel 8 Pro: il nuovo top di gamma è un super smartphone | VIDEO
Źródło: włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90% cechy: 79%
80% Recensione Google Pixel 8 Pro, la prova di maturità
Źródło: Mister Gadget włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
85% Google Pixel 8 Pro, la recensione dello smartphone che fa tutto con l'intelligenza artificiale
Źródło: Multiplayer IT włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 85%
Recensione Google Pixel 8 Pro: il primo smartphone che ti porge l’IA in mano
Źródło: Tutto Android włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
90% Recensione Google Pixel 8 Pro: il nuovo top di gamma è un super smartphone | VIDEO
Źródło: włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90% cechy: 79%
80% Recensione Google Pixel 8 Pro, la prova di maturità
Źródło: Mister Gadget włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
85% Google Pixel 8 Pro, la recensione dello smartphone che fa tutto con l'intelligenza artificiale
Źródło: Multiplayer IT włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 85%
Recensione Google Pixel 8 Pro: il primo smartphone che ti porge l’IA in mano
Źródło: Tutto Android włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
90% Recensione Google Pixel 8 Pro: il nuovo top di gamma è un super smartphone | VIDEO
Źródło: włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90% cechy: 79%
80% Recensione Google Pixel 8 Pro, la prova di maturità
Źródło: Mister Gadget włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
85% Google Pixel 8 Pro, la recensione dello smartphone che fa tutto con l'intelligenza artificiale
Źródło: Multiplayer IT włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 85%
Recensione Google Pixel 8 Pro: il primo smartphone che ti porge l’IA in mano
Źródło: Tutto Android włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
88% Recensione Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: Andrea Galeazzi włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 88% cena: 72% wyświetlacz: 92% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 87%
82% Recensione Google Pixel 8 Pro: 7 anni di magia Google
Źródło: włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 82% cena: 60% cechy: 85% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 75% wykonanie: 85% ergonomia: 85%
82% Recensione Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: Smart World włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 82% cena: 60% cechy: 85% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 75% wykonanie: 85% ergonomia: 85%
La recensione di Pixel 8 Pro: è lui il più intelligente
Źródło: Techprincess IT włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
88% Recensione Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: Andrea Galeazzi włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 88% cena: 72% wyświetlacz: 92% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 87%
82% Recensione Google Pixel 8 Pro: 7 anni di magia Google
Źródło: włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 82% cena: 60% cechy: 85% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 75% wykonanie: 85% ergonomia: 85%
82% Recensione Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: Smart World włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 82% cena: 60% cechy: 85% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 75% wykonanie: 85% ergonomia: 85%
La recensione di Pixel 8 Pro: è lui il più intelligente
Źródło: Techprincess IT włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
88% Recensione Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: Andrea Galeazzi włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 88% cena: 72% wyświetlacz: 92% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 87%
82% Recensione Google Pixel 8 Pro: 7 anni di magia Google
Źródło: włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 82% cena: 60% cechy: 85% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 75% wykonanie: 85% ergonomia: 85%
82% Recensione Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: Smart World włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 82% cena: 60% cechy: 85% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 75% wykonanie: 85% ergonomia: 85%
La recensione di Pixel 8 Pro: è lui il più intelligente
Źródło: Techprincess IT włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
88% Recensione Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: Andrea Galeazzi włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 88% cena: 72% wyświetlacz: 92% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 87%
82% Recensione Google Pixel 8 Pro: 7 anni di magia Google
Źródło: włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 82% cena: 60% cechy: 85% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 75% wykonanie: 85% ergonomia: 85%
82% Recensione Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: Smart World włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 82% cena: 60% cechy: 85% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 75% wykonanie: 85% ergonomia: 85%
La recensione di Pixel 8 Pro: è lui il più intelligente
Źródło: Techprincess IT włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
83% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: kunst baart gunst
Źródło: holenderski NL→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 24/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 83%
83% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: kunst baart gunst
Źródło: holenderski NL→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 24/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 83%
83% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: kunst baart gunst
Źródło: holenderski NL→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 24/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 83%
83% Google Pixel 8 Pro review: kunst baart gunst
Źródło: holenderski NL→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 24/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 83%
Review Google Pixel 8 Pro – dé smartphone voor cameraliefhebbers
Źródło: holenderski NL→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Review Google Pixel 8 Pro – dé smartphone voor cameraliefhebbers
Źródło: holenderski NL→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Review Google Pixel 8 Pro – dé smartphone voor cameraliefhebbers
Źródło: holenderski NL→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Review Google Pixel 8 Pro – dé smartphone voor cameraliefhebbers
Źródło: holenderski NL→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 12/10/2023
90% Test Google Pixel 8 Pro : Un smartphone comme on les aime, performant et agréable
Źródło: Charles Tech francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 04/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90% cena: 100% wydajność: 90% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 80%
90% Test Google Pixel 8 Pro : Un smartphone comme on les aime, performant et agréable
Źródło: Charles Tech francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 04/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90% cena: 100% wydajność: 90% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 80%
90% Test Google Pixel 8 Pro : Un smartphone comme on les aime, performant et agréable
Źródło: Charles Tech francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 04/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90% cena: 100% wydajność: 90% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 80%
90% Test Google Pixel 8 Pro : Un smartphone comme on les aime, performant et agréable
Źródło: Charles Tech francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 04/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90% cena: 100% wydajność: 90% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 80%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro : fluide, performant, épatant !
Źródło: Geekbecois francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 12/02/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90% wydajność: 90% wykonanie: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro : fluide, performant, épatant !
Źródło: Geekbecois francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 12/02/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90% wydajność: 90% wykonanie: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro : fluide, performant, épatant !
Źródło: Geekbecois francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 12/02/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90% wydajność: 90% wykonanie: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro : fluide, performant, épatant !
Źródło: Geekbecois francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 12/02/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90% wydajność: 90% wykonanie: 90%
100% Test Labo du GOOGLE Pixel 8 Pro : un excellent photophone
Źródło: L' Eclaireur FNAC francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 13/12/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100% wydajność: 100% wyświetlacz: 80% mobilność: 70%
100% Test Labo du GOOGLE Pixel 8 Pro : un excellent photophone
Źródło: L' Eclaireur FNAC francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 13/12/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100% wydajność: 100% wyświetlacz: 80% mobilność: 70%
100% Test Labo du GOOGLE Pixel 8 Pro : un excellent photophone
Źródło: L' Eclaireur FNAC francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 13/12/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100% wydajność: 100% wyświetlacz: 80% mobilność: 70%
100% Test Labo du GOOGLE Pixel 8 Pro : un excellent photophone
Źródło: L' Eclaireur FNAC francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 13/12/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100% wydajność: 100% wyświetlacz: 80% mobilność: 70%
100% Test du smartphone Google Pixel 8 Pro : toujours plus intelligent, performant avec un très bel écran et livrant de très belles photos
Źródło: Les Mobiles francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
90% Test Pixel Phone 8 Pro : un excellent smartphone, plaisant à utiliser
Źródło: CNet France francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 13/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
100% Test du smartphone Google Pixel 8 Pro : toujours plus intelligent, performant avec un très bel écran et livrant de très belles photos
Źródło: Les Mobiles francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
90% Test Pixel Phone 8 Pro : un excellent smartphone, plaisant à utiliser
Źródło: CNet France francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 13/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
100% Test du smartphone Google Pixel 8 Pro : toujours plus intelligent, performant avec un très bel écran et livrant de très belles photos
Źródło: Les Mobiles francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
90% Test Pixel Phone 8 Pro : un excellent smartphone, plaisant à utiliser
Źródło: CNet France francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 13/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
100% Test du smartphone Google Pixel 8 Pro : toujours plus intelligent, performant avec un très bel écran et livrant de très belles photos
Źródło: Les Mobiles francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
90% Test Pixel Phone 8 Pro : un excellent smartphone, plaisant à utiliser
Źródło: CNet France francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 13/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
88% Test Du Pixel 8 Pro De Google : Meilleur Dans Tout
Źródło: Geeks and Com francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 06/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 88%
88% Test Du Pixel 8 Pro De Google : Meilleur Dans Tout
Źródło: Geeks and Com francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 06/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 88%
88% Test Du Pixel 8 Pro De Google : Meilleur Dans Tout
Źródło: Geeks and Com francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 06/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 88%
88% Test Du Pixel 8 Pro De Google : Meilleur Dans Tout
Źródło: Geeks and Com francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 06/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 88%
90% Test du Google Pixel 8 Pro: Plus cher mais plus mieux aussi
Źródło: Nextpit France francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 21/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Test du Google Pixel 8 Pro: Plus cher mais plus mieux aussi
Źródło: Nextpit France francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 21/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Test du Google Pixel 8 Pro: Plus cher mais plus mieux aussi
Źródło: Nextpit France francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 21/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Test du Google Pixel 8 Pro: Plus cher mais plus mieux aussi
Źródło: Nextpit France francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 21/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
80% Test Google Pixel 8 et Google Pixel 8 Pro : le meilleur d’Android, nourri à l’IA
Źródło: Clubic francuski FR→PL
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% wydajność: 80% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 90%
100% Prise en main rapide du smartphone Google Pixel 8 Pro : plus brillant, plus performant et avec des fonctions d’édition pour les photos et les vidéos
Źródło: Les Mobiles francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
80% Test Google Pixel 8 et Google Pixel 8 Pro : le meilleur d’Android, nourri à l’IA
Źródło: Clubic francuski FR→PL
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% wydajność: 80% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 90%
100% Prise en main rapide du smartphone Google Pixel 8 Pro : plus brillant, plus performant et avec des fonctions d’édition pour les photos et les vidéos
Źródło: Les Mobiles francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
80% Test Google Pixel 8 et Google Pixel 8 Pro : le meilleur d’Android, nourri à l’IA
Źródło: Clubic francuski FR→PL
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% wydajność: 80% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 90%
100% Prise en main rapide du smartphone Google Pixel 8 Pro : plus brillant, plus performant et avec des fonctions d’édition pour les photos et les vidéos
Źródło: Les Mobiles francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
80% Test Google Pixel 8 et Google Pixel 8 Pro : le meilleur d’Android, nourri à l’IA
Źródło: Clubic francuski FR→PL
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% wydajność: 80% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 90%
100% Prise en main rapide du smartphone Google Pixel 8 Pro : plus brillant, plus performant et avec des fonctions d’édition pour les photos et les vidéos
Źródło: Les Mobiles francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
100% Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: Les Numeriques francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100% wydajność: 100% wyświetlacz: 100% mobilność: 60% wykonanie: 100% ergonomia: 100%
90% Test Google Pixel 8 et Pixel 8 Pro, le plus important, c’est l’IA !
Źródło: Journal du Geek francuski FR→PL
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
80% Test du Google Pixel 8 Pro : le smartphone de demain et d’après-demain
Źródło: Frandroid francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% wydajność: 60% wyświetlacz: 70% mobilność: 70% wykonanie: 90%
80% Test Pixel 8 Pro : et si c’était lui, le nouveau roi de la photo ?
Źródło: Phonandroid francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
92% Test Google Pixel 8 Pro : le smartphone des gens cool (et exigeants)
Źródło: Presse Citron francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 92% cena: 90% wydajność: 95% mobilność: 90% wykonanie: 95%
100% Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: Les Numeriques francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100% wydajność: 100% wyświetlacz: 100% mobilność: 60% wykonanie: 100% ergonomia: 100%
90% Test Google Pixel 8 et Pixel 8 Pro, le plus important, c’est l’IA !
Źródło: Journal du Geek francuski FR→PL
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
80% Test du Google Pixel 8 Pro : le smartphone de demain et d’après-demain
Źródło: Frandroid francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% wydajność: 60% wyświetlacz: 70% mobilność: 70% wykonanie: 90%
80% Test Pixel 8 Pro : et si c’était lui, le nouveau roi de la photo ?
Źródło: Phonandroid francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
92% Test Google Pixel 8 Pro : le smartphone des gens cool (et exigeants)
Źródło: Presse Citron francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 92% cena: 90% wydajność: 95% mobilność: 90% wykonanie: 95%
100% Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: Les Numeriques francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100% wydajność: 100% wyświetlacz: 100% mobilność: 60% wykonanie: 100% ergonomia: 100%
90% Test Google Pixel 8 et Pixel 8 Pro, le plus important, c’est l’IA !
Źródło: Journal du Geek francuski FR→PL
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
80% Test du Google Pixel 8 Pro : le smartphone de demain et d’après-demain
Źródło: Frandroid francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% wydajność: 60% wyświetlacz: 70% mobilność: 70% wykonanie: 90%
80% Test Pixel 8 Pro : et si c’était lui, le nouveau roi de la photo ?
Źródło: Phonandroid francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
92% Test Google Pixel 8 Pro : le smartphone des gens cool (et exigeants)
Źródło: Presse Citron francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 92% cena: 90% wydajność: 95% mobilność: 90% wykonanie: 95%
100% Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: Les Numeriques francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100% wydajność: 100% wyświetlacz: 100% mobilność: 60% wykonanie: 100% ergonomia: 100%
90% Test Google Pixel 8 et Pixel 8 Pro, le plus important, c’est l’IA !
Źródło: Journal du Geek francuski FR→PL
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
80% Test du Google Pixel 8 Pro : le smartphone de demain et d’après-demain
Źródło: Frandroid francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% wydajność: 60% wyświetlacz: 70% mobilność: 70% wykonanie: 90%
80% Test Pixel 8 Pro : et si c’était lui, le nouveau roi de la photo ?
Źródło: Phonandroid francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
92% Test Google Pixel 8 Pro : le smartphone des gens cool (et exigeants)
Źródło: Presse Citron francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 92% cena: 90% wydajność: 95% mobilność: 90% wykonanie: 95%
Premier test du Google Pixel 8 Pro: Une montée en gamme justifiée?
Źródło: Nextpit France francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 08/10/2023
Premier test du Google Pixel 8 Pro: Une montée en gamme justifiée?
Źródło: Nextpit France francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 08/10/2023
Premier test du Google Pixel 8 Pro: Une montée en gamme justifiée?
Źródło: Nextpit France francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 08/10/2023
Premier test du Google Pixel 8 Pro: Une montée en gamme justifiée?
Źródło: Nextpit France francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 08/10/2023
Premier test du Google Pixel 8 Pro: Une montée en gamme justifiée?
Źródło: Nextpit France francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Premier test du Google Pixel 8 Pro: Une montée en gamme justifiée?
Źródło: Nextpit France francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Premier test du Google Pixel 8 Pro: Une montée en gamme justifiée?
Źródło: Nextpit France francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Premier test du Google Pixel 8 Pro: Une montée en gamme justifiée?
Źródło: Nextpit France francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Обзор Google Pixel 8 Pro: что умеет самый умный телефон?
Źródło: RU→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 15/11/2023
Обзор Google Pixel 8 Pro: что умеет самый умный телефон?
Źródło: RU→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 15/11/2023
Обзор Google Pixel 8 Pro: что умеет самый умный телефон?
Źródło: RU→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 15/11/2023
Обзор Google Pixel 8 Pro: что умеет самый умный телефон?
Źródło: RU→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 15/11/2023
90% Обзор Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: RU→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Обзор Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: RU→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Обзор Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: RU→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Обзор Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: RU→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
Google Pixel 8 Pro - mestersége(s) az intelligencia
Źródło: MobilArena HU HU→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/12/2023
Ocena: cena: 50% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 70% wykonanie: 90%
Google Pixel 8 Pro - mestersége(s) az intelligencia
Źródło: MobilArena HU HU→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/12/2023
Ocena: cena: 50% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 70% wykonanie: 90%
Google Pixel 8 Pro - mestersége(s) az intelligencia
Źródło: MobilArena HU HU→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/12/2023
Ocena: cena: 50% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 70% wykonanie: 90%
Google Pixel 8 Pro - mestersége(s) az intelligencia
Źródło: MobilArena HU HU→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/12/2023
Ocena: cena: 50% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 70% wykonanie: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro recenze: Vynikající fotomobil s kouzelným AI softwarem a dlouhou podporou
Źródło: Svet Androida CZ→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 29/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro recenze: Vynikající fotomobil s kouzelným AI softwarem a dlouhou podporou
Źródło: Svet Androida CZ→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 29/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro recenze: Vynikající fotomobil s kouzelným AI softwarem a dlouhou podporou
Źródło: Svet Androida CZ→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 29/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro recenze: Vynikající fotomobil s kouzelným AI softwarem a dlouhou podporou
Źródło: Svet Androida CZ→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 29/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
93% Recenze Google Pixel 8 Pro: král Androidu a umělé inteligence
Źródło: CZ→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 09/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 93% wydajność: 95% cechy: 92% mobilność: 90% wykonanie: 94%
93% Recenze Google Pixel 8 Pro: král Androidu a umělé inteligence
Źródło: CZ→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 09/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 93% wydajność: 95% cechy: 92% mobilność: 90% wykonanie: 94%
93% Recenze Google Pixel 8 Pro: král Androidu a umělé inteligence
Źródło: CZ→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 09/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 93% wydajność: 95% cechy: 92% mobilność: 90% wykonanie: 94%
93% Recenze Google Pixel 8 Pro: král Androidu a umělé inteligence
Źródło: CZ→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 09/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 93% wydajność: 95% cechy: 92% mobilność: 90% wykonanie: 94%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro recenze: Vynikající fotomobil s kouzelným AI softwarem a dlouhou podporou
Źródło: Svet Androida CZ→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 18/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro recenze: Vynikající fotomobil s kouzelným AI softwarem a dlouhou podporou
Źródło: Svet Androida CZ→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 18/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro recenze: Vynikající fotomobil s kouzelným AI softwarem a dlouhou podporou
Źródło: Svet Androida CZ→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 18/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Pro recenze: Vynikající fotomobil s kouzelným AI softwarem a dlouhou podporou
Źródło: Svet Androida CZ→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 18/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
Trên tay Pixel 8 Pro tại Việt Nam: Hiệu năng có thể chưa mạnh nhưng phần mềm vẫn đỉnh, giá ngang iPhone 15
Źródło: Cell Phones VN→PL
Hands-On, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 14/10/2023
Trên tay Pixel 8 Pro tại Việt Nam: Hiệu năng có thể chưa mạnh nhưng phần mềm vẫn đỉnh, giá ngang iPhone 15
Źródło: Cell Phones VN→PL
Hands-On, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 14/10/2023
Trên tay Pixel 8 Pro tại Việt Nam: Hiệu năng có thể chưa mạnh nhưng phần mềm vẫn đỉnh, giá ngang iPhone 15
Źródło: Cell Phones VN→PL
Hands-On, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 14/10/2023
Trên tay Pixel 8 Pro tại Việt Nam: Hiệu năng có thể chưa mạnh nhưng phần mềm vẫn đỉnh, giá ngang iPhone 15
Źródło: Cell Phones VN→PL
Hands-On, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 14/10/2023
90% Test Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: NO→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Test Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: NO→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Test Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: NO→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Test Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: NO→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
89% Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: Komputer for alle DA→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo krótka, Data: 19/12/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 89%
89% Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: Komputer for alle DA→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo krótka, Data: 19/12/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 89%
89% Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: Komputer for alle DA→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo krótka, Data: 19/12/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 89%
89% Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: Komputer for alle DA→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo krótka, Data: 19/12/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 89%
89% Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: Komputer for alle DA→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo krótka, Data: 31/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 89%
89% Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: Komputer for alle DA→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo krótka, Data: 31/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 89%
89% Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: Komputer for alle DA→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo krótka, Data: 31/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 89%
89% Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: Komputer for alle DA→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo krótka, Data: 31/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 89%
82% Anmeldelse af Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: Input DA→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 82% cena: 82% wydajność: 93% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 76%
100% Pixel 8 Pro er den smarteste smartphone | Test
Źródło: Mere DA→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
100% TEST: Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: Lyd og Billede DA→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
82% Anmeldelse af Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: Input DA→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 82% cena: 82% wydajność: 93% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 76%
100% Pixel 8 Pro er den smarteste smartphone | Test
Źródło: Mere DA→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
100% TEST: Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: Lyd og Billede DA→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
82% Anmeldelse af Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: Input DA→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 82% cena: 82% wydajność: 93% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 76%
100% Pixel 8 Pro er den smarteste smartphone | Test
Źródło: Mere DA→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
100% TEST: Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: Lyd og Billede DA→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
82% Anmeldelse af Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: Input DA→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 82% cena: 82% wydajność: 93% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 76%
100% Pixel 8 Pro er den smarteste smartphone | Test
Źródło: Mere DA→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
100% TEST: Google Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: Lyd og Billede DA→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
80% Test: Google Pixel 8 Pro är full av AI och smarta funktioner
Źródło: M3 PC för alla SV→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
86% Test: Google Pixel 8 Pro – Android på steroider
Źródło: SV→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 86% wyświetlacz: 90%
80% Test: Google Pixel 8 Pro är full av AI och smarta funktioner
Źródło: M3 PC för alla SV→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
86% Test: Google Pixel 8 Pro – Android på steroider
Źródło: SV→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 86% wyświetlacz: 90%
80% Test: Google Pixel 8 Pro är full av AI och smarta funktioner
Źródło: M3 PC för alla SV→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
86% Test: Google Pixel 8 Pro – Android på steroider
Źródło: SV→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 86% wyświetlacz: 90%
80% Test: Google Pixel 8 Pro är full av AI och smarta funktioner
Źródło: M3 PC för alla SV→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
86% Test: Google Pixel 8 Pro – Android på steroider
Źródło: SV→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 86% wyświetlacz: 90%
92% Pixel 8 Pro: Frumoasa sau bestia (review scurt)
Źródło: Arena IT →PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 19/04/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 92% cena: 80% wydajność: 80% cechy: 90% mobilność: 90% wykonanie: 100%
92% Pixel 8 Pro: Frumoasa sau bestia (review scurt)
Źródło: Arena IT →PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 19/04/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 92% cena: 80% wydajność: 80% cechy: 90% mobilność: 90% wykonanie: 100%
92% Pixel 8 Pro: Frumoasa sau bestia (review scurt)
Źródło: Arena IT →PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 19/04/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 92% cena: 80% wydajność: 80% cechy: 90% mobilność: 90% wykonanie: 100%
92% Pixel 8 Pro: Frumoasa sau bestia (review scurt)
Źródło: Arena IT →PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 19/04/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 92% cena: 80% wydajność: 80% cechy: 90% mobilność: 90% wykonanie: 100%


Google Pixel 8


Google Pixel 8Notebook: Google Pixel 8
Procesor: Google Tensor G3
Karta graficzna: ARM Mali-G715 MP7
Matryca: 6.20 ", 20:9, 2400 x 1080 pikseli
Waga: 0.187kg
Cena: 799 PLN
Odnośniki: Google strona producenta

Price comparison

Średni wynik: 85.48% - dobry

Średnia z 162 wyników (z 302 recenzji)


Recenzje w

88.9% Recenzja smartfona Google Pixel 8: Kompaktowy i z 7 latami aktualizacji | Notebookcheck
Pixel 8 to wszechstronnie ulepszony smartfon w porównaniu do swojego poprzednika. Nowość korzysta nie tylko z jasnego wyświetlacza 120 Hz i czytnika linii papilarnych, który wreszcie działa - największą innowacją jest wyjątkowo długie wsparcie aktualizacji do 2030 roku.
74% Google Pixel 8 – recenzja
Źródło: Mobileworld 24 turecki
Pixel 8 to telefon, który stanowi krok naprzód w serii Pixel, oferując szereg ulepszeń. Lepsza bateria, dobry wyświetlacz. Aparat, jak zawsze, stoi na bardzo wysokim poziomie, oferując znakomitą jakość zdjęć i wideo w różnych warunkach oświetleniowych. Oprogramowanie Android 14, z ekskluzywnymi funkcjami Pixel, zapewnia płynne i bezpieczne działanie telefonu. Z minusów trzeba na pewno wspomnieć o przeciętnej wydajności układu Google’a, nadal dosyć wysoką ceną. Zachęcam do podzielenia się swoimi opiniami na temat Pixel 8 w komentarzach poniżej – jakie są Wasze doświadczenia z tym urządzeniem?
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 26/07/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 74% cena: 60% wydajność: 60% wyświetlacz: 80% mobilność: 75% wykonanie: 80%
74% Google Pixel 8 – recenzja
Źródło: Mobileworld 24 turecki
Pixel 8 to telefon, który stanowi krok naprzód w serii Pixel, oferując szereg ulepszeń. Lepsza bateria, dobry wyświetlacz. Aparat, jak zawsze, stoi na bardzo wysokim poziomie, oferując znakomitą jakość zdjęć i wideo w różnych warunkach oświetleniowych. Oprogramowanie Android 14, z ekskluzywnymi funkcjami Pixel, zapewnia płynne i bezpieczne działanie telefonu. Z minusów trzeba na pewno wspomnieć o przeciętnej wydajności układu Google’a, nadal dosyć wysoką ceną. Zachęcam do podzielenia się swoimi opiniami na temat Pixel 8 w komentarzach poniżej – jakie są Wasze doświadczenia z tym urządzeniem?
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 26/07/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 74% cena: 60% wydajność: 60% wyświetlacz: 80% mobilność: 75% wykonanie: 80%
Pixel 8 – kochać czy nienawidzić? Recenzja
Źródło: Komorkomania turecki
Jak zawsze – to zależy. Ale tutaj ów „zależy” jest szczególnie istotne. Po prostu Pixel nie jest dla każdego. Nie od parady wybierają go zazwyczaj osoby które szukają czegoś oryginalnego, czystego Androida, długiego wsparcia oraz świetnych możliwości fotograficznych. I są gotowe na kompromisy. Do plusów oprócz powyżej wymienionych elementów należy także zaliczyć ekran oraz możliwości audio. Nie bez znaczenia dla wielu osób będzie kompaktowy rozmiar. Jednak w dzisiejszych czasach mniejsze gabaryty to dość rzadka cecha. Obecna cena jest korzystna. Oczywiście tutaj wszystko zależy, od tego z jakiej dystrybucji skorzystasz, bo na oficjalnej stronie Google jest ona jednak stosunkowo wysoka, acz trzeba przyznać że dorzuca on kilka ciekawych gratisów.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 21/06/2024
Pixel 8 – kochać czy nienawidzić? Recenzja
Źródło: Komorkomania turecki
Jak zawsze – to zależy. Ale tutaj ów „zależy” jest szczególnie istotne. Po prostu Pixel nie jest dla każdego. Nie od parady wybierają go zazwyczaj osoby które szukają czegoś oryginalnego, czystego Androida, długiego wsparcia oraz świetnych możliwości fotograficznych. I są gotowe na kompromisy. Do plusów oprócz powyżej wymienionych elementów należy także zaliczyć ekran oraz możliwości audio. Nie bez znaczenia dla wielu osób będzie kompaktowy rozmiar. Jednak w dzisiejszych czasach mniejsze gabaryty to dość rzadka cecha. Obecna cena jest korzystna. Oczywiście tutaj wszystko zależy, od tego z jakiej dystrybucji skorzystasz, bo na oficjalnej stronie Google jest ona jednak stosunkowo wysoka, acz trzeba przyznać że dorzuca on kilka ciekawych gratisów.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 21/06/2024
83% Recenzja Google Pixel 8. Android w najczystszej formie
Źródło: turecki
W Polsce smartfony Google to dość niszowy produkt. Typowy konsument, który nie interesuje się szeroko pojętą technologią, nie będzie nawet świadomy, że Google robi telefony. Pixele nie są i nas tak popularne jak za granicą, ale mają grono fanów, którzy doceniają czystego Androida (zawsze w najnowszej wersji) oraz wprowadzane przez Google nowości. Co nie zmienia faktu, że w mojej opinii Google Pixel 8 to jeden z najlepszych modeli wśród smartfonów do 3000 złotych. Przede wszystkim z uwagi na solidne wykonanie, świetne aparaty, znakomity ekran oraz masę inteligentnych funkcji, które można znaleźć w systemie. Pamiętajcie też, że smartfon oferuje aż 7 lat aktualizacji — do niedawna był to jedyny producent oferujący tak długie wsparcie (wraz z premierą Galaxy S24 Samsung ogłosił identyczny czas aktualizacji dla swoich flagowców). To nie jest telefon, który ma zrewolucjonizować ofertę Google. Raczej taki, który ma umocnić pozycję producenta w średniej i wyższej półce cenowej.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 21/01/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 83% wydajność: 70% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 80%
83% Recenzja Google Pixel 8. Android w najczystszej formie
Źródło: turecki
W Polsce smartfony Google to dość niszowy produkt. Typowy konsument, który nie interesuje się szeroko pojętą technologią, nie będzie nawet świadomy, że Google robi telefony. Pixele nie są i nas tak popularne jak za granicą, ale mają grono fanów, którzy doceniają czystego Androida (zawsze w najnowszej wersji) oraz wprowadzane przez Google nowości. Co nie zmienia faktu, że w mojej opinii Google Pixel 8 to jeden z najlepszych modeli wśród smartfonów do 3000 złotych. Przede wszystkim z uwagi na solidne wykonanie, świetne aparaty, znakomity ekran oraz masę inteligentnych funkcji, które można znaleźć w systemie. Pamiętajcie też, że smartfon oferuje aż 7 lat aktualizacji — do niedawna był to jedyny producent oferujący tak długie wsparcie (wraz z premierą Galaxy S24 Samsung ogłosił identyczny czas aktualizacji dla swoich flagowców). To nie jest telefon, który ma zrewolucjonizować ofertę Google. Raczej taki, który ma umocnić pozycję producenta w średniej i wyższej półce cenowej.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 21/01/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 83% wydajność: 70% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 80%
80% Świetne pierwsze wrażenia i gorzki koniec. TEST Google Pixel 8
Źródło: GSM Maniak turecki
To jest smartfon, który powiedziałbym, że albo się kocha, albo nienawidzi. Ma swoje niezaprzeczalne plusy, jak możliwości foto-wideo, dobre audio, czy bdb wyświetlacz i świetną ergonomię, ale działa „nierówno” pod kątem baterii, na której mi bardzo zależy. Zdarzają się również błędy, które uniemożliwiają wykonanie zdjęcia / nagrania, co jest mocno irytujące. Jako, że sam celuję po prostu w stabilność (która, nie można wykluczyć, pojawi się w lepszej odsłonie wraz z aktualizacjami), to raczej obszedłbym się smakiem i wybrałbym w tym budżecie coś innego. Jest to jednak tylko i wyłącznie mój punkt widzenia, z moimi wymaganiami etc. Dajcie znać, czy Wy zamierzacie zakupić Google Pixel 8. Jako, że zaraz święta, to może jako prezent dla siebie lub kogoś bliskiego?
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 18/12/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% wydajność: 75% wyświetlacz: 85% mobilność: 65%
80% Świetne pierwsze wrażenia i gorzki koniec. TEST Google Pixel 8
Źródło: GSM Maniak turecki
To jest smartfon, który powiedziałbym, że albo się kocha, albo nienawidzi. Ma swoje niezaprzeczalne plusy, jak możliwości foto-wideo, dobre audio, czy bdb wyświetlacz i świetną ergonomię, ale działa „nierówno” pod kątem baterii, na której mi bardzo zależy. Zdarzają się również błędy, które uniemożliwiają wykonanie zdjęcia / nagrania, co jest mocno irytujące. Jako, że sam celuję po prostu w stabilność (która, nie można wykluczyć, pojawi się w lepszej odsłonie wraz z aktualizacjami), to raczej obszedłbym się smakiem i wybrałbym w tym budżecie coś innego. Jest to jednak tylko i wyłącznie mój punkt widzenia, z moimi wymaganiami etc. Dajcie znać, czy Wy zamierzacie zakupić Google Pixel 8. Jako, że zaraz święta, to może jako prezent dla siebie lub kogoś bliskiego?
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 18/12/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% wydajność: 75% wyświetlacz: 85% mobilność: 65%
Google Pixel 8 - recenzja, test, opinia i dane techniczne
Źródło: Unite4buy turecki
Główny 50-megapikselowy fotosensor i 12-megapikselowy obiektyw szerokokątny są w stanie zapewnić przewagę niemal wszystkim telefonom z aparatem w rozsądnej cenie. Szczegółowość obrazów robi wrażenie niezależnie od oświetlenia; nawet dynamiczne wydarzenia nie powodują rozmycia zdjęć. Nie ma żadnych skarg na jakość wideo nagranego do rozdzielczości 8K. Jedynym rozczarowaniem jest brak teleobiektywu. Głośny dźwięk stereo, płatności zbliżeniowe NFC, obsługa 5G oraz ochrona przed kurzem i wilgocią zgodnie ze standardami IP68 uzupełniają listę zalet urządzenia, jednak niewielka różnica w stosunku do siódmego telefonu w linii, a także niezbyt wyróżniająca się Ekran AMOLED i procesor w dalszym ciągu nie pozwalają nam polecić gadżetu każdemu.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 30/09/2023
Google Pixel 8 - recenzja, test, opinia i dane techniczne
Źródło: Unite4buy turecki
Główny 50-megapikselowy fotosensor i 12-megapikselowy obiektyw szerokokątny są w stanie zapewnić przewagę niemal wszystkim telefonom z aparatem w rozsądnej cenie. Szczegółowość obrazów robi wrażenie niezależnie od oświetlenia; nawet dynamiczne wydarzenia nie powodują rozmycia zdjęć. Nie ma żadnych skarg na jakość wideo nagranego do rozdzielczości 8K. Jedynym rozczarowaniem jest brak teleobiektywu. Głośny dźwięk stereo, płatności zbliżeniowe NFC, obsługa 5G oraz ochrona przed kurzem i wilgocią zgodnie ze standardami IP68 uzupełniają listę zalet urządzenia, jednak niewielka różnica w stosunku do siódmego telefonu w linii, a także niezbyt wyróżniająca się Ekran AMOLED i procesor w dalszym ciągu nie pozwalają nam polecić gadżetu każdemu.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 30/09/2023

Zagraniczne recenzje

Google Pixel 8 Long-Term Review: Made In India But Not For India!
Źródło: Cashify angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 delivers the best Android that Google intends to offer. It has a good display, excellent cameras and a clean software experience. It is also one of the few phones to receive seven years of OS updates, making it perfect for long-term usage. However, there are several drawbacks, especially in terms of hardware. Tensor G3 is underpowered and has heating issues; most Pixel-exclusive features are unavailable in India, and there is no telephoto lens. Despite what Google wants you to believe, that Pixel is the iPhone of the Android world, it simply isn’t. The lacklustre hardware and Google’s after-sales support with few services centres put it behind the rest of the competition. Given the phone’s high price tag, it’s hard to recommend since much cheaper phones like the OnePlus 12 and the iQOO 12 exist.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 17/08/2024
Google Pixel 8 Long-Term Review: Made In India But Not For India!
Źródło: Cashify angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 delivers the best Android that Google intends to offer. It has a good display, excellent cameras and a clean software experience. It is also one of the few phones to receive seven years of OS updates, making it perfect for long-term usage. However, there are several drawbacks, especially in terms of hardware. Tensor G3 is underpowered and has heating issues; most Pixel-exclusive features are unavailable in India, and there is no telephoto lens. Despite what Google wants you to believe, that Pixel is the iPhone of the Android world, it simply isn’t. The lacklustre hardware and Google’s after-sales support with few services centres put it behind the rest of the competition. Given the phone’s high price tag, it’s hard to recommend since much cheaper phones like the OnePlus 12 and the iQOO 12 exist.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 17/08/2024
80% Google Pixel 8 review: A better choice a year on
Źródło: Tech Advisor angielski EN→PL
That all depends on what you’re looking for. The Pixel 8 is a very good smartphone, but it’s certainly not right for everyone. Superb main and selfie cameras cement its position as one of the finest camera phones you can buy, especially when combined with Google’s advanced software. However, you miss out on the Pixel 8 Pro’s 5x telephoto lens, and the ultrawide is a clear step down. Google’s Tensor G3 chip is a pleasant surprise, delivering excellent performance in nearly every situation. But it’s not quite as fast as Qualcomm’s flagship Snapdragon 8 Gen 2. There are no caveats to software, with the excellent Android 14 and an incredible seven years of OS and security updates. But the combination of disappointing battery life and slow charging holds it back a little. And with so many features now exclusive to the Pixel 8 Pro, the regular model is much less appealing. It’s definitely still worth considering, but only if a compact design and great software are most important to you.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 14/08/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 review: A better choice a year on
Źródło: Tech Advisor angielski EN→PL
That all depends on what you’re looking for. The Pixel 8 is a very good smartphone, but it’s certainly not right for everyone. Superb main and selfie cameras cement its position as one of the finest camera phones you can buy, especially when combined with Google’s advanced software. However, you miss out on the Pixel 8 Pro’s 5x telephoto lens, and the ultrawide is a clear step down. Google’s Tensor G3 chip is a pleasant surprise, delivering excellent performance in nearly every situation. But it’s not quite as fast as Qualcomm’s flagship Snapdragon 8 Gen 2. There are no caveats to software, with the excellent Android 14 and an incredible seven years of OS and security updates. But the combination of disappointing battery life and slow charging holds it back a little. And with so many features now exclusive to the Pixel 8 Pro, the regular model is much less appealing. It’s definitely still worth considering, but only if a compact design and great software are most important to you.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 14/08/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Google Pixel 8a vs Pixel 8: Which one to get?
Źródło: GSM Arena angielski
The Pixel 8a is the most recent phone by Google but it's also supposed to be their most budget offering. So does the full-fledged Pixel 8 offer that more than the 8a?
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 06/06/2024
Google Pixel 8a vs Pixel 8: Which one to get?
Źródło: GSM Arena angielski
The Pixel 8a is the most recent phone by Google but it's also supposed to be their most budget offering. So does the full-fledged Pixel 8 offer that more than the 8a?
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 06/06/2024
Pixel 8a vs Pixel 8: Google’s Weird Upgrade
Źródło: Pocketnow angielski
The new Google Pixel 8a and the older Pixel 8 are in so many ways almost identical.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 30/05/2024
Pixel 8a vs Pixel 8: Google’s Weird Upgrade
Źródło: Pocketnow angielski
The new Google Pixel 8a and the older Pixel 8 are in so many ways almost identical.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 30/05/2024
Pixel 8a vs Pixel 8 - Why Pay More?
Źródło: Matthew Moniz angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 23/05/2024
Pixel 8a vs Pixel 8 - Why Pay More?
Źródło: Matthew Moniz angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 23/05/2024
Google Pixel 8a vs Pixel 8: So, why does the Pixel 8 cost $200 more?
Źródło: Phone Arena angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8a is shaping up to be another successful chapter in Google's renowned book of Pixel phones, and depending who you ask, it might be said that the Pixel 8a is potentially the better device. With major improvements in the display and performance areas, the phone fixes most of our issues with the Pixel 7a. With a starting price of just $499, it's definitely the one to deliver much better value than the Pixel 8. That one is a compact flagship phone that looks pretty familiar at first sight, but has that extra of premium-ness that makes all the difference. The possibly better camera, faster charging speeds, and more refined design are the main differences that cost $200 more.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 20/05/2024
Google Pixel 8a vs Pixel 8: So, why does the Pixel 8 cost $200 more?
Źródło: Phone Arena angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8a is shaping up to be another successful chapter in Google's renowned book of Pixel phones, and depending who you ask, it might be said that the Pixel 8a is potentially the better device. With major improvements in the display and performance areas, the phone fixes most of our issues with the Pixel 7a. With a starting price of just $499, it's definitely the one to deliver much better value than the Pixel 8. That one is a compact flagship phone that looks pretty familiar at first sight, but has that extra of premium-ness that makes all the difference. The possibly better camera, faster charging speeds, and more refined design are the main differences that cost $200 more.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 20/05/2024
Pixel 8a vs. Pixel 8 | Don't choose WRONG!
Źródło: 9to5google angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Pixel 8a vs. Pixel 8 | Don't choose WRONG!
Źródło: 9to5google angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Google Pixel 8 Display test
Źródło: DxOMark angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 showed a strong performance in all attributes, but especially for color, where it achieved a top score, and touch. With improved specifications and strong tuning, this versatile smartphone offers a nearly flagship-like experience in all lighting conditions and in nearly all use cases. Like the Pro version, the Pixel 8 is readable outdoors and in direct sunlight, with a peak brightness that is just a bit lower than the Pixel 8 Pro. We measured its peak brightness when viewing typical photo content at 1600 nits in real outdoor conditions. The tone curve was adapted for midtones when viewing HDR10 videos in low light and indoors, and dark details were occasionally hard to see in indoor viewing. The Google Pixel 8 achieved high marks for touch, with very good touch-to-response time and very smooth web navigation (thanks to its 120 Hz screen). Also, unwanted touches would occasionally occur when holding the device in one hand.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 25/04/2024
Google Pixel 8 Display test
Źródło: DxOMark angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 showed a strong performance in all attributes, but especially for color, where it achieved a top score, and touch. With improved specifications and strong tuning, this versatile smartphone offers a nearly flagship-like experience in all lighting conditions and in nearly all use cases. Like the Pro version, the Pixel 8 is readable outdoors and in direct sunlight, with a peak brightness that is just a bit lower than the Pixel 8 Pro. We measured its peak brightness when viewing typical photo content at 1600 nits in real outdoor conditions. The tone curve was adapted for midtones when viewing HDR10 videos in low light and indoors, and dark details were occasionally hard to see in indoor viewing. The Google Pixel 8 achieved high marks for touch, with very good touch-to-response time and very smooth web navigation (thanks to its 120 Hz screen). Also, unwanted touches would occasionally occur when holding the device in one hand.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 25/04/2024
Why Google's cheaper Pixel 8 is the real star of its Android phone lineup
Źródło: angielski EN→PL
You're not going to find a much better value than the Pixel 8. From the gorgeous display and design to the speedy performance and amazing cameras, Google's standard flagship phone stands on its own with an impeccable balance of high-end features for a lower price than other flagships. With its sale price of $549, the closest competition happens to be the Galaxy S23 FE and Nothing Phone (2), two devices that are perfectly worthy of a spot in your pocket but don't offer the same value as the Pixel 8. Google's phone is a proper flagship with seven years of software support, the latest AI features, and the company's latest camera tricks. The Phone (2) and S23 FE are high-end mid-rangers that balance specs and price well, but don't feel as high-end as the Pixel does. Anyone shopping for an Android phone under $600 -- let alone under $700 -- should look to the Pixel 8. The value is simply incredible, and it's by far one of the best phones of the year.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 18/04/2024
Why Google's cheaper Pixel 8 is the real star of its Android phone lineup
Źródło: angielski EN→PL
You're not going to find a much better value than the Pixel 8. From the gorgeous display and design to the speedy performance and amazing cameras, Google's standard flagship phone stands on its own with an impeccable balance of high-end features for a lower price than other flagships. With its sale price of $549, the closest competition happens to be the Galaxy S23 FE and Nothing Phone (2), two devices that are perfectly worthy of a spot in your pocket but don't offer the same value as the Pixel 8. Google's phone is a proper flagship with seven years of software support, the latest AI features, and the company's latest camera tricks. The Phone (2) and S23 FE are high-end mid-rangers that balance specs and price well, but don't feel as high-end as the Pixel does. Anyone shopping for an Android phone under $600 -- let alone under $700 -- should look to the Pixel 8. The value is simply incredible, and it's by far one of the best phones of the year.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 18/04/2024
Google Pixel 8a vs Pixel 8: The little mid-ranger that could
Źródło: Phone Arena angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8a is shaping up to be another successful chapter in Google's renowned book of Pixel phones. With possible major improvements in key areas like battery size and display, the device could very well fix most of our issues with the Pixel 7a and emerge as another oft-recommended phone in the mid-range sector. Meanwhile, the Pixel 8 is a compact flagship phone that looks pretty familiar at first sight, but has that extra of premium-ness that makes all the difference. A better camera, potentially faster charging speeds, more refined design, and better performance will make it worth a few couple of hundred dollars more. Speaking of price, we expect the Pixel 8a to start at $499, like its predecessor, but there's always the possibility for Google to jack up the prices. Or, albeit way less likely, we could see a price reduction. Unlikely, but still possible.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 16/04/2024
Google Pixel 8a vs Pixel 8: The little mid-ranger that could
Źródło: Phone Arena angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8a is shaping up to be another successful chapter in Google's renowned book of Pixel phones. With possible major improvements in key areas like battery size and display, the device could very well fix most of our issues with the Pixel 7a and emerge as another oft-recommended phone in the mid-range sector. Meanwhile, the Pixel 8 is a compact flagship phone that looks pretty familiar at first sight, but has that extra of premium-ness that makes all the difference. A better camera, potentially faster charging speeds, more refined design, and better performance will make it worth a few couple of hundred dollars more. Speaking of price, we expect the Pixel 8a to start at $499, like its predecessor, but there's always the possibility for Google to jack up the prices. Or, albeit way less likely, we could see a price reduction. Unlikely, but still possible.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 16/04/2024
90% Google Pixel 8 review: better than the Pixel 8 Pro?
Źródło: Digital Trends angielski EN→PL
Why would you want to buy the Google Pixel 8? The more appropriate question is why wouldn’t you want the Pixel 8? It’s more compact, lighter, and better looking than ever before. The battery lasts two days with general use, even when connected to a smartwatch. The camera takes amazing photos, and the AI editing features are unlike anything else. Plus, the brilliant software will be updated until 2030. All this is yours for $699. The Pixel 8 Pro certainly earns its Pro name with the more advanced camera and screen, plus a greater number of AI features to come in updates, but it costs $999. That’s a big jump up! The more modestly specced Pixel 8’s longer battery life is a reason to think hard about your priorities when choosing between these two phones.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 06/04/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 review: better than the Pixel 8 Pro?
Źródło: Digital Trends angielski EN→PL
Why would you want to buy the Google Pixel 8? The more appropriate question is why wouldn’t you want the Pixel 8? It’s more compact, lighter, and better looking than ever before. The battery lasts two days with general use, even when connected to a smartwatch. The camera takes amazing photos, and the AI editing features are unlike anything else. Plus, the brilliant software will be updated until 2030. All this is yours for $699. The Pixel 8 Pro certainly earns its Pro name with the more advanced camera and screen, plus a greater number of AI features to come in updates, but it costs $999. That’s a big jump up! The more modestly specced Pixel 8’s longer battery life is a reason to think hard about your priorities when choosing between these two phones.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 06/04/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
75% Google Pixel 8 Long-term Review: A likeable compact flagship phone that needs a price cut
Źródło: Tech2 angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 is not a bad phone at all. In fact, it was one of the best phones of 2023, and we still like it. Just that 2024 has thrown some new challenges at it in terms of competition, and it needs to respond appropriately to provide the user with better value for money. As of now, Google seems to have adopted Apple’s pricing strategy when their new phones are worth buying a year later after a price drop around the festive season. If and when that happens, the Pixel 8 would be a good buy, or if you can spot it under 60K in the coming weeks or months.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 29/03/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 75%
75% Google Pixel 8 Long-term Review: A likeable compact flagship phone that needs a price cut
Źródło: Tech2 angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 is not a bad phone at all. In fact, it was one of the best phones of 2023, and we still like it. Just that 2024 has thrown some new challenges at it in terms of competition, and it needs to respond appropriately to provide the user with better value for money. As of now, Google seems to have adopted Apple’s pricing strategy when their new phones are worth buying a year later after a price drop around the festive season. If and when that happens, the Pixel 8 would be a good buy, or if you can spot it under 60K in the coming weeks or months.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 29/03/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 75%
Why Google's $499 Pixel 8 is the best phone deal right now
Źródło: angielski EN→PL
You're not going to find a much better value than the Pixel 8. From the gorgeous display and design to the speedy performance and amazing cameras, Google's standard flagship phone stands on its own with an impeccable balance of high-end features for a lower price than other flagships. With its sale price of $499, the closest competition happens to be the Galaxy S23 FE and Nothing Phone (2), two devices that are perfectly worthy of a spot in your pocket but don't offer the same value as the Pixel 8. Google's phone is a proper flagship with seven years of software support, the latest AI features, and the company's latest camera tricks. The Phone (2) and S23 FE are high-end mid-rangers that balance specs and price well, but don't feel as high-end as the Pixel does. Anyone shopping for an Android phone under $600 -- let alone under $700 -- should look to the Pixel 8. The value is simply incredible, and it's by far one of the best phones of the year.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 20/03/2024
Why Google's $499 Pixel 8 is the best phone deal right now
Źródło: angielski EN→PL
You're not going to find a much better value than the Pixel 8. From the gorgeous display and design to the speedy performance and amazing cameras, Google's standard flagship phone stands on its own with an impeccable balance of high-end features for a lower price than other flagships. With its sale price of $499, the closest competition happens to be the Galaxy S23 FE and Nothing Phone (2), two devices that are perfectly worthy of a spot in your pocket but don't offer the same value as the Pixel 8. Google's phone is a proper flagship with seven years of software support, the latest AI features, and the company's latest camera tricks. The Phone (2) and S23 FE are high-end mid-rangers that balance specs and price well, but don't feel as high-end as the Pixel does. Anyone shopping for an Android phone under $600 -- let alone under $700 -- should look to the Pixel 8. The value is simply incredible, and it's by far one of the best phones of the year.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 20/03/2024
Google Pixel 8: Long Term Review - How Is It Holding Up?
Źródło: 9to5google angielski
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 16/03/2024
Google Pixel 8: Long Term Review - How Is It Holding Up?
Źródło: 9to5google angielski
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 16/03/2024
90% Google Pixel 8 Review
Źródło: Trusted Reviews angielski EN→PL
Marmite-like design choices aside, the Pixel 8 is a solid buy for anyone on the market for a great all-rounder in 2024. The 6.2-inch display is a big improvement on its predecessor with a max brightness of 2000nits, a faster 120Hz refresh rate and more pixels that translate to a gorgeous display well suited to gaming and binging. There’s also solid everyday performance on offer from the AI-focused Tensor G3 chipset, though the gap in raw processing power is widening compared to competing Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 devices like the OnePlus 12 in early 2024. Still, it’s pretty power efficient, with the Pixel 8 not struggling to last all day on a single charge. Of course, the big reason to opt for a Pixel is the camera, and it’s safe to say that the Pixel 8 delivers exquisitely detailed, vibrant and colourful images from its new main 50MP sensor.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 08/03/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Review
Źródło: Trusted Reviews angielski EN→PL
Marmite-like design choices aside, the Pixel 8 is a solid buy for anyone on the market for a great all-rounder in 2024. The 6.2-inch display is a big improvement on its predecessor with a max brightness of 2000nits, a faster 120Hz refresh rate and more pixels that translate to a gorgeous display well suited to gaming and binging. There’s also solid everyday performance on offer from the AI-focused Tensor G3 chipset, though the gap in raw processing power is widening compared to competing Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 devices like the OnePlus 12 in early 2024. Still, it’s pretty power efficient, with the Pixel 8 not struggling to last all day on a single charge. Of course, the big reason to opt for a Pixel is the camera, and it’s safe to say that the Pixel 8 delivers exquisitely detailed, vibrant and colourful images from its new main 50MP sensor.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 08/03/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
Google Pixel 8 - A Long Term User Review
Źródło: Hardware Canucks angielski
The Google Pixel 8 is a small phone and I've been using it for the past 4 months to see how it holds up. In this video, we'll cover performance, cameras, battery life and the software experience after the updates to see if it still remains a viable contender in the smartphone market.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 24/02/2024
Google Pixel 8 - A Long Term User Review
Źródło: Hardware Canucks angielski
The Google Pixel 8 is a small phone and I've been using it for the past 4 months to see how it holds up. In this video, we'll cover performance, cameras, battery life and the software experience after the updates to see if it still remains a viable contender in the smartphone market.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 24/02/2024
100% Google Pixel 8 review: A justified price rise?
Źródło: Expert Reviews angielski EN→PL
For Android enthusiasts, the Pixel 7 was already one of the best smartphones you can buy, and the Pixel 8 is undoubtedly a solid improvement. The generational differences may be minor, but with Google continuing to refine its premium handset with every iteration, the Pixel 8 is quite obviously the best it currently gets.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 31/01/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
100% Google Pixel 8 review: A justified price rise?
Źródło: Expert Reviews angielski EN→PL
For Android enthusiasts, the Pixel 7 was already one of the best smartphones you can buy, and the Pixel 8 is undoubtedly a solid improvement. The generational differences may be minor, but with Google continuing to refine its premium handset with every iteration, the Pixel 8 is quite obviously the best it currently gets.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 31/01/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
100% Google Pixel 8 review: A justified price rise?
Źródło: Expert Reviews angielski EN→PL
For Android enthusiasts, the Pixel 7 was already one of the best smartphones you can buy, and the Pixel 8 is undoubtedly a solid improvement. The generational differences may be minor, but with Google continuing to refine its premium handset with every iteration, the Pixel 8 is quite obviously the best it currently gets.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 25/01/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
100% Google Pixel 8 review: A justified price rise?
Źródło: Expert Reviews angielski EN→PL
For Android enthusiasts, the Pixel 7 was already one of the best smartphones you can buy, and the Pixel 8 is undoubtedly a solid improvement. The generational differences may be minor, but with Google continuing to refine its premium handset with every iteration, the Pixel 8 is quite obviously the best it currently gets.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 25/01/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
90% Google Pixel 8 Review – AI for the masses
Źródło: Amateur Photographer angielski EN→PL
The Magic Editor is a great idea, but could do with some refinement, as its a little bit clunky to use, and doesn’t give much control when you do use it. This is another area that could be improved with software updates. However, if you simply want an easy to use phone, that gives excellent results time and time again, then the Google Pixel 8 would make an excellent choice, especially if you don’t want to spend more than $700/£700.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 19/01/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Review – AI for the masses
Źródło: Amateur Photographer angielski EN→PL
The Magic Editor is a great idea, but could do with some refinement, as its a little bit clunky to use, and doesn’t give much control when you do use it. This is another area that could be improved with software updates. However, if you simply want an easy to use phone, that gives excellent results time and time again, then the Google Pixel 8 would make an excellent choice, especially if you don’t want to spend more than $700/£700.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 19/01/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
80% Google Pixel 8 review: Li’l champ
Źródło: Gadgets Now angielski EN→PL
At the end of the day, the Pixel 8 is a really well-rounded phone. It has got almost all the bells and whistles you would expect from a ‘flagship’ phone – competent hardware, excellent cameras, and beautiful display – packed in a cute little shell. And while Google has been hyping the AI capabilities of the Pixel 8, the AI features that come with the phone are underwhelming, to say the least. The AI features that Google has been upselling are nothing but add-on services, and they should not be why you buy this phone. Even though the Pixel 8 is not an affordable bargain, it is still a great option for those who are looking for a reasonably priced phone. The impressive build quality, software, and cameras make it a great value for the price of Rs 75,999. And if you get through the next 7 years with this phone, it will totally be worth it.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 31/12/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 review: Li’l champ
Źródło: Gadgets Now angielski EN→PL
At the end of the day, the Pixel 8 is a really well-rounded phone. It has got almost all the bells and whistles you would expect from a ‘flagship’ phone – competent hardware, excellent cameras, and beautiful display – packed in a cute little shell. And while Google has been hyping the AI capabilities of the Pixel 8, the AI features that come with the phone are underwhelming, to say the least. The AI features that Google has been upselling are nothing but add-on services, and they should not be why you buy this phone. Even though the Pixel 8 is not an affordable bargain, it is still a great option for those who are looking for a reasonably priced phone. The impressive build quality, software, and cameras make it a great value for the price of Rs 75,999. And if you get through the next 7 years with this phone, it will totally be worth it.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 31/12/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 review: Big leap into AI makes it one-of-a-kind, but does it live up to expectations?
Źródło: The Times of India angielski EN→PL
Earlier, we had mentioned that the Google Pixel 8 has an immense pressure to deliver given its price hike and lack of the Pro tag. I feel that the smartphone has successfully achieved it. You get to see improvements across the board. The OLED display, accompanied by a 120Hz refresh rate and a smaller chin makes it arguably the best display on a smartphone in 2023. The AI features are extraordinary, and the camera is a joy to use. However, there are definite downsides. It is not a performance-centric smartphone and if you want to use RAM-intensive apps and play graphic-intensive games, then this is simply not the smartphone for you. Similarly, the battery charging issue is another one even the most loyal Pixel fans will struggle to look past. And of course, smaller smartphones are not everyone's cup of tea.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 29/12/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 review: Big leap into AI makes it one-of-a-kind, but does it live up to expectations?
Źródło: The Times of India angielski EN→PL
Earlier, we had mentioned that the Google Pixel 8 has an immense pressure to deliver given its price hike and lack of the Pro tag. I feel that the smartphone has successfully achieved it. You get to see improvements across the board. The OLED display, accompanied by a 120Hz refresh rate and a smaller chin makes it arguably the best display on a smartphone in 2023. The AI features are extraordinary, and the camera is a joy to use. However, there are definite downsides. It is not a performance-centric smartphone and if you want to use RAM-intensive apps and play graphic-intensive games, then this is simply not the smartphone for you. Similarly, the battery charging issue is another one even the most loyal Pixel fans will struggle to look past. And of course, smaller smartphones are not everyone's cup of tea.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 29/12/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Review: A Great Phone Made Better by Some Fantastic Features
Źródło: Make Use Of angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 is a fantastic phone, even if the price has increased slightly. The cameras are top-notch, but it’s the overall feel of the phone that is the most significant upgrade here, making for one of the best compact phones of the past few years. If you rely on or plan to heavily use some of the features of the Pixel 8 Pro, like the manual camera controls or the brighter screen, that phone may be a better buy. That said, the Pixel 8 is the better best for most people.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 07/12/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Google Pixel 8 Battery test
Źródło: DxOMark angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8’s battery performance outperformed that of the Google Pixel 7 thanks to an improved charging experience for its larger battery. But when it came to autonomy, the Pixel 8 remained below the average of our entire database, lasting slightly more than 2 days when used moderately. In usages tested separately, autonomy showed some better results, especially when gaming and streaming videos. However, the autonomy was poor when calling and streaming music, and was average for most outdoor usages. The Pixel 8 showed improvement in wired and wireless charging times over its predecessor. It took the Pixel 8 device 1 hour and 33 minutes to fully replenish the battery when using a wired charger and 3 hours and 20 minutes wirelessly; that’s around 30 minutes faster than the Pixel 7. But these charging times are still longer than average when compared with other devices. Moreover, a quick 5-minute charge provided only 3 hours and 20 minutes of additional autonomy, which is in the lower part of our database.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 07/12/2023
80% Google Pixel 8 Review: A Great Phone Made Better by Some Fantastic Features
Źródło: Make Use Of angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 is a fantastic phone, even if the price has increased slightly. The cameras are top-notch, but it’s the overall feel of the phone that is the most significant upgrade here, making for one of the best compact phones of the past few years. If you rely on or plan to heavily use some of the features of the Pixel 8 Pro, like the manual camera controls or the brighter screen, that phone may be a better buy. That said, the Pixel 8 is the better best for most people.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 07/12/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Google Pixel 8 Battery test
Źródło: DxOMark angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8’s battery performance outperformed that of the Google Pixel 7 thanks to an improved charging experience for its larger battery. But when it came to autonomy, the Pixel 8 remained below the average of our entire database, lasting slightly more than 2 days when used moderately. In usages tested separately, autonomy showed some better results, especially when gaming and streaming videos. However, the autonomy was poor when calling and streaming music, and was average for most outdoor usages. The Pixel 8 showed improvement in wired and wireless charging times over its predecessor. It took the Pixel 8 device 1 hour and 33 minutes to fully replenish the battery when using a wired charger and 3 hours and 20 minutes wirelessly; that’s around 30 minutes faster than the Pixel 7. But these charging times are still longer than average when compared with other devices. Moreover, a quick 5-minute charge provided only 3 hours and 20 minutes of additional autonomy, which is in the lower part of our database.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 07/12/2023
100% Google Pixel 8 review: A justified price rise?
Źródło: Expert Reviews angielski EN→PL
For Android enthusiasts, the Pixel 7 was already one of the best smartphones you can buy, and the Pixel 8 is undoubtedly a solid improvement. The generational differences may be minor, but with Google continuing to refine its premium handset with every iteration, the Pixel 8 is quite obviously the best it currently gets. That said, this year’s £100 price increase does stick in the craw. For plenty of people, buying a discounted Pixel 7 – or even a Pixel 7a – may be the smarter choice. However, if you’ve got the money and you aren’t fussed about this inflationary price jump, or you don’t mind waiting for future sales, the Pixel 8 is a distinguished choice.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 05/12/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
100% Google Pixel 8 review: A justified price rise?
Źródło: Expert Reviews angielski EN→PL
For Android enthusiasts, the Pixel 7 was already one of the best smartphones you can buy, and the Pixel 8 is undoubtedly a solid improvement. The generational differences may be minor, but with Google continuing to refine its premium handset with every iteration, the Pixel 8 is quite obviously the best it currently gets. That said, this year’s £100 price increase does stick in the craw. For plenty of people, buying a discounted Pixel 7 – or even a Pixel 7a – may be the smarter choice. However, if you’ve got the money and you aren’t fussed about this inflationary price jump, or you don’t mind waiting for future sales, the Pixel 8 is a distinguished choice.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 05/12/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
I’ve tested Google Pixel 8 for a month to find out if it is the best compact phone and worth €799'
Źródło: Irish Mirror angielski EN→PL
It may be slightly more expensive than last year’s Pixel 7 was, but Pixel 8 delivers great value for money for its €799 price tag.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 16/11/2023
I’ve tested Google Pixel 8 for a month to find out if it is the best compact phone and worth €799'
Źródło: Irish Mirror angielski EN→PL
It may be slightly more expensive than last year’s Pixel 7 was, but Pixel 8 delivers great value for money for its €799 price tag.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 16/11/2023
80% Google Pixel 8 Review: Rounding Off Things
Źródło: NDTV Gadgets angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 is a big upgrade over the Pixel 7 thanks to Google rounding off a lot of things. You get a brighter and flagship-level display, a super comfortable and compact design, improved cameras, and plenty of improvements. Then there's the new AI camera features, such as Best Take, Magic Editor, and Audio Eraser, that make life easier. The new Tensor G3 chipset, which, although isn't a huge improvement, is plenty for all kinds of tasks. Battery life is good too, but nothing to write home about. However, all of these improvements also come with a big price hike. Is it worth the price hike? Well, to be honest, I wouldn't recommend the phone for anyone looking to buy a flagship Android all-rounder, but if you're a Pixel fan and are coming from an older Pixel phone, then you should definitely upgrade. Pixel 7 users, I'd say best to wait for the next Pixel.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 09/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% cena: 80% wydajność: 70% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 70% wykonanie: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Review: Rounding Off Things
Źródło: NDTV Gadgets angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 is a big upgrade over the Pixel 7 thanks to Google rounding off a lot of things. You get a brighter and flagship-level display, a super comfortable and compact design, improved cameras, and plenty of improvements. Then there's the new AI camera features, such as Best Take, Magic Editor, and Audio Eraser, that make life easier. The new Tensor G3 chipset, which, although isn't a huge improvement, is plenty for all kinds of tasks. Battery life is good too, but nothing to write home about. However, all of these improvements also come with a big price hike. Is it worth the price hike? Well, to be honest, I wouldn't recommend the phone for anyone looking to buy a flagship Android all-rounder, but if you're a Pixel fan and are coming from an older Pixel phone, then you should definitely upgrade. Pixel 7 users, I'd say best to wait for the next Pixel.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 09/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% cena: 80% wydajność: 70% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 70% wykonanie: 80%
90% Google Pixel 8 review: Primed for success
Źródło: Android Central angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 doesn't look too different to the Pixel 7, but it is shorter, narrower, and lighter, and that makes it a lot easier to hold and use the phone. The OLED screen gets significantly brighter — particularly outdoors — and you get 120Hz refresh here, a big upgrade. There's also a larger battery, better cameras all around, and seven years of Android OS updates — more than any other phone. The biggest differentiator is AI: Google is offering a slate of new features that take full advantage of its AI and ML wizardry, and while some are limited to the Pro version, there's enough here to make the Pixel 8 warrant attention.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 08/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 review: Primed for success
Źródło: Android Central angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 doesn't look too different to the Pixel 7, but it is shorter, narrower, and lighter, and that makes it a lot easier to hold and use the phone. The OLED screen gets significantly brighter — particularly outdoors — and you get 120Hz refresh here, a big upgrade. There's also a larger battery, better cameras all around, and seven years of Android OS updates — more than any other phone. The biggest differentiator is AI: Google is offering a slate of new features that take full advantage of its AI and ML wizardry, and while some are limited to the Pro version, there's enough here to make the Pixel 8 warrant attention.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 08/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
Google Pixel 8 Camera test
Źródło: DxOMark angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel’s 8 offered an excellent performance for its price segment in the DXOMARK Camera tests and was overall on par with current flagship models. The nice and vivid colors were a particular strong point but the Pixel 8 could also convince in terms of image detail across all light conditions. Given the identical main camera it was no surprise that overall photo and video performance was similar to the Pixel 8 Pro. Differences were mostly noticeable in terms of zoom performance. Please note that while photos were captured in Ultra HDR, our evaluations were run using an SDR visualization workflow. This is due to the fact that Ultra HDR is a very new Android format, and we are still investigating the most appropriate HDR visualization tools to enable a fair in-depth comparison.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 07/11/2023
Google Pixel 8 Camera test
Źródło: DxOMark angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel’s 8 offered an excellent performance for its price segment in the DXOMARK Camera tests and was overall on par with current flagship models. The nice and vivid colors were a particular strong point but the Pixel 8 could also convince in terms of image detail across all light conditions. Given the identical main camera it was no surprise that overall photo and video performance was similar to the Pixel 8 Pro. Differences were mostly noticeable in terms of zoom performance. Please note that while photos were captured in Ultra HDR, our evaluations were run using an SDR visualization workflow. This is due to the fact that Ultra HDR is a very new Android format, and we are still investigating the most appropriate HDR visualization tools to enable a fair in-depth comparison.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 07/11/2023
80% Google Pixel 8 review: getting closer to the ultimate Pixel
Źródło: T3 angielski EN→PL
Google's new Pixel for 2023 has more camera tricks than ever before, and is seriously appealing for Pixel and Android fans – though there are some flaws as well. It's not quite as capable as the bigger Pixel 8 Pro, but it's better value for money if you don't want to zoom cameras and extra scale.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 03/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 review: getting closer to the ultimate Pixel
Źródło: T3 angielski EN→PL
Google's new Pixel for 2023 has more camera tricks than ever before, and is seriously appealing for Pixel and Android fans – though there are some flaws as well. It's not quite as capable as the bigger Pixel 8 Pro, but it's better value for money if you don't want to zoom cameras and extra scale.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 03/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Pixel 8 review: Google's software, AI in compact and cost-effective package
Źródło: Business Standard angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 undeniably stands out when it comes to software capabilities, and the phone’s AI features take the experience to a whole new level. This compact flagship smartphone brings something truly distinctive to the table, offering features that no other smartphone currently offers. However, it does come with certain trade-offs, particularly in terms of thermal efficiency and battery life. If you are in search of a one-of-a-kind experience in a compact form factor, the Pixel 8 might be the right choice for you, provided you can accept and work around its shortcomings in the hardware department.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 01/11/2023
Google Pixel 8 Review | One Month Later...
Źródło: Tech Spurt angielski
Reviewing Google's Pixel 8 flagship phone one month later, with longer term thoughts on the camera, gaming performance, battery life etc. The Pixel 8 costs £300 less in the UK vs the Pro, but is this one of the best compact smartphones? And how are those Android 14 bugs doing? If you're after a mini mobile, Google's latest should be tempting. Like the Zenfone 10, this tiny phone doesn't compromise - although the Tensor G3 still lags behind rivals for sheer power. The Pixel 8's camera is also missing some key features like a telephoto lens and Pro controls, which you'll find on its bigger sibling. Still, some software quirks aside, I've enjoyed my time with the Google Pixel 8. Android 14 is packed with great features, battery life is excellent and that camera still produces some slick looking photos and video.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 01/11/2023
Pixel 8 review: Google's software, AI in compact and cost-effective package
Źródło: Business Standard angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 undeniably stands out when it comes to software capabilities, and the phone’s AI features take the experience to a whole new level. This compact flagship smartphone brings something truly distinctive to the table, offering features that no other smartphone currently offers. However, it does come with certain trade-offs, particularly in terms of thermal efficiency and battery life. If you are in search of a one-of-a-kind experience in a compact form factor, the Pixel 8 might be the right choice for you, provided you can accept and work around its shortcomings in the hardware department.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 01/11/2023
Google Pixel 8 Review | One Month Later...
Źródło: Tech Spurt angielski
Reviewing Google's Pixel 8 flagship phone one month later, with longer term thoughts on the camera, gaming performance, battery life etc. The Pixel 8 costs £300 less in the UK vs the Pro, but is this one of the best compact smartphones? And how are those Android 14 bugs doing? If you're after a mini mobile, Google's latest should be tempting. Like the Zenfone 10, this tiny phone doesn't compromise - although the Tensor G3 still lags behind rivals for sheer power. The Pixel 8's camera is also missing some key features like a telephoto lens and Pro controls, which you'll find on its bigger sibling. Still, some software quirks aside, I've enjoyed my time with the Google Pixel 8. Android 14 is packed with great features, battery life is excellent and that camera still produces some slick looking photos and video.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 01/11/2023
80% Google Pixel 8 review: a better baby brother
Źródło: Stuff TV angielski EN→PL
Even after a price hike, I can’t deny Google’s latest mainstream phone stays very competitive. The Pixel 8 takes excellent photos, is quick enough for daily duties, both looks and feels like a high-end handset, and promises years and years of Android updates. I also think it comfortably closes the gap to the latest Samsung Galaxy and Apple iPhone models, thanks to that brighter, higher refresh rate display. The Galaxy S23 has an extra optical zoom lens and more powerful chipset, though, and the iPhone 15 has the best smartphone silicon around right now – plus better battery life to boot. There are other areas the Pixel 8 loses ground to class leaders, and I’m disappointed certain software features are region-specific – if they’re available at all, with some being limited to the Pixel 8 Pro for seemingly no reason other than to persuade you to spend more money. Just like in previous years, that phone is the biggest argument for not buying this one. The Pixel 8 Pro has more versatile cameras, a better battery,
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 31/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 review: a better baby brother
Źródło: Stuff TV angielski EN→PL
Even after a price hike, I can’t deny Google’s latest mainstream phone stays very competitive. The Pixel 8 takes excellent photos, is quick enough for daily duties, both looks and feels like a high-end handset, and promises years and years of Android updates. I also think it comfortably closes the gap to the latest Samsung Galaxy and Apple iPhone models, thanks to that brighter, higher refresh rate display. The Galaxy S23 has an extra optical zoom lens and more powerful chipset, though, and the iPhone 15 has the best smartphone silicon around right now – plus better battery life to boot. There are other areas the Pixel 8 loses ground to class leaders, and I’m disappointed certain software features are region-specific – if they’re available at all, with some being limited to the Pixel 8 Pro for seemingly no reason other than to persuade you to spend more money. Just like in previous years, that phone is the biggest argument for not buying this one. The Pixel 8 Pro has more versatile cameras, a better battery,
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 31/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Google Pixel 8: Should You Upgrade? (Review)
Źródło: 9to5google angielski
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 27/10/2023
Google Pixel 8: Should You Upgrade? (Review)
Źródło: 9to5google angielski
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 27/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 review
Źródło: GSM Arena angielski
The Pixel 8 is now lighter and more compact, yet it comes with an incredibly bright 120Hz display. A larger battery, faster charger and an improved ultra-wide cam with AF are also among the most important feature upgrades. Check out our video review to learn ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW about the phone's top features, build and screen quality, battery life, performance, and camera image quality.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 26/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 review
Źródło: GSM Arena angielski
The Pixel 8 is now lighter and more compact, yet it comes with an incredibly bright 120Hz display. A larger battery, faster charger and an improved ultra-wide cam with AF are also among the most important feature upgrades. Check out our video review to learn ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW about the phone's top features, build and screen quality, battery life, performance, and camera image quality.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 26/10/2023
90% Google Pixel 8 Review – AI for the masses
Źródło: Amateur Photographer angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 is an excellent camera phone, and has some very impressive photography features. In fact, you don’t have to use these features, and you’re still going to get some amazing looking photos, with excellent exposure, good detail, and pleasing colour reproduction. It’s the advanced photographic features and consistently good photographic results from this phone that make it a real contender compared to Samsung and Apple. It’s also priced competitively, and gives other phones a serious challenge. There’s an improved main camera, with brighter aperture, and there’s also an improved ultra-wide-angle, now with auto-focus and a macro. However, there are two things that stop this from being the perfect camera phone, and that’s the lack of auto-focus on the selfie camera, which can be found on Samsung’s S22 and S23 series, and the lack of manual mode. Which for some reason Google only saw fit to add on the Pixel 8 Pro model. We can only hope that Google will add it via a future update. Fingers crossed.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 25/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
74% Google Pixel 8 review: Too many tricks, too little refinement
Źródło: Think Digit angielski EN→PL
So that was my review of the Google Pixel 8. One of the launches that I was most excited about has turned out to be a bit of a disappointment if I’m being honest. Yes, we get new AI tools and features and the Google Pixel’s camera remains as good as we know it with new AI-based features that make things extra sweet and lucrative. Plus, this year we are also getting one of the best displays that we have seen on any Pixel smartphone. However, the lack of power, the heating issues and the plethora of bugs in this smartphone don’t give me enough confidence to call this a good upgrade. On top of all this, is Google’s unreliable after sales service support in the country. All of this combined, does not make me want to recommend the smartphone for new buyers since Rs 75,999 is a lot of money to spend on something that lacks refinement and after sale service.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 25/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 74% cena: 72% wydajność: 63% wykonanie: 81%
Google Pixel 8 vs Pixel 8 Pro: Is it worth $300 more?
Źródło: Tom's Guide angielski
The Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro are finally here, giving consumers a look into the future that's powered by artificial intelligence. I've spent time checking out the two flagship phones, getting a better idea of what more you're getting by paying the additional $300 more for the Pixel 8 Pro.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 25/10/2023
90% Google Pixel 8 Review – AI for the masses
Źródło: Amateur Photographer angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 is an excellent camera phone, and has some very impressive photography features. In fact, you don’t have to use these features, and you’re still going to get some amazing looking photos, with excellent exposure, good detail, and pleasing colour reproduction. It’s the advanced photographic features and consistently good photographic results from this phone that make it a real contender compared to Samsung and Apple. It’s also priced competitively, and gives other phones a serious challenge. There’s an improved main camera, with brighter aperture, and there’s also an improved ultra-wide-angle, now with auto-focus and a macro. However, there are two things that stop this from being the perfect camera phone, and that’s the lack of auto-focus on the selfie camera, which can be found on Samsung’s S22 and S23 series, and the lack of manual mode. Which for some reason Google only saw fit to add on the Pixel 8 Pro model. We can only hope that Google will add it via a future update. Fingers crossed.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 25/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
74% Google Pixel 8 review: Too many tricks, too little refinement
Źródło: Think Digit angielski EN→PL
So that was my review of the Google Pixel 8. One of the launches that I was most excited about has turned out to be a bit of a disappointment if I’m being honest. Yes, we get new AI tools and features and the Google Pixel’s camera remains as good as we know it with new AI-based features that make things extra sweet and lucrative. Plus, this year we are also getting one of the best displays that we have seen on any Pixel smartphone. However, the lack of power, the heating issues and the plethora of bugs in this smartphone don’t give me enough confidence to call this a good upgrade. On top of all this, is Google’s unreliable after sales service support in the country. All of this combined, does not make me want to recommend the smartphone for new buyers since Rs 75,999 is a lot of money to spend on something that lacks refinement and after sale service.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 25/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 74% cena: 72% wydajność: 63% wykonanie: 81%
Google Pixel 8 vs Pixel 8 Pro: Is it worth $300 more?
Źródło: Tom's Guide angielski
The Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro are finally here, giving consumers a look into the future that's powered by artificial intelligence. I've spent time checking out the two flagship phones, getting a better idea of what more you're getting by paying the additional $300 more for the Pixel 8 Pro.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 25/10/2023
86% Google Pixel 8 review
Źródło: GSM Arena angielski EN→PL
Despite its considerable price hike, the Pixel 8 remains rather competitive, especially for US consumers. Its MSRP is below its natural regional competitors, offers an improved viewing experience in line with 2023's industry standards, excellent camera experience, faster charging, and 7 years of software support, and timely major OS updates. But the Pixel 8 isn't without its flaws. For instance, a 3x telephoto unit would have been greatly appreciated as well as a more competitive chipset with better thermal control and wider availability for its smart features. After all, many of the Pixel's clever software features can't be utilized to its fullest in many markets. Charging and battery life aren't particularly impressive either, although somewhat okay in Pixel terms. We also wonder why Google decided to skip the autofocus feature on the selfie camera and the support for Pro camera mode on the smaller Pixel.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 24/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 86%
86% Google Pixel 8 review
Źródło: GSM Arena angielski EN→PL
Despite its considerable price hike, the Pixel 8 remains rather competitive, especially for US consumers. Its MSRP is below its natural regional competitors, offers an improved viewing experience in line with 2023's industry standards, excellent camera experience, faster charging, and 7 years of software support, and timely major OS updates. But the Pixel 8 isn't without its flaws. For instance, a 3x telephoto unit would have been greatly appreciated as well as a more competitive chipset with better thermal control and wider availability for its smart features. After all, many of the Pixel's clever software features can't be utilized to its fullest in many markets. Charging and battery life aren't particularly impressive either, although somewhat okay in Pixel terms. We also wonder why Google decided to skip the autofocus feature on the selfie camera and the support for Pro camera mode on the smaller Pixel.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 24/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 86%
90% Google Pixel 8 review: Don’t let the small size fool you
Źródło: The Indian Express angielski EN→PL
While it may not carry the “Pro” label, it doesn’t need that to be tempting. The Pixel 8 Pro has surpassed the Rs 1,00,000 price point for the first time, which might make it a tough sell for many people. Priced at Rs 75,999 and boasting some significant improvements over its predecessor, the Pixel 8 emerges as the more attractive option, at least in my opinion. Here’s my review after using it for a week.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 23/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
80% Google Pixel 8 review: impressive, but could have been priced better
Źródło: 91mobiles angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 is a tempting device, chiefly for its AI features, which can manipulate almost any image, or shall I say, make them more likeable. The other aspects of the phone such as the cameras, display, battery life, and performance all look good, but not too promising for its sticker price of Rs 75,999. I wish the Pixel 8 was priced more competitively. In the current scenario, it is facing stiff competition from the Samsung Galaxy S23 5G, which appears to be a more powerful contender. The Samsung handset features the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 SoC, which trumps the Pixel’s Tensor G3 chipset in benchmark tests. The S23 also boasts a larger battery, a dedicated telephoto lens with up to 30x zoom, and an energy-efficient LTPO panel. The only area where Pixel 8 has an edge over the S23 is the software department, where it boasts a never-heard-before 7-year support, leaving behind even the iPhones. If the software takes precedence for you over any other aspect of a phone, then Pixel 8 is a wise investment.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 23/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% wydajność: 75% wyświetlacz: 80% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Review: Deceptively Simple
Źródło: Phandroid angielski EN→PL
At a price of $699, is the Pixel 8 worth upgrading to, especially for Pixel users on older devices? There’s no doubt that the improvements to the phone’s display quality, AI capabilities and overall performance are promising, and Google’s promise of seven years of software updates is a pretty great reason to pick up the Pixel 8, especially if you’re looking for an Android phone to keep you company for the next several years. On the other hand, users who are after a smartphone with a focus on performance and gaming might want to look elsewhere, as the Tensor G3 still has some catching up to do with chips like the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 and Apple’s A17 Bionic. It’s not a terribly slow chip per se, but it’s clear that Google’s focus with the Pixel 8 leans more towards moderate use, with a focus on getting users what they need in terms of everyday use.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 23/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
90% Google Pixel 8 review: Don’t let the small size fool you
Źródło: The Indian Express angielski EN→PL
While it may not carry the “Pro” label, it doesn’t need that to be tempting. The Pixel 8 Pro has surpassed the Rs 1,00,000 price point for the first time, which might make it a tough sell for many people. Priced at Rs 75,999 and boasting some significant improvements over its predecessor, the Pixel 8 emerges as the more attractive option, at least in my opinion. Here’s my review after using it for a week.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 23/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
80% Google Pixel 8 review: impressive, but could have been priced better
Źródło: 91mobiles angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 is a tempting device, chiefly for its AI features, which can manipulate almost any image, or shall I say, make them more likeable. The other aspects of the phone such as the cameras, display, battery life, and performance all look good, but not too promising for its sticker price of Rs 75,999. I wish the Pixel 8 was priced more competitively. In the current scenario, it is facing stiff competition from the Samsung Galaxy S23 5G, which appears to be a more powerful contender. The Samsung handset features the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 SoC, which trumps the Pixel’s Tensor G3 chipset in benchmark tests. The S23 also boasts a larger battery, a dedicated telephoto lens with up to 30x zoom, and an energy-efficient LTPO panel. The only area where Pixel 8 has an edge over the S23 is the software department, where it boasts a never-heard-before 7-year support, leaving behind even the iPhones. If the software takes precedence for you over any other aspect of a phone, then Pixel 8 is a wise investment.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 23/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% wydajność: 75% wyświetlacz: 80% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Review: Deceptively Simple
Źródło: Phandroid angielski EN→PL
At a price of $699, is the Pixel 8 worth upgrading to, especially for Pixel users on older devices? There’s no doubt that the improvements to the phone’s display quality, AI capabilities and overall performance are promising, and Google’s promise of seven years of software updates is a pretty great reason to pick up the Pixel 8, especially if you’re looking for an Android phone to keep you company for the next several years. On the other hand, users who are after a smartphone with a focus on performance and gaming might want to look elsewhere, as the Tensor G3 still has some catching up to do with chips like the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 and Apple’s A17 Bionic. It’s not a terribly slow chip per se, but it’s clear that Google’s focus with the Pixel 8 leans more towards moderate use, with a focus on getting users what they need in terms of everyday use.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 23/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 review: Is it really built to last seven years?
Źródło: Android Authority angielski EN→PL
Google has made it clear; buy the Pixel 8 Pro if you want the best Feature Drops. I would err on the side of caution if you’re thinking of picking up the Pixel 8 as a gateway to the latest and greatest Google AI tech for years to come. AI is a fast-changing landscape where cloud features can be dropped on a whim, while the requirements for on-device AI are snowballing. While still obviously a win for longevity, remember that Google’s seven-year update pledge doesn’t guarantee anything beyond security, core OS features, and unspecified Feature Drops that won’t always have parity with the latest devices. Bringing this all together, many buyers will certainly enjoy years of solid use with the Pixel 8. Social use cases, checking email, and the occasional family snap won’t stress this phone even many years later. What the Pixel 8 isn’t is a future-proof purchase for demanding users, gamers, and avid photographers who aren’t looking to trade up before that update window ends. The hardware just isn’t cutting-edge enough to hold up that long.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 22/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Pixel 8/8 Pro: Top Camera Features!
Źródło: 9to5google angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 22/10/2023
80% Google Pixel 8 review: Is it really built to last seven years?
Źródło: Android Authority angielski EN→PL
Google has made it clear; buy the Pixel 8 Pro if you want the best Feature Drops. I would err on the side of caution if you’re thinking of picking up the Pixel 8 as a gateway to the latest and greatest Google AI tech for years to come. AI is a fast-changing landscape where cloud features can be dropped on a whim, while the requirements for on-device AI are snowballing. While still obviously a win for longevity, remember that Google’s seven-year update pledge doesn’t guarantee anything beyond security, core OS features, and unspecified Feature Drops that won’t always have parity with the latest devices. Bringing this all together, many buyers will certainly enjoy years of solid use with the Pixel 8. Social use cases, checking email, and the occasional family snap won’t stress this phone even many years later. What the Pixel 8 isn’t is a future-proof purchase for demanding users, gamers, and avid photographers who aren’t looking to trade up before that update window ends. The hardware just isn’t cutting-edge enough to hold up that long.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 22/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Pixel 8/8 Pro: Top Camera Features!
Źródło: 9to5google angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 22/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 And Pixel 8 Pro Review: The Best Ai-Integrated Androids For Under $1,000
Źródło: Best Products angielski EN→PL
By merging beautiful and capable hardware with a unique, cutting-edge Android experience, the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro are the best Android phones in their price range and beyond. The AI integration they offer, while not a must-have just yet, is exciting and a hint about the future of Android. The Pixel 8 Pro is the one to get if camera performance is the most important feature you're shopping for — while the Pixel 8 is a great buy if you prioritize size, ergonomics, and price over everything else. Unless you have a massive upgrade budget to spend on a foldable Android that can simultaneously replace a standard phone and a tablet, the new Pixels are the best worth your attention. Samsung's Galaxy S23 and Galaxy S23+ are the most formidable Pixel alternatives, with more powerful Qualcomm chips and faster charging at similar price points. I'd take the latest Pixels for their cameras and Android experience.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 21/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 And Pixel 8 Pro Review: The Best Ai-Integrated Androids For Under $1,000
Źródło: Best Products angielski EN→PL
By merging beautiful and capable hardware with a unique, cutting-edge Android experience, the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro are the best Android phones in their price range and beyond. The AI integration they offer, while not a must-have just yet, is exciting and a hint about the future of Android. The Pixel 8 Pro is the one to get if camera performance is the most important feature you're shopping for — while the Pixel 8 is a great buy if you prioritize size, ergonomics, and price over everything else. Unless you have a massive upgrade budget to spend on a foldable Android that can simultaneously replace a standard phone and a tablet, the new Pixels are the best worth your attention. Samsung's Galaxy S23 and Galaxy S23+ are the most formidable Pixel alternatives, with more powerful Qualcomm chips and faster charging at similar price points. I'd take the latest Pixels for their cameras and Android experience.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 21/10/2023
Pixel 8 review: The best Google phone yet
Źródło: Digital Spy angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 is an easy recommendation. It’s got heaps of power, the display is bright, the smaller size feels great to hold, and it gives even the most casual of photographers the ability to take impressive shots. Not everyone will use the AI features every day – and some, like Best Take, are borderline creepy – but it’s undeniably very smart. After a week of use, we don’t miss the extra screen of the 8 Pro, and unless you need the telephoto lens, temperature sensor and a few extra AI video modes, this model gives you a flagship experience for a better price. Should you upgrade? It depends. This is the best standard Pixel yet – and it’s worth it if you’re coming from an increasingly-outdated handset like the Pixel 5, 6 or 6a. Those all lack the newer chip, secure face unlock, brighter screen, high refresh rate and the Magic Editor.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 20/10/2023
85% Google Pixel 8 & Pixel 8 Pro review: Setting the standard for Android phones
Źródło: Hardware Zone angielski EN→PL
That said, the S$1,099 for 128GB Google Pixel 8 is one of the best Android phones in the high-end category, propped up by its display clarity and refresh rates, a highly competent main camera, and all the software features other Android phone makers wish they had (or had first). It’s actually a tough choice between Pixel 8 and the S$999 for 256GB Nothing Phone (2), since both devices offer competent performance in core areas. At the same time, the trade-offs don’t impact their excellent user experiences. You could go for Nothing’s higher storage 512GB, at the same S$1,099 price as Pixel 8’s 128GB, but you lose out on pure Android, a higher IP rating for resistance, class-leading photography, and seven years of security and firmware support. In return, Nothing offers you a sexier rear, more storage, and a more powerful chipset. For these reasons, Google Pixel 8 also deserves a spot for Editor’s Choice. However, we feel 128GB isn't really sufficient for most users who eat, live, and breathe on phones.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 20/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 85%
Pixel 8 review: The best Google phone yet
Źródło: Digital Spy angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 is an easy recommendation. It’s got heaps of power, the display is bright, the smaller size feels great to hold, and it gives even the most casual of photographers the ability to take impressive shots. Not everyone will use the AI features every day – and some, like Best Take, are borderline creepy – but it’s undeniably very smart. After a week of use, we don’t miss the extra screen of the 8 Pro, and unless you need the telephoto lens, temperature sensor and a few extra AI video modes, this model gives you a flagship experience for a better price. Should you upgrade? It depends. This is the best standard Pixel yet – and it’s worth it if you’re coming from an increasingly-outdated handset like the Pixel 5, 6 or 6a. Those all lack the newer chip, secure face unlock, brighter screen, high refresh rate and the Magic Editor.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 20/10/2023
85% Google Pixel 8 & Pixel 8 Pro review: Setting the standard for Android phones
Źródło: Hardware Zone angielski EN→PL
That said, the S$1,099 for 128GB Google Pixel 8 is one of the best Android phones in the high-end category, propped up by its display clarity and refresh rates, a highly competent main camera, and all the software features other Android phone makers wish they had (or had first). It’s actually a tough choice between Pixel 8 and the S$999 for 256GB Nothing Phone (2), since both devices offer competent performance in core areas. At the same time, the trade-offs don’t impact their excellent user experiences. You could go for Nothing’s higher storage 512GB, at the same S$1,099 price as Pixel 8’s 128GB, but you lose out on pure Android, a higher IP rating for resistance, class-leading photography, and seven years of security and firmware support. In return, Nothing offers you a sexier rear, more storage, and a more powerful chipset. For these reasons, Google Pixel 8 also deserves a spot for Editor’s Choice. However, we feel 128GB isn't really sufficient for most users who eat, live, and breathe on phones.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 20/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 85%
90% Google Pixel 8 review: better than the Pixel 8 Pro?
Źródło: Digital Trends angielski EN→PL
Why would you want to buy the Google Pixel 8? The more appropriate question is why wouldn’t you want the Pixel 8? It’s more compact, lighter, and better looking than ever before. The battery lasts two days with general use, even when connected to a smartwatch. The camera takes amazing photos, and the AI editing features are unlike anything else. Plus, the brilliant software will be updated until 2030. All this is yours for $699. The Pixel 8 Pro certainly earns its Pro name with the more advanced camera and screen, plus a greater number of AI features to come in updates, but it costs $999. That’s a big jump up! The more modestly specced Pixel 8’s longer battery life is a reason to think hard about your priorities when choosing between these two phones. When two brand new phones are released, it’s easy to think the best thing to do is just buy the Pro or more expensive model, but Google has got the Pixel 8’s specification, performance, and ability just right so you don’t have to feel this way.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 18/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
Google Pixel 8 / 8 Pro Review - Problems!
Źródło: Mrwhosetheboss angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 18/10/2023
90% Google Pixel 8 review: better than the Pixel 8 Pro?
Źródło: Digital Trends angielski EN→PL
Why would you want to buy the Google Pixel 8? The more appropriate question is why wouldn’t you want the Pixel 8? It’s more compact, lighter, and better looking than ever before. The battery lasts two days with general use, even when connected to a smartwatch. The camera takes amazing photos, and the AI editing features are unlike anything else. Plus, the brilliant software will be updated until 2030. All this is yours for $699. The Pixel 8 Pro certainly earns its Pro name with the more advanced camera and screen, plus a greater number of AI features to come in updates, but it costs $999. That’s a big jump up! The more modestly specced Pixel 8’s longer battery life is a reason to think hard about your priorities when choosing between these two phones. When two brand new phones are released, it’s easy to think the best thing to do is just buy the Pro or more expensive model, but Google has got the Pixel 8’s specification, performance, and ability just right so you don’t have to feel this way.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 18/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
Google Pixel 8 / 8 Pro Review - Problems!
Źródło: Mrwhosetheboss angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 18/10/2023
Pixel 8 Review: Definitely Not a Small Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: Droid Life angielski EN→PL
As I mention in the Pricing section, my recommendation to Pixel fans would be to buy the Pixel 8 Pro. If pricing is an issue, then the Pixel 8 is a great alternative, thanks to 7 years of software support, awesome AI features, a really good camera, gorgeous display, and excellent battery life. I truly enjoy using this phone, but I know what I’m missing when compared to the Pixel 8 Pro. For me, those things are too valuable to use Pixel 8 as a longterm daily driver, especially considering I have the freedom to use whatever phone I want. It’s unfortunate that Google got away from the XL and non-XL concept that we had years ago and instead opted for this Pro and non-Pro model, but here we are and there’s nothing we can do about it besides attempt to inform consumers what they’re missing out on if they opt for the non-Pro version.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 17/10/2023
80% Google Pixel 8 review: The best Android phone for most people
Źródło: Tom's Guide angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 wows with its AI-powered camera features, including Best Take, Magic Editor and Audio Magic Eraser. You also get a brighter display in a more compact and comfortable design. The seven years of updates makes this flagship nearly future-proof. The Pixel 8’s performance still trails the competition and the battery life — while improved — is not best in class. But overall this is a good value.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 17/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Pixel 8 Review: Definitely Not a Small Pixel 8 Pro
Źródło: Droid Life angielski EN→PL
As I mention in the Pricing section, my recommendation to Pixel fans would be to buy the Pixel 8 Pro. If pricing is an issue, then the Pixel 8 is a great alternative, thanks to 7 years of software support, awesome AI features, a really good camera, gorgeous display, and excellent battery life. I truly enjoy using this phone, but I know what I’m missing when compared to the Pixel 8 Pro. For me, those things are too valuable to use Pixel 8 as a longterm daily driver, especially considering I have the freedom to use whatever phone I want. It’s unfortunate that Google got away from the XL and non-XL concept that we had years ago and instead opted for this Pro and non-Pro model, but here we are and there’s nothing we can do about it besides attempt to inform consumers what they’re missing out on if they opt for the non-Pro version.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 17/10/2023
80% Google Pixel 8 review: The best Android phone for most people
Źródło: Tom's Guide angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 wows with its AI-powered camera features, including Best Take, Magic Editor and Audio Magic Eraser. You also get a brighter display in a more compact and comfortable design. The seven years of updates makes this flagship nearly future-proof. The Pixel 8’s performance still trails the competition and the battery life — while improved — is not best in class. But overall this is a good value.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 17/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Google’s latest smartphones put AI photo-editing in your hands
Źródło: Sydney Morning Herald angielski EN→PL
The phones are evenly matched across almost all specs, though Apple has the strong advantage of an immensely powerful processor that outpaces the Pixel in raw strength. In cameras Google has opted for bigger sensors and more flexibility in editing, and the Pro has an excellent manual control mode, but Apple’s shots tend to be more pleasant for quick snaps since you can preset your preferred temperature and crop. When it comes to portrait mode and low light photography the Pixel is far more confident, and both phones now support adding a bokeh blur after the fact; Apple by capturing depth data when it detects a face and Google through the Magic Editor. iPhone users have access to a pretty full suite of Google products these days, and even features like the Magic Eraser have made their way from Pixel to iPhone, though the opposite is not true; those who choose Apple services tend to have a hard time on Android.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 16/10/2023
85% Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro smartphone review – the total Android experience
Źródło: Tech Guru Daily angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 and Google Pixel 8 Pro are solid updates over the previous models with improvements in performance and camera and display quality with AI features like Magic Eraser and Magic Editor that will appeal to loyal Android users.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 16/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 85%
Google’s latest smartphones put AI photo-editing in your hands
Źródło: Sydney Morning Herald angielski EN→PL
The phones are evenly matched across almost all specs, though Apple has the strong advantage of an immensely powerful processor that outpaces the Pixel in raw strength. In cameras Google has opted for bigger sensors and more flexibility in editing, and the Pro has an excellent manual control mode, but Apple’s shots tend to be more pleasant for quick snaps since you can preset your preferred temperature and crop. When it comes to portrait mode and low light photography the Pixel is far more confident, and both phones now support adding a bokeh blur after the fact; Apple by capturing depth data when it detects a face and Google through the Magic Editor. iPhone users have access to a pretty full suite of Google products these days, and even features like the Magic Eraser have made their way from Pixel to iPhone, though the opposite is not true; those who choose Apple services tend to have a hard time on Android.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 16/10/2023
85% Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro smartphone review – the total Android experience
Źródło: Tech Guru Daily angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 and Google Pixel 8 Pro are solid updates over the previous models with improvements in performance and camera and display quality with AI features like Magic Eraser and Magic Editor that will appeal to loyal Android users.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 16/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 85%
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro hands-on: AI like it’s magic
Źródło: Hardware Zone angielski EN→PL
With those variables, we’d still say the Google Pixel 8 Pro’s temperature sensor is sufficiently accurate for basic checks before you start worrying about bigger problems, just like how you shouldn’t solely rely on wearables or health trackers to make medical judgement calls (always leave it to a professional). Until then, the Google Pixel 8 starts at S$1,099 (128GB) in Hazel, Rose, and Obsidian colourways. The Google Pixel 8 Pro starts at S$1,549 (128GB) in Bay, Porcelain, and Obsidian. Pre-orders begin on 5 October 2023, 12 AM Singapore Time. On-shelf retail availability starts on 12 October 2023, 9 AM SGT. For a comprehensive list of new features, specs, and prices, don’t forget to check out our event coverage here. We've also compiled a separate list of promotions and offers we've found here.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 15/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro hands-on: AI like it’s magic
Źródło: Hardware Zone angielski EN→PL
With those variables, we’d still say the Google Pixel 8 Pro’s temperature sensor is sufficiently accurate for basic checks before you start worrying about bigger problems, just like how you shouldn’t solely rely on wearables or health trackers to make medical judgement calls (always leave it to a professional). Until then, the Google Pixel 8 starts at S$1,099 (128GB) in Hazel, Rose, and Obsidian colourways. The Google Pixel 8 Pro starts at S$1,549 (128GB) in Bay, Porcelain, and Obsidian. Pre-orders begin on 5 October 2023, 12 AM Singapore Time. On-shelf retail availability starts on 12 October 2023, 9 AM SGT. For a comprehensive list of new features, specs, and prices, don’t forget to check out our event coverage here. We've also compiled a separate list of promotions and offers we've found here.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 15/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 & 8 Pro hands-on review
Źródło: GSM Arena angielski EN→PL
We are still in the process of testing the Pixel 8 phones and there will be more to come later. For now, we have mixed feelings about these devices. Among the things we liked are the new designs, which may look a bit generic now but are far more comfortable to hold, especially the smaller Pixel 8, which is absolutely delightful. The new displays are also terrific and possibly the best hardware upgrade this generation. The software is clean as usual, there are a lot of AI things to play around with, and the seven-year update promise is commendable. Pixel 8 Pixel 8 Pro hands-on reviewPixel 8 next to Pixel 8 Pro The cameras this year feel more like a sidegrade after initial testing so it's unsurprising that Google is relying heavily on AI and cloud-based processing to improve things further. They are still great cameras but nothing that will give Pixel 7 or even Pixel 6 owners severe FOMO. What's clearly unimpressive, however, is the new Tensor G3 chip.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 13/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 & 8 Pro Tips | 20+ Best Android 14 Features
Źródło: Tech Spurt angielski
The best Google Pixel 8 Pro features, exclusive to these flagship phones or baked into Android 14. From camera tools and the Pixel 8's excellent photo editing, to my favourite customisation and setup features, here's tips and tricks on how to get the most from your Google flagship. My unboxing and Pixel 8 vs Pixel 8 Pro comparison are live now, full review is coming soon! The camera experience is one of the major areas where these 2023 phones have been upgraded, mostly with fresh features including AI shenanigans. For instance, the Pixel 8 Pro can now shoot RAW images and soon will have a special Night Video mode. You can boost the audio on your clips and swap faces between photos to get the perfect family portrait. AI Wallpaper is a new feature that can replace your mineral-based background with something just as random.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 13/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro review: Making AI cool again
Źródło: Engadget angielski
Between the Pixel 8 line’s new Tensor G3 chip and an assortment of powerful software features, Google might have just cut through the hype by giving regular people a reason to care about again. The Pixel 8’s Magic Editor uses machine learning to put sophisticated photo editing in the palm of your hand and, thanks to improved natural language recognition, you can ask the Google Assistant to summarize articles or read them aloud while translating in real-time. The phone’s new Actua displays have also set a high bar in terms of brightness, while Google’s pledge to provide seven years of software support is practically unmatched among Android devices. So while it’s a small bummer that prices have risen $100 to $699 and $999 respectively, with the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro, it feels like Google is entering a new era of AI-powered computing.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 13/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 & 8 Pro hands-on review
Źródło: GSM Arena angielski EN→PL
We are still in the process of testing the Pixel 8 phones and there will be more to come later. For now, we have mixed feelings about these devices. Among the things we liked are the new designs, which may look a bit generic now but are far more comfortable to hold, especially the smaller Pixel 8, which is absolutely delightful. The new displays are also terrific and possibly the best hardware upgrade this generation. The software is clean as usual, there are a lot of AI things to play around with, and the seven-year update promise is commendable. Pixel 8 Pixel 8 Pro hands-on reviewPixel 8 next to Pixel 8 Pro The cameras this year feel more like a sidegrade after initial testing so it's unsurprising that Google is relying heavily on AI and cloud-based processing to improve things further. They are still great cameras but nothing that will give Pixel 7 or even Pixel 6 owners severe FOMO. What's clearly unimpressive, however, is the new Tensor G3 chip.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 13/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 & 8 Pro Tips | 20+ Best Android 14 Features
Źródło: Tech Spurt angielski
The best Google Pixel 8 Pro features, exclusive to these flagship phones or baked into Android 14. From camera tools and the Pixel 8's excellent photo editing, to my favourite customisation and setup features, here's tips and tricks on how to get the most from your Google flagship. My unboxing and Pixel 8 vs Pixel 8 Pro comparison are live now, full review is coming soon! The camera experience is one of the major areas where these 2023 phones have been upgraded, mostly with fresh features including AI shenanigans. For instance, the Pixel 8 Pro can now shoot RAW images and soon will have a special Night Video mode. You can boost the audio on your clips and swap faces between photos to get the perfect family portrait. AI Wallpaper is a new feature that can replace your mineral-based background with something just as random.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 13/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro review: Making AI cool again
Źródło: Engadget angielski
Between the Pixel 8 line’s new Tensor G3 chip and an assortment of powerful software features, Google might have just cut through the hype by giving regular people a reason to care about again. The Pixel 8’s Magic Editor uses machine learning to put sophisticated photo editing in the palm of your hand and, thanks to improved natural language recognition, you can ask the Google Assistant to summarize articles or read them aloud while translating in real-time. The phone’s new Actua displays have also set a high bar in terms of brightness, while Google’s pledge to provide seven years of software support is practically unmatched among Android devices. So while it’s a small bummer that prices have risen $100 to $699 and $999 respectively, with the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro, it feels like Google is entering a new era of AI-powered computing.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 13/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Audio test
Źródło: DxOMark angielski EN→PL
We put the Google Pixel 8 through our rigorous DXOMARK Audio test suite to measure its performance both at recording sound using its built-in microphones, and at playing audio back through its speakers. In this review, we will break down how it fared in a variety of tests and several common use cases.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
84% Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro review: Take a peek at our camera samples
Źródło: Mashable angielski EN→PL
Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro felt like the best of all worlds a year ago. They had stunning new camera features to go along with superb performance. Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro are technically better devices, but they’re a good deal less exciting. I don’t expect everyone to have the same philosophical objections to the new AI features that I do, but I have them nonetheless. The Pro’s temperature sensor is also value-neutral at best right now. Google just didn’t pack as many new and enthralling features into these phones as it did last year. That’s fine. It happens with devices that are refreshed annually, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t worth pointing out. Even with that in mind, these are going to be the best Android phones you can get if you care about great cameras, strong performance, and AI. Just…maybe don’t jump to upgrade if you already have a Pixel 7.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 84% wydajność: 100%
90% Google Pixel 8 initial review: Impressive AI, irksome limitations
Źródło: Android Central angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 shares the same design language as its predecessor, but it is shorter, narrower, and lighter, and that makes it a lot easier to hold and use the phone. The OLED screen gets significantly brighter — particularly outdoors — and you get 120Hz refresh here. There's also a larger battery, better cameras all around, and seven years of Android OS updates — more than any other phone. The biggest differentiator is AI: Google is offering a slate of new features that take full advantage of its AI and ML wizardry, and while some are limited to the Pro version, there's enough here to make the Pixel 8 worthy of your attention.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
80% Pixel 8 review: A treat for every Android user
Źródło: India Today angielski EN→PL
I had been using an Android phone for years. Even though I recently switched to iOS, my bias for Android remains. Using the Pixel 8 just made me fall in love with Android even more, especially with what Google is offering with the Pixel. The fast processor, amazing camera, and its good looks are enough for me to consider buying a Pixel for myself or at least suggest it as a must-buy for someone looking for a premium Android smartphone. It's safe to say that at this price point, the Pixel 8 is the best Android phone you can get. However, what might hold you back a bit from buying this gem is the price. As I mentioned earlier, Google has significantly increased the prices of the new Pixel compared to its predecessors. This time, the price difference between the Pixel and the new iPhone 15 is also not that much.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Google Pixel 8 Display test
Źródło: DxOMark angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 showed a strong performance in all attributes, but especially for readability, color and video, where it came just behind its larger sibling, the Google Pixel 8 Pro, at the top of our current rankings. With improved specifications and strong tuning, this versatile smartphone offers a flagship-like experience in all lighting conditions and in nearly all use cases.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
70% Pixel 8 and 8 Pro review: in Google we trust?
Źródło: The Verge angielski EN→PL
There’s also the very real potential that in seven years, the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro will only just be receiving their last OS platform update. Sure, there’s a chance that Google won’t even be making phones in seven years, but the company has made good on its previous software support promises, so it’s not completely foolish to believe it might happen. How much you trust Google to fulfill these promises — and how much you trust the company with a lot of your personal information — should dictate whether or not the Pixel 8 is for you. They offer more potential than ever, but they’re also more expensive than ever. Can you trust Google to make that investment worthwhile? That’s a comfort level that each of us can only define for ourselves.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 70%
Google Pixel 8 Pro vs Pixel 8 | Unboxing & 1 Week Later...
Źródło: Tech Spurt angielski
Unboxing Google's Pixel 8 Pro and regular flagship with a 1 week review of the camera tech, gaming performance, battery life and beyond. We tour the best new Android 14 features and compare the Pixel 8 Pro vs that compact Pixel 8, which costs £300 less in the UK! As well as the obvious size difference, Google has packed quite a few extra features into the more premium phone. That camera hardware has been boosted with a telephoto lens as well as upgraded ultra-wide snapper. Plus the Pixel 8 Pro has full manual controls, and will enjoy a Video Boost tool later in 2023. Check out my Pixel 8 camera review for full testing! Likewise, the larger smartphone offers up some bonuses like a temperature sensor - possibly the most random phone feature of the year?
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro Camera Review vs Pixel 8 | Worth that £300 Extra?
Źródło: Tech Spurt angielski
Reviewing the Google Pixel 8 Pro camera vs the regular Pixel 8, testing the difference in photo and video quality and features. Google's latest 2023 flagships boast dependable camera tech but the Pixel 8 Pro is more powerful, best for shooting kids, pets etc. For the hardware, both phones serve up the same 50MP Octa PD primary sensor with OIS. However, the ultra-wide sensors are different and the Pixel 8 Pro also boasts an upgraded focus and 48MP telephoto camera. This means the Pro is superior for zoom photos as well as capturing portrait shots. That said, I did still see some borky portraits from this Google phone, which will hopefully be sorted in an update. Likewise, the Pixel 8 Pro serves up more manual controls and a high resolution mode (which I haven't found too helpful so far, but maybe you have?)
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Review
Źródło: CNet angielski
The Google Pixel 8 is unlike any other phone you can buy today. After testing it for nearly a week, I realized that the Pixel 8 and its AI features offer an early glimpse at how photography, calling and even our phone's wallpaper could evolve. I wouldn't run out and buy a Pixel 8 today solely because of these features, but it certainly shows how AI will continue to be integrated into our daily lives.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Google Pixel 8/8 Pro Review: We'll Fix It In Post!
Źródło: Marques Brownlee angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Audio test
Źródło: DxOMark angielski EN→PL
We put the Google Pixel 8 through our rigorous DXOMARK Audio test suite to measure its performance both at recording sound using its built-in microphones, and at playing audio back through its speakers. In this review, we will break down how it fared in a variety of tests and several common use cases.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
84% Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro review: Take a peek at our camera samples
Źródło: Mashable angielski EN→PL
Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro felt like the best of all worlds a year ago. They had stunning new camera features to go along with superb performance. Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro are technically better devices, but they’re a good deal less exciting. I don’t expect everyone to have the same philosophical objections to the new AI features that I do, but I have them nonetheless. The Pro’s temperature sensor is also value-neutral at best right now. Google just didn’t pack as many new and enthralling features into these phones as it did last year. That’s fine. It happens with devices that are refreshed annually, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t worth pointing out. Even with that in mind, these are going to be the best Android phones you can get if you care about great cameras, strong performance, and AI. Just…maybe don’t jump to upgrade if you already have a Pixel 7.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 84% wydajność: 100%
90% Google Pixel 8 initial review: Impressive AI, irksome limitations
Źródło: Android Central angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 shares the same design language as its predecessor, but it is shorter, narrower, and lighter, and that makes it a lot easier to hold and use the phone. The OLED screen gets significantly brighter — particularly outdoors — and you get 120Hz refresh here. There's also a larger battery, better cameras all around, and seven years of Android OS updates — more than any other phone. The biggest differentiator is AI: Google is offering a slate of new features that take full advantage of its AI and ML wizardry, and while some are limited to the Pro version, there's enough here to make the Pixel 8 worthy of your attention.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
80% Pixel 8 review: A treat for every Android user
Źródło: India Today angielski EN→PL
I had been using an Android phone for years. Even though I recently switched to iOS, my bias for Android remains. Using the Pixel 8 just made me fall in love with Android even more, especially with what Google is offering with the Pixel. The fast processor, amazing camera, and its good looks are enough for me to consider buying a Pixel for myself or at least suggest it as a must-buy for someone looking for a premium Android smartphone. It's safe to say that at this price point, the Pixel 8 is the best Android phone you can get. However, what might hold you back a bit from buying this gem is the price. As I mentioned earlier, Google has significantly increased the prices of the new Pixel compared to its predecessors. This time, the price difference between the Pixel and the new iPhone 15 is also not that much.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Google Pixel 8 Display test
Źródło: DxOMark angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 showed a strong performance in all attributes, but especially for readability, color and video, where it came just behind its larger sibling, the Google Pixel 8 Pro, at the top of our current rankings. With improved specifications and strong tuning, this versatile smartphone offers a flagship-like experience in all lighting conditions and in nearly all use cases.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
70% Pixel 8 and 8 Pro review: in Google we trust?
Źródło: The Verge angielski EN→PL
There’s also the very real potential that in seven years, the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro will only just be receiving their last OS platform update. Sure, there’s a chance that Google won’t even be making phones in seven years, but the company has made good on its previous software support promises, so it’s not completely foolish to believe it might happen. How much you trust Google to fulfill these promises — and how much you trust the company with a lot of your personal information — should dictate whether or not the Pixel 8 is for you. They offer more potential than ever, but they’re also more expensive than ever. Can you trust Google to make that investment worthwhile? That’s a comfort level that each of us can only define for ourselves.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 70%
Google Pixel 8 Pro vs Pixel 8 | Unboxing & 1 Week Later...
Źródło: Tech Spurt angielski
Unboxing Google's Pixel 8 Pro and regular flagship with a 1 week review of the camera tech, gaming performance, battery life and beyond. We tour the best new Android 14 features and compare the Pixel 8 Pro vs that compact Pixel 8, which costs £300 less in the UK! As well as the obvious size difference, Google has packed quite a few extra features into the more premium phone. That camera hardware has been boosted with a telephoto lens as well as upgraded ultra-wide snapper. Plus the Pixel 8 Pro has full manual controls, and will enjoy a Video Boost tool later in 2023. Check out my Pixel 8 camera review for full testing! Likewise, the larger smartphone offers up some bonuses like a temperature sensor - possibly the most random phone feature of the year?
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro Camera Review vs Pixel 8 | Worth that £300 Extra?
Źródło: Tech Spurt angielski
Reviewing the Google Pixel 8 Pro camera vs the regular Pixel 8, testing the difference in photo and video quality and features. Google's latest 2023 flagships boast dependable camera tech but the Pixel 8 Pro is more powerful, best for shooting kids, pets etc. For the hardware, both phones serve up the same 50MP Octa PD primary sensor with OIS. However, the ultra-wide sensors are different and the Pixel 8 Pro also boasts an upgraded focus and 48MP telephoto camera. This means the Pro is superior for zoom photos as well as capturing portrait shots. That said, I did still see some borky portraits from this Google phone, which will hopefully be sorted in an update. Likewise, the Pixel 8 Pro serves up more manual controls and a high resolution mode (which I haven't found too helpful so far, but maybe you have?)
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Review
Źródło: CNet angielski
The Google Pixel 8 is unlike any other phone you can buy today. After testing it for nearly a week, I realized that the Pixel 8 and its AI features offer an early glimpse at how photography, calling and even our phone's wallpaper could evolve. I wouldn't run out and buy a Pixel 8 today solely because of these features, but it certainly shows how AI will continue to be integrated into our daily lives.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Google Pixel 8/8 Pro Review: We'll Fix It In Post!
Źródło: Marques Brownlee angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 review: Impressively smart and refined
Źródło: Pocket Lint angielski EN→PL
Google's Pixel 8 is one heck of a phone. For many, I imagine, it's the complete package with long battery life, consistent performance, an amazing camera with even more impressive AI editing tools, and software support for far longer than any of us will realistically own the phone. If you're thinking about upgrading from the Pixel 7, there's probably not enough here to justify it; however, if you're toying with the idea of making the switch to Google's Pixel phones, be it from another Android device maker or Apple's iPhone, the Pixel 8 is sure to give you a warm welcome. The slightly bigger and more expensive Pixel 8 Pro has even more camera-related features and is also a worthy choice for those who want the best Pixel experience possible - take a read of our full review if you're torn over which to buy.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Pixel 8 Initial Review: Google made the small phone of my dreams
Źródło: 9to5google angielski EN→PL
Is the Pixel 8 worth the $100 price increase over last year’s equivalent? For the design alone, which Pixel 7 owners have to try for themselves, I say yes. It’s a really comfortable phone that looks nice, and there are no obvious hardware regressions. You’ll notice the brighter screen and updated Face Unlock that makes things a bit more seamless. Then there’s Tensor G3, the new main camera sensor, and Macro Focus. But again, it’s the design of the Pixel 8 that will pull you in.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
90% Google Pixel 8 Review: 'Best Take' Levels Up AI-Enhanced Photos
Źródło: CNet angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 is unlike any other phone you can buy today. After testing it for nearly a week, I realized that the Pixel 8 and its AI features offer an early glimpse at how photography, calling and even our phone's wallpaper could evolve. I wouldn't run out and buy a Pixel 8 today solely because of these features, but it certainly shows how AI will continue to be integrated into our daily lives. For example, there's a feature called Best Take (which I keep calling Face Swap) that works when taking a few consecutive photos of a person or group of people. After taking the photos, I can pull up a face and head editor (my term, not Google's) in Google Photos and swap out a person's head with a different version from another image from the series to get their best facial expression. The result is a photo where everyone's eyes are open and smiling, if that's what you want. Philosophically, this photo doesn't actually exist because the moment never happened. And yet, here it is.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
80% Google Pixel 8 review
Źródło: Tech Advisor angielski EN→PL
With a $100/£100 price hike compared to the Pixel 7, the Pixel 8 is more difficult to recommend. It’s an impressive phone in many ways, but certainly not the only one around this new price point.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 review: full of surprises
Źródło: Techradar angielski EN→PL
While it lacks a few of the Pixel 8 Pro's high-end features, the standard Pixel 8 shares a refreshed design, the company's latest Tensor G3 chipset, and a number of new AI features that the processor facilitates. The dual rear camera setup is impressively versatile, and backed by powerful new features like Magic Editor that let you manipulate your shots in ways not possible on any other phone. For the price, this is a particularly special blend of Google ingenuity that's well worth considering.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% cena: 80% wydajność: 80% wyświetlacz: 80% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 review: The best Android phone for most people
Źródło: Tom's Guide angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 wows with its AI-powered camera features, including Best Take, Magic Editor and Audio Magic Eraser. You also get a brighter display in a more compact and comfortable design. The seven years of updates makes this flagship nearly future-proof. The Pixel 8’s performance still trails the competition and the battery life — while improved — is not best in class. But overall this is a good value.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
90% Google Pixel 8 Review
Źródło: Trusted Reviews angielski EN→PL
Marmite-like design choices aside, the Pixel 8 is a solid buy for anyone on the market for a great all-rounder in 2023. The 6.2-inch display is a big improvement on its predecessor with a max brightness of 2000nits, a faster 120Hz refresh rate and more pixels that translate to a gorgeous display well suited to gaming and binging. There’s also solid everyday performance on offer from the AI-focused Tensor G3 chipset, though the gap in raw processing power is widening compared to competing Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 devices like the OnePlus 11. Still, it’s pretty power efficient, with the Pixel 8 not struggling to last all day on a single charge. Of course, the big reason to opt for a Pixel is the camera, and it’s safe to say that the Pixel 8 delivers exquisitely detailed, vibrant and colourful images from its new main 50MP sensor.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 review: The Pixel for the masses
Źródło: Android Police angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 is a clear purchase recommendation in my book, even clearer than the Pixel 7 before it. That’s based on the 7-year update promise and the much improved battery life. It’s definitely once again the most refined Pixel yet. Even if I’m still concerned about the long-term viability of the Tensor G3 chip, things are looking great for the smaller Pixel. It’s an all-round good choice if you want a small and still powerful phone that lasts you all day without breaking the $1,000 barrier. You really don't need to spend $300 more on the Pro model. At the same time, there is a bigger divide than ever between the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro. If you want the latest and greatest hardware and software in this Pixel generation, you have to pick the 8 Pro. There is no reason why manual camera controls or Night Sight Video should be exclusive to the Pixel 8 Pro other than forcing people to pay a $300 premium to get in on them (or saving Google some money on server costs).
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
100% Google Pixel 8 Review: The Android phone you deserve
Źródło: Android Headlines angielski EN→PL
As always this is going to depend on multiple factors. If you don’t already have a Pixel phone and are wanting something with an industry-leading smartphone camera, in addition to really great software experiences, the Pixel 8 is going to be a great pickup. If you do have a Pixel phone currently, then it might be hard to justify spending the money unless you’re using an older model. That being said, you can easily save money on the upgrade through most carriers. And even Google Fi is offering an upgrade discount (without a trade-in) that can make spending the money more worth it.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro review: Google's most compelling phones in years
Źródło: Engadget angielski EN→PL
Back in 2018 when the Pixel 3 came out, that was the first time it felt like Google’s software-first approach to phone design really came together. And now on the Pixel 8, between the Tensor G3 and compelling new tools that chip is powering, Google is using AI to level up its playbook. More importantly, it’s doing so in a more tangible and practical way than services like ChatGPT or Midjourney. The Pixel 8 delivers AI to the palm of your hand that makes your photos look better, videos sound better, news easier to digest and your drunk texts easier to understand. And with even longer software support, there’s a pathway for the Pixel 8 to get better down the line. It is a bit of a shame that both the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro now cost $100 more than before. But just like everything else, phones aren't immune to inflation. And that price is even higher for people on Verizon who want support for mmWave 5G, as Big Red’s version of the Pixel 8 starts at $799 instead of $699.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro First Impressions: Going Big on AI
Źródło: NDTV Gadgets angielski EN→PL
As you can tell from the new AI-related upgrades and hardware performance upgrades, it is easy to forget that Pixel devices have always been about being first in line to receive the latest software updates. The new Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro are no different and come with Android 14 and all its Pixel customisations out of the box. Google also announced that it will provide seven years of OS, security and juicy Pixel Drops as well, which is a massive commitment from Google. But will that battery even last that long? Well, Google seems to have the spares situation covered for the same duration too. While all of the above features and commitments appear to raise the bar for both Android and even iOS-powered smartphones, Google has also raised the bar when it comes to pricing this year. With the Pixel 8 starting from Rs. 75,999 and the Pixel 8 Pro priced at Rs. 1,06,999, these are indeed Google's most expensive smartphones to reach India.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 11/10/2023
Pixel 8 And Pixel 8 Pro Review: Artificially Intelligent, Naturally Elegant
Źródło: Hot Hardware angielski EN→PL
If you've got the Pixel 7 / 7 Pro and like them, this may not be as big an upgrade for you. If you are on an older Pixel (or a different phone entirely) and yearning for an upgrade, the Pixel 8 or 8 Pro will impress. Pricing has inched up $100 this year to $700 for the Pixel 8 and $1,000 for the Pixel 8 Pro. The Pro has a bigger, better display and more camera features, but the Pixel 8 is otherwise identical. The Pixel 8 is still a solid deal at $700, and that's the one most mainstream users should probably get, unless you want that lager display and pro camera mode. If Google ever doubles back and gives the Pixel 8 manual camera controls as well, it will be a slam dunk. In the meantime, depending on your budget, you can't go wrong either way with the new Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro, and we're giving both our coveted Editor's Choice award.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
85% Google’s Pixel 8 is small but mighty
Źródło: Mobile Syrup angielski EN→PL
Overall, the Pixel 8 is a great device, offering refinements over the Pixel 7 without rewriting Google’s Pixel formula. Coupled with the price hike, it makes it tough to recommend in many cases. Is the Pixel 8 better than the Pixel 7? Yes. Is it $150 better? No. But if you have a Pixel 7, you really don’t need to think about upgrading at all. Likewise for the Pixel 6. These phones aren’t that old and still have a couple years of software support ahead of them. However, if you’ve got an older Pixel phone and you’ve been holding onto it waiting for Google to finally give you another small flagship option, now is the time to upgrade. Moreover, Google’s Pixel 8 still comes in cheaper than comparable options from Samsung or Apple. At $949 in Canada, the Pixel 8 is $150 cheaper than the Galaxy S23 and $180 cheaper than the iPhone 15. The value argument for the Pixel 8 isn’t as strong as it was for the Pixel 7, but it’s definitely still a lower-cost flagship option that can go toe-to-toe with the more expensive phones.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 85%
90% Pixel 8 Review: Google’s Leap Beyond Just AI
Źródło: Nextpit EN angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 would deserve a five-star score if Google didn't increase the price in comparison with the Pixel 7's MSRP. Instead, the technical improvements—better display, better battery life, better performance, faster charging—basically compensate for the new price point, while fixing some of the criticisms we had for the 2022 model. However, Google's new update policy not only makes the Pixel 8 last up to seven years in terms of security updates, but it also has the potential to increase the resale value of the phones—even though it is something we haven't noticed after Samsung extended the support for its Galaxy flagships. As a counter-counter-point, we can't really be sure whether Google will deliver on its promise, with the company's history casting a big doubt over it. Even so, we remain cautiously optimistic that the Pixel 8 can be supported for longer than any Android phone in its price range, and so far, Google has kept the promises for its past update policy improvements.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Review: A Serious AI Upgrade And A Price Bump
Źródło: Slashgear angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 is an absolutely fantastic mid-range smartphone, despite a few minor complaints. The camera in particular is an amazing upgrade from the Pixel 7, or indeed most other phones in general. The improvement in image quality is every bit as significant as advertised, both for stills and video. Every aspect of the phone is extremely polished, and the interface is smooth and fluid to operate thanks to the high refresh rate display, which is also bright and vibrant. The Pixel 8 is the first phone to seriously tempt our long-time Samsung smartphone devotees on staff at SlashGear — even those that stuck with the same brand for nearly a decade. For the keen photographer, the camera is the main draw, but the AI-driven features of the Pixel 8 are surprisingly attractive as well. It's in this smartphone that we find AI implemented in a way that offers genuine benefits. AI appears far less of a dystopian menace when used for improving audio, taking dictation, or screening calls than when threatening to replace artists and authors.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 review: The Pixel for the masses
Źródło: Android Police angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 is a clear purchase recommendation in my book, even clearer than the Pixel 7 before it. That’s based on the seven-year update promise and the much improved battery life. It’s definitely once again the most refined Pixel yet. Even if I’m still concerned about the long-term viability of the Tensor G3 chip, things are looking great for the smaller Pixel. It’s an all-round good choice if you want a small and still powerful phone that lasts you all day without breaking the $1,000 barrier. You really don't need to spend $300 more on the Pro model. At the same time, there is a bigger divide than ever between the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro. If you want the latest and greatest hardware and software in this Pixel generation, you have to pick the 8 Pro. There is no reason why manual camera controls or Night Sight Video should be exclusive to the Pixel 8 Pro other than forcing people to pay a $300 premium to get in on them (or saving Google some money on server costs).
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
Google Pixel 8 review: Impressively smart and refined
Źródło: Pocket Lint angielski EN→PL
Google's Pixel 8 is one heck of a phone. For many, I imagine, it's the complete package with long battery life, consistent performance, an amazing camera with even more impressive AI editing tools, and software support for far longer than any of us will realistically own the phone. If you're thinking about upgrading from the Pixel 7, there's probably not enough here to justify it; however, if you're toying with the idea of making the switch to Google's Pixel phones, be it from another Android device maker or Apple's iPhone, the Pixel 8 is sure to give you a warm welcome. The slightly bigger and more expensive Pixel 8 Pro has even more camera-related features and is also a worthy choice for those who want the best Pixel experience possible - take a read of our full review if you're torn over which to buy.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Pixel 8 Initial Review: Google made the small phone of my dreams
Źródło: 9to5google angielski EN→PL
Is the Pixel 8 worth the $100 price increase over last year’s equivalent? For the design alone, which Pixel 7 owners have to try for themselves, I say yes. It’s a really comfortable phone that looks nice, and there are no obvious hardware regressions. You’ll notice the brighter screen and updated Face Unlock that makes things a bit more seamless. Then there’s Tensor G3, the new main camera sensor, and Macro Focus. But again, it’s the design of the Pixel 8 that will pull you in.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
90% Google Pixel 8 Review: 'Best Take' Levels Up AI-Enhanced Photos
Źródło: CNet angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 is unlike any other phone you can buy today. After testing it for nearly a week, I realized that the Pixel 8 and its AI features offer an early glimpse at how photography, calling and even our phone's wallpaper could evolve. I wouldn't run out and buy a Pixel 8 today solely because of these features, but it certainly shows how AI will continue to be integrated into our daily lives. For example, there's a feature called Best Take (which I keep calling Face Swap) that works when taking a few consecutive photos of a person or group of people. After taking the photos, I can pull up a face and head editor (my term, not Google's) in Google Photos and swap out a person's head with a different version from another image from the series to get their best facial expression. The result is a photo where everyone's eyes are open and smiling, if that's what you want. Philosophically, this photo doesn't actually exist because the moment never happened. And yet, here it is.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
80% Google Pixel 8 review
Źródło: Tech Advisor angielski EN→PL
With a $100/£100 price hike compared to the Pixel 7, the Pixel 8 is more difficult to recommend. It’s an impressive phone in many ways, but certainly not the only one around this new price point.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 review: full of surprises
Źródło: Techradar angielski EN→PL
While it lacks a few of the Pixel 8 Pro's high-end features, the standard Pixel 8 shares a refreshed design, the company's latest Tensor G3 chipset, and a number of new AI features that the processor facilitates. The dual rear camera setup is impressively versatile, and backed by powerful new features like Magic Editor that let you manipulate your shots in ways not possible on any other phone. For the price, this is a particularly special blend of Google ingenuity that's well worth considering.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% cena: 80% wydajność: 80% wyświetlacz: 80% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 review: The best Android phone for most people
Źródło: Tom's Guide angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 wows with its AI-powered camera features, including Best Take, Magic Editor and Audio Magic Eraser. You also get a brighter display in a more compact and comfortable design. The seven years of updates makes this flagship nearly future-proof. The Pixel 8’s performance still trails the competition and the battery life — while improved — is not best in class. But overall this is a good value.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
90% Google Pixel 8 Review
Źródło: Trusted Reviews angielski EN→PL
Marmite-like design choices aside, the Pixel 8 is a solid buy for anyone on the market for a great all-rounder in 2023. The 6.2-inch display is a big improvement on its predecessor with a max brightness of 2000nits, a faster 120Hz refresh rate and more pixels that translate to a gorgeous display well suited to gaming and binging. There’s also solid everyday performance on offer from the AI-focused Tensor G3 chipset, though the gap in raw processing power is widening compared to competing Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 devices like the OnePlus 11. Still, it’s pretty power efficient, with the Pixel 8 not struggling to last all day on a single charge. Of course, the big reason to opt for a Pixel is the camera, and it’s safe to say that the Pixel 8 delivers exquisitely detailed, vibrant and colourful images from its new main 50MP sensor.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 review: The Pixel for the masses
Źródło: Android Police angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 is a clear purchase recommendation in my book, even clearer than the Pixel 7 before it. That’s based on the 7-year update promise and the much improved battery life. It’s definitely once again the most refined Pixel yet. Even if I’m still concerned about the long-term viability of the Tensor G3 chip, things are looking great for the smaller Pixel. It’s an all-round good choice if you want a small and still powerful phone that lasts you all day without breaking the $1,000 barrier. You really don't need to spend $300 more on the Pro model. At the same time, there is a bigger divide than ever between the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro. If you want the latest and greatest hardware and software in this Pixel generation, you have to pick the 8 Pro. There is no reason why manual camera controls or Night Sight Video should be exclusive to the Pixel 8 Pro other than forcing people to pay a $300 premium to get in on them (or saving Google some money on server costs).
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
100% Google Pixel 8 Review: The Android phone you deserve
Źródło: Android Headlines angielski EN→PL
As always this is going to depend on multiple factors. If you don’t already have a Pixel phone and are wanting something with an industry-leading smartphone camera, in addition to really great software experiences, the Pixel 8 is going to be a great pickup. If you do have a Pixel phone currently, then it might be hard to justify spending the money unless you’re using an older model. That being said, you can easily save money on the upgrade through most carriers. And even Google Fi is offering an upgrade discount (without a trade-in) that can make spending the money more worth it.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro review: Google's most compelling phones in years
Źródło: Engadget angielski EN→PL
Back in 2018 when the Pixel 3 came out, that was the first time it felt like Google’s software-first approach to phone design really came together. And now on the Pixel 8, between the Tensor G3 and compelling new tools that chip is powering, Google is using AI to level up its playbook. More importantly, it’s doing so in a more tangible and practical way than services like ChatGPT or Midjourney. The Pixel 8 delivers AI to the palm of your hand that makes your photos look better, videos sound better, news easier to digest and your drunk texts easier to understand. And with even longer software support, there’s a pathway for the Pixel 8 to get better down the line. It is a bit of a shame that both the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro now cost $100 more than before. But just like everything else, phones aren't immune to inflation. And that price is even higher for people on Verizon who want support for mmWave 5G, as Big Red’s version of the Pixel 8 starts at $799 instead of $699.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro First Impressions: Going Big on AI
Źródło: NDTV Gadgets angielski EN→PL
As you can tell from the new AI-related upgrades and hardware performance upgrades, it is easy to forget that Pixel devices have always been about being first in line to receive the latest software updates. The new Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro are no different and come with Android 14 and all its Pixel customisations out of the box. Google also announced that it will provide seven years of OS, security and juicy Pixel Drops as well, which is a massive commitment from Google. But will that battery even last that long? Well, Google seems to have the spares situation covered for the same duration too. While all of the above features and commitments appear to raise the bar for both Android and even iOS-powered smartphones, Google has also raised the bar when it comes to pricing this year. With the Pixel 8 starting from Rs. 75,999 and the Pixel 8 Pro priced at Rs. 1,06,999, these are indeed Google's most expensive smartphones to reach India.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 11/10/2023
Pixel 8 And Pixel 8 Pro Review: Artificially Intelligent, Naturally Elegant
Źródło: Hot Hardware angielski EN→PL
If you've got the Pixel 7 / 7 Pro and like them, this may not be as big an upgrade for you. If you are on an older Pixel (or a different phone entirely) and yearning for an upgrade, the Pixel 8 or 8 Pro will impress. Pricing has inched up $100 this year to $700 for the Pixel 8 and $1,000 for the Pixel 8 Pro. The Pro has a bigger, better display and more camera features, but the Pixel 8 is otherwise identical. The Pixel 8 is still a solid deal at $700, and that's the one most mainstream users should probably get, unless you want that lager display and pro camera mode. If Google ever doubles back and gives the Pixel 8 manual camera controls as well, it will be a slam dunk. In the meantime, depending on your budget, you can't go wrong either way with the new Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro, and we're giving both our coveted Editor's Choice award.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
85% Google’s Pixel 8 is small but mighty
Źródło: Mobile Syrup angielski EN→PL
Overall, the Pixel 8 is a great device, offering refinements over the Pixel 7 without rewriting Google’s Pixel formula. Coupled with the price hike, it makes it tough to recommend in many cases. Is the Pixel 8 better than the Pixel 7? Yes. Is it $150 better? No. But if you have a Pixel 7, you really don’t need to think about upgrading at all. Likewise for the Pixel 6. These phones aren’t that old and still have a couple years of software support ahead of them. However, if you’ve got an older Pixel phone and you’ve been holding onto it waiting for Google to finally give you another small flagship option, now is the time to upgrade. Moreover, Google’s Pixel 8 still comes in cheaper than comparable options from Samsung or Apple. At $949 in Canada, the Pixel 8 is $150 cheaper than the Galaxy S23 and $180 cheaper than the iPhone 15. The value argument for the Pixel 8 isn’t as strong as it was for the Pixel 7, but it’s definitely still a lower-cost flagship option that can go toe-to-toe with the more expensive phones.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 85%
90% Pixel 8 Review: Google’s Leap Beyond Just AI
Źródło: Nextpit EN angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 would deserve a five-star score if Google didn't increase the price in comparison with the Pixel 7's MSRP. Instead, the technical improvements—better display, better battery life, better performance, faster charging—basically compensate for the new price point, while fixing some of the criticisms we had for the 2022 model. However, Google's new update policy not only makes the Pixel 8 last up to seven years in terms of security updates, but it also has the potential to increase the resale value of the phones—even though it is something we haven't noticed after Samsung extended the support for its Galaxy flagships. As a counter-counter-point, we can't really be sure whether Google will deliver on its promise, with the company's history casting a big doubt over it. Even so, we remain cautiously optimistic that the Pixel 8 can be supported for longer than any Android phone in its price range, and so far, Google has kept the promises for its past update policy improvements.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 Review: A Serious AI Upgrade And A Price Bump
Źródło: Slashgear angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8 is an absolutely fantastic mid-range smartphone, despite a few minor complaints. The camera in particular is an amazing upgrade from the Pixel 7, or indeed most other phones in general. The improvement in image quality is every bit as significant as advertised, both for stills and video. Every aspect of the phone is extremely polished, and the interface is smooth and fluid to operate thanks to the high refresh rate display, which is also bright and vibrant. The Pixel 8 is the first phone to seriously tempt our long-time Samsung smartphone devotees on staff at SlashGear — even those that stuck with the same brand for nearly a decade. For the keen photographer, the camera is the main draw, but the AI-driven features of the Pixel 8 are surprisingly attractive as well. It's in this smartphone that we find AI implemented in a way that offers genuine benefits. AI appears far less of a dystopian menace when used for improving audio, taking dictation, or screening calls than when threatening to replace artists and authors.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8 review: The Pixel for the masses
Źródło: Android Police angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 is a clear purchase recommendation in my book, even clearer than the Pixel 7 before it. That’s based on the seven-year update promise and the much improved battery life. It’s definitely once again the most refined Pixel yet. Even if I’m still concerned about the long-term viability of the Tensor G3 chip, things are looking great for the smaller Pixel. It’s an all-round good choice if you want a small and still powerful phone that lasts you all day without breaking the $1,000 barrier. You really don't need to spend $300 more on the Pro model. At the same time, there is a bigger divide than ever between the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro. If you want the latest and greatest hardware and software in this Pixel generation, you have to pick the 8 Pro. There is no reason why manual camera controls or Night Sight Video should be exclusive to the Pixel 8 Pro other than forcing people to pay a $300 premium to get in on them (or saving Google some money on server costs).
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
Google Pixel 8 & 8 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max - Two Weeks Later | TSW172
Źródło: Tech Spurt angielski
Google's Pixel 8 Pro & regular flagship and Apple's iPhone 15 Pro Max are the subject of this week's TSW, as my review woes continue. Here's a quick summary of Google's big Pixel 8 series announcements ahead of my unboxing, and how the battery life, heating etc on the iPhone 15 Pro Max has been in a second full week. Spoiler alert: the bloody thing's going out the window. The Pixel 8 Pro delivers a few hardware upgrades vs last year's 7, including some camera updates, an LTPO screen and that Tensor 3 chipset. Likewise, the regular Pixel 8 has a 120Hz display, upgraded lenses and hopefully a boost to gaming performance and battery life. However, most of Google's changes are AI-led, with the majority again focused on the camera experience. Here's hoping Tensor 3 doesn't heat up like the A17 Pro, which turns the iPhone 15 Pro Max into a pocket-sized pizza oven at times. Battery life is still crap, a fortnight later - frankly, the Pixel 8 Pro would have to be awful to put in a worse performance.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 06/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 & 8 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max - Two Weeks Later | TSW172
Źródło: Tech Spurt angielski
Google's Pixel 8 Pro & regular flagship and Apple's iPhone 15 Pro Max are the subject of this week's TSW, as my review woes continue. Here's a quick summary of Google's big Pixel 8 series announcements ahead of my unboxing, and how the battery life, heating etc on the iPhone 15 Pro Max has been in a second full week. Spoiler alert: the bloody thing's going out the window. The Pixel 8 Pro delivers a few hardware upgrades vs last year's 7, including some camera updates, an LTPO screen and that Tensor 3 chipset. Likewise, the regular Pixel 8 has a 120Hz display, upgraded lenses and hopefully a boost to gaming performance and battery life. However, most of Google's changes are AI-led, with the majority again focused on the camera experience. Here's hoping Tensor 3 doesn't heat up like the A17 Pro, which turns the iPhone 15 Pro Max into a pocket-sized pizza oven at times. Battery life is still crap, a fortnight later - frankly, the Pixel 8 Pro would have to be awful to put in a worse performance.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 06/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro and Pixel 8 are the smartest smartphones - here's all you need to know
Źródło: Irish Mirror angielski EN→PL
Google has launched two new smartphones that blend the Pixel’s usually excellent cameras with the smartest AI features that you can get on a smartphone. The firm also promised seven years of operating system updates and security upgrades for both smartphones - this surpasses what every other smartphone manufacturer offers. And the firm said the phones have more premium designs and improved battery life.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 05/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro hands-on: AI like it’s magic
Źródło: Hardware Zone angielski EN→PL
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro are now officially available, with the new generation of Pixel handsets also getting a punctual, official release in Singapore. We’ve had the opportunity to try out the phones at Google’s SG HQ today, and here are some of our thoughts on the new features showcased during its online keynote.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 05/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and 8 Pro announcement in under 9 minutes: All new AI-powered features
Źródło: Engadget angielski
It was Google's turn on Wednesday to announce a litany of devices and updates. The Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro were the headline acts, though there was lots of interest further down the bill including the reveal of the Pixel Watch 2 and the public version of Android 14 making its way out into the world.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 05/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Interview: "The Biggest Shift In Computing, Ever"
Źródło: MrMobile angielski
This video was shot on location at the Made by Google 2023 press event at Google's Pier 57 offices in NYC, for which Google provided ground transportation (Uber). Google also provided production assistance in the form of a camera crew, but the editing was by MrMobile himself (which is why the audio quality is not as high as it could be – that's my editing error, not the production crew's).
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 05/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Pro and Pixel 8 are the smartest smartphones - here's all you need to know
Źródło: Irish Mirror angielski EN→PL
Google has launched two new smartphones that blend the Pixel’s usually excellent cameras with the smartest AI features that you can get on a smartphone. The firm also promised seven years of operating system updates and security upgrades for both smartphones - this surpasses what every other smartphone manufacturer offers. And the firm said the phones have more premium designs and improved battery life.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 05/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro hands-on: AI like it’s magic
Źródło: Hardware Zone angielski EN→PL
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro are now officially available, with the new generation of Pixel handsets also getting a punctual, official release in Singapore. We’ve had the opportunity to try out the phones at Google’s SG HQ today, and here are some of our thoughts on the new features showcased during its online keynote.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 05/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and 8 Pro announcement in under 9 minutes: All new AI-powered features
Źródło: Engadget angielski
It was Google's turn on Wednesday to announce a litany of devices and updates. The Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro were the headline acts, though there was lots of interest further down the bill including the reveal of the Pixel Watch 2 and the public version of Android 14 making its way out into the world.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 05/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Interview: "The Biggest Shift In Computing, Ever"
Źródło: MrMobile angielski
This video was shot on location at the Made by Google 2023 press event at Google's Pier 57 offices in NYC, for which Google provided ground transportation (Uber). Google also provided production assistance in the form of a camera crew, but the editing was by MrMobile himself (which is why the audio quality is not as high as it could be – that's my editing error, not the production crew's).
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 05/10/2023
With Google’s Pixel 8, size does matter
Źródło: Mobile Syrup angielski EN→PL
In my brief time with the Pixel 8, it seemed snappy enough performance-wise. Of course, Jon will be more thoroughly testing the Tensor G3 chip’s power in his review of the Pixel 8. I watched a few demos performed on the Pixel 8 Pro, such as a ‘Magic Editor’ that can dramatically change your picture using machine learning and ‘Best Take,’ which can help when the person in the picture is not looking at the right camera. These features can also be used with the Pixel 8 and its Tensor G3 chip. Unfortunately, the Pixel 8 doesn’t feature a temperature sensor like the Pixel 8 Pro. Despite lacking selfie autofocus like the Pixel 8 Pro, the Pixel 8 also sports more accurate Face Unlock, allowing it to authenticate payments and other biometrically secure features. Based on my brief time with Google’s Pixel 8, I’d say it can stand head-to-head with other mid-range handsets, especially because it still features a flagship processor.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Hands-on: Check Mate Tensor
Źródło: Nextpit EN angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 brings an unusual value proposition to the market, especially when considering that the smartphone market slowed down in the past few quarters. On one hand, the long-term support and Google’s repairability efforts can make the phone last longer, but on the other, the price hike is bad news for those who simply change phones every two years. The more compact build was an unexpected but welcome change personally, as well as the new brighter and faster refresh rate display. Even the small changes in the camera indicate a more versatile setup that we are eager to test in the real world. But a big unknown is how well the Tensor G3 will perform, especially in light of how much the previous generations thermal throttled—all the iPhone 15 Pro heat talk notwithstanding. For that, we invite you to follow nextpit on social media to be the first to know how all these changes affect real-world usage when we publish our detailed review.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 hands-on preview: it's all about AI!
Źródło: Phone Arena angielski EN→PL
It looks like the Pixel 8 continues the tradition its predecessors have kept going for years now, which is to deliver a great all-rounder package for an equally great price tag. In fact, some of that older Google glory is coming back in the form of increased software support, making this year's generation stand out from the last few. The camera on the Pixel 8 might not have received any new hardware, but it can capture 25% more light and it is the gateway to some mindboggling software features that make you question what a photo/video is. We can't wait to test all of the "magic" Google spoke of, so stay tuned for our official review of the new vanilla Pixel!
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro hands-on: The w8 was worth it
Źródło: Android Authority angielski EN→PL
I will very likely be pre-ordering the Pixel 8 Pro and making it my new daily driver. Buying a product with their own money is about the highest praise any tech journalist can give to a product. The fact that pre-orders in the United States come with a free Pixel Watch 2 makes the deal difficult to ignore. The Pixel 8 won’t become my daily driver because it won’t have many of the AI features I want. It also lacks a telephoto lens, which I depend on during my frequent camping trips in the mountains. However, as I said earlier, it will probably become the Android phone I recommend to everyone because of its compact size, relatively low price point, cool colors, long-term support commitment, and wealth of features. I’m really excited about the full reviews of these two phones.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 preview: A justified price rise?
Źródło: Expert Reviews angielski EN→PL
For Android enthusiasts, the Pixel 7 was already one of the best smartphones you can buy, and the Pixel 8 looks like a solid improvement. How much of an improvement depends on what the benchmarks tell us, once we’ve had an opportunity to put the Tensor G3 chip through its paces. But the £100 price increase will stick in the craw regardless. For plenty of people, buying a discounted Pixel 7 – or even a Pixel 7a – may be the smarter choice. We’ll know for sure once we’ve completed our full Pixel 8 review.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 vs Pixel 8 Pro: which is the better buy?
Źródło: Tech Advisor angielski EN→PL
If your question is simply “which is the better phone?” then clearly the Pixel 8 Pro is the answer. However, you didn’t need us to tell you that. Ultimately, whether the Google Pixel 8 or Pixel 8 Pro is the best choice for you will depend on your priorities and preferences, as well as your budget. If you prefer a more compact, lightweight phone that also offers flagship performance, display, and camera quality, the Pixel 8 is an excellent choice. On the other hand, if you crave a larger, more powerful device with enhanced camera capabilities and ample memory and storage, the Pixel 8 Pro is the way to go. Both phones are excellent options, offering top-tier features and the signature Google experience. The decision comes down to what suits your needs and fits your budget.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Pixel 8/8 Pro Hands-On! | EVERYTHING New!
Źródło: 9to5google angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro hands-on
Źródło: Engadget angielski
After teasing us for weeks with trailers showing off the Pixel 8 series, Google is now ready to give us all the details about its latest flagships. The Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro look largely the same as their predecessors, with a couple of key differences. The regular Pixel 8 is slightly smaller, which makes it easier to use with one hand. Meanwhile, the Pro model has a new matte finish, upgraded cameras and an intriguing temperature sensor. Though it’s smaller than before, the standard Pixel 8 starts at $699, which is $100 more than its predecessor. That seems a little counterintuitive, but the slightly smaller display actually refreshes at up to 120Hz now, which is better than the 90Hz last year. Meanwhile, the Pixel 8 Pro costs the same $899 as the Pixel 7 Pro did, and you can find a slew of pre-order offers from Google and most carriers to sweeten the deal.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and 8 Pro Hands-On!
Źródło: GadgetMatch angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8/8 Pro Impressions: Software Magic!
Źródło: Marques Brownlee angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Series HANDS-ON! Pixel Watch 2 Changes, Pixel Buds Pro Refresh & more
Źródło: Pocketnow angielski
On Pocketnow Daily, Apple will fix the overheating issues of the iPhone 15 Pro Max soon. We have new indicator of a possible Google Pixel Flip. The Pixel Watch 2 and Buds Pro were also what I'd call an Interesting Update, just to be nice. Finally, Google's Pixel 8 series is now official and let's just see it's more than meets the eye.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro HANDS ON
Źródło: Tom's Guide angielski
The Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro deliver brighter displays, a more powerful Tensor G3 chip and lots of smart AI camera features like Magic Editor, Best Take and Audio Erase. The Pixel 8 Pro goes a step further with Pro-level camera controls. The price for the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro are both $100 higher though. Here’s what you get for the money.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 04/10/2023
With Google’s Pixel 8, size does matter
Źródło: Mobile Syrup angielski EN→PL
In my brief time with the Pixel 8, it seemed snappy enough performance-wise. Of course, Jon will be more thoroughly testing the Tensor G3 chip’s power in his review of the Pixel 8. I watched a few demos performed on the Pixel 8 Pro, such as a ‘Magic Editor’ that can dramatically change your picture using machine learning and ‘Best Take,’ which can help when the person in the picture is not looking at the right camera. These features can also be used with the Pixel 8 and its Tensor G3 chip. Unfortunately, the Pixel 8 doesn’t feature a temperature sensor like the Pixel 8 Pro. Despite lacking selfie autofocus like the Pixel 8 Pro, the Pixel 8 also sports more accurate Face Unlock, allowing it to authenticate payments and other biometrically secure features. Based on my brief time with Google’s Pixel 8, I’d say it can stand head-to-head with other mid-range handsets, especially because it still features a flagship processor.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Hands-on: Check Mate Tensor
Źródło: Nextpit EN angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8 brings an unusual value proposition to the market, especially when considering that the smartphone market slowed down in the past few quarters. On one hand, the long-term support and Google’s repairability efforts can make the phone last longer, but on the other, the price hike is bad news for those who simply change phones every two years. The more compact build was an unexpected but welcome change personally, as well as the new brighter and faster refresh rate display. Even the small changes in the camera indicate a more versatile setup that we are eager to test in the real world. But a big unknown is how well the Tensor G3 will perform, especially in light of how much the previous generations thermal throttled—all the iPhone 15 Pro heat talk notwithstanding. For that, we invite you to follow nextpit on social media to be the first to know how all these changes affect real-world usage when we publish our detailed review.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 hands-on preview: it's all about AI!
Źródło: Phone Arena angielski EN→PL
It looks like the Pixel 8 continues the tradition its predecessors have kept going for years now, which is to deliver a great all-rounder package for an equally great price tag. In fact, some of that older Google glory is coming back in the form of increased software support, making this year's generation stand out from the last few. The camera on the Pixel 8 might not have received any new hardware, but it can capture 25% more light and it is the gateway to some mindboggling software features that make you question what a photo/video is. We can't wait to test all of the "magic" Google spoke of, so stay tuned for our official review of the new vanilla Pixel!
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro hands-on: The w8 was worth it
Źródło: Android Authority angielski EN→PL
I will very likely be pre-ordering the Pixel 8 Pro and making it my new daily driver. Buying a product with their own money is about the highest praise any tech journalist can give to a product. The fact that pre-orders in the United States come with a free Pixel Watch 2 makes the deal difficult to ignore. The Pixel 8 won’t become my daily driver because it won’t have many of the AI features I want. It also lacks a telephoto lens, which I depend on during my frequent camping trips in the mountains. However, as I said earlier, it will probably become the Android phone I recommend to everyone because of its compact size, relatively low price point, cool colors, long-term support commitment, and wealth of features. I’m really excited about the full reviews of these two phones.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 preview: A justified price rise?
Źródło: Expert Reviews angielski EN→PL
For Android enthusiasts, the Pixel 7 was already one of the best smartphones you can buy, and the Pixel 8 looks like a solid improvement. How much of an improvement depends on what the benchmarks tell us, once we’ve had an opportunity to put the Tensor G3 chip through its paces. But the £100 price increase will stick in the craw regardless. For plenty of people, buying a discounted Pixel 7 – or even a Pixel 7a – may be the smarter choice. We’ll know for sure once we’ve completed our full Pixel 8 review.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 vs Pixel 8 Pro: which is the better buy?
Źródło: Tech Advisor angielski EN→PL
If your question is simply “which is the better phone?” then clearly the Pixel 8 Pro is the answer. However, you didn’t need us to tell you that. Ultimately, whether the Google Pixel 8 or Pixel 8 Pro is the best choice for you will depend on your priorities and preferences, as well as your budget. If you prefer a more compact, lightweight phone that also offers flagship performance, display, and camera quality, the Pixel 8 is an excellent choice. On the other hand, if you crave a larger, more powerful device with enhanced camera capabilities and ample memory and storage, the Pixel 8 Pro is the way to go. Both phones are excellent options, offering top-tier features and the signature Google experience. The decision comes down to what suits your needs and fits your budget.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Pixel 8/8 Pro Hands-On! | EVERYTHING New!
Źródło: 9to5google angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro hands-on
Źródło: Engadget angielski
After teasing us for weeks with trailers showing off the Pixel 8 series, Google is now ready to give us all the details about its latest flagships. The Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro look largely the same as their predecessors, with a couple of key differences. The regular Pixel 8 is slightly smaller, which makes it easier to use with one hand. Meanwhile, the Pro model has a new matte finish, upgraded cameras and an intriguing temperature sensor. Though it’s smaller than before, the standard Pixel 8 starts at $699, which is $100 more than its predecessor. That seems a little counterintuitive, but the slightly smaller display actually refreshes at up to 120Hz now, which is better than the 90Hz last year. Meanwhile, the Pixel 8 Pro costs the same $899 as the Pixel 7 Pro did, and you can find a slew of pre-order offers from Google and most carriers to sweeten the deal.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and 8 Pro Hands-On!
Źródło: GadgetMatch angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8/8 Pro Impressions: Software Magic!
Źródło: Marques Brownlee angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Series HANDS-ON! Pixel Watch 2 Changes, Pixel Buds Pro Refresh & more
Źródło: Pocketnow angielski
On Pocketnow Daily, Apple will fix the overheating issues of the iPhone 15 Pro Max soon. We have new indicator of a possible Google Pixel Flip. The Pixel Watch 2 and Buds Pro were also what I'd call an Interesting Update, just to be nice. Finally, Google's Pixel 8 series is now official and let's just see it's more than meets the eye.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro HANDS ON
Źródło: Tom's Guide angielski
The Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro deliver brighter displays, a more powerful Tensor G3 chip and lots of smart AI camera features like Magic Editor, Best Take and Audio Erase. The Pixel 8 Pro goes a step further with Pro-level camera controls. The price for the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro are both $100 higher though. Here’s what you get for the money.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Źródło: Pocketnow angielski
On Pocketnow Daily, it seems Apple is going hard on Gaming with just where Resident Evil will be launching soon. We have more details about the specifications of the upcoming Samsung FE tablets. Reports have Apple already dealing with a new challenge coming from the European Union. Finally, we kind of get most details of what's coming with the next pixels thanks to Even Blass
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 28/09/2023
Źródło: Pocketnow angielski
On Pocketnow Daily, it seems Apple is going hard on Gaming with just where Resident Evil will be launching soon. We have more details about the specifications of the upcoming Samsung FE tablets. Reports have Apple already dealing with a new challenge coming from the European Union. Finally, we kind of get most details of what's coming with the next pixels thanks to Even Blass
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 28/09/2023
83% Review: Google Pixel 8
Źródło: L&B TechReview angielski EN→PL version
The Google Pixel 8 is an excellent phone in most respects. And if you need a modern smartphone in a pocket-friendly format, it’s one of the best bets. But while its predecessor wiped the floor with competitors in its price range, this year’s junior model is so uncomfortably expensive that it has to “settle” for five out of six stars. Google only have themselves to blame for this, as they have improved the camera section in the Pro model so much that it seems more attractive to spend 25 per cent more money on the Pixel 8 Pro. If you’re on a tight budget – and we’re dealing with some pretty expensive mobile phones here – the Google Pixel 7 Pro is an interesting alternative that, with a bit of luck, can be found cheaper than the Pixel 8. However, if you opt for the 7 Pro, you’ll have to forgo the latest AI wizardry; for example, the ability to stitch together group photos from multiple attempts.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 22/12/2012
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 83%
83% Review: Google Pixel 8
Źródło: L&B TechReview angielski EN→PL version
The Google Pixel 8 is an excellent phone in most respects. And if you need a modern smartphone in a pocket-friendly format, it’s one of the best bets. But while its predecessor wiped the floor with competitors in its price range, this year’s junior model is so uncomfortably expensive that it has to “settle” for five out of six stars. Google only have themselves to blame for this, as they have improved the camera section in the Pro model so much that it seems more attractive to spend 25 per cent more money on the Pixel 8 Pro. If you’re on a tight budget – and we’re dealing with some pretty expensive mobile phones here – the Google Pixel 7 Pro is an interesting alternative that, with a bit of luck, can be found cheaper than the Pixel 8. However, if you opt for the 7 Pro, you’ll have to forgo the latest AI wizardry; for example, the ability to stitch together group photos from multiple attempts.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 22/12/2012
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 83%
90% Dieses Smartphone sollte jeder haben!
Źródło: Go2 Mobile niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 01/07/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90% cena: 95% wydajność: 82% mobilność: 85% wykonanie: 89%
90% Dieses Smartphone sollte jeder haben!
Źródło: Go2 Mobile niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 01/07/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90% cena: 95% wydajność: 82% mobilność: 85% wykonanie: 89%
96% Test Google Pixel 8: Kleiner und feiner als zuvor
Źródło: Computerbild niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/12/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 96%
96% Test Google Pixel 8: Kleiner und feiner als zuvor
Źródło: Computerbild niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/12/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 96%
96% Google Pixel 8 im Test: Darum ist es besser als jedes Pixel zuvor
Źródło: Computerbild niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 96%
96% Google Pixel 8 im Test: Darum ist es besser als jedes Pixel zuvor
Źródło: Computerbild niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 96%
82% Google Pixel 8
Źródło: niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 07/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 82% wydajność: 70% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 60% wykonanie: 100%
82% Google Pixel 8
Źródło: niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 07/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 82% wydajność: 70% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 60% wykonanie: 100%
80% Google Pixel 8 kompakt und mit erstklassiger Kamera
Źródło: Inside Handy niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 06/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 kompakt und mit erstklassiger Kamera
Źródło: Inside Handy niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 06/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Was Sie vor dem Kauf wissen müssen
Źródło: PC Welt niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 23/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 Was Sie vor dem Kauf wissen müssen
Źródło: PC Welt niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 23/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
90% Googles Sprung über die KI hinaus
Źródło: Nextpit Germany niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 14/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Googles Sprung über die KI hinaus
Źródło: Nextpit Germany niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 14/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
Pixel 8 (Pro) zeigt die Zukunft der Smartphones
Źródło: n-tv niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
95% In einem Punkt ungeschlagen
Źródło: niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 95% wydajność: 95% cechy: 97% wyświetlacz: 96% mobilność: 85%
Google Pixel 8 Wenig Geld für eine Spitzenkamera
Źródło: niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Teurer, kompakter und besser
Źródło: MobiFlip niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
96% Google Pixel 8 im Test: Austrainierter und besser als jedes Pixel zuvor
Źródło: Computerbild niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 96%
Pixel 8 (Pro) zeigt die Zukunft der Smartphones
Źródło: n-tv niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
95% In einem Punkt ungeschlagen
Źródło: niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 95% wydajność: 95% cechy: 97% wyświetlacz: 96% mobilność: 85%
Google Pixel 8 Wenig Geld für eine Spitzenkamera
Źródło: niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 Teurer, kompakter und besser
Źródło: MobiFlip niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
96% Google Pixel 8 im Test: Austrainierter und besser als jedes Pixel zuvor
Źródło: Computerbild niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 96%
Teurer und besser
Źródło: Nextpit Germany niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 05/10/2023
Teurer und besser
Źródło: Nextpit Germany niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 05/10/2023
Duelo de Titans: Google Pixel 8 Pro versus Pixel 8, Qual é o Melhor para ti?
Źródło: Android Geek portugalski PT→PL
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 22/11/2023
Duelo de Titans: Google Pixel 8 Pro versus Pixel 8, Qual é o Melhor para ti?
Źródło: Android Geek portugalski PT→PL
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 22/11/2023
Pixel 8 traz-nos a Google num smartphone e mostra que vai além da IA
Źródło: Pplware portugalski PT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 23/10/2023
Pixel 8 traz-nos a Google num smartphone e mostra que vai além da IA
Źródło: Pplware portugalski PT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 23/10/2023
80% Análise Google Pixel 8 – O Pixel compacto que surpreende pela positiva
Źródło: Android Geek portugalski PT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 22/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Análise Google Pixel 8 – O Pixel compacto que surpreende pela positiva
Źródło: Android Geek portugalski PT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 22/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Recensione Pixel 8: la potenza dell’intelligenza artificiale di Google nella vita quotidiana
Źródło: Mister Gadget włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 20/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
90% Google Pixel 8, la recensione dello smartphone più compatto ed economico della gamma Pixel
Źródło: Multiplayer IT włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 20/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
80% Recensione Pixel 8: la potenza dell’intelligenza artificiale di Google nella vita quotidiana
Źródło: Mister Gadget włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 20/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
90% Google Pixel 8, la recensione dello smartphone più compatto ed economico della gamma Pixel
Źródło: Multiplayer IT włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 20/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
85% Recensione Google Pixel 8 : “intelligentemente” è lui quello da scegliere
Źródło: Batista70Phone włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 18/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 85% cechy: 85% wyświetlacz: 85% mobilność: 85% wykonanie: 90% ergonomia: 90%
85% Recensione Google Pixel 8 : “intelligentemente” è lui quello da scegliere
Źródło: Batista70Phone włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 18/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 85% cechy: 85% wyświetlacz: 85% mobilność: 85% wykonanie: 90% ergonomia: 90%
80% Recensione Google Pixel 8: il compatto fotografico
Źródło: Smart World włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 17/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% cena: 70% cechy: 85% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 70% wykonanie: 90% ergonomia: 90%
80% Recensione Google Pixel 8: il compatto fotografico
Źródło: Smart World włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 17/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% cena: 70% cechy: 85% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 70% wykonanie: 90% ergonomia: 90%
80% Recensione Google Pixel 8: il compatto fotografico
Źródło: Smart World włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 17/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% cena: 70% cechy: 85% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 70% wykonanie: 90% ergonomia: 90%
80% Recensione Google Pixel 8: il compatto fotografico
Źródło: Smart World włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 17/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% cena: 70% cechy: 85% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 70% wykonanie: 90% ergonomia: 90%
Recensione Google Pixel 8: quello da prendere, il compatto senza rinunce
Źródło: Tutto Android włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 13/10/2023
Recensione Google Pixel 8: quello da prendere, il compatto senza rinunce
Źródło: Tutto Android włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 13/10/2023
92% Recensione Google Pixel 8, ora è davvero un top compatto!
Źródło: włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 92% cechy: 74%
92% Recensione Google Pixel 8, ora è davvero un top compatto!
Źródło: włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 92% cechy: 74%
71% Recensione Google Pixel 8: Un bel passo avanti
Źródło: Evo smart włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 71% cena: 70% wydajność: 70% wyświetlacz: 70% mobilność: 70%
71% Recensione Google Pixel 8: Un bel passo avanti
Źródło: Evo smart włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 71% cena: 70% wydajność: 70% wyświetlacz: 70% mobilność: 70%
80% Google Pixel 8 uitgebreide review: positief én negatief wow-effect
Źródło: holenderski NL→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 19/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8 uitgebreide review: positief én negatief wow-effect
Źródło: holenderski NL→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 19/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Google Pixel 8 review: vijf bijzondere dingen die opvallen na één week
Źródło: holenderski NL→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 11/10/2023
Google Pixel 8 review: vijf bijzondere dingen die opvallen na één week
Źródło: holenderski NL→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 11/10/2023
100% Test du smartphone Google Pixel 8 : compact, élégant, performant, affichage au top et de très belles photos
Źródło: Les Mobiles francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 29/12/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
100% Test du smartphone Google Pixel 8 : compact, élégant, performant, affichage au top et de très belles photos
Źródło: Les Mobiles francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 29/12/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
100% Test Labo du GOOGLE Pixel 8 : le rapport qualité-prix au sommet
Źródło: L' Eclaireur FNAC francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 13/12/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100% wydajność: 100% wyświetlacz: 60% mobilność: 90%
100% Test Labo du GOOGLE Pixel 8 : le rapport qualité-prix au sommet
Źródło: L' Eclaireur FNAC francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 13/12/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100% wydajność: 100% wyświetlacz: 60% mobilność: 90%
80% Test du Google Pixel 8 : très mignon, encore plus durable
Źródło: Frandroid francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 16/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% wydajność: 60% wyświetlacz: 80% mobilność: 70% wykonanie: 90%
80% Test du Google Pixel 8 : très mignon, encore plus durable
Źródło: Frandroid francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 16/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% wydajność: 60% wyświetlacz: 80% mobilność: 70% wykonanie: 90%
80% Test du Google Pixel 8 : très mignon, encore plus durable
Źródło: Frandroid francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 26/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% wydajność: 60% wyświetlacz: 80% mobilność: 70% wykonanie: 90%
80% Test du Google Pixel 8 : très mignon, encore plus durable
Źródło: Frandroid francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 26/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% wydajność: 60% wyświetlacz: 80% mobilność: 70% wykonanie: 90%
80% Test du Motorola Edge40 Neo : un milieu de gamme très soigné et équilibré
Źródło: CNet France francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 20/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
96% Test Google Pixel 8 : notre coup de cœur de cette fin d’année
Źródło: 01Net francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 20/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 96% mobilność: 100%
80% Test du Motorola Edge40 Neo : un milieu de gamme très soigné et équilibré
Źródło: CNet France francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 20/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
96% Test Google Pixel 8 : notre coup de cœur de cette fin d’année
Źródło: 01Net francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 20/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 96% mobilność: 100%
80% Test Google Pixel 8 : vous reprendrez bien un peu d’IA ?
Źródło: Phonandroid francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 17/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Test Google Pixel 8 : vous reprendrez bien un peu d’IA ?
Źródło: Phonandroid francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 17/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
86% Test Google Pixel 8 : le smartphone de l’année ?
Źródło: Presse Citron francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 14/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 86% cena: 90% wydajność: 85% mobilność: 70% wykonanie: 95%
86% Test Google Pixel 8 : le smartphone de l’année ?
Źródło: Presse Citron francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 14/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 86% cena: 90% wydajność: 85% mobilność: 70% wykonanie: 95%
90% Test du Google Pixel 8: Vers l'IA et au-délà!
Źródło: Nextpit France francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
80% Test Google Pixel 8 et Google Pixel 8 Pro : le meilleur d’Android, nourri à l’IA
Źródło: Clubic francuski FR→PL
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% wydajność: 80% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 90%
80% Test du Google Pixel 8 : très mignon, encore plus durable
Źródło: Frandroid francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% wydajność: 60% wyświetlacz: 80% mobilność: 70% wykonanie: 90%
90% Test du Google Pixel 8: Vers l'IA et au-délà!
Źródło: Nextpit France francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
80% Test Google Pixel 8 et Google Pixel 8 Pro : le meilleur d’Android, nourri à l’IA
Źródło: Clubic francuski FR→PL
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% wydajność: 80% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 90%
80% Test du Google Pixel 8 : très mignon, encore plus durable
Źródło: Frandroid francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% wydajność: 60% wyświetlacz: 80% mobilność: 70% wykonanie: 90%
90% Test du Google Pixel 8 Pro : il n’IA pas photo
Źródło: 01Net francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
80% Google Pixel 8
Źródło: Les Numeriques francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% wydajność: 80% wyświetlacz: 100% mobilność: 40% wykonanie: 100% ergonomia: 100%
90% Test Google Pixel 8 et Pixel 8 Pro, le plus important, c’est l’IA !
Źródło: Journal du Geek francuski FR→PL
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Test du Google Pixel 8 Pro : il n’IA pas photo
Źródło: 01Net francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
80% Google Pixel 8
Źródło: Les Numeriques francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% wydajność: 80% wyświetlacz: 100% mobilność: 40% wykonanie: 100% ergonomia: 100%
90% Test Google Pixel 8 et Pixel 8 Pro, le plus important, c’est l’IA !
Źródło: Journal du Geek francuski FR→PL
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
Premier test du Google Pixel 8: Échec et mat, Tensor
Źródło: Nextpit France francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 04/10/2023
Premier test du Google Pixel 8: Échec et mat, Tensor
Źródło: Nextpit France francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 04/10/2023
90% Test Google Pixel 8
Źródło: NO→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 14/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Test Google Pixel 8
Źródło: NO→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 14/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
92% Pixel 8 er en lille sværvægter jeg elsker | Test
Źródło: Mere DA→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 92%
92% Pixel 8 er en lille sværvægter jeg elsker | Test
Źródło: Mere DA→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 92%
79% Test: Google Pixel 8 – det lite enklare alternativet
Źródło: M3 PC för alla SV→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 79%
84% Test: Google Pixel 8 – Imponerande och tekniktung
Źródło: SV→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 84% wyświetlacz: 80%
79% Test: Google Pixel 8 – det lite enklare alternativet
Źródło: M3 PC för alla SV→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 79%
84% Test: Google Pixel 8 – Imponerande och tekniktung
Źródło: SV→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 11/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 84% wyświetlacz: 80%


Google Pixel 8a


Google Pixel 8aNotebook: Google Pixel 8a
Procesor: Google Tensor G3
Karta graficzna: ARM Mali-G715 MP7
Matryca: 6.10 ", 20:9, 2400 x 1080 pikseli
Waga: 0.188kg
Cena: 549 PLN
Odnośniki: Google strona producenta

Price comparison

Średni wynik: 85.56% - dobry

Średnia z 188 wyników (z 330 recenzji)


Recenzje w

81.9% Recenzja Google Pixel 8a - Mały smartfon Google jest wyjątkowy w segmencie średniej klasy | Notebookcheck
Pixel 8a ma na celu połączenie zalet Pixela 8 z niską ceną. Dzięki sztucznej inteligencji, przystępna cenowo seria Pixel powinna być teraz technicznie inteligentniejsza niż kiedykolwiek - i nowoczesna dzięki flagowemu SoC. Proszę przeczytać naszą recenzję telefonu Pixel, aby dowiedzieć się, czy to się udało.
Spędziłem dwa miesiące z Google Pixel 8a – recenzja
Źródło: turecki
To wszystko jednak z nawiązką rekompensuje całkiem ciekawy wygląd urządzenia, funkcje generatywne AI, czysty i responsywny system oraz doskonały aparat. Gdy pisałem tekst z pierwszymi wrażeniami, cena urządzenia podskoczyła o kilkaset złotych. Twierdziłem wtedy, że należy więc w przypadku tego modelu zastanowić się przed zakupem, czy zalety rekompensują wady i czy czasem nie ma na rynku czegoś bardziej odpowiedniego dla nas. Teraz znów jest ona niska i utrzymuje się na poziomie około 2100 zł. W tej cenie to naprawdę świetny wybór!
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 08/07/2024
Spędziłem dwa miesiące z Google Pixel 8a – recenzja
Źródło: turecki
To wszystko jednak z nawiązką rekompensuje całkiem ciekawy wygląd urządzenia, funkcje generatywne AI, czysty i responsywny system oraz doskonały aparat. Gdy pisałem tekst z pierwszymi wrażeniami, cena urządzenia podskoczyła o kilkaset złotych. Twierdziłem wtedy, że należy więc w przypadku tego modelu zastanowić się przed zakupem, czy zalety rekompensują wady i czy czasem nie ma na rynku czegoś bardziej odpowiedniego dla nas. Teraz znów jest ona niska i utrzymuje się na poziomie około 2100 zł. W tej cenie to naprawdę świetny wybór!
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 08/07/2024
80% Google Pixel 8a: mały, sprytny i oryginalny (test)
Źródło: Telepolis turecki
Pixel 8a to smartfon, który można bardzo polubić. Ma kompaktowe wymiary, niebanalny wygląd, bardzo ładny ekran, w miarę szybkie układ SoC i pamięć RAM, więc działa niemal niezawodnie. Niezawodnie spisują się funkcje komunikacyjne, choć trzeba brać pod uwagę, że np. w Orange telefon nie do końca jest wspierany (brak VoLTE). Mocnym plusem jest oczywiście czysty Android z bardzo długim wsparciem 7 lat – można się tylko zastanawiać, czy po takim czasie smartfon będzie jeszcze odpowiednio wydajny sprzętowo. Dobrze spisuje się aparat, chociaż nie jest to topowe połączenie z większych Pixeli. Również czas pracy jest więcej niż zadowalający. Co się mniej podoba? Na pewno tendencja do przegrzewania się i dławienia termicznego – tu widać zbyt bliskie pokrewieństwo z układem Exynos Samsunga.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 23/06/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8a: mały, sprytny i oryginalny (test)
Źródło: Telepolis turecki
Pixel 8a to smartfon, który można bardzo polubić. Ma kompaktowe wymiary, niebanalny wygląd, bardzo ładny ekran, w miarę szybkie układ SoC i pamięć RAM, więc działa niemal niezawodnie. Niezawodnie spisują się funkcje komunikacyjne, choć trzeba brać pod uwagę, że np. w Orange telefon nie do końca jest wspierany (brak VoLTE). Mocnym plusem jest oczywiście czysty Android z bardzo długim wsparciem 7 lat – można się tylko zastanawiać, czy po takim czasie smartfon będzie jeszcze odpowiednio wydajny sprzętowo. Dobrze spisuje się aparat, chociaż nie jest to topowe połączenie z większych Pixeli. Również czas pracy jest więcej niż zadowalający. Co się mniej podoba? Na pewno tendencja do przegrzewania się i dławienia termicznego – tu widać zbyt bliskie pokrewieństwo z układem Exynos Samsunga.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 23/06/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
73% Najlepszy średniak na świecie czy największe rozczarowanie? TEST Google Pixel 8a
Źródło: GSM Maniak turecki
W obecnej cenie, moim zdaniem, ten smartfon mimo różnych zalet, nie ma zwyczajnie większej siły przebicia. Wolałbym wydać te ~4 stówki na Pixela 8 i mieć urządzenie z lepszymi aparatami, lepiej wykonane, z lepszą ergonomią, lepszym audio, szybszym ładowaniem.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 16/06/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 73% wydajność: 75% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 65%
73% Najlepszy średniak na świecie czy największe rozczarowanie? TEST Google Pixel 8a
Źródło: GSM Maniak turecki
W obecnej cenie, moim zdaniem, ten smartfon mimo różnych zalet, nie ma zwyczajnie większej siły przebicia. Wolałbym wydać te ~4 stówki na Pixela 8 i mieć urządzenie z lepszymi aparatami, lepiej wykonane, z lepszą ergonomią, lepszym audio, szybszym ładowaniem.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 16/06/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 73% wydajność: 75% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 65%
90% Pixel 8a. Test najtańszego smartfonu Google. Czy warto było tyle czekać?
Źródło: Komputerswiat turecki
Pixel 8a nie jest smartfonem idealnym. Nie może nim jednak być, skoro w dzisiejszych realiach kosztuje od 2449 złotych. Niemniej, niektóre jego słabostki, jak choćby bardzo wolne ładowanie 18 W, mała ilość pamięci dla danych w wersji podstawowej, czy bardzo grube ramki wokół ekranu nie pasują nawet w tej cenie. Używałem jednak Pixela 8a przez jakiś czas w roli głównego smartfonu i bez problemu mógłbym korzystać z niego dalej... choć zapewne nie przez kolejne 7 lat (tyle ma trwać jego wsparcie programowe). 2-3 lata raczej tak. Urządzenie pracuje bowiem sprawnie, jak na solidnego średniaka przystało, jego akumulator wytrzymuje intensywny dzień pracy, aparat w typowych warunkach dobrze się sprawdza, także jego sekcja wideo.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/06/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Pixel 8a. Test najtańszego smartfonu Google. Czy warto było tyle czekać?
Źródło: Komputerswiat turecki
Pixel 8a nie jest smartfonem idealnym. Nie może nim jednak być, skoro w dzisiejszych realiach kosztuje od 2449 złotych. Niemniej, niektóre jego słabostki, jak choćby bardzo wolne ładowanie 18 W, mała ilość pamięci dla danych w wersji podstawowej, czy bardzo grube ramki wokół ekranu nie pasują nawet w tej cenie. Używałem jednak Pixela 8a przez jakiś czas w roli głównego smartfonu i bez problemu mógłbym korzystać z niego dalej... choć zapewne nie przez kolejne 7 lat (tyle ma trwać jego wsparcie programowe). 2-3 lata raczej tak. Urządzenie pracuje bowiem sprawnie, jak na solidnego średniaka przystało, jego akumulator wytrzymuje intensywny dzień pracy, aparat w typowych warunkach dobrze się sprawdza, także jego sekcja wideo.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/06/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
77% Recenzja Google Pixel 8a. To mógł być ideał średniej półki
Źródło: Tabletowo turecki
Nieco długa wyszła ta recenzja, zatem chociaż podsumowanie postaram się zrobić względnie krótkie. Czy Pixel 8a to dobry smartfon? Odpowiedź brzmi – zdecydowanie tak. Czy jest godnym uwagi średniakiem? Tu również odpowiedź jest twierdząca. Czy to jednak oznacza, że jest to ideał średniej półki i jedyny słuszny wybór w swoim segmencie? No nie do końca. Wiele aspektów mogłoby wyglądać lepiej, włącznie z ceną. Zacznijmy jednak od plusów. Ekran jest dobry, głośniki i wibracje bardzo dobre, a wydajność w codziennym użytkowaniu stoi na satysfakcjonującym poziomie. Aparat i wykonywane nim zdjęcia zdecydowanie mogą się podobać – zwłaszcza, gdy mówimy o głównym obiektywie. Bateria zapewnia dobry czas pracy, ale niestety nie można powiedzieć tego samego o szybkości ładowania.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 01/06/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 77%
Test Recenzja Google Pixel 8a – Kompaktowy smartfon z potencjałem?
Źródło: Techno Senior turecki
Pixele zawsze były poza moim zasięgiem. Czytałam tylko doniesienia z sieci, a tam powstawały dwa obozy, które wychwalały produkt lub go ganiły. W którym obozie jestem ja? Chyba trochę po środku. Ostatnie dwa tygodnie z Google Pixel 8a, to był bardzo przyjemny test. Smartfon nie sprawiał problemów wydajnościowych, działał płynnie i poprawnie. Jedynie nie do końca podoba mi się zarządzanie energią – bateria szybko spadała. Szczególnie przy bardziej intensywnych zabawach aparatem. Trochę nieporozumieniem są te grube ramki na ekranie. Za to całkiem miło zaskoczył mnie aparat. Niby tylko dwa oczka – szeroki i główny obiektyw, a jednak spokojnie mogłam wykonać nimi bardzo ciekawe zdjęcia o przyjemnych dla oka kolorach i szczegółach. Nawet mogłam uchwycić odrobinę macro świata, chociaż nie za blisko.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 01/06/2024
77% Recenzja Google Pixel 8a. To mógł być ideał średniej półki
Źródło: Tabletowo turecki
Nieco długa wyszła ta recenzja, zatem chociaż podsumowanie postaram się zrobić względnie krótkie. Czy Pixel 8a to dobry smartfon? Odpowiedź brzmi – zdecydowanie tak. Czy jest godnym uwagi średniakiem? Tu również odpowiedź jest twierdząca. Czy to jednak oznacza, że jest to ideał średniej półki i jedyny słuszny wybór w swoim segmencie? No nie do końca. Wiele aspektów mogłoby wyglądać lepiej, włącznie z ceną. Zacznijmy jednak od plusów. Ekran jest dobry, głośniki i wibracje bardzo dobre, a wydajność w codziennym użytkowaniu stoi na satysfakcjonującym poziomie. Aparat i wykonywane nim zdjęcia zdecydowanie mogą się podobać – zwłaszcza, gdy mówimy o głównym obiektywie. Bateria zapewnia dobry czas pracy, ale niestety nie można powiedzieć tego samego o szybkości ładowania.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 01/06/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 77%
Test Recenzja Google Pixel 8a – Kompaktowy smartfon z potencjałem?
Źródło: Techno Senior turecki
Pixele zawsze były poza moim zasięgiem. Czytałam tylko doniesienia z sieci, a tam powstawały dwa obozy, które wychwalały produkt lub go ganiły. W którym obozie jestem ja? Chyba trochę po środku. Ostatnie dwa tygodnie z Google Pixel 8a, to był bardzo przyjemny test. Smartfon nie sprawiał problemów wydajnościowych, działał płynnie i poprawnie. Jedynie nie do końca podoba mi się zarządzanie energią – bateria szybko spadała. Szczególnie przy bardziej intensywnych zabawach aparatem. Trochę nieporozumieniem są te grube ramki na ekranie. Za to całkiem miło zaskoczył mnie aparat. Niby tylko dwa oczka – szeroki i główny obiektyw, a jednak spokojnie mogłam wykonać nimi bardzo ciekawe zdjęcia o przyjemnych dla oka kolorach i szczegółach. Nawet mogłam uchwycić odrobinę macro świata, chociaż nie za blisko.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 01/06/2024
Test smartfona Google Pixel 8a - czysty Android z 7-letnim wsparciem i genialny aparat. Czy trzeba czegoś więcej?
Źródło: PurePC turecki
I tak oto dotarliśmy na sam koniec testu Google Pixela 8a. Jak ostatecznie należy ocenić tego smartfona? Cóż, werdykt wcale nie jest taki prosty, bowiem jest to bądź co bądź dosyć specyficzne urządzenie. Nie jest ono do końca tanie, a na pokładzie zabrakło funkcji szybkiego ładowania, całość ma dosyć spore ramki wokół ekranu, plastikowe plecki i dosyć nierówno wypada na prezentowanych wcześniej wykresach. I rozumiem, że dla wielu osób będzie to dyskwalifikujące. Jeśli jednak chodzi wyłącznie o moje odczucie, osobiście jestem wielkim fanem tego smartfona. Być może technologicznie nie zachwyca, ale oferuje czystego, płynnie działającego Androida z gwarancją aktualizacji do 2030 roku. Zestaw aparatów prezentuje się dosyć skromnie, ale obiektywnie rzecz ujmując smartfon ten jest w stanie zapewnić naprawdę kapitalne ujęcia w każdych warunkach.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 28/05/2024
79% Recenzja Google Pixel 8A. Smartfon dla entuzjastów fotografii i AI
Źródło: turecki
To naprawdę przyjemna dla oka i przyjazna w użytkowaniu kombinacja świetnego designu, dobrego ekranu, mocnego aparatu i najlepszej możliwej wersji Androida z obietnicą wieloletniego wsparcia. A wszystko w cenie, która nie jest zaporowa (choć powinna być niższa). Dzięki temu Pixel 8A może być inwestycją na kilka lat – i na pewno was nie rozczaruje. Biorąc pod uwagę, jak bardzo Pixel 8A zbliża się do Pixela 8, tym ciekawiej zapowiada się dziewiąta seria, której premiery spodziewamy się jesienią.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 28/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 79% cena: 60% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 70% wykonanie: 90%
Test Google Pixel 8a - jest udanym średniakiem, ale teraz kosztuje o 1000 zł za dużo
Źródło: GSM Online turecki
Pixel 8a to niemal klon modelu 7a z zeszłego roku. Ma taką samą baterię, taki sam zestaw kamer, tej samej wielkości ekran. Szkło z przodu również jest to samo. Taki sam jest design oraz oprogramowanie. Tylko, że Pixel 7a w Komputroniku kosztuje teraz niecałe 1700 zł. Wszyscy recenzenci na całym świecie podkreślają, że 8a jest za drogi. Google się tym chyba nie przejmuje. Dla amerykańskiego koncernu produkcja telefonów to margines całej działalności. Nawet w USA, gdzie Pixel nadal jest numerem 4 to jego rzeczywisty udział w rynku jest symboliczny. Dodatkowo według badań aż 57% amerykańskich użytkowników tych telefonów marzy już o migracji do innych marek.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 28/05/2024
Google Pixel 8a – recenzja. Uroczy smartfon, ale…
Źródło: Instalki turecki
Google Pixel 8a prawie, prawie mnie do siebie przekonał. Pod względem kompaktowych rozmiarów i designu to dla mnie idealny smartfon, który oferuje na dodatek bardzo dobre możliwości fotograficzne, czysty system Android oraz aż 7 lat aktualizacji. Doceniłam również jego wysoką jakość wykonania, pyło- i wodoodporność oraz to, że jego wyświetlacz OLED jest bardzo jasny. Trudno jednak przejść jednak obojętnie obok jego bolączek. Choć jest ich tylko kilka, to mają dużą wagę. Zacznijmy od kwestii wydajności. Ta wcale nie jest tak niska, jak można by się spodziewać, natomiast throttling i kiepska optymalizacja aplikacji na co dzień potrafią dawać się we znaki. Jeśli zaś chodzi o wyświetlacz, to smartfon kosztujący sporo więcej niż dwa tysiące złotych, absolutnie nie powinien oferować ekranu z tak szerokimi ramkami.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 28/05/2024
Test smartfona Google Pixel 8a - czysty Android z 7-letnim wsparciem i genialny aparat. Czy trzeba czegoś więcej?
Źródło: PurePC turecki
I tak oto dotarliśmy na sam koniec testu Google Pixela 8a. Jak ostatecznie należy ocenić tego smartfona? Cóż, werdykt wcale nie jest taki prosty, bowiem jest to bądź co bądź dosyć specyficzne urządzenie. Nie jest ono do końca tanie, a na pokładzie zabrakło funkcji szybkiego ładowania, całość ma dosyć spore ramki wokół ekranu, plastikowe plecki i dosyć nierówno wypada na prezentowanych wcześniej wykresach. I rozumiem, że dla wielu osób będzie to dyskwalifikujące. Jeśli jednak chodzi wyłącznie o moje odczucie, osobiście jestem wielkim fanem tego smartfona. Być może technologicznie nie zachwyca, ale oferuje czystego, płynnie działającego Androida z gwarancją aktualizacji do 2030 roku. Zestaw aparatów prezentuje się dosyć skromnie, ale obiektywnie rzecz ujmując smartfon ten jest w stanie zapewnić naprawdę kapitalne ujęcia w każdych warunkach.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 28/05/2024
79% Recenzja Google Pixel 8A. Smartfon dla entuzjastów fotografii i AI
Źródło: turecki
To naprawdę przyjemna dla oka i przyjazna w użytkowaniu kombinacja świetnego designu, dobrego ekranu, mocnego aparatu i najlepszej możliwej wersji Androida z obietnicą wieloletniego wsparcia. A wszystko w cenie, która nie jest zaporowa (choć powinna być niższa). Dzięki temu Pixel 8A może być inwestycją na kilka lat – i na pewno was nie rozczaruje. Biorąc pod uwagę, jak bardzo Pixel 8A zbliża się do Pixela 8, tym ciekawiej zapowiada się dziewiąta seria, której premiery spodziewamy się jesienią.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 28/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 79% cena: 60% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 70% wykonanie: 90%
Test Google Pixel 8a - jest udanym średniakiem, ale teraz kosztuje o 1000 zł za dużo
Źródło: GSM Online turecki
Pixel 8a to niemal klon modelu 7a z zeszłego roku. Ma taką samą baterię, taki sam zestaw kamer, tej samej wielkości ekran. Szkło z przodu również jest to samo. Taki sam jest design oraz oprogramowanie. Tylko, że Pixel 7a w Komputroniku kosztuje teraz niecałe 1700 zł. Wszyscy recenzenci na całym świecie podkreślają, że 8a jest za drogi. Google się tym chyba nie przejmuje. Dla amerykańskiego koncernu produkcja telefonów to margines całej działalności. Nawet w USA, gdzie Pixel nadal jest numerem 4 to jego rzeczywisty udział w rynku jest symboliczny. Dodatkowo według badań aż 57% amerykańskich użytkowników tych telefonów marzy już o migracji do innych marek.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 28/05/2024
Google Pixel 8a – recenzja. Uroczy smartfon, ale…
Źródło: Instalki turecki
Google Pixel 8a prawie, prawie mnie do siebie przekonał. Pod względem kompaktowych rozmiarów i designu to dla mnie idealny smartfon, który oferuje na dodatek bardzo dobre możliwości fotograficzne, czysty system Android oraz aż 7 lat aktualizacji. Doceniłam również jego wysoką jakość wykonania, pyło- i wodoodporność oraz to, że jego wyświetlacz OLED jest bardzo jasny. Trudno jednak przejść jednak obojętnie obok jego bolączek. Choć jest ich tylko kilka, to mają dużą wagę. Zacznijmy od kwestii wydajności. Ta wcale nie jest tak niska, jak można by się spodziewać, natomiast throttling i kiepska optymalizacja aplikacji na co dzień potrafią dawać się we znaki. Jeśli zaś chodzi o wyświetlacz, to smartfon kosztujący sporo więcej niż dwa tysiące złotych, absolutnie nie powinien oferować ekranu z tak szerokimi ramkami.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 28/05/2024
Google Pixel 8a w naszych rękach – pierwsze wrażenia
Źródło: turecki
Jak informował Was już kilka dni temu Sebastian, wreszcie możemy się cieszyć oficjalną obecnością Google Pixel w naszym kraju. Mamy na warsztacie Google Pixel 8 Pro oraz Pixel 8. Nie mogliśmy Wam tego zdradzić, ale od kilku dni testujemy również najnowszego Google Pixel 8a, który właśnie trafił do sprzedaży. To wyjątkowy model, który reprezentuje średnią półkę cenową, przy czym jeszcze przez jakiś czas można go nabyć aż 650 zł taniej, gdy zdecydujemy się odsprzedać stare urządzenie. Brzmi to jak reklama, ale 1949 zł za wersję 8/128 GB kusi nawet mnie, użytkownika iPhone’a. Serio! Z tym że najciekawsze tu jest nie wnętrze a jego ciekawy dizajn oraz świetne oprogramowanie, które daje mu przewagę nad konkurencyjnymi urządzeniami z Androidem.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Google Pixel 8a w naszych rękach – pierwsze wrażenia
Źródło: turecki
Jak informował Was już kilka dni temu Sebastian, wreszcie możemy się cieszyć oficjalną obecnością Google Pixel w naszym kraju. Mamy na warsztacie Google Pixel 8 Pro oraz Pixel 8. Nie mogliśmy Wam tego zdradzić, ale od kilku dni testujemy również najnowszego Google Pixel 8a, który właśnie trafił do sprzedaży. To wyjątkowy model, który reprezentuje średnią półkę cenową, przy czym jeszcze przez jakiś czas można go nabyć aż 650 zł taniej, gdy zdecydujemy się odsprzedać stare urządzenie. Brzmi to jak reklama, ale 1949 zł za wersję 8/128 GB kusi nawet mnie, użytkownika iPhone’a. Serio! Z tym że najciekawsze tu jest nie wnętrze a jego ciekawy dizajn oraz świetne oprogramowanie, które daje mu przewagę nad konkurencyjnymi urządzeniami z Androidem.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Google Pixel 8a - recenzja, test, opinia i dane techniczne
Źródło: Unite4buy turecki
Możliwości fotograficzne głównych modułów fotograficznych o rozdzielczości 64 Mpix (główny czujnik Sony z hybrydową stabilizacją) i 13 Mpix (obiektyw szerokokątny) są doskonałe. Urządzenie lepiej niż większość przeciwników tworzy wieczorne ujęcia, pozbawiając klatki szumu i nadając im mnóstwo drobnych szczegółów bez błędów w odwzorowaniu kolorów. Głośniki stereo również nie rozczarowują; dźwięk jest głośny, bogaty i przestrzenny. Nie brakuje oczywiście płatności zbliżeniowych NFC, obsługi modemu w sieciach 5G i eSim. W rezultacie mamy wspaniały gadżet, który z pewnością znajdzie swojego fana.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 08/05/2024
Google Pixel 8a - recenzja, test, opinia i dane techniczne
Źródło: Unite4buy turecki
Możliwości fotograficzne głównych modułów fotograficznych o rozdzielczości 64 Mpix (główny czujnik Sony z hybrydową stabilizacją) i 13 Mpix (obiektyw szerokokątny) są doskonałe. Urządzenie lepiej niż większość przeciwników tworzy wieczorne ujęcia, pozbawiając klatki szumu i nadając im mnóstwo drobnych szczegółów bez błędów w odwzorowaniu kolorów. Głośniki stereo również nie rozczarowują; dźwięk jest głośny, bogaty i przestrzenny. Nie brakuje oczywiście płatności zbliżeniowych NFC, obsługi modemu w sieciach 5G i eSim. W rezultacie mamy wspaniały gadżet, który z pewnością znajdzie swojego fana.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 08/05/2024

Zagraniczne recenzje

The $499 Google Pixel 8a looks better than ever with many of the new AI features
Źródło: angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8a is the best budget Pixel phone you can buy, and if you can find it for $400, it's an even better deal. The smart AI features and long software support make it a formidable and reliable investment, and you won't find a better camera system for under $500, but you should also consider the alternatives. If you need a phone with a big and bright display, great performance, capable cameras, and faster charging, the OnePlus 12R ($500) is my preference. On the other hand, the Nothing Phone 2a ($388) offers more interesting hardware and software customization.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 22/08/2024
The $499 Google Pixel 8a looks better than ever with many of the new AI features
Źródło: angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8a is the best budget Pixel phone you can buy, and if you can find it for $400, it's an even better deal. The smart AI features and long software support make it a formidable and reliable investment, and you won't find a better camera system for under $500, but you should also consider the alternatives. If you need a phone with a big and bright display, great performance, capable cameras, and faster charging, the OnePlus 12R ($500) is my preference. On the other hand, the Nothing Phone 2a ($388) offers more interesting hardware and software customization.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 22/08/2024
70% Google Pixel 8a Review: An Impressive Phone, But Should You Buy It?
Źródło: Make Use Of angielski EN→PL
Looking at the Google Pixel 8a by itself, it’s a great phone. The performance is snappy, battery life is plentiful, and the camera takes photos that you’ll rarely, if ever, find yourself disappointed with. The only problem with the Pixel 8a isn’t even competing with the Pixel 8—it’s competing with the Pixel 8’s price when it’s on sale, which is fairly often. We’ve already discussed prices and the competition, so let’s examine the areas where the Pixel 8a might let you down. While the battery life is solid, it charges slowly. It also looks like a budget phone, though this is somewhat more the case with the more colorful models. This doesn’t matter to everyone, but it may matter to you. The bottom line is that the Google Pixel 8a is a great phone for the asking price, but it will be even better if you get a deal on it. Just remember to keep the Pixel 8 in the back of your mind while you’re searching.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/08/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 70%
70% Google Pixel 8a Review: An Impressive Phone, But Should You Buy It?
Źródło: Make Use Of angielski EN→PL
Looking at the Google Pixel 8a by itself, it’s a great phone. The performance is snappy, battery life is plentiful, and the camera takes photos that you’ll rarely, if ever, find yourself disappointed with. The only problem with the Pixel 8a isn’t even competing with the Pixel 8—it’s competing with the Pixel 8’s price when it’s on sale, which is fairly often. We’ve already discussed prices and the competition, so let’s examine the areas where the Pixel 8a might let you down. While the battery life is solid, it charges slowly. It also looks like a budget phone, though this is somewhat more the case with the more colorful models. This doesn’t matter to everyone, but it may matter to you. The bottom line is that the Google Pixel 8a is a great phone for the asking price, but it will be even better if you get a deal on it. Just remember to keep the Pixel 8 in the back of your mind while you’re searching.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/08/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 70%
85% Google Pixel 8a review: Google's excellent mid-range gives the Pixel 8 an early retirement
Źródło: Hardware Zone angielski EN→PL
Suppose you aim to get all of Google’s Pixel AI and Magic Editor on a cheaper phone without diminishing its main camera capabilities and display quality. In that case, the Google Pixel 8a achieves that in spades. Heck, the battery uptime has made it extra sure it’s the sensible choice until the next major Pixel launch. The only downside to repeating the success of its Pixel 8 also meant that it shares the same flaws: if you hated the Camera Bar design, you’re not going to suddenly fall in love with the Pixel 8a’s thinner version. If you never liked Google Tensor G3’s performance beyond its battery and AI efficiency, it’s the same chipset again. You’re saving some money to get a “low-fat” version of a Pixel 8, but it’s inherently still just here to fill a gap in its 2023 Pixel lineup.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 04/08/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 85% cena: 85% wydajność: 85% wykonanie: 80%
85% Google Pixel 8a review: Google's excellent mid-range gives the Pixel 8 an early retirement
Źródło: Hardware Zone angielski EN→PL
Suppose you aim to get all of Google’s Pixel AI and Magic Editor on a cheaper phone without diminishing its main camera capabilities and display quality. In that case, the Google Pixel 8a achieves that in spades. Heck, the battery uptime has made it extra sure it’s the sensible choice until the next major Pixel launch. The only downside to repeating the success of its Pixel 8 also meant that it shares the same flaws: if you hated the Camera Bar design, you’re not going to suddenly fall in love with the Pixel 8a’s thinner version. If you never liked Google Tensor G3’s performance beyond its battery and AI efficiency, it’s the same chipset again. You’re saving some money to get a “low-fat” version of a Pixel 8, but it’s inherently still just here to fill a gap in its 2023 Pixel lineup.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 04/08/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 85% cena: 85% wydajność: 85% wykonanie: 80%
Google Pixel 8a Display test
Źródło: DxOMark angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8a delivers a very satisfactory display experience, featuring high scores in all our sub-scores and evaluations. In the High end segment, it is ranking among the top five in this category. This device is suitable for most use cases, like browsing the web or watching videos. One of the key aspects that distinguishes the Google Pixel 8a is its readability, especially in outdoor conditions. This is mainly due to its high peak brightness (measured at 2049 nits by our experts), giving it a considerable advantage against the competition. Photos and web contents will therefore be readable even if you’re outdoors, on a sunny day. When it comes to dynamic contents, the Pixel 8a provides a satisfactory HDR10 experience with a good level of brightness as well as good detail rendering in dark areas when viewed in lowlight.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 25/07/2024
Google Pixel 8a Display test
Źródło: DxOMark angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8a delivers a very satisfactory display experience, featuring high scores in all our sub-scores and evaluations. In the High end segment, it is ranking among the top five in this category. This device is suitable for most use cases, like browsing the web or watching videos. One of the key aspects that distinguishes the Google Pixel 8a is its readability, especially in outdoor conditions. This is mainly due to its high peak brightness (measured at 2049 nits by our experts), giving it a considerable advantage against the competition. Photos and web contents will therefore be readable even if you’re outdoors, on a sunny day. When it comes to dynamic contents, the Pixel 8a provides a satisfactory HDR10 experience with a good level of brightness as well as good detail rendering in dark areas when viewed in lowlight.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 25/07/2024
100% Google Pixel 8a review: Trickle-down AI-conomics
Źródło: Expert Reviews angielski EN→PL
At the start of this review, I noted that the Pixel 8a had been priced into the shadow of the Pixel 8 but now I’m thinking that it might be the other way around. With the two phones being so similar across hardware, software support and now AI capabilities, the reasons for users to fork out more on the Pixel 8 are surprisingly few. Whether or not it ends up cannibalising its elder sibling remains to be seen, but either way the Pixel 8a is exceptional in its own right. The display is one of the best I’ve ever tested, the cameras get a host of new and improved editing tools and the seven years of software support is outstanding for a phone of this price. Google may have expected Gemini Nano to be the USP for this generation but even without it, the Pixel 8a would be a fantastically well-rounded mid-range phone – the AI is just a cherry on top.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 18/07/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
100% Google Pixel 8a review: Trickle-down AI-conomics
Źródło: Expert Reviews angielski EN→PL
At the start of this review, I noted that the Pixel 8a had been priced into the shadow of the Pixel 8 but now I’m thinking that it might be the other way around. With the two phones being so similar across hardware, software support and now AI capabilities, the reasons for users to fork out more on the Pixel 8 are surprisingly few. Whether or not it ends up cannibalising its elder sibling remains to be seen, but either way the Pixel 8a is exceptional in its own right. The display is one of the best I’ve ever tested, the cameras get a host of new and improved editing tools and the seven years of software support is outstanding for a phone of this price. Google may have expected Gemini Nano to be the USP for this generation but even without it, the Pixel 8a would be a fantastically well-rounded mid-range phone – the AI is just a cherry on top.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 18/07/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
Google Pixel 8a Review: Reliable performance, questionable pricing
Źródło: The Times of India angielski EN→PL
If you are looking for a solid Android phone that does everything well without compromising on support and software, the Pixel 8a is a solid phone that will last you a long time. However, it does this at a premium price. At ₹52,999, the Pixel 8a is a tough sell, but we have seen how Pixel prices come down a few months after launch. This year, it seems there will be no exception. So, if you can buy the Pixel 8a for around ₹35,000-40,000, it can be a solid deal, and I'm sure you will be able to score one at this price during festive sales in India. If you can wait, please do; otherwise, consider the Pixel 8, which can be bought for ₹60,000 in sales nowadays.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 15/07/2024
Google Pixel 8a Review: Reliable performance, questionable pricing
Źródło: The Times of India angielski EN→PL
If you are looking for a solid Android phone that does everything well without compromising on support and software, the Pixel 8a is a solid phone that will last you a long time. However, it does this at a premium price. At ₹52,999, the Pixel 8a is a tough sell, but we have seen how Pixel prices come down a few months after launch. This year, it seems there will be no exception. So, if you can buy the Pixel 8a for around ₹35,000-40,000, it can be a solid deal, and I'm sure you will be able to score one at this price during festive sales in India. If you can wait, please do; otherwise, consider the Pixel 8, which can be bought for ₹60,000 in sales nowadays.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 15/07/2024
Now we know if the Pixel 8a is indeed better than the Galaxy A55
Źródło: Tech Advisor angielski EN→PL
Considering the overall comparison, the Pixel 8a emerges as the better buy for users prioritising design, screen quality, camera performance and software features. What’s more, you can already get the Pixel 8a at very attractive lower prices. One such recent deal means you could get the Pixel 8a for just £9. However, if longer battery life and faster charging are critical factors, the Galaxy A55 presents a compelling alternative. It is also cheaper in the UK, when it comes to fixed prices, with even the 256GB model being £10 less, if you’re restrained by a tighter budget. If you’re based in the US, there’s no competition: only the Pixel 8a is available there. If you decide to go for it, be sure to find out more about the 8 hidden Pixel 8a features and how to enable them.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 26/06/2024
Now we know if the Pixel 8a is indeed better than the Galaxy A55
Źródło: Tech Advisor angielski EN→PL
Considering the overall comparison, the Pixel 8a emerges as the better buy for users prioritising design, screen quality, camera performance and software features. What’s more, you can already get the Pixel 8a at very attractive lower prices. One such recent deal means you could get the Pixel 8a for just £9. However, if longer battery life and faster charging are critical factors, the Galaxy A55 presents a compelling alternative. It is also cheaper in the UK, when it comes to fixed prices, with even the 256GB model being £10 less, if you’re restrained by a tighter budget. If you’re based in the US, there’s no competition: only the Pixel 8a is available there. If you decide to go for it, be sure to find out more about the 8 hidden Pixel 8a features and how to enable them.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 26/06/2024
I compared the Google Pixel 8a with every major budget phone - here's my buying advice
Źródło: angielski EN→PL
That's to say, the Google Pixel 8a is the best budget Pixel phone you can buy. The smart AI features and long software support make it a formidable and reliable investment, and you won't find a better camera system for under $500. But you should also consider the alternatives. If you need a phone with a big and bright display, great performance, capable cameras, and faster charging, the OnePlus 12R is my preference. On the other hand, the Nothing Phone 2a offers more interesting hardware and software customization.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 25/06/2024
I compared the Google Pixel 8a with every major budget phone - here's my buying advice
Źródło: angielski EN→PL
That's to say, the Google Pixel 8a is the best budget Pixel phone you can buy. The smart AI features and long software support make it a formidable and reliable investment, and you won't find a better camera system for under $500. But you should also consider the alternatives. If you need a phone with a big and bright display, great performance, capable cameras, and faster charging, the OnePlus 12R is my preference. On the other hand, the Nothing Phone 2a offers more interesting hardware and software customization.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 25/06/2024
Google Pixel 8a Review: Saving Dollars for Pixels
Źródło: Petapixel angielski EN→PL
Yes, especially if you’re not fussy about mobile photography features or settings. Google doesn’t offer many of them, but its AI editing tools are excellent, and so is the price you pay for the Pixel 8a.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 24/06/2024
Google Pixel 8a Review: Saving Dollars for Pixels
Źródło: Petapixel angielski EN→PL
Yes, especially if you’re not fussy about mobile photography features or settings. Google doesn’t offer many of them, but its AI editing tools are excellent, and so is the price you pay for the Pixel 8a.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 24/06/2024
Google Pixel 8a review: Google's excellent mid-range gives the Pixel 8 an early retirement
Źródło: Hardware Zone angielski EN→PL
Where the Pixel 8a truly stands can be seen in how Google handled the phone’s launch ahead of its annual major developer conference, Google I/O 2024. It was deliberately announced a week earlier than its deluge of AI updates. We’re not Google, but we interpret the timing as the brand’s belief in the phone’s strengths: Pixel 8a could flourish even without the fanfare or hype that came along with the keynote. If you haven’t gotten a Pixel 8, or originally had plans for one, the Google Pixel 8a is here to make you hit the brakes and detour for its newer, cheaper alternative that’s just as good.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 17/06/2024
Google Pixel 8a review: Google's excellent mid-range gives the Pixel 8 an early retirement
Źródło: Hardware Zone angielski EN→PL
Where the Pixel 8a truly stands can be seen in how Google handled the phone’s launch ahead of its annual major developer conference, Google I/O 2024. It was deliberately announced a week earlier than its deluge of AI updates. We’re not Google, but we interpret the timing as the brand’s belief in the phone’s strengths: Pixel 8a could flourish even without the fanfare or hype that came along with the keynote. If you haven’t gotten a Pixel 8, or originally had plans for one, the Google Pixel 8a is here to make you hit the brakes and detour for its newer, cheaper alternative that’s just as good.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 17/06/2024
80% Google Pixel 8a smartphone review
Źródło: Mezha EN angielski EN→PL
Google Pixel 8a turned out to be quite an interesting smartphone, even despite some compromises inherent in the junior model of the line. Given the general trend toward large screens, it may be of interest to those who are looking for a compact smartphone and are not ready to pay, for example, for the Galaxy S24. Google Pixel 8a is easy to use, has a bright display with a 120 Hz refresh rate, and very good cameras. In addition, it has long battery life, loud stereo speakers, and, of course, pure Android with 7 years of updates.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 15/06/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8a smartphone review
Źródło: Mezha EN angielski EN→PL
Google Pixel 8a turned out to be quite an interesting smartphone, even despite some compromises inherent in the junior model of the line. Given the general trend toward large screens, it may be of interest to those who are looking for a compact smartphone and are not ready to pay, for example, for the Galaxy S24. Google Pixel 8a is easy to use, has a bright display with a 120 Hz refresh rate, and very good cameras. In addition, it has long battery life, loud stereo speakers, and, of course, pure Android with 7 years of updates.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 15/06/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
90% Google Pixel 8a review: AI for the rest of us
Źródło: Android Central angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8a is Google's best mid-range hardware yet, further blurring the line between the company's flagship "premium" offerings and this mid-range winner. The cameras are still best-in-class and AI features aren't gatekept to the most expensive Pixels, unlike Apple's strategy. Google is behind on eye-friendly display features, though, and the phone has a few minor performance issues that might irritate power users.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 14/06/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8a review: AI for the rest of us
Źródło: Android Central angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8a is Google's best mid-range hardware yet, further blurring the line between the company's flagship "premium" offerings and this mid-range winner. The cameras are still best-in-class and AI features aren't gatekept to the most expensive Pixels, unlike Apple's strategy. Google is behind on eye-friendly display features, though, and the phone has a few minor performance issues that might irritate power users.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 14/06/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
Dissecting the Pixel 8a
Źródło: 9to5google angielski
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 08/06/2024
Dissecting the Pixel 8a
Źródło: 9to5google angielski
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 08/06/2024
One month with Pixel 8a | The first pointless Pixel?
Źródło: 9to5google angielski
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 07/06/2024
One month with Pixel 8a | The first pointless Pixel?
Źródło: 9to5google angielski
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 07/06/2024
Pixel 8a review: A fine, affordable, but hard-to-recommend final form [Video]
Źródło: 9to5google angielski EN→PL
The most obvious pain point is that by getting closer to the base model in the flagship lineup—as an A-series fan—I’m sorry to say the 8a feels a little pointless. It signals to me that Google has finalized the A-series and wants to send it off into the sunset while subconsciously telling people that the Pixel 8 is where they should be spending their money. There could be an argument that it will be the perfect entry-level handset to buy because the 8a will likely hang around for a little while longer when the Pixel 9 arrives. Putting that future aside for a second, the Pixel 8a is a fine phone—a good phone that came out at the wrong time. As the price drops, it’ll become a better buy—something that can’t always be said of Android phones in general.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 07/06/2024
Google Pixel 8a Review: It’s Good, But the Pixel 9 and Discounts Loom
Źródło: Droid Life angielski EN→PL
Recommending Google’s newest Pixel phones is almost always easy to do because they are often priced under the competition and deliver incredible camera and software experiences that we tend to prefer. That’s the case again for the Pixel 8a, making it a phone we would certainly tell you to put on the list. It’s overall specs are good enough for the price point, the software is excellent, and the camera probably punches above its weight. The only reasons we would tell you to hold back are because you know the discounts are coming. $500 isn’t a bad price for this phone, but because Google can’t help but run monthly promos for its products, you know this will be $450 or $400 or $350 before long. You should almost never buy a Google hardware product at full price and that’s probably true again with the Pixel 8a.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 07/06/2024
Pixel 8a review: A fine, affordable, but hard-to-recommend final form [Video]
Źródło: 9to5google angielski EN→PL
The most obvious pain point is that by getting closer to the base model in the flagship lineup—as an A-series fan—I’m sorry to say the 8a feels a little pointless. It signals to me that Google has finalized the A-series and wants to send it off into the sunset while subconsciously telling people that the Pixel 8 is where they should be spending their money. There could be an argument that it will be the perfect entry-level handset to buy because the 8a will likely hang around for a little while longer when the Pixel 9 arrives. Putting that future aside for a second, the Pixel 8a is a fine phone—a good phone that came out at the wrong time. As the price drops, it’ll become a better buy—something that can’t always be said of Android phones in general.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 07/06/2024
Google Pixel 8a Review: It’s Good, But the Pixel 9 and Discounts Loom
Źródło: Droid Life angielski EN→PL
Recommending Google’s newest Pixel phones is almost always easy to do because they are often priced under the competition and deliver incredible camera and software experiences that we tend to prefer. That’s the case again for the Pixel 8a, making it a phone we would certainly tell you to put on the list. It’s overall specs are good enough for the price point, the software is excellent, and the camera probably punches above its weight. The only reasons we would tell you to hold back are because you know the discounts are coming. $500 isn’t a bad price for this phone, but because Google can’t help but run monthly promos for its products, you know this will be $450 or $400 or $350 before long. You should almost never buy a Google hardware product at full price and that’s probably true again with the Pixel 8a.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 07/06/2024
Google Pixel 8a vs Pixel 8: Which one to get?
Źródło: GSM Arena angielski
The Pixel 8a is the most recent phone by Google but it's also supposed to be their most budget offering. So does the full-fledged Pixel 8 offer that more than the 8a?
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 06/06/2024
Google Pixel 8a Smartphone Review
Źródło: OI Spice Tech News angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8a might not look like a regular affordable smartphone when the smartphone makers have significantly dropped the other Pixel 8-series phones. Still, the Pixel 8a offers a compact body, incredible camera capabilities, and decent display configuration. All of those factors do work in the favor of this phone. But at the same time, we won’t overlook the shortcomings such as slow charging, heavy performance throttling, and thick bezels. You can choose a phone like Samsung Galaxy S24 instead if you are looking for a complete package of dynamic display, higher brightness, and performance-driven hardware. The Samsung Galaxy S24 comes with a higher price tag than the Pixel 8a. But it’s a good option if you are looking for a versatile and customization software experience at a high price.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 06/06/2024
Google Pixel 8a vs Pixel 8: Which one to get?
Źródło: GSM Arena angielski
The Pixel 8a is the most recent phone by Google but it's also supposed to be their most budget offering. So does the full-fledged Pixel 8 offer that more than the 8a?
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 06/06/2024
Google Pixel 8a Smartphone Review
Źródło: OI Spice Tech News angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8a might not look like a regular affordable smartphone when the smartphone makers have significantly dropped the other Pixel 8-series phones. Still, the Pixel 8a offers a compact body, incredible camera capabilities, and decent display configuration. All of those factors do work in the favor of this phone. But at the same time, we won’t overlook the shortcomings such as slow charging, heavy performance throttling, and thick bezels. You can choose a phone like Samsung Galaxy S24 instead if you are looking for a complete package of dynamic display, higher brightness, and performance-driven hardware. The Samsung Galaxy S24 comes with a higher price tag than the Pixel 8a. But it’s a good option if you are looking for a versatile and customization software experience at a high price.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 06/06/2024
90% Google Pixel 8A Review – Same but different
Źródło: Amateur Photographer angielski EN→PL
If you’re looking for a phone with AI features, then the Google Pixel 8A offers a fairly good value option, particularly if you don’t want to spend more than $500/£499. However, if you want a larger screen, then you’re not going to find that option from Google, and instead you could look at the Samsung Galaxy A55, which offers a £300 offer (£439 RRP), as well as a large screen. It’s unfortunate that every year Google increase the price of their entry-level camera phone, as it’s beginning to seem like an expensive option. If you don’t need the latest AI features, then you can save a whole lot of money by going for the Google Pixel 7A instead. Of course, there are lots of people out there that want a smaller phone, and there are very few companies left offering this, so it makes sense for Google to produce these options.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 05/06/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8A Review – Same but different
Źródło: Amateur Photographer angielski EN→PL
If you’re looking for a phone with AI features, then the Google Pixel 8A offers a fairly good value option, particularly if you don’t want to spend more than $500/£499. However, if you want a larger screen, then you’re not going to find that option from Google, and instead you could look at the Samsung Galaxy A55, which offers a £300 offer (£439 RRP), as well as a large screen. It’s unfortunate that every year Google increase the price of their entry-level camera phone, as it’s beginning to seem like an expensive option. If you don’t need the latest AI features, then you can save a whole lot of money by going for the Google Pixel 7A instead. Of course, there are lots of people out there that want a smaller phone, and there are very few companies left offering this, so it makes sense for Google to produce these options.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 05/06/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
82% Google Pixel 8a Review: Ideal Smartphone, Flawed Pricing
Źródło: The Mobile Indian angielski EN→PL
At Rs 52,999, the Pixel 8a, despite being a likable smartphone, is difficult to recommend. It faces a tough time in the segment, courtesy iQOO 12, Pixel 8, and more such smartphones. If the device had a price tag below Rs 35,000, it would have been a recommendable option solely for the “Pixel Experience” and the cameras, because even in that segment, there are devices far more powerful than the Pixel 8a that also feature larger batteries, better displays, and faster charging. On the whole, the new Pixel from Google offers a lot, but its unrealistic price tag makes it a letdown.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 04/06/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 82% wydajność: 88% wyświetlacz: 85% mobilność: 70% wykonanie: 90%
80% Google Pixel 8a Review: A for Ambition
Źródło: NDTV Gadgets angielski EN→PL
Google's Pixel 8a sure appears to be a solid contender at the bottom end of the premium segment. But the phone also has quite a few things going against it. The Tensor G3 processor handles daily tasks just fine but gets a bit too hot when stressed. Battery life isn't the best in class, while wired charging is extremely slow compared to competing devices at this price point. There's also the obvious fact that it has a smaller display compared to most smartphones at this price point. And this makes it very hard to recommend unless a compact form factor, along with timely updates are all you desire from your next premium smartphone. The Pixel 8a's starting price of Rs. 52,999 (8GB + 128GB) is making things worse. Numerous devices from competing brands are available in India at lower price points.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 04/06/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% cena: 70% wydajność: 70% wyświetlacz: 80% mobilność: 70% wykonanie: 80%
90% Google Pixel 8a review: a phone I’d buy with my own money
Źródło: Tom's Guide angielski EN→PL
As much as I relish using flagship phones, their skyrocketing costs make them unobtainable for the many who are on a tighter budget. That’s why I’ve been a fan of midrange phones for years, as they offer incredible value without the cost — and the Pixel 8a is exactly what I crave. Even though I'm disappointed that there's not a tremendous improvement to the camera performance like I've seen in years past, the Pixel 8a still manages to make it up in other ways. I think the bigger story here is how the Pixel 8a offers way more utility with its AI features and gets seven years of software support. You can also tack on its brighter screen, longer battery life, and charming design, all of which adds to its credibility in being the best cheap phone around.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 04/06/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
Best Android smartphone under €600? Google Pixel 8a aims for the win with clever AI smarts
Źródło: Irish Mirror angielski EN→PL
For the average smartphone user, Pixel 8a is an easy device to recommend as it does everything including the photography well. However, PIxel 8 was recently selling for only €90 more and if you get a deal like that I would recommend it instead. It is currently €799 which makes Pixel 8a the one to go for.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 04/06/2024
82% Google Pixel 8a Review: Ideal Smartphone, Flawed Pricing
Źródło: The Mobile Indian angielski EN→PL
At Rs 52,999, the Pixel 8a, despite being a likable smartphone, is difficult to recommend. It faces a tough time in the segment, courtesy iQOO 12, Pixel 8, and more such smartphones. If the device had a price tag below Rs 35,000, it would have been a recommendable option solely for the “Pixel Experience” and the cameras, because even in that segment, there are devices far more powerful than the Pixel 8a that also feature larger batteries, better displays, and faster charging. On the whole, the new Pixel from Google offers a lot, but its unrealistic price tag makes it a letdown.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 04/06/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 82% wydajność: 88% wyświetlacz: 85% mobilność: 70% wykonanie: 90%
80% Google Pixel 8a Review: A for Ambition
Źródło: NDTV Gadgets angielski EN→PL
Google's Pixel 8a sure appears to be a solid contender at the bottom end of the premium segment. But the phone also has quite a few things going against it. The Tensor G3 processor handles daily tasks just fine but gets a bit too hot when stressed. Battery life isn't the best in class, while wired charging is extremely slow compared to competing devices at this price point. There's also the obvious fact that it has a smaller display compared to most smartphones at this price point. And this makes it very hard to recommend unless a compact form factor, along with timely updates are all you desire from your next premium smartphone. The Pixel 8a's starting price of Rs. 52,999 (8GB + 128GB) is making things worse. Numerous devices from competing brands are available in India at lower price points.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 04/06/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% cena: 70% wydajność: 70% wyświetlacz: 80% mobilność: 70% wykonanie: 80%
90% Google Pixel 8a review: a phone I’d buy with my own money
Źródło: Tom's Guide angielski EN→PL
As much as I relish using flagship phones, their skyrocketing costs make them unobtainable for the many who are on a tighter budget. That’s why I’ve been a fan of midrange phones for years, as they offer incredible value without the cost — and the Pixel 8a is exactly what I crave. Even though I'm disappointed that there's not a tremendous improvement to the camera performance like I've seen in years past, the Pixel 8a still manages to make it up in other ways. I think the bigger story here is how the Pixel 8a offers way more utility with its AI features and gets seven years of software support. You can also tack on its brighter screen, longer battery life, and charming design, all of which adds to its credibility in being the best cheap phone around.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 04/06/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
Best Android smartphone under €600? Google Pixel 8a aims for the win with clever AI smarts
Źródło: Irish Mirror angielski EN→PL
For the average smartphone user, Pixel 8a is an easy device to recommend as it does everything including the photography well. However, PIxel 8 was recently selling for only €90 more and if you get a deal like that I would recommend it instead. It is currently €799 which makes Pixel 8a the one to go for.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 04/06/2024
78% Google Pixel 8a Review: Almost There!
Źródło: Phandroid angielski EN→PL
So is the Pixel 8a worth spending your money on? In any case, the Pixel 8a packs a lot of great improvements, and while it’s not perfect it does show that Google can play more competitively against rival brands when it wants to. For $500, you’re getting some pretty nice upgrades with the 8a, and key factors such as the better-looking display, improved chipset, as well as the consistently-good camera performance are great reasons to get one. However, it should also be mentioned that the Pixel 8 regularly goes on sale for around the same price as the Pixel 8a, which is something to keep in mind.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 31/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 78%
78% Google Pixel 8a Review: Almost There!
Źródło: Phandroid angielski EN→PL
So is the Pixel 8a worth spending your money on? In any case, the Pixel 8a packs a lot of great improvements, and while it’s not perfect it does show that Google can play more competitively against rival brands when it wants to. For $500, you’re getting some pretty nice upgrades with the 8a, and key factors such as the better-looking display, improved chipset, as well as the consistently-good camera performance are great reasons to get one. However, it should also be mentioned that the Pixel 8 regularly goes on sale for around the same price as the Pixel 8a, which is something to keep in mind.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 31/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 78%
Google Pixel 8a full review
Źródło: GSM Arena angielski
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 30/05/2024
Pixel 8a vs Pixel 8: Google’s Weird Upgrade
Źródło: Pocketnow angielski
The new Google Pixel 8a and the older Pixel 8 are in so many ways almost identical.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 30/05/2024
Google Pixel 8a full review
Źródło: GSM Arena angielski
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 30/05/2024
Pixel 8a vs Pixel 8: Google’s Weird Upgrade
Źródło: Pocketnow angielski
The new Google Pixel 8a and the older Pixel 8 are in so many ways almost identical.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 30/05/2024
Google Pixel 8a Review
Źródło: Mobile Tech Review angielski
Google’s 2024 midrange Android phone, the Pixel 8a, will likely be the go-to phone for US shoppers looking for a $500 phone that won’t break the bank like flagships.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 30/05/2024
80% The Pixel 8a is still the phone I’ll recommend to friends – despite flaws
Źródło: Tech Advisor angielski EN→PL
Typically, the Pixel phones, particularly the A-series, are a no-brainer recommendation but I’m finding the 8a harder to get my head around. In isolation, this is another decent phone from Google and I would be pretty happy on the whole to carry on using it as my main phone. It’s got a nice design, a lovely screen (bezel aside), smooth enough performance, above-average cameras, there’s wireless charging and Google’s top-notch software experience – including AI features available out of the box. However, the phone is stuck in a slightly odd position this year – particularly with the price bump in the UK. It means that you should seriously consider splashing a little extra to get the flagship Pixel 8 now it’s discounted at plenty of retailers or last year’s Pixel 7a which will still be supported up to 2026 for OS updates and 2028 for security.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 30/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Google Pixel 8a Review
Źródło: Mobile Tech Review angielski
Google’s 2024 midrange Android phone, the Pixel 8a, will likely be the go-to phone for US shoppers looking for a $500 phone that won’t break the bank like flagships.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 30/05/2024
80% The Pixel 8a is still the phone I’ll recommend to friends – despite flaws
Źródło: Tech Advisor angielski EN→PL
Typically, the Pixel phones, particularly the A-series, are a no-brainer recommendation but I’m finding the 8a harder to get my head around. In isolation, this is another decent phone from Google and I would be pretty happy on the whole to carry on using it as my main phone. It’s got a nice design, a lovely screen (bezel aside), smooth enough performance, above-average cameras, there’s wireless charging and Google’s top-notch software experience – including AI features available out of the box. However, the phone is stuck in a slightly odd position this year – particularly with the price bump in the UK. It means that you should seriously consider splashing a little extra to get the flagship Pixel 8 now it’s discounted at plenty of retailers or last year’s Pixel 7a which will still be supported up to 2026 for OS updates and 2028 for security.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 30/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% How the Google Pixel 8a gives you a sneak peek into future of AI-led smartphones
Źródło: The Indian Express angielski EN→PL
Google’s Pixel 8a feels good, and it works well. In fact, it offers far better value than the premium Pixel 8, which is shocking to me, but it’s true. For me, the Pixel 8a falls into the same territory as how Apple pitches the iPhone: the narrative is the same, of a premium smartphone experience. That’s the real story here. But, as I said earlier, the Pixel 8a also trumps other smartphones in the way Google brings AI to the core Android experience. This might be the foundation for future-generation smartphones, and I bet you will hear “AI” and “Gen AI” a lot in the months to come. So, brace for AI wave in smartphones.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 29/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
82% Google Pixel 8a review
Źródło: GSM Arena angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8a turned out to be an incredibly capable compact smartphone - a rare breed. It aced our screen, battery, and speaker tests, it offers an easily likable and unique design, its performance is alright, and its camera is worthy of the Pixel name. There are a couple of things to consider - like the thick bezels, the slow charging, and the heavy performance throttling under load. We would still have liked to recommend the Pixel 8a, but unfortunately, at third-party retailers, its price is ridiculously close to that of the Pixel 8, which is the better phone by all accounts. The price has begun to go down already, so once it settles around the €420 mark and the "a" once again stands for affordable - it's safe to say the Pixel 8a would be well worth considering.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 29/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 82%
90% Google Pixel 8a review: Should you buy it?
Źródło: Android Authority angielski EN→PL
So, is the Pixel 8a Google’s most complete mid-range Android phone ever? Yes, certainly. It has the best update commitment for the money, solid performance, an ever-growing list of AI-powered features, and a design almost as good as the Pixel 5 (a phone I still miss). And, if you’re lucky, your carrier might offer you one for free. However, the Pixel 8a also has so much in common with its predecessor and its flagship Pixel 8 counterpart that if you find the vanilla flagship on sale for around the $600 mark (something we’ve already seen multiple times in the past month or so), you should 100% ignore that the Pixel 8a exists and grab the better phone.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 29/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
80% How the Google Pixel 8a gives you a sneak peek into future of AI-led smartphones
Źródło: The Indian Express angielski EN→PL
Google’s Pixel 8a feels good, and it works well. In fact, it offers far better value than the premium Pixel 8, which is shocking to me, but it’s true. For me, the Pixel 8a falls into the same territory as how Apple pitches the iPhone: the narrative is the same, of a premium smartphone experience. That’s the real story here. But, as I said earlier, the Pixel 8a also trumps other smartphones in the way Google brings AI to the core Android experience. This might be the foundation for future-generation smartphones, and I bet you will hear “AI” and “Gen AI” a lot in the months to come. So, brace for AI wave in smartphones.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 29/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
82% Google Pixel 8a review
Źródło: GSM Arena angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8a turned out to be an incredibly capable compact smartphone - a rare breed. It aced our screen, battery, and speaker tests, it offers an easily likable and unique design, its performance is alright, and its camera is worthy of the Pixel name. There are a couple of things to consider - like the thick bezels, the slow charging, and the heavy performance throttling under load. We would still have liked to recommend the Pixel 8a, but unfortunately, at third-party retailers, its price is ridiculously close to that of the Pixel 8, which is the better phone by all accounts. The price has begun to go down already, so once it settles around the €420 mark and the "a" once again stands for affordable - it's safe to say the Pixel 8a would be well worth considering.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 29/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 82%
90% Google Pixel 8a review: Should you buy it?
Źródło: Android Authority angielski EN→PL
So, is the Pixel 8a Google’s most complete mid-range Android phone ever? Yes, certainly. It has the best update commitment for the money, solid performance, an ever-growing list of AI-powered features, and a design almost as good as the Pixel 5 (a phone I still miss). And, if you’re lucky, your carrier might offer you one for free. However, the Pixel 8a also has so much in common with its predecessor and its flagship Pixel 8 counterpart that if you find the vanilla flagship on sale for around the $600 mark (something we’ve already seen multiple times in the past month or so), you should 100% ignore that the Pixel 8a exists and grab the better phone.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 29/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
Google Pixel 8a Review | Still Stunning Value
Źródło: Laptop Media angielski
Reviewing Google's Pixel 8a after two weeks as my full time phone, testing the camera performance, gaming abilities and battery life. The Pixel 8a is a proper pocket pleaser and it's almost as good vs the 8 for photo capture - and an equal for games and the everyday Android experience. It's one of my favourite mid-range phones in 2024, and here's why! Check out my other reviews of the best budget-friendly smartphones and flagships right now.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 28/05/2024
Google Pixel 8a review: An all-round smartphone set back by thermal issues
Źródło: Business Standard angielski EN→PL
Software and imaging are core strengths of Google smartphones, and the Pixel 8a excels in these areas. However, it is marred by thermal issues that hamper the overall experience. Moreover, slow battery charging is a significant drawback. The Pixel 8a is on the expensive side of the price spectrum, especially considering that competitors offer better packages at the same or lower prices.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 28/05/2024
Google Pixel 8a Review | Still Stunning Value
Źródło: Laptop Media angielski
Reviewing Google's Pixel 8a after two weeks as my full time phone, testing the camera performance, gaming abilities and battery life. The Pixel 8a is a proper pocket pleaser and it's almost as good vs the 8 for photo capture - and an equal for games and the everyday Android experience. It's one of my favourite mid-range phones in 2024, and here's why! Check out my other reviews of the best budget-friendly smartphones and flagships right now.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 28/05/2024
Google Pixel 8a review: An all-round smartphone set back by thermal issues
Źródło: Business Standard angielski EN→PL
Software and imaging are core strengths of Google smartphones, and the Pixel 8a excels in these areas. However, it is marred by thermal issues that hamper the overall experience. Moreover, slow battery charging is a significant drawback. The Pixel 8a is on the expensive side of the price spectrum, especially considering that competitors offer better packages at the same or lower prices.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 28/05/2024
Google Pixel 8a Review - Hero Or Villain?
Źródło: Pocketnow angielski
This is the Pixel 8a, what Google calls as Colorful, Powerful, AI-full, and what I’m gonna call the best flagship for most people, even if yes, this technically isn’t a flagship. See, at this point, we’ve become accustomed to getting the best performance, photos, and even features from flagships, but if we’re honest, none of us like the price. Many praised OnePlus for creating such a thing the flagship killer, meaning mostly the best of everything for less money, but the company that actually deserves that title is Google. The Nexus 4 was the first time I remember a company giving us mostly the best of everything at half the price. For context, 2012’s iPhone 5 was $649, when the Nexus 4 was just $299. The only problem?
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 27/05/2024
Google Pixel 8a Review - Hero Or Villain?
Źródło: Pocketnow angielski
This is the Pixel 8a, what Google calls as Colorful, Powerful, AI-full, and what I’m gonna call the best flagship for most people, even if yes, this technically isn’t a flagship. See, at this point, we’ve become accustomed to getting the best performance, photos, and even features from flagships, but if we’re honest, none of us like the price. Many praised OnePlus for creating such a thing the flagship killer, meaning mostly the best of everything for less money, but the company that actually deserves that title is Google. The Nexus 4 was the first time I remember a company giving us mostly the best of everything at half the price. For context, 2012’s iPhone 5 was $649, when the Nexus 4 was just $299. The only problem?
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 27/05/2024
100% Google Pixel 8a review: the affordable phone to beat
Źródło: T3 angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8a is the best affordable phone of 2024. Sure, the battery and charging could be better still, and the fingerprint scanner's responsiveness is my biggest gripe, but with big improvements over its Pixel 7a predecessor, this entry-level Pixel is a Samsung-beater that's got a great (albeit small) display, impressive software, AI features that do the business, and super cameras.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 25/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
100% Google Pixel 8a review: the affordable phone to beat
Źródło: T3 angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8a is the best affordable phone of 2024. Sure, the battery and charging could be better still, and the fingerprint scanner's responsiveness is my biggest gripe, but with big improvements over its Pixel 7a predecessor, this entry-level Pixel is a Samsung-beater that's got a great (albeit small) display, impressive software, AI features that do the business, and super cameras.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 25/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
71% Google Pixel 8a Review: AI smarts and a steep price hike
Źródło: Think Digit angielski EN→PL
Despite the steep price hike, the Google Pixel 8a stands out for its compact design, excellent camera capabilities, and clean Android experience, bolstered by long-term software support. Its AI-driven features enhance usability as well. It provides a Pixel 8-like experience at a lower cost. However, it does have drawbacks such as slow charging speeds and occasional heating issues, which could be significant for some users. Especially since the smartphone market is packed with options in the same price including the beloved iQOO 12 and OnePlus 12R. The Google Pixel 8a is the latest addition to Google’s smartphone lineup, positioned as a mid-range option with a focus on AI-powered features.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 24/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 71% cena: 71% wydajność: 71% wykonanie: 71%
71% Google Pixel 8a Review: AI smarts and a steep price hike
Źródło: Think Digit angielski EN→PL
Despite the steep price hike, the Google Pixel 8a stands out for its compact design, excellent camera capabilities, and clean Android experience, bolstered by long-term software support. Its AI-driven features enhance usability as well. It provides a Pixel 8-like experience at a lower cost. However, it does have drawbacks such as slow charging speeds and occasional heating issues, which could be significant for some users. Especially since the smartphone market is packed with options in the same price including the beloved iQOO 12 and OnePlus 12R. The Google Pixel 8a is the latest addition to Google’s smartphone lineup, positioned as a mid-range option with a focus on AI-powered features.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 24/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 71% cena: 71% wydajność: 71% wykonanie: 71%
Pixel 8a vs Pixel 8 - Why Pay More?
Źródło: Matthew Moniz angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 23/05/2024
Pixel 8a vs Pixel 8 - Why Pay More?
Źródło: Matthew Moniz angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 23/05/2024
80% Google Pixel 8A review: the sensible choice
Źródło: The Verge angielski EN→PL
It feels like faint praise to call the Pixel 8A “good enough,” but when you’re measuring a budget phone against its much pricier peers, “good enough” is actually pretty darn good. The camera keeps up well enough even in some very tricky scenarios. The screen is smooth enough in a world of high refresh rate displays. You can certainly buy a $500 phone with a better screen or spend a bit more and get some worthwhile upgrades — especially in terms of camera hardware. But the Pixel 8A really does stand alone in its combination of good enough features, price, and seven years of promised OS updates. There’s nothing essential missing, and what it lacks in flashy features, it makes up for in sheer ROI. And for someone who wants to get the most mileage out of a budget phone, it makes a lot of sense.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 23/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Pixel 8a Review: The Pocket-Friendly Pixel goes premium!
Źródło: Tech PP angielski EN→PL
So, is it worth shelling out a premium price for the Pixel 8a? The answer to that really depends on how much you value a Pixel experience in general and its AI side in particular. Unlike the Pixel 7a and the Pixel 6a, the Pixel 8a is not a distant cousin of the ‘normal’ Pixels in terms of specs and performance. Whereas its predecessors had been mainly about bringing the Tensor processor at a lower price point, the Pixel 8a also adds a better display and more flagship-level design and brings in the same seven-year update assurance that the normal Pixel 8 does, which, given the speed at which AI is developing, becomes a huge factor for those looking for a device that is relatively future-proof, at least in software terms.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 23/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% cena: 80% wydajność: 80% wykonanie: 80%
Google Pixel 8a Review: A Week with the Mid-Range Master
Źródło: The Tech Revolutionist angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8a impresses with its combination of solid performance, excellent cameras, and future-proof software support. It stands as a testament to Google’s ability to deliver quality at a more accessible price point. While it may not feature some of the high-end luxuries, its strengths make it a top choice for anyone looking for great value in a smartphone. For those on a budget or simply looking for a reliable second phone, the Pixel 8a is hard to beat.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 23/05/2024
80% Google Pixel 8A review: the sensible choice
Źródło: The Verge angielski EN→PL
It feels like faint praise to call the Pixel 8A “good enough,” but when you’re measuring a budget phone against its much pricier peers, “good enough” is actually pretty darn good. The camera keeps up well enough even in some very tricky scenarios. The screen is smooth enough in a world of high refresh rate displays. You can certainly buy a $500 phone with a better screen or spend a bit more and get some worthwhile upgrades — especially in terms of camera hardware. But the Pixel 8A really does stand alone in its combination of good enough features, price, and seven years of promised OS updates. There’s nothing essential missing, and what it lacks in flashy features, it makes up for in sheer ROI. And for someone who wants to get the most mileage out of a budget phone, it makes a lot of sense.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 23/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Pixel 8a Review: The Pocket-Friendly Pixel goes premium!
Źródło: Tech PP angielski EN→PL
So, is it worth shelling out a premium price for the Pixel 8a? The answer to that really depends on how much you value a Pixel experience in general and its AI side in particular. Unlike the Pixel 7a and the Pixel 6a, the Pixel 8a is not a distant cousin of the ‘normal’ Pixels in terms of specs and performance. Whereas its predecessors had been mainly about bringing the Tensor processor at a lower price point, the Pixel 8a also adds a better display and more flagship-level design and brings in the same seven-year update assurance that the normal Pixel 8 does, which, given the speed at which AI is developing, becomes a huge factor for those looking for a device that is relatively future-proof, at least in software terms.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 23/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% cena: 80% wydajność: 80% wykonanie: 80%
Google Pixel 8a Review: A Week with the Mid-Range Master
Źródło: The Tech Revolutionist angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8a impresses with its combination of solid performance, excellent cameras, and future-proof software support. It stands as a testament to Google’s ability to deliver quality at a more accessible price point. While it may not feature some of the high-end luxuries, its strengths make it a top choice for anyone looking for great value in a smartphone. For those on a budget or simply looking for a reliable second phone, the Pixel 8a is hard to beat.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 23/05/2024
75% Google Pixel 8a review: Decent phone but buy it in special sale
Źródło: India Today angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8a boasts numerous AI features and promises 7 years of support, indicating its reliability and longevity. The phone excels in capturing impressive shots, although the front camera's edge detection can occasionally be challenging. Coming back to the big question: Should you buy the Google Pixel 8a? Priced at Rs 52,999, it doesn't qualify as a budget phone. However, if you catch it on sale for around Rs 40,000, it would be a great investment.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 22/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 75%
65% Google Pixel 8a Review: The Pixel 8 killer
Źródło: Phone Arena angielski EN→PL
The ultimate question! Google is committed to this tick-tock cycle where we get a midrange A-series phone every spring and a flagship duo in autumn. I'm not sure I can justify the existence of either the Pixel 8a or the Pixel 8 anymore. These two are so close that the $499 Pixel 8a immediately makes the $699 flagship obsolete, if you're shopping for Pixels right now. Now, taken out of this specific context, the Pixel 8a is a great midrange phone and a great bang for your buck. If you're looking for software longevity coupled with some great flagship-grade specs, it's a no-brainer. At $499, you can't go wrong with it, and as we all know, Pixel phones get better with each Feature drop. And there are plenty of those to come.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 22/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 65% wydajność: 42% wyświetlacz: 70% mobilność: 58%
75% Google Pixel 8a review: Decent phone but buy it in special sale
Źródło: India Today angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8a boasts numerous AI features and promises 7 years of support, indicating its reliability and longevity. The phone excels in capturing impressive shots, although the front camera's edge detection can occasionally be challenging. Coming back to the big question: Should you buy the Google Pixel 8a? Priced at Rs 52,999, it doesn't qualify as a budget phone. However, if you catch it on sale for around Rs 40,000, it would be a great investment.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 22/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 75%
65% Google Pixel 8a Review: The Pixel 8 killer
Źródło: Phone Arena angielski EN→PL
The ultimate question! Google is committed to this tick-tock cycle where we get a midrange A-series phone every spring and a flagship duo in autumn. I'm not sure I can justify the existence of either the Pixel 8a or the Pixel 8 anymore. These two are so close that the $499 Pixel 8a immediately makes the $699 flagship obsolete, if you're shopping for Pixels right now. Now, taken out of this specific context, the Pixel 8a is a great midrange phone and a great bang for your buck. If you're looking for software longevity coupled with some great flagship-grade specs, it's a no-brainer. At $499, you can't go wrong with it, and as we all know, Pixel phones get better with each Feature drop. And there are plenty of those to come.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 22/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 65% wydajność: 42% wyświetlacz: 70% mobilność: 58%
91% Google Pixel 8A Review: A Clear Choice Over the Pixel 8
Źródło: CNet angielski EN→PL
Each year, Google improves on its A-series phones in ways that address the previous generation's criticisms and shortcomings. As such, the gap between Google's regular Pixel and A-series Pixel has gradually become narrower. And at this point, it's so small that I'm seriously questioning whether the Pixel 8 is worth it. There's a laundry list of things you'll get with the Pixel 8 that aren't available on the Pixel 8A, such as the ability to wirelessly charge other devices on the back of the phone, a slightly larger screen, macro focus mode in the camera and a higher durability rating. But taken together, these don't feel significant enough to make the Pixel 8 a more compelling option for most people. With the Pixel 8A, Google has once again raised the bar for what's expected of a $500 phone. But as I wrote last year, that means Google needs to try harder with its next flagship.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 21/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 91%
Google Pixel 8a Review: The Best, Most Futureproof Under-$500 Smartphone
Źródło: Best Products angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8a is the under-$500 smartphone to get, and I’m not talking just Android. The product’s design, performance, camera quality, cutting-edge Android experience, and immaculate futureproofing leave rivals that cost the same (or less) in the dust. I wouldn’t suggest other options unless you can revise your budget upward by 25-30%. When it comes to Pixel 8a alternatives, the most formidable one that comes to mind is — wait for it — a discounted Pixel 8. Because it’s been on the market longer, the pricier Pixel is occasionally available at major retailers for less than $500. It has a tougher build with Gorilla Glass Victus, an even better camera, and faster wireless charging. That said, keep in mind that the Pixel 8a will inevitably see price reductions, too, so being patient can get you one well below its original retail.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 21/05/2024
91% Google Pixel 8A Review: A Clear Choice Over the Pixel 8
Źródło: CNet angielski EN→PL
Each year, Google improves on its A-series phones in ways that address the previous generation's criticisms and shortcomings. As such, the gap between Google's regular Pixel and A-series Pixel has gradually become narrower. And at this point, it's so small that I'm seriously questioning whether the Pixel 8 is worth it. There's a laundry list of things you'll get with the Pixel 8 that aren't available on the Pixel 8A, such as the ability to wirelessly charge other devices on the back of the phone, a slightly larger screen, macro focus mode in the camera and a higher durability rating. But taken together, these don't feel significant enough to make the Pixel 8 a more compelling option for most people. With the Pixel 8A, Google has once again raised the bar for what's expected of a $500 phone. But as I wrote last year, that means Google needs to try harder with its next flagship.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 21/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 91%
Google Pixel 8a Review: The Best, Most Futureproof Under-$500 Smartphone
Źródło: Best Products angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8a is the under-$500 smartphone to get, and I’m not talking just Android. The product’s design, performance, camera quality, cutting-edge Android experience, and immaculate futureproofing leave rivals that cost the same (or less) in the dust. I wouldn’t suggest other options unless you can revise your budget upward by 25-30%. When it comes to Pixel 8a alternatives, the most formidable one that comes to mind is — wait for it — a discounted Pixel 8. Because it’s been on the market longer, the pricier Pixel is occasionally available at major retailers for less than $500. It has a tougher build with Gorilla Glass Victus, an even better camera, and faster wireless charging. That said, keep in mind that the Pixel 8a will inevitably see price reductions, too, so being patient can get you one well below its original retail.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 21/05/2024
90% Google Pixel 8a Review
Źródło: PC Mag angielski EN→PL
Simply put, the Google Pixel 8a is the best Android phone under $500. It offers class-leading cameras, performs on par with more expensive competitors, offers helpful AI features, and benefits from a lengthy software support policy. The Galaxy S23 FE is a decent alternative for $100 more if you primarily use Samsung devices, but everyone else should get the Pixel 8a. While it makes some concessions in build quality and charging speed, the Pixel 8a is even worth considering over the Pixel 8 considering it costs $200 less. For all the value it offers, the Pixel 8a easily earns our Editors' Choice award.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 20/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
Google Pixel 8a vs Pixel 8: So, why does the Pixel 8 cost $200 more?
Źródło: Phone Arena angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8a is shaping up to be another successful chapter in Google's renowned book of Pixel phones, and depending who you ask, it might be said that the Pixel 8a is potentially the better device. With major improvements in the display and performance areas, the phone fixes most of our issues with the Pixel 7a. With a starting price of just $499, it's definitely the one to deliver much better value than the Pixel 8. That one is a compact flagship phone that looks pretty familiar at first sight, but has that extra of premium-ness that makes all the difference. The possibly better camera, faster charging speeds, and more refined design are the main differences that cost $200 more.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 20/05/2024
100% Google Pixel 8a review: unbeatable value
Źródło: Stuff TV angielski EN→PL
With swift performance, sleek AI-powered software, and outstanding camera capabilities for its price, the Google Pixel 8a once again dominates the affordable smartphone market. It proves that you don’t need to spend over $500/£500 to get an excellent smartphone anymore. Its upgraded design and brighter screen give it the look and feel of a more expensive handset, pushing rival smartphone makers to catch up. When compared to the likes of the Samsung Galaxy A55 and Nothing Phone 2, there really is no competition. To increase the value proposition even further, Google will support this phone for seven years, which is very commendable in my eyes. Okay, the charging speeds remain slightly behind rivals, and not all AI features are available to buyers in the UK and Europe, but unless you’re willing to spend nearly double the money on a flagship with even more versatile cameras, the Pixel 8a is everything you’ll ever need.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 20/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
100% Google Pixel 8a review: Trickle-down AI-conomics
Źródło: Expert Reviews angielski EN→PL
At the start of this review, I noted that the Pixel 8a had been priced into the shadow of the Pixel 8 but now I’m thinking that it might be the other way around. With the two phones being so similar across hardware, software support and now AI capabilities, the reasons for users to fork out more on the Pixel 8 are surprisingly few. Whether or not it ends up cannibalising its elder sibling remains to be seen, but either way the Pixel 8a is exceptional in its own right. The display is one of the best I’ve ever tested, the cameras get a host of new and improved editing tools and the seven years of software support is outstanding for a phone of this price. Google may have expected Gemini Nano to be the USP for this generation but even without it, the Pixel 8a would be a fantastically well-rounded mid-range phone – the AI is just a cherry on top.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 20/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
Pixel 8a Review: AI @ Google I/O!
Źródło: MrMobile angielski
After a spring season of AI gadgets that relied more on hype-y buzz than handy benefits, we’re back to basics with a phone that – not for the first time – I’ve called a “palate cleanser.” The latest A-series Pixel from Google has no bleeding-edge new form factors to cope with; no new interface modalities to learn. It’s just a good phone, with useful features, for under $500. And get this: even the AI stuff is useful (on occasion). Join me for a road trip review to Google I/O, with the Pixel 8a.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 20/05/2024
70% I reviewed Google’s new cheap Pixel phone, and you really should buy it
Źródło: Digital Trends angielski EN→PL
For the Pixel 8a to be the best-value Pixel phone this year, it needs to beat the Pixel 8. It’s $200 cheaper, which is a very good start. It also has the same processor, a pretty similar camera, and will have most of the same AI features too. Unless you find an offer on the Pixel 8 that brings the price down to under $600 (which does happen), the Pixel 8a is a very good purchase and an excellent value considering the software, camera, and performance. But it’s not a perfect buy. The Pixel 8a’s battery life is a disappointment and worse than I had with the Pixel 8. The body is slippery and a bit cheap, the screen is sometimes hard to see, and the camera isn’t always quite as refined as I’d like.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 20/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 70%
90% Google Pixel 8a Review
Źródło: PC Mag angielski EN→PL
Simply put, the Google Pixel 8a is the best Android phone under $500. It offers class-leading cameras, performs on par with more expensive competitors, offers helpful AI features, and benefits from a lengthy software support policy. The Galaxy S23 FE is a decent alternative for $100 more if you primarily use Samsung devices, but everyone else should get the Pixel 8a. While it makes some concessions in build quality and charging speed, the Pixel 8a is even worth considering over the Pixel 8 considering it costs $200 less. For all the value it offers, the Pixel 8a easily earns our Editors' Choice award.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 20/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
Google Pixel 8a vs Pixel 8: So, why does the Pixel 8 cost $200 more?
Źródło: Phone Arena angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8a is shaping up to be another successful chapter in Google's renowned book of Pixel phones, and depending who you ask, it might be said that the Pixel 8a is potentially the better device. With major improvements in the display and performance areas, the phone fixes most of our issues with the Pixel 7a. With a starting price of just $499, it's definitely the one to deliver much better value than the Pixel 8. That one is a compact flagship phone that looks pretty familiar at first sight, but has that extra of premium-ness that makes all the difference. The possibly better camera, faster charging speeds, and more refined design are the main differences that cost $200 more.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 20/05/2024
100% Google Pixel 8a review: unbeatable value
Źródło: Stuff TV angielski EN→PL
With swift performance, sleek AI-powered software, and outstanding camera capabilities for its price, the Google Pixel 8a once again dominates the affordable smartphone market. It proves that you don’t need to spend over $500/£500 to get an excellent smartphone anymore. Its upgraded design and brighter screen give it the look and feel of a more expensive handset, pushing rival smartphone makers to catch up. When compared to the likes of the Samsung Galaxy A55 and Nothing Phone 2, there really is no competition. To increase the value proposition even further, Google will support this phone for seven years, which is very commendable in my eyes. Okay, the charging speeds remain slightly behind rivals, and not all AI features are available to buyers in the UK and Europe, but unless you’re willing to spend nearly double the money on a flagship with even more versatile cameras, the Pixel 8a is everything you’ll ever need.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 20/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
100% Google Pixel 8a review: Trickle-down AI-conomics
Źródło: Expert Reviews angielski EN→PL
At the start of this review, I noted that the Pixel 8a had been priced into the shadow of the Pixel 8 but now I’m thinking that it might be the other way around. With the two phones being so similar across hardware, software support and now AI capabilities, the reasons for users to fork out more on the Pixel 8 are surprisingly few. Whether or not it ends up cannibalising its elder sibling remains to be seen, but either way the Pixel 8a is exceptional in its own right. The display is one of the best I’ve ever tested, the cameras get a host of new and improved editing tools and the seven years of software support is outstanding for a phone of this price. Google may have expected Gemini Nano to be the USP for this generation but even without it, the Pixel 8a would be a fantastically well-rounded mid-range phone – the AI is just a cherry on top.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 20/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
Pixel 8a Review: AI @ Google I/O!
Źródło: MrMobile angielski
After a spring season of AI gadgets that relied more on hype-y buzz than handy benefits, we’re back to basics with a phone that – not for the first time – I’ve called a “palate cleanser.” The latest A-series Pixel from Google has no bleeding-edge new form factors to cope with; no new interface modalities to learn. It’s just a good phone, with useful features, for under $500. And get this: even the AI stuff is useful (on occasion). Join me for a road trip review to Google I/O, with the Pixel 8a.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 20/05/2024
70% I reviewed Google’s new cheap Pixel phone, and you really should buy it
Źródło: Digital Trends angielski EN→PL
For the Pixel 8a to be the best-value Pixel phone this year, it needs to beat the Pixel 8. It’s $200 cheaper, which is a very good start. It also has the same processor, a pretty similar camera, and will have most of the same AI features too. Unless you find an offer on the Pixel 8 that brings the price down to under $600 (which does happen), the Pixel 8a is a very good purchase and an excellent value considering the software, camera, and performance. But it’s not a perfect buy. The Pixel 8a’s battery life is a disappointment and worse than I had with the Pixel 8. The body is slippery and a bit cheap, the screen is sometimes hard to see, and the camera isn’t always quite as refined as I’d like.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 20/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 70%
Google Pixel 8a Smartphone Review - Mid-Range Phone with Flagship Features
Źródło: Lon.TV angielski
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 19/05/2024
Google Pixel 8a Smartphone Review - Mid-Range Phone with Flagship Features
Źródło: Lon.TV angielski
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 19/05/2024
90% Quirks and all, the Google Pixel 8a is my new favorite mid-range phone
Źródło: Pocket Lint angielski EN→PL
So, in the end, there are lots of things to love about the Pixel 8a. No, it's not the absolute top spec phone on the market, or even at this price, but its combination of a great design and build, the long-term software support, useful software features and a strong, reliable camera, make it a great option for anyone not looking to spend more than $500 on a phone. If you can stretch to more, I'd still advise ponying up the extra $200 for the Pixel 8, but if you don't want to do that, you're getting a wonderful experience and a phone which should hopefully last a long time.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 18/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Quirks and all, the Google Pixel 8a is my new favorite mid-range phone
Źródło: Pocket Lint angielski EN→PL
So, in the end, there are lots of things to love about the Pixel 8a. No, it's not the absolute top spec phone on the market, or even at this price, but its combination of a great design and build, the long-term software support, useful software features and a strong, reliable camera, make it a great option for anyone not looking to spend more than $500 on a phone. If you can stretch to more, I'd still advise ponying up the extra $200 for the Pixel 8, but if you don't want to do that, you're getting a wonderful experience and a phone which should hopefully last a long time.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 18/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
80% Google Pixel 8a review: more future for less money
Źródło: Techradar angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8a is the best budget option for Android enthusiasts, and especially Google fans. It makes a case for itself against the pricier Pixel 8, and if you've been dying to try all of Google's coolest new Android and Gemini AI features, the Pixel 8a is the cheapest entry into this virtual world. You can find slightly better specs in a phone this cheap, but you can't find Google's innovative software and seven years of promised software updates. I've been using the Pixel 8a with Gemini Advanced, Google’s premium AI and large language model, and it works just as well as my Pixel 8 Pro. I get the same cool AI wallpapers feature that I love. I even have Gemini baked into the Gmail app on this phone, so Google's AI can compose an email right in the proper text box.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 17/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% cena: 100% wydajność: 60% wyświetlacz: 80% mobilność: 60% wykonanie: 100%
80% Google Pixel 8a review: more future for less money
Źródło: Techradar angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8a is the best budget option for Android enthusiasts, and especially Google fans. It makes a case for itself against the pricier Pixel 8, and if you've been dying to try all of Google's coolest new Android and Gemini AI features, the Pixel 8a is the cheapest entry into this virtual world. You can find slightly better specs in a phone this cheap, but you can't find Google's innovative software and seven years of promised software updates. I've been using the Pixel 8a with Gemini Advanced, Google’s premium AI and large language model, and it works just as well as my Pixel 8 Pro. I get the same cool AI wallpapers feature that I love. I even have Gemini baked into the Gmail app on this phone, so Google's AI can compose an email right in the proper text box.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 17/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% cena: 100% wydajność: 60% wyświetlacz: 80% mobilność: 60% wykonanie: 100%
85% Google Pixel 8a review: A great phone that I'm not sure you should buy
Źródło: Android Police angielski EN→PL
I'm not sure I've ever felt so conflicted answering a question like "should you buy it?" than with this phone, especially considering how much I overall enjoyed my time with it. If you can accept all of the caveats that come with a Pixel recommendation — the unsatisfying nature of Tensor, the risk of future bugs, questions surrounding new AI abilities arriving on this hardware — I think it's a great pick, even at its full MSRP. Factor in carrier deals and trade-in offers, and most Pixel 8a owners will never pay $500 for this phone.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 16/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 85%
Pixel 8a first look: It has the AI magic and an aloe green colour to beat the summer
Źródło: The Indian Express angielski EN→PL
I think if Google markets the Pixel 8a well, it could be a premium-quality, mass-appeal device. But more than the pricing (it starts from Rs 52,999) and fun colors the Pixel 8a offers, I am curious to see how Google keeps the device better over time through AI features and beefed-up software. A lot of us ignore this aspect and focus on non-essential things instead. This has always been Google’s promise with the Pixel brand.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 16/05/2024
90% Google Pixel 8a Review
Źródło: Trusted Reviews angielski EN→PL
Even though the Pixel 8a has seen a price rise in certain regions, it remains good value for someone looking for a great camera, pocketable design and the promise of many years of software updates. Google has continued to design well-thought-out devices, and I much prefer the overall feel of the 8a to the standard 8. The matte back and slightly smaller, slightly more rounded body are all vast improvements to Google’s higher-priced device. As you’d expect from a Pixel, the camera is good – snapping excellent pictures with accurate skin tones and lovely colours in all sorts of environments. It’s strong in low light too, although not quite to the extent of the higher-end Pixel phones like the Pixel 8 Pro. Battery life remains a weakness, just as it has been with previous models, and this isn’t helped by the slow charging. This is a crowded end of the market with lots of fantastic devices.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 16/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
100% Google Pixel 8a Review: The Mid-Range Champion is Back
Źródło: Nextpit EN angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8a is a solid smartphone from Google, after the complicated—to say the least—refresh of the Pixel 6 family. Much like Android 15 feels like a small evolution of the changes brought by Android 12, the Pixel 8a looks like the maturing of the current Pixel lineup, with Google finding the right mix of features and compromises for the $500/550€ market. Yes, the Pixel 8a feels like a downgrade when you look at its bezels, Gorilla Glass 3-only protection, and slower charging speeds when compared to other models in this price range, but none can challenge the cameras, bloatware-free installation, and seven years of security support of the Pixel 8a.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 16/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
Google Pixel 8a hands-on review
Źródło: GSM Arena angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8a is a competently made phone. It has good build quality, excellent display, and some of the best cameras around. The software is clean with plenty of unique, Pixel-exclusive features and good support. On the downside, the thick bezels are embarrassing, the 18W charging is painfully slow, and the performance from the Tensor G3 is inconsistent at best. But the biggest drawback at present is the price. At $499, the Pixel 8a sits in an awkward position where last year's Pixel 7a is much better value, considering it isn't all that different and often significantly cheaper. Moreover, you can also usually just spend a little bit more and get the Pixel 8, which has better design, cameras, and faster charging. It's not clear then who the Pixel 8a is for at present. We can't pass judgement until our complete review is ready but from the looks of it, only a sizable discount could make it competitive. Until then, it's A for Avoidable.
Hands-On, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 16/05/2024
85% Google Pixel 8a review: A great phone that I'm not sure you should buy
Źródło: Android Police angielski EN→PL
I'm not sure I've ever felt so conflicted answering a question like "should you buy it?" than with this phone, especially considering how much I overall enjoyed my time with it. If you can accept all of the caveats that come with a Pixel recommendation — the unsatisfying nature of Tensor, the risk of future bugs, questions surrounding new AI abilities arriving on this hardware — I think it's a great pick, even at its full MSRP. Factor in carrier deals and trade-in offers, and most Pixel 8a owners will never pay $500 for this phone.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 16/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 85%
Pixel 8a first look: It has the AI magic and an aloe green colour to beat the summer
Źródło: The Indian Express angielski EN→PL
I think if Google markets the Pixel 8a well, it could be a premium-quality, mass-appeal device. But more than the pricing (it starts from Rs 52,999) and fun colors the Pixel 8a offers, I am curious to see how Google keeps the device better over time through AI features and beefed-up software. A lot of us ignore this aspect and focus on non-essential things instead. This has always been Google’s promise with the Pixel brand.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 16/05/2024
90% Google Pixel 8a Review
Źródło: Trusted Reviews angielski EN→PL
Even though the Pixel 8a has seen a price rise in certain regions, it remains good value for someone looking for a great camera, pocketable design and the promise of many years of software updates. Google has continued to design well-thought-out devices, and I much prefer the overall feel of the 8a to the standard 8. The matte back and slightly smaller, slightly more rounded body are all vast improvements to Google’s higher-priced device. As you’d expect from a Pixel, the camera is good – snapping excellent pictures with accurate skin tones and lovely colours in all sorts of environments. It’s strong in low light too, although not quite to the extent of the higher-end Pixel phones like the Pixel 8 Pro. Battery life remains a weakness, just as it has been with previous models, and this isn’t helped by the slow charging. This is a crowded end of the market with lots of fantastic devices.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 16/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
100% Google Pixel 8a Review: The Mid-Range Champion is Back
Źródło: Nextpit EN angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8a is a solid smartphone from Google, after the complicated—to say the least—refresh of the Pixel 6 family. Much like Android 15 feels like a small evolution of the changes brought by Android 12, the Pixel 8a looks like the maturing of the current Pixel lineup, with Google finding the right mix of features and compromises for the $500/550€ market. Yes, the Pixel 8a feels like a downgrade when you look at its bezels, Gorilla Glass 3-only protection, and slower charging speeds when compared to other models in this price range, but none can challenge the cameras, bloatware-free installation, and seven years of security support of the Pixel 8a.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 16/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
Google Pixel 8a hands-on review
Źródło: GSM Arena angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8a is a competently made phone. It has good build quality, excellent display, and some of the best cameras around. The software is clean with plenty of unique, Pixel-exclusive features and good support. On the downside, the thick bezels are embarrassing, the 18W charging is painfully slow, and the performance from the Tensor G3 is inconsistent at best. But the biggest drawback at present is the price. At $499, the Pixel 8a sits in an awkward position where last year's Pixel 7a is much better value, considering it isn't all that different and often significantly cheaper. Moreover, you can also usually just spend a little bit more and get the Pixel 8, which has better design, cameras, and faster charging. It's not clear then who the Pixel 8a is for at present. We can't pass judgement until our complete review is ready but from the looks of it, only a sizable discount could make it competitive. Until then, it's A for Avoidable.
Hands-On, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 16/05/2024
Google Pixel 8a Camera test
Źródło: DxOMark angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8a performed very well for its class in the DXOMARK Camera evaluations and showed improvements over its predecessor Pixel 7a. The Pixel 8a uses the same Google Tensor G3 chipset as the other Pixel 8 series devices but lacks a dedicated tele camera and comes with generally less advanced hardware when compared to the flagship Pixel 8 Pro. Overall, image results were close to the Pixel 8, particularly for photo and zoom. However, the Pixel 8a did not quite match the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro, and even the predecessor 7a, in terms of video detail. Our testers were particularly impressed by the Pixel 8a’s color rendering and skin tones in still photography. While the ultra-wide camera captured excellent image results, the absence of a dedicated telephoto lens meant that telephoto image quality was not quite on par with the best in class. In video mode, the Pixel 8a generally performed well under most conditions, but our testers noticed some weaknesses in terms of color and detail when recording portrait scenes.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 15/05/2024
Google Pixel 8a Camera test
Źródło: DxOMark angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8a performed very well for its class in the DXOMARK Camera evaluations and showed improvements over its predecessor Pixel 7a. The Pixel 8a uses the same Google Tensor G3 chipset as the other Pixel 8 series devices but lacks a dedicated tele camera and comes with generally less advanced hardware when compared to the flagship Pixel 8 Pro. Overall, image results were close to the Pixel 8, particularly for photo and zoom. However, the Pixel 8a did not quite match the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro, and even the predecessor 7a, in terms of video detail. Our testers were particularly impressed by the Pixel 8a’s color rendering and skin tones in still photography. While the ultra-wide camera captured excellent image results, the absence of a dedicated telephoto lens meant that telephoto image quality was not quite on par with the best in class. In video mode, the Pixel 8a generally performed well under most conditions, but our testers noticed some weaknesses in terms of color and detail when recording portrait scenes.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 15/05/2024
90% Google Pixel 8a review: a phone I’d buy with my own money
Źródło: Tom's Guide angielski EN→PL
As much as I relish using flagship phones, their skyrocketing costs make them unobtainable for the many who are on a tighter budget. That’s why I’ve been a fan of midrange phones for years, as they offer incredible value without the cost — and the Pixel 8a is exactly what I crave. Even though I'm disappointed that there's not a tremendous improvement to the camera performance like I've seen in years past, the Pixel 8a still manages to make it up in other ways. I think the bigger story here is how the Pixel 8a offers way more utility with its AI features and gets seven years of software support. You can also tack on its brighter screen, longer battery life, and charming design, all of which adds to its credibility in being the best cheap phone around. These improvements come without upping the cost of the phone, which in this day and age is a great thing in my book.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 14/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
First looks: Google Pixel 8a’s camera bar is less egregious than before
Źródło: Hardware Zone angielski EN→PL
In the meantime, Google Pixel 8a is available in 128GB and 256GB configurations, priced at S$799 and S$899, respectively. There are three colours to choose from: Obsidian, Porcelain (our hands-on unit), and Bay. Official retail begins on 14 May 2024.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 14/05/2024
87% Google Pixel 8a review: still a sub-$1000 winner
Źródło: Gadgetguy angielski EN→PL
If your phone budget stretches no further than $1,000, the Google Pixel 8a is a fantastic well-rounded device. It takes lovely photos, plays games smoothly, and feels great to use. It stings that Australia pays more for this handset than the rest of the world. Keep in mind that Google phones regularly discount deeply at retailers, so you’ll likely find one for less than a Pixel 7a in the not-too-distant future. If Google backs up its promise of post-launch software updates spanning seven years – and that’s a big “if” – the Pixel 8a will remain the king of sub-$1,000 phones. Regardless, it’s still a great phone, even if it doesn’t reach that seven-year milestone.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 14/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 87% cena: 80% wydajność: 85% wykonanie: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8a review: a phone I’d buy with my own money
Źródło: Tom's Guide angielski EN→PL
As much as I relish using flagship phones, their skyrocketing costs make them unobtainable for the many who are on a tighter budget. That’s why I’ve been a fan of midrange phones for years, as they offer incredible value without the cost — and the Pixel 8a is exactly what I crave. Even though I'm disappointed that there's not a tremendous improvement to the camera performance like I've seen in years past, the Pixel 8a still manages to make it up in other ways. I think the bigger story here is how the Pixel 8a offers way more utility with its AI features and gets seven years of software support. You can also tack on its brighter screen, longer battery life, and charming design, all of which adds to its credibility in being the best cheap phone around. These improvements come without upping the cost of the phone, which in this day and age is a great thing in my book.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 14/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
First looks: Google Pixel 8a’s camera bar is less egregious than before
Źródło: Hardware Zone angielski EN→PL
In the meantime, Google Pixel 8a is available in 128GB and 256GB configurations, priced at S$799 and S$899, respectively. There are three colours to choose from: Obsidian, Porcelain (our hands-on unit), and Bay. Official retail begins on 14 May 2024.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 14/05/2024
87% Google Pixel 8a review: still a sub-$1000 winner
Źródło: Gadgetguy angielski EN→PL
If your phone budget stretches no further than $1,000, the Google Pixel 8a is a fantastic well-rounded device. It takes lovely photos, plays games smoothly, and feels great to use. It stings that Australia pays more for this handset than the rest of the world. Keep in mind that Google phones regularly discount deeply at retailers, so you’ll likely find one for less than a Pixel 7a in the not-too-distant future. If Google backs up its promise of post-launch software updates spanning seven years – and that’s a big “if” – the Pixel 8a will remain the king of sub-$1,000 phones. Regardless, it’s still a great phone, even if it doesn’t reach that seven-year milestone.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 14/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 87% cena: 80% wydajność: 85% wykonanie: 90%
Pixel 8a vs. Pixel 8 | Don't choose WRONG!
Źródło: 9to5google angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Pixel 8a vs. Pixel 8 | Don't choose WRONG!
Źródło: 9to5google angielski
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/05/2024
100% Google Pixel 8a review: Trickle-down AI-conomics
Źródło: Expert Reviews angielski EN→PL
At the start of this review, I noted that the Pixel 8a had been priced into the shadow of the Pixel 8 but now I’m thinking that it might be the other way around. With the two phones being so similar across hardware, software support and now AI capabilities, the reasons for users to fork out more on the Pixel 8 are surprisingly few. Whether or not it ends up cannibalising its elder sibling remains to be seen, but either way the Pixel 8a is exceptional in its own right. The display is one of the best I’ve ever tested, the cameras get a host of new and improved editing tools and the seven years of software support is outstanding for a phone of this price. Google may have expected Gemini Nano to be the USP for this generation but even without it, the Pixel 8a would be a fantastically well-rounded mid-range phone – the AI is just a cherry on top.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
100% Google Pixel 8a review: Trickle-down AI-conomics
Źródło: Expert Reviews angielski EN→PL
At the start of this review, I noted that the Pixel 8a had been priced into the shadow of the Pixel 8 but now I’m thinking that it might be the other way around. With the two phones being so similar across hardware, software support and now AI capabilities, the reasons for users to fork out more on the Pixel 8 are surprisingly few. Whether or not it ends up cannibalising its elder sibling remains to be seen, but either way the Pixel 8a is exceptional in its own right. The display is one of the best I’ve ever tested, the cameras get a host of new and improved editing tools and the seven years of software support is outstanding for a phone of this price. Google may have expected Gemini Nano to be the USP for this generation but even without it, the Pixel 8a would be a fantastically well-rounded mid-range phone – the AI is just a cherry on top.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
90% Google Pixel 8a review: The best midrange Android phone gets flagship AI features
Źródło: Engadget angielski EN→PL
Google isn’t breaking new ground with the Pixel 8a. But the simple formula of class-leading cameras, a great display, strong battery life and a slick design will never go out of style – especially when you get all this for just $499. And with the addition of AI features that were previously only available on Google’s flagship phones, the Pixel 8a is a midrange smartphone that really is smarter than all of its rivals. To top everything off, there’s a configuration with 256GB of storage for the first time on any A-series handset (though only on the Obsidian model), plus even better support with a whopping seven years of Android and security updates. The one wrinkle to this is that the deciding factor comes down to how much its siblings cost. If you go by their default pricing, the $499 Pixel 8a offers incredible savings compared to the standard $799 Pixel 8.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
87% Geek Review: Google Pixel 8a
Źródło: Geek Culture angielski EN→PL
Don’t be fooled by the mid-range categorisation of the Google Pixel 8a, for it packs nearly the same oomph as its flagship sibling – AI capabilities, Tensor G3 power, photography prowess, and all – and transforms it into an attractive, more affordable bundle.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 87% cena: 90% wydajność: 85% wykonanie: 85%
Google Pixel 8a Review: Possibly The Best Midrange Phone Yet
Źródło: Hot Hardware angielski EN→PL
Google's latest take on Android is streamlined and attractive, though it is starting to bulk up with generative AI features that don't always work as expected. The Pixel 8a still ships with Assistant as the default voice control entity, but that might not be the case for much longer as Gemini continues improving and adding features. Circle to Search is the only truly new AI feature for the budget Pixel line, but this is mostly just a new way to access Google Lens. If you want to tinker with Google's other experimental AI features, you'll have to install the Gemini app, which the phone does recommend when you launch Assistant. Perhaps the best thing about Google's Pixel 8a software isn't how it works—it's how long it'll work. This is the first A-series phone with a seven-year update guarantee.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 13/05/2024
80% Google Pixel 8a initial review: The mid-range camera champ
Źródło: Android Central angielski EN→PL
As the price of the Pixel A-series continues to climb in many regions, its value continues to encroach on full flagship-tier phones. There's also something to be said when the best Pixel 8 deals can get you a better phone — the regular Pixel 8 — for the same price as the 8a. Not only that, but the OnePlus 12R also retails for $499 and packs a significantly faster and more efficient processor onboard, plus a better display that's also more eye-friendly. But there's no guarantee that you can snag a Pixel 8 for $499, which means the Pixel 8a is the best buy at the price if long-term updates and camera quality are your top features. Google's update quality has been a little shaky over the past few years, though, which hangs a cloud over an otherwise impeccable record of update speed.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8a Review: The Same Phone You Love, Now With More AI
Źródło: Android Headlines angielski EN→PL
Normally, if I’m looking at just the Pixel 8a and phones in its price range, it should be a no-brainer that the Pixel 8a is a must-buy. But where the Pixel 8 exists, and is constantly on sale, that makes the recommendation to buy the Pixel 8a a bit tougher. Typically, the Pixel 8 can be found for around $549 (MSRP is $699 though). And for that $50 more, you’re getting a glass build, better cameras, a better display, and slightly better battery life.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Google Pixel 8a First Impressions: Same yet Different
Źródło: NDTV Gadgets angielski EN→PL
While the Pixel 8a looks refreshingly new (especially in its two new finishes), Google seems to be mostly playing around with the same hardware underneath. This reminds us of what Samsung has managed with its Galaxy S24 this year. Meanwhile, interested buyers will get to play around with some new AI features, but it's hard to justify its new price, which has now climbed and settled in the premium segment, closing the gap between itself and the premium Pixel 8. While the performance was never the highlight of the Pixel A series, the Pixel 8a will now be competing with some high-end premium heavyweights from Chinese brands and Samsung, which easily offer more flexible and capable camera hardware. Can Google's expertise in AI still make the Pixel 8a relevant and worthwhile in 2024? How much of an upgrade is the Pixel 8a over the Pixel 7a? And how much closer is it to the Pixel 8 in terms of value? Find the answers to the above questions and more in our full review, which will be out soon.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 13/05/2024
84% Google Pixel 8a is an impressive deal even with some lackluster AI features
Źródło: Mashable angielski EN→PL
Whether or not you should buy the Pixel 8a really depends on where you’re at in your personal phone upgrade journey. If you’re on an older Android device and desperately need something affordable that will get years of software upgrades and general reliability, the Pixel 8a is a great choice. Its elite performance coupled with a flagship-esque display and decent enough camera specs are more than enough to make up for some lackluster returning AI features. But if you have a more recent Pixel (even an A-series from the last year or two), I would recommend waiting until the Pixel 9 announcement later this year. Pixel 8a is an appealing option for those in need of an urgent upgrade, but it doesn’t create any urgency by itself.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 84% wydajność: 90%
85% Pixel 8a Review: Small, mighty and cheaper too
Źródło: Mobile Syrup angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8a continues the proud tradition of making Google’s base flagship totally redundant. Like the 7a and 6a, the Pixel 8a offers a nearly identical experience to the Pixel 8 for less money. As much as I like the Pixel 8, I can’t really recommend it when the 8a is so much cheaper and the Pixel 8 Pro offers better camera features. The camera is the one thing the Pixel 8 has going for it compared to the 8a, and if you care that much about the camera, you should probably get the 8 Pro anyway. For me, the Pixel 8a offers all of the Pixel goodies I love, like Assistant Voice Typing, a reliable camera, and Call Assist features like Call Screen, in hardware that feels about as premium as you can get for a phone of this price. If I were buying a phone today, I would buy a Pixel 8a. That’s about as strong an endorsement as I can give a phone. The Pixel 8a is available for pre-order starting at $679 at the Google Store. It goes on sale starting May 14th.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 85%
80% Google Pixel 8a Review: Round Around The Corners, Cute, And Cost-Effective
Źródło: Slashgear angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8a is a lovely addition to the Pixel smartphone lineup, presenting a value in its hardware and software that exceeds its asking price. If you're able to find a Google Pixel 8 for a lower price than that of the 8a, get the 8 — but it's difficult to notice the difference unless you're switching from one directly to the other. You can purchase the Google Pixel 8a on Amazon right now for around $500. Amazon also has a (likely very limited) deal where you can pay approximately $500 and get a $100 Amazon gift card. You'll find the device in four colors: Obsidian (black), Porcelain (white), Aloe (green), and Bay (blue, the color we've reviewed here). You can buy a 128GB version in any of the four colors for $500, or there's a 256GB version in Obsidian that'll cost you $60 extra.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Google Pixel 8a | 100 Hours Review vs 7a
Źródło: Tech Spurt angielski
Unboxing Google's Pixel 8a, with an early review of the camera tech, gaming prowess, battery life etc vs last year's 7a smartphone. The Pixel 8a is no longer a budget hero, costing from £499 in the UK, but is it still a worthy purchase? Or should you save cash and grab the 7a instead? Here's how they compare and stay tuned for a full review! So, as far as camera hardware goes, the Pixel 8a is almost identical vs the older 7a. However you will notice some differences, including an upgraded Night Sight mode and those AI editing tools.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 13/05/2024
100% Google Pixel 8a review: Trickle-down AI-conomics
Źródło: Expert Reviews angielski EN→PL
At the start of this review, I noted that the Pixel 8a had been priced into the shadow of the Pixel 8 but now I’m thinking that it might be the other way around. With the two phones being so similar across hardware, software support and now AI capabilities, the reasons for users to fork out more on the Pixel 8 are surprisingly few. Whether or not it ends up cannibalising its elder sibling remains to be seen, but either way the Pixel 8a is exceptional in its own right. The display is one of the best I’ve ever tested, the cameras get a host of new and improved editing tools and the seven years of software support is outstanding for a phone of this price. Google may have expected Gemini Nano to be the USP for this generation but even without it, the Pixel 8a would be a fantastically well-rounded mid-range phone – the AI is just a cherry on top.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
100% Google Pixel 8a review: Trickle-down AI-conomics
Źródło: Expert Reviews angielski EN→PL
At the start of this review, I noted that the Pixel 8a had been priced into the shadow of the Pixel 8 but now I’m thinking that it might be the other way around. With the two phones being so similar across hardware, software support and now AI capabilities, the reasons for users to fork out more on the Pixel 8 are surprisingly few. Whether or not it ends up cannibalising its elder sibling remains to be seen, but either way the Pixel 8a is exceptional in its own right. The display is one of the best I’ve ever tested, the cameras get a host of new and improved editing tools and the seven years of software support is outstanding for a phone of this price. Google may have expected Gemini Nano to be the USP for this generation but even without it, the Pixel 8a would be a fantastically well-rounded mid-range phone – the AI is just a cherry on top.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
90% Google Pixel 8a review: The best midrange Android phone gets flagship AI features
Źródło: Engadget angielski EN→PL
Google isn’t breaking new ground with the Pixel 8a. But the simple formula of class-leading cameras, a great display, strong battery life and a slick design will never go out of style – especially when you get all this for just $499. And with the addition of AI features that were previously only available on Google’s flagship phones, the Pixel 8a is a midrange smartphone that really is smarter than all of its rivals. To top everything off, there’s a configuration with 256GB of storage for the first time on any A-series handset (though only on the Obsidian model), plus even better support with a whopping seven years of Android and security updates. The one wrinkle to this is that the deciding factor comes down to how much its siblings cost. If you go by their default pricing, the $499 Pixel 8a offers incredible savings compared to the standard $799 Pixel 8.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
87% Geek Review: Google Pixel 8a
Źródło: Geek Culture angielski EN→PL
Don’t be fooled by the mid-range categorisation of the Google Pixel 8a, for it packs nearly the same oomph as its flagship sibling – AI capabilities, Tensor G3 power, photography prowess, and all – and transforms it into an attractive, more affordable bundle.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 87% cena: 90% wydajność: 85% wykonanie: 85%
Google Pixel 8a Review: Possibly The Best Midrange Phone Yet
Źródło: Hot Hardware angielski EN→PL
Google's latest take on Android is streamlined and attractive, though it is starting to bulk up with generative AI features that don't always work as expected. The Pixel 8a still ships with Assistant as the default voice control entity, but that might not be the case for much longer as Gemini continues improving and adding features. Circle to Search is the only truly new AI feature for the budget Pixel line, but this is mostly just a new way to access Google Lens. If you want to tinker with Google's other experimental AI features, you'll have to install the Gemini app, which the phone does recommend when you launch Assistant. Perhaps the best thing about Google's Pixel 8a software isn't how it works—it's how long it'll work. This is the first A-series phone with a seven-year update guarantee.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 13/05/2024
80% Google Pixel 8a initial review: The mid-range camera champ
Źródło: Android Central angielski EN→PL
As the price of the Pixel A-series continues to climb in many regions, its value continues to encroach on full flagship-tier phones. There's also something to be said when the best Pixel 8 deals can get you a better phone — the regular Pixel 8 — for the same price as the 8a. Not only that, but the OnePlus 12R also retails for $499 and packs a significantly faster and more efficient processor onboard, plus a better display that's also more eye-friendly. But there's no guarantee that you can snag a Pixel 8 for $499, which means the Pixel 8a is the best buy at the price if long-term updates and camera quality are your top features. Google's update quality has been a little shaky over the past few years, though, which hangs a cloud over an otherwise impeccable record of update speed.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8a Review: The Same Phone You Love, Now With More AI
Źródło: Android Headlines angielski EN→PL
Normally, if I’m looking at just the Pixel 8a and phones in its price range, it should be a no-brainer that the Pixel 8a is a must-buy. But where the Pixel 8 exists, and is constantly on sale, that makes the recommendation to buy the Pixel 8a a bit tougher. Typically, the Pixel 8 can be found for around $549 (MSRP is $699 though). And for that $50 more, you’re getting a glass build, better cameras, a better display, and slightly better battery life.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Google Pixel 8a First Impressions: Same yet Different
Źródło: NDTV Gadgets angielski EN→PL
While the Pixel 8a looks refreshingly new (especially in its two new finishes), Google seems to be mostly playing around with the same hardware underneath. This reminds us of what Samsung has managed with its Galaxy S24 this year. Meanwhile, interested buyers will get to play around with some new AI features, but it's hard to justify its new price, which has now climbed and settled in the premium segment, closing the gap between itself and the premium Pixel 8. While the performance was never the highlight of the Pixel A series, the Pixel 8a will now be competing with some high-end premium heavyweights from Chinese brands and Samsung, which easily offer more flexible and capable camera hardware. Can Google's expertise in AI still make the Pixel 8a relevant and worthwhile in 2024? How much of an upgrade is the Pixel 8a over the Pixel 7a? And how much closer is it to the Pixel 8 in terms of value? Find the answers to the above questions and more in our full review, which will be out soon.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 13/05/2024
84% Google Pixel 8a is an impressive deal even with some lackluster AI features
Źródło: Mashable angielski EN→PL
Whether or not you should buy the Pixel 8a really depends on where you’re at in your personal phone upgrade journey. If you’re on an older Android device and desperately need something affordable that will get years of software upgrades and general reliability, the Pixel 8a is a great choice. Its elite performance coupled with a flagship-esque display and decent enough camera specs are more than enough to make up for some lackluster returning AI features. But if you have a more recent Pixel (even an A-series from the last year or two), I would recommend waiting until the Pixel 9 announcement later this year. Pixel 8a is an appealing option for those in need of an urgent upgrade, but it doesn’t create any urgency by itself.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 84% wydajność: 90%
85% Pixel 8a Review: Small, mighty and cheaper too
Źródło: Mobile Syrup angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8a continues the proud tradition of making Google’s base flagship totally redundant. Like the 7a and 6a, the Pixel 8a offers a nearly identical experience to the Pixel 8 for less money. As much as I like the Pixel 8, I can’t really recommend it when the 8a is so much cheaper and the Pixel 8 Pro offers better camera features. The camera is the one thing the Pixel 8 has going for it compared to the 8a, and if you care that much about the camera, you should probably get the 8 Pro anyway. For me, the Pixel 8a offers all of the Pixel goodies I love, like Assistant Voice Typing, a reliable camera, and Call Assist features like Call Screen, in hardware that feels about as premium as you can get for a phone of this price. If I were buying a phone today, I would buy a Pixel 8a. That’s about as strong an endorsement as I can give a phone. The Pixel 8a is available for pre-order starting at $679 at the Google Store. It goes on sale starting May 14th.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 85%
80% Google Pixel 8a Review: Round Around The Corners, Cute, And Cost-Effective
Źródło: Slashgear angielski EN→PL
The Google Pixel 8a is a lovely addition to the Pixel smartphone lineup, presenting a value in its hardware and software that exceeds its asking price. If you're able to find a Google Pixel 8 for a lower price than that of the 8a, get the 8 — but it's difficult to notice the difference unless you're switching from one directly to the other. You can purchase the Google Pixel 8a on Amazon right now for around $500. Amazon also has a (likely very limited) deal where you can pay approximately $500 and get a $100 Amazon gift card. You'll find the device in four colors: Obsidian (black), Porcelain (white), Aloe (green), and Bay (blue, the color we've reviewed here). You can buy a 128GB version in any of the four colors for $500, or there's a 256GB version in Obsidian that'll cost you $60 extra.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Google Pixel 8a | 100 Hours Review vs 7a
Źródło: Tech Spurt angielski
Unboxing Google's Pixel 8a, with an early review of the camera tech, gaming prowess, battery life etc vs last year's 7a smartphone. The Pixel 8a is no longer a budget hero, costing from £499 in the UK, but is it still a worthy purchase? Or should you save cash and grab the 7a instead? Here's how they compare and stay tuned for a full review! So, as far as camera hardware goes, the Pixel 8a is almost identical vs the older 7a. However you will notice some differences, including an upgraded Night Sight mode and those AI editing tools.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Pixel 8a hands-on | What COLOR should you choose?!
Źródło: 9to5google angielski
Hands-On, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 07/05/2024
Google Pixel 8A Impressions: Just Get The 8!
Źródło: Marques Brownlee angielski
Hands-On, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 07/05/2024
Pixel 8a hands-on | What COLOR should you choose?!
Źródło: 9to5google angielski
Hands-On, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 07/05/2024
Google Pixel 8A Impressions: Just Get The 8!
Źródło: Marques Brownlee angielski
Hands-On, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 07/05/2024
Google Pixel 8A First Look: What’s New and Early Impressions
Źródło: CNet angielski
Google’s new budget phone takes a lot of cues from the Pixel 8, inheriting its processor, 7-year software update timeline and certain AI features.
Hands-On, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 07/05/2024
Google Pixel 8a hands-on: Flagship AI and a 120Hz OLED screen for $499
Źródło: Engadget angielski
The Pixel 8a is Google's latest in their affordable A-series of Pixel phones. Packed with a Tensor G3 chip, a 120Hz OLED screen, and Google's impressive AI features, the Pixel 8a combines everything you like about the regular Pixel with a price tag of just $499.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 07/05/2024
Google's Best Budget Phone? Google Pixel 8a Hands On
Źródło: Tom's Guide angielski
The Google Pixel 8a is making a serious run at being the best budget phone released this year, primarily due to how this Android phone keeps the same $499 price that the series is known for, while throwing in the usual yearly hardware upgrades to make it a much better phone. What's even better about the Pixel 8a is the fact that Google's giving it some of the same AI features as its flagship phones like the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro. If that's not enough, it also sets the bar for software support among budget phones with its 7 years of software and security updates.
Hands-On, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo krótka, Data: 07/05/2024
Google Pixel 8A First Look: What’s New and Early Impressions
Źródło: CNet angielski
Google’s new budget phone takes a lot of cues from the Pixel 8, inheriting its processor, 7-year software update timeline and certain AI features.
Hands-On, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 07/05/2024
Google Pixel 8a hands-on: Flagship AI and a 120Hz OLED screen for $499
Źródło: Engadget angielski
The Pixel 8a is Google's latest in their affordable A-series of Pixel phones. Packed with a Tensor G3 chip, a 120Hz OLED screen, and Google's impressive AI features, the Pixel 8a combines everything you like about the regular Pixel with a price tag of just $499.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 07/05/2024
Google's Best Budget Phone? Google Pixel 8a Hands On
Źródło: Tom's Guide angielski
The Google Pixel 8a is making a serious run at being the best budget phone released this year, primarily due to how this Android phone keeps the same $499 price that the series is known for, while throwing in the usual yearly hardware upgrades to make it a much better phone. What's even better about the Pixel 8a is the fact that Google's giving it some of the same AI features as its flagship phones like the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro. If that's not enough, it also sets the bar for software support among budget phones with its 7 years of software and security updates.
Hands-On, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo krótka, Data: 07/05/2024
Google Pixel 8a - Everything You Need To Know
Źródło: Pocketnow angielski
The Google Pixel "A" series has always been that knight in shining armor that has served the lineup in expanding its reach. It's no secret that even if all companies need the bragging rights of a flagship, the best sellers are always the mid-rangers. For Samsung it's the A series, for Apple it's the base models. The Pixel A has always been different, though. It's always been priced as more of an entry-level phone than a mid-ranger, and surely cutting some corners in the hardware, but then pushing down the flagship features into a more affordable price-range. It's why it's always been so popular.. But, in the past. The fact that the Pixel 8 didn't reach the Pixel 8 Pro AI features was already a bad indication that this would be the first year that the A series might get short-changed. I'm Jaime Rivera with Pocketnow, and it's time for another deep dive.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 24/04/2024
Google Pixel 8a - Everything You Need To Know
Źródło: Pocketnow angielski
The Google Pixel "A" series has always been that knight in shining armor that has served the lineup in expanding its reach. It's no secret that even if all companies need the bragging rights of a flagship, the best sellers are always the mid-rangers. For Samsung it's the A series, for Apple it's the base models. The Pixel A has always been different, though. It's always been priced as more of an entry-level phone than a mid-ranger, and surely cutting some corners in the hardware, but then pushing down the flagship features into a more affordable price-range. It's why it's always been so popular.. But, in the past. The fact that the Pixel 8 didn't reach the Pixel 8 Pro AI features was already a bad indication that this would be the first year that the A series might get short-changed. I'm Jaime Rivera with Pocketnow, and it's time for another deep dive.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 24/04/2024
Google Pixel 8a vs Pixel 8: The little mid-ranger that could
Źródło: Phone Arena angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8a is shaping up to be another successful chapter in Google's renowned book of Pixel phones. With possible major improvements in key areas like battery size and display, the device could very well fix most of our issues with the Pixel 7a and emerge as another oft-recommended phone in the mid-range sector. Meanwhile, the Pixel 8 is a compact flagship phone that looks pretty familiar at first sight, but has that extra of premium-ness that makes all the difference. A better camera, potentially faster charging speeds, more refined design, and better performance will make it worth a few couple of hundred dollars more. Speaking of price, we expect the Pixel 8a to start at $499, like its predecessor, but there's always the possibility for Google to jack up the prices. Or, albeit way less likely, we could see a price reduction. Unlikely, but still possible.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 16/04/2024
Google Pixel 8a vs Pixel 8: The little mid-ranger that could
Źródło: Phone Arena angielski EN→PL
The Pixel 8a is shaping up to be another successful chapter in Google's renowned book of Pixel phones. With possible major improvements in key areas like battery size and display, the device could very well fix most of our issues with the Pixel 7a and emerge as another oft-recommended phone in the mid-range sector. Meanwhile, the Pixel 8 is a compact flagship phone that looks pretty familiar at first sight, but has that extra of premium-ness that makes all the difference. A better camera, potentially faster charging speeds, more refined design, and better performance will make it worth a few couple of hundred dollars more. Speaking of price, we expect the Pixel 8a to start at $499, like its predecessor, but there's always the possibility for Google to jack up the prices. Or, albeit way less likely, we could see a price reduction. Unlikely, but still possible.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 16/04/2024
Google Pixel 8a preview: Our expectations
Źródło: Phone Arena angielski EN→PL
We can definitely recommend this phone, even before the final evaluation took place. If you want to be on the forefront of AI innovation without dishing out a ton of money, the Pixel 8a is one of your best bets. It has Google behind it, which means it will get seven years of major OS support, and that includes all the AI magic Google will throw in its phones. As an alternative, we could recommend the Galaxy A-series, and the Galaxy A55 in particular. However, there aren't many models at that price point to offer a sophisticated AI built inside, and other companies will have to play catch-up in order to be competitive.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 10/04/2024
Google Pixel 8a preview: Our expectations
Źródło: Phone Arena angielski EN→PL
We can definitely recommend this phone, even before the final evaluation took place. If you want to be on the forefront of AI innovation without dishing out a ton of money, the Pixel 8a is one of your best bets. It has Google behind it, which means it will get seven years of major OS support, and that includes all the AI magic Google will throw in its phones. As an alternative, we could recommend the Galaxy A-series, and the Galaxy A55 in particular. However, there aren't many models at that price point to offer a sophisticated AI built inside, and other companies will have to play catch-up in order to be competitive.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 10/04/2024
95% Die besten Handys für wenig Geld
Źródło: Chip (Print) - 9/24 niemiecki
Porównanie, , Średnio długa, Data: 01/08/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 95% wydajność: 91% cechy: 96% wyświetlacz: 96% mobilność: 90%
95% Die besten Handys für wenig Geld
Źródło: Chip (Print) - 9/24 niemiecki
Porównanie, , Średnio długa, Data: 01/08/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 95% wydajność: 91% cechy: 96% wyświetlacz: 96% mobilność: 90%
92% Google Pixel 8a
Źródło: Android Mag niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 18/07/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 92%
92% Google Pixel 8a
Źródło: Android Mag niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 18/07/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 92%
Fast perfektes Smartphone für unter 500 Euro?
Źródło: niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/07/2024
Die beste Wahl
Źródło: niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/07/2024
Fast perfektes Smartphone für unter 500 Euro?
Źródło: niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/07/2024
Die beste Wahl
Źródło: niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/07/2024
92% Handliches Smartphone
Źródło: Smartphone Magazin - 3/24 niemiecki
Recenzja laptopa, , Krótka, Data: 01/07/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 92% wydajność: 100% cechy: 86% wyświetlacz: 88% mobilność: 71% wykonanie: 100%
92% Handliches Smartphone
Źródło: Smartphone Magazin - 3/24 niemiecki
Recenzja laptopa, , Krótka, Data: 01/07/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 92% wydajność: 100% cechy: 86% wyświetlacz: 88% mobilność: 71% wykonanie: 100%
90% Kein Smartphone für 469 Euro schießt bessere Fotos
Źródło: Tech Stage niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 20/06/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Kein Smartphone für 469 Euro schießt bessere Fotos
Źródło: Tech Stage niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 20/06/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
Google Pixel 8a
Źródło: RP-Online niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 02/06/2024
Google Pixel 8a
Źródło: RP-Online niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 02/06/2024
Google Pixel 8a
Źródło: niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 31/05/2024
Google Pixel 8a
Źródło: niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 31/05/2024
95% Das Google Pixel 8a zeigt im Test eine unerwartete Stärke
Źródło: Computerbild niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 30/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 95%
95% Das Google Pixel 8a zeigt im Test eine unerwartete Stärke
Źródło: Computerbild niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 30/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 95%
Leider etwas zu spät dran, Google
Źródło: Stadt-bremerhaven niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 19/05/2024
Leider etwas zu spät dran, Google
Źródło: Stadt-bremerhaven niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 19/05/2024
84% Dieses Handy lässt Samsungs A-Serie alt aussehen
Źródło: Netzwelt niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 18/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 84% cechy: 90% mobilność: 70%
84% Dieses Handy lässt Samsungs A-Serie alt aussehen
Źródło: Netzwelt niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 18/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 84% cechy: 90% mobilność: 70%
95% Googles Überraschungserfolg
Źródło: niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 17/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 95% cena: 74% wydajność: 91% cechy: 96% wyświetlacz: 96% mobilność: 90%
95% Googles Überraschungserfolg
Źródło: niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 17/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 95% cena: 74% wydajność: 91% cechy: 96% wyświetlacz: 96% mobilność: 90%
80% Der Mittelklasse-Champion ist zurück
Źródło: Nextpit Germany niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 16/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Der Mittelklasse-Champion ist zurück
Źródło: Nextpit Germany niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 16/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Das nahezu perfekte Android-Handy, wenn Google sich nicht selbst ein Bein stellen würde
Źródło: Gamestar niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 15/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
80% Das nahezu perfekte Android-Handy, wenn Google sich nicht selbst ein Bein stellen würde
Źródło: Gamestar niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 15/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Das KI-Smartphone
Źródło: A1 Blog niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 14/05/2024
Das KI-Smartphone
Źródło: A1 Blog niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 14/05/2024
Starkes Gesamtpaket
Źródło: n-tv niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Doch lieber das Pixel 8 kaufen?
Źródło: niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Ausprobiert: Das neue Google Pixel 8a im Praxis-Test
Źródło: Computerbild niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Starkes Gesamtpaket
Źródło: n-tv niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Doch lieber das Pixel 8 kaufen?
Źródło: niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Ausprobiert: Das neue Google Pixel 8a im Praxis-Test
Źródło: Computerbild niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Google Pixel 8a
Źródło: A1 Blog niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 08/05/2024
Google Pixel 8a
Źródło: A1 Blog niemiecki DE→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 08/05/2024
85% Google Pixel 8a, análisis: no es tan solo el Pixel más económico. Es una de las sorpresas del año
Źródło: Xataka hiszpański ES→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 22/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 85% wydajność: 85% wyświetlacz: 83% mobilność: 78% wykonanie: 85%
85% Google Pixel 8a, análisis: no es tan solo el Pixel más económico. Es una de las sorpresas del año
Źródło: Xataka hiszpański ES→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 22/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 85% wydajność: 85% wyświetlacz: 83% mobilność: 78% wykonanie: 85%
85% He probado el Google Pixel 8a y lleva el rendimiento de la gama media cerca de la premium, pero no todo está a la altura
Źródło: Computerhoy hiszpański ES→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 17/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 85%
85% He probado el Google Pixel 8a y lleva el rendimiento de la gama media cerca de la premium, pero no todo está a la altura
Źródło: Computerhoy hiszpański ES→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 17/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 85%
Google Pixel 8a, análisis: el móvil por el que Xiaomi debe preocuparse
Źródło: Hipertextual hiszpański ES→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Google Pixel 8a, análisis: el móvil por el que Xiaomi debe preocuparse
Źródło: Hipertextual hiszpański ES→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 13/05/2024
90% Google Pixel 8a
Źródło: PC Guia portugalski PT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo krótka, Data: 03/08/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8a
Źródło: PC Guia portugalski PT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo krótka, Data: 03/08/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Análise Google Pixel 8a: Review ao melhor smartphone de gama média
Źródło: Mais Tecnologia portugalski PT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 29/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Análise Google Pixel 8a: Review ao melhor smartphone de gama média
Źródło: Mais Tecnologia portugalski PT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 29/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8a review: uma aposta segura na gama-média
Źródło: 4G News portugalski PT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 18/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8a review: uma aposta segura na gama-média
Źródło: 4G News portugalski PT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 18/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
Primeiras impressões Google Pixel 8a: Inteligência AI mais avançada a baixo custo
Źródło: Android Geek portugalski PT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Conheça a fundo o Pixel 8a: toda a IA da Google e a fotografia excepcional por apenas 560 euros
Źródło: Pplware portugalski PT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 13/05/2024
Primeiras impressões Google Pixel 8a: Inteligência AI mais avançada a baixo custo
Źródło: Android Geek portugalski PT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Conheça a fundo o Pixel 8a: toda a IA da Google e a fotografia excepcional por apenas 560 euros
Źródło: Pplware portugalski PT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 13/05/2024
72% Google Pixel 8A dopo 3 mesi: si conferma un prodotto da comprare?
Źródło: Evo smart włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 05/08/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 72% wyświetlacz: 80% mobilność: 75%
72% Google Pixel 8A dopo 3 mesi: si conferma un prodotto da comprare?
Źródło: Evo smart włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 05/08/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 72% wyświetlacz: 80% mobilność: 75%
76% Pixel 8a in prova: il telefono di fascia media con 7 anni di aggiornamenti software
Źródło: DDay IT włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 20/06/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 76% cena: 60% wykonanie: 70%
76% Pixel 8a in prova: il telefono di fascia media con 7 anni di aggiornamenti software
Źródło: DDay IT włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 20/06/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 76% cena: 60% wykonanie: 70%
La recensione di Pixel 8a: ancora una volta il re della fascia media (se al giusto prezzo)
Źródło: Techprincess IT włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 23/05/2024
La recensione di Pixel 8a: ancora una volta il re della fascia media (se al giusto prezzo)
Źródło: Techprincess IT włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 23/05/2024
90% Recensione Google Pixel 8a: l’IA entra nella fascia media
Źródło: Igizmo włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 18/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Recensione Google Pixel 8a: l’IA entra nella fascia media
Źródło: Igizmo włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 18/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
Google Pixel 8a: può diventare un vero best buy? La recensione
Źródło: Quotidiano Hardware Upgrade włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 17/05/2024
Google Pixel 8a: può diventare un vero best buy? La recensione
Źródło: Quotidiano Hardware Upgrade włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 17/05/2024
83% Recensione Google Pixel 8A: mi smentirò da solo
Źródło: Smart World włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 16/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 83% cena: 65% cechy: 75% wyświetlacz: 85% mobilność: 70% wykonanie: 85% ergonomia: 85%
70% Google Pixel 8a, l'Android per puristi compatto e semplice
Źródło: Wired IT włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 16/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 70% mobilność: 75%
83% Recensione Google Pixel 8A: mi smentirò da solo
Źródło: Smart World włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 16/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 83% cena: 65% cechy: 75% wyświetlacz: 85% mobilność: 70% wykonanie: 85% ergonomia: 85%
83% Recensione Google Pixel 8A: mi smentirò da solo
Źródło: Smart World włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 16/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 83% cena: 65% cechy: 75% wyświetlacz: 85% mobilność: 70% wykonanie: 85% ergonomia: 85%
70% Google Pixel 8a, l'Android per puristi compatto e semplice
Źródło: Wired IT włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 16/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 70% mobilność: 75%
83% Recensione Google Pixel 8A: mi smentirò da solo
Źródło: Smart World włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 16/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 83% cena: 65% cechy: 75% wyświetlacz: 85% mobilność: 70% wykonanie: 85% ergonomia: 85%
72% Recensione Google Pixel 8A: una chicca da comprare?
Źródło: Evo smart włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 15/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 72% wyświetlacz: 80% mobilność: 75%
72% Recensione Google Pixel 8A: una chicca da comprare?
Źródło: Evo smart włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 15/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 72% wyświetlacz: 80% mobilność: 75%
80% Recensione Google Pixel 8a: il medio gamma da comprare... tra qualche mese!
Źródło: włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% cechy: 82%
86% Recensione Google Pixel 8a
Źródło: Andrea Galeazzi włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 13/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 86% cena: 80% wyświetlacz: 85% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 83%
75% Recensione Google Pixel 8a : gioca in serie “a”
Źródło: Batista70Phone włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 75% cechy: 90% wyświetlacz: 85% mobilność: 85% wykonanie: 85% ergonomia: 85%
90% Recensione Google Pixel 8A, difficile da collocare, ma ottimo
Źródło: Mister Gadget włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
85% Google Pixel 8a, la recensione dello smartphone Android che stavamo aspettando?
Źródło: Multiplayer IT włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 85%
Recensione Google Pixel 8a: compatto, semplice, per tutti ma da prendere al giusto prezzo
Źródło: Tutto Android włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 13/05/2024
80% Recensione Google Pixel 8a: il medio gamma da comprare... tra qualche mese!
Źródło: włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% cechy: 82%
86% Recensione Google Pixel 8a
Źródło: Andrea Galeazzi włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 13/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 86% cena: 80% wyświetlacz: 85% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 83%
75% Recensione Google Pixel 8a : gioca in serie “a”
Źródło: Batista70Phone włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 75% cechy: 90% wyświetlacz: 85% mobilność: 85% wykonanie: 85% ergonomia: 85%
90% Recensione Google Pixel 8A, difficile da collocare, ma ottimo
Źródło: Mister Gadget włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
85% Google Pixel 8a, la recensione dello smartphone Android che stavamo aspettando?
Źródło: Multiplayer IT włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 85%
Recensione Google Pixel 8a: compatto, semplice, per tutti ma da prendere al giusto prezzo
Źródło: Tutto Android włoski IT→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 13/05/2024
85% Google Pixel 8a review: fijne eyecatcher die het zichzelf moeilijk maakt
Źródło: holenderski NL→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 27/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 85%
85% Google Pixel 8a review: fijne eyecatcher die het zichzelf moeilijk maakt
Źródło: holenderski NL→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 27/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 85%
100% Test Labo du Google Pixel 8a : un superbe rapport qualité-prix
Źródło: L' Eclaireur FNAC francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 27/06/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100% wydajność: 100% wyświetlacz: 60% mobilność: 90%
100% Test Labo du Google Pixel 8a : un superbe rapport qualité-prix
Źródło: L' Eclaireur FNAC francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 27/06/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100% wydajność: 100% wyświetlacz: 60% mobilność: 90%
100% Test Google Pixel 8a : le milieu de gamme surdoué de Google
Źródło: Les Mobiles francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 31/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
100% Test Google Pixel 8a : le milieu de gamme surdoué de Google
Źródło: Les Mobiles francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 31/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
85% Test Google Pixel 8a : Le petit dernier de la gamme Pixel 8 de Google
Źródło: Charles Tech francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 30/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 85% cena: 90% wydajność: 80% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 80%
85% Test Google Pixel 8a : Le petit dernier de la gamme Pixel 8 de Google
Źródło: Charles Tech francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 30/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 85% cena: 90% wydajność: 80% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 80%
90% Test Google Pixel 8a, encore une fois, c’est simple et efficace !
Źródło: Journal du Geek francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 27/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Test Google Pixel 8a, encore une fois, c’est simple et efficace !
Źródło: Journal du Geek francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 27/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
86% Test du Google Pixel 8a : un incroyable rapport qualité/prix dans un smartphone compact et durable
Źródło: 01Net francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 23/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 86% mobilność: 100%
91% Test Google Pixel 8a : pour le meilleur et pour le meilleur
Źródło: Presse Citron francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 23/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 91% cena: 95% wydajność: 95% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 85% wykonanie: 90%
86% Test du Google Pixel 8a : un incroyable rapport qualité/prix dans un smartphone compact et durable
Źródło: 01Net francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 23/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 86% mobilność: 100%
91% Test Google Pixel 8a : pour le meilleur et pour le meilleur
Źródło: Presse Citron francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 23/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 91% cena: 95% wydajność: 95% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 85% wykonanie: 90%
Prise en main du Google Pixel 8a : un smartphone compact très doué en photo
Źródło: L' Eclaireur FNAC francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 22/05/2024
Prise en main du Google Pixel 8a : un smartphone compact très doué en photo
Źródło: L' Eclaireur FNAC francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 22/05/2024
100% Test du Google Pixel 8a: Le champion du milieu de gamme est de retour
Źródło: Nextpit France francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 21/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
100% Test du Google Pixel 8a: Le champion du milieu de gamme est de retour
Źródło: Nextpit France francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 21/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
100% Test du Google Pixel 8a: Le champion du milieu de gamme est de retour
Źródło: Nextpit France francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 17/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
90% Test Google Pixel 8a : le meilleur smartphone Android milieu de gamme
Źródło: CNet France francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 17/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
80% Test du Google Pixel 8a : le meilleur smartphone milieu de gamme a un gros défaut
Źródło: Frandroid francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 17/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% wydajność: 80% wyświetlacz: 100% mobilność: 50% wykonanie: 90%
100% Test du Google Pixel 8a: Le champion du milieu de gamme est de retour
Źródło: Nextpit France francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 17/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
90% Test Google Pixel 8a : le meilleur smartphone Android milieu de gamme
Źródło: CNet France francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 17/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
80% Test du Google Pixel 8a : le meilleur smartphone milieu de gamme a un gros défaut
Źródło: Frandroid francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 17/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% wydajność: 80% wyświetlacz: 100% mobilność: 50% wykonanie: 90%
80% Google Pixel 8a
Źródło: Les Numeriques francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 16/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% wydajność: 80% wyświetlacz: 100% mobilność: 60% wykonanie: 80% ergonomia: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8a
Źródło: Les Numeriques francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 16/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% wydajność: 80% wyświetlacz: 100% mobilność: 60% wykonanie: 80% ergonomia: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8a
Źródło: Les Numeriques francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 16/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% wydajność: 80% wyświetlacz: 100% mobilność: 60% wykonanie: 80% ergonomia: 80%
80% Google Pixel 8a
Źródło: Les Numeriques francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 16/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% wydajność: 80% wyświetlacz: 100% mobilność: 60% wykonanie: 80% ergonomia: 80%
90% Test Google Pixel 8a : le milieu de gamme de Google qui n'a pas grand-chose à envier aux flagships
Źródło: Clubic francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 14/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90% wydajność: 90% wyświetlacz: 80% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 90%
90% Test Google Pixel 8a : le milieu de gamme de Google qui n'a pas grand-chose à envier aux flagships
Źródło: Clubic francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 14/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90% wydajność: 90% wyświetlacz: 80% mobilność: 80% wykonanie: 90%
100% Premier test du Google Pixel 8a: Un bon smartphone à la croisée des Pixel 8 et Pixel 7a
Źródło: Nextpit France francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
100% Premier test du Google Pixel 8a: Un bon smartphone à la croisée des Pixel 8 et Pixel 7a
Źródło: Nextpit France francuski FR→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 100%
Обзор смартфона Google Pixel 8a: самый умный в классе
Źródło: RU→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 19/06/2024
Обзор смартфона Google Pixel 8a: самый умный в классе
Źródło: RU→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 19/06/2024
Обзор Pixel 8a: отличный компактный смартфон по завышенной цене
Źródło: Hi-Tech Mail RU→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 21/05/2024
Обзор Pixel 8a: отличный компактный смартфон по завышенной цене
Źródło: Hi-Tech Mail RU→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 21/05/2024
Обзор Google Pixel 8a
Źródło: RU→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 16/05/2024
Обзор Google Pixel 8a
Źródło: RU→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 16/05/2024
Recenze smartphonu Google Pixel 8a: vlajkový Pixel schovaný v levnějším kabátku
Źródło: CZ→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 08/07/2024
Recenze smartphonu Google Pixel 8a: vlajkový Pixel schovaný v levnějším kabátku
Źródło: CZ→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 08/07/2024
87% Google Pixel 8a recenze: Poprvé v Česku a skvělý jako vždy
Źródło: Svet Androida CZ→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 15/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 87%
87% Google Pixel 8a recenze: Poprvé v Česku a skvělý jako vždy
Źródło: Svet Androida CZ→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 15/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 87%
79% Recenze Google Pixel 8a: spíše tažný kůň než vymodlený jednorožec
Źródło: CZ→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 79% wydajność: 82% cechy: 77% mobilność: 73% wykonanie: 83%
79% Recenze Google Pixel 8a: spíše tažný kůň než vymodlený jednorožec
Źródło: CZ→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 79% wydajność: 82% cechy: 77% mobilność: 73% wykonanie: 83%
90% Google Pixel 8A
Źródło: NO→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 26/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
90% Google Pixel 8A
Źródło: NO→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 26/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
88% Google Pixel 8a
Źródło: Komputer for alle DA→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo krótka, Data: 01/07/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 88%
88% Google Pixel 8a
Źródło: Komputer for alle DA→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo krótka, Data: 01/07/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 88%
Skal du købe Pixel 8a? …måske!
Źródło: Mere DA→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo krótka, Data: 01/06/2024
Skal du købe Pixel 8a? …måske!
Źródło: Mere DA→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo krótka, Data: 01/06/2024
88% Google Pixel 8a
Źródło: Komputer for alle DA→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo krótka, Data: 21/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 88%
88% Google Pixel 8a
Źródło: Komputer for alle DA→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo krótka, Data: 21/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 88%
67% Google Pixel 8a test | Lever ikke op til forventningerne
Źródło: Mere DA→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 67%
67% Google Pixel 8a test | Lever ikke op til forventningerne
Źródło: Mere DA→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 67%
76% Test: Google Pixel 8A – Prisvärd som har det viktigaste
Źródło: SV→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 76% wyświetlacz: 80%
76% Test: Google Pixel 8A – Prisvärd som har det viktigaste
Źródło: SV→PL
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 76% wyświetlacz: 80%




Karty z tej kategorii są w stanie pociągnąć płynnie najnowsze gry, ale

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wymagające gry chodzą tylko na minimalnych ustawieniach, w wyniku

czego często mocno cierpi jakość grafiki. Układy z tej klasy powinny

zainteresować osoby rzadko grające w gry.

ARM Mali-G715 MP7: ARM Immortalis-G715MC11 to zintegrowana karta graficzna klasy high-end dla smartfonów z 11 z 16 możliwych rdzeni. Bazuje ona na trzeciej generacji architektury Valhall firmy ARM i oferuje o 15% wyższą wydajność niż poprzednia generacja. G715 to pierwszy mobilny procesor graficzny ze sprzętową obsługą ray tracingu, a także obsługą cieniowania o zmiennej częstotliwości (VRS).

>> Wiecej informacji w naszym Zestawieniu mobilnych ukladów graficznych and the corresponding Benchmark List.

Google :

Tensor G3: Wysokiej klasy SoC z 9 rdzeniami w trzech klastrach (1x Cortex-X2 2,9 GHz / 2x Cortex-A715 2,37 GHz / 4x A510 1,7 GHz) i zintegrowanym procesorem graficznym ARM Mali-G715MP7. Integruje szybką niestandardową jednostkę TPU firmy Google do akceleracji sztucznej inteligencji.

>> Więcej informacji w naszym Zestawieniu mobilnych ukladów graficznych.

>> Rozdzielczosc matrycy sprawdzisz na podstawie zestawienia pt. Rozdzielczosci poszczególnych matryc.

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>> Wiecej informacji w naszym Poradniku kupujacego.

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Notebooki innego producenta i/lub z innym CPU

Google Pixel 9 Pro
Mali-G715 MP7, unknown
Google Pixel 9
Mali-G715 MP7, Tensor G4
Google Pixel 8
Mali-G715 MP7, Tensor G3

Notebooki z tym samym GPU

Google Pixel 9 Pro XL
Mali-G715 MP7, unknown, 6.80", 0.221 kg
Google Pixel 9 Pro Fold
Mali-G715 MP7, unknown, 8.00", 0.257 kg
Google Pixel 8 Pro
Mali-G715 MP7, Tensor G3, 6.70", 0.213 kg
Current Prices
> laptopy testy i recenzje notebooki > Biblioteka > Google Pixel 8 Series
Stefan Hinum (Update: 2024-06-14)